Bill Clinton's great regret: race disparity in the U.S.

And I sypathize with anyone working in /running a business in the aviation field. Must be a nightmare now that the government has to watch over so closely now. Logic would dictate of course that we only should have to watch over muslims...muslims that take flights, muslims that want to work in the airline industry ect. If we just focused our attention on the small group that the potential threat is from, we wouldn't need to spend as much money on it. But of course, we all know what would happen if we did that - our liberal friends in the democratic party would start screaming "racism" and be more concerned with islamic "rights" rather than the well being of our aviation industry. So that leaves us with applying all the rules to everyone across the board. So that the vast majority of the industry has to pay the price. Those of us that have been in the government (military or otherwise) should know how the government works. Its a big clusterfuck that makes absolutely no sense at all and knows no logic. To blame the current President for that simple fact which has been true long before he came into office and will remain true long after he is gone is beyond my comprehension.
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Darwins Friend said:
To a point.

The direct oversight by the FAA on my facility is under the authority of the president. How the public is supposedly made to feel safe (even though you’re no safer than prior to 9/11, other than actual passengers keeping their eyes open while flying) is mandated by the White House and whatever the bureaucrats therein see fit: Reference the colors on "The Treat Chart".

(btw - what color is it set on presently? Hell, I don’t know.)

TSA was mandated and the same blubbering, extremely over-weight slobs were hired from the private security companies that employed them previously at airports - given an 8-week course that supposedly made them all aviation security experts - and an average $28 salary increase. All to continue ignoring unlocked doors and not detecting obvious bomb dummies slid through by the GAO officers.

Bottom Line: The president over-stepped his bounds and put all of this extra burden on the private sector - not looking down the road as to the effects on those businesses. Read about Delta’s plight this weekend for reference material.

History of TSA

President Bush Signs Aviation Security Legislation

Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) Public Law 107-71
On November 19 2001 the President signed into law the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) which among other things established a new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) within the Department of Transportation

Help me here--who wrote this law?
Darwins Friend said:
No - you’re right. Beautiful women ARE attracted to men that can’t put more than two syllables together and stammer like a bumbling fool.

I stand corrected.
Wow. You honestly think there aren't any women who are attracted to Bush merely for the power of the position that he holds?
Darwins Friend said:
To a point.

The direct oversight by the FAA on my facility is under the authority of the president. How the public is supposedly made to feel safe (even though you’re no safer than prior to 9/11, other than actual passengers keeping their eyes open while flying) is mandated by the White House and whatever the bureaucrats therein see fit: Reference the colors on "The Treat Chart".

(btw - what color is it set on presently? Hell, I don’t know.)

TSA was mandated and the same blubbering, extremely over-weight slobs were hired from the private security companies that employed them previously at airports - given an 8-week course that supposedly made them all aviation security experts - and an average $28 salary increase. All to continue ignoring unlocked doors and not detecting obvious bomb dummies slid through by the GAO officers.

Bottom Line: The president over-stepped his bounds and put all of this extra burden on the private sector - not looking down the road as to the effects on those businesses. Read about Delta’s plight this weekend for reference material.

The TSA is a joke...back in 1975 I was at the tail end of the old "Sky Marshal" was dismanteled and severly downsized...most of us went to the US Customs Service as Customs Patrol Officers(Mexican Border)...the new "Air Marshal" program has as many faults as the TSA officers...The TSA officers are regurgitated private sector real change...The "Air Marshals" are recruited from Universities with a 3.5 gpa and a minimum of a BA/BS...The old program I was in required a minimum of a AS and 3years of law enforcement experience and or military was more effective with less problems... as we are seeing today...!
Well, I can tell you that it was passed by CONGRESS on November 16, 2001.

Congress. Hmmm....isn't the Congress made up of both Republicans and Democrats?
Surprising...since he served 35 years in the military. You would think he would be familiar with how all this works.

Maybe on land - but not where there’s no shore within a thousand miles and the remorseless water can swallow you up like so much flotsam. Don’t know what you land-locked guys do to get things done, but the USN has never been able to have the luxury of indecision.
Darwins Friend said:
Maybe on land - but not where there’s no shore within a thousand miles and the remorseless water can swallow you up like so much flotsam. Don’t know what you land-locked guys do to get things done, but the USN has never been able to have the luxury of indecision.

Oh goody----a vet war. :lalala:
GotZoom said:
Well, I can tell you that it was passed by CONGRESS on November 16, 2001.

Congress. Hmmm....isn't the Congress made up of both Republicans and Democrats?

Still not getting it - the IMPLIMENTATION of the LAW is what I’m talking about.

General rules - passed by Congress - left to the discretion of the Bush Administration.
dilloduck said:

Help me here--who wrote this law?

Oh are the sponsors of the bill:

Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA]
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA]
Sen Carper, Thomas R. [DE]
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]
Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND]
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI]
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ]
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL]
Sen Pryor, Mark L. [AR]
Sen Rockefeller, John D., IV
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY]
Sen Snowe, Olympia J. [ME]

Looks like a few Democrats were involved.

Is that Hillary Clinton's name I see?
The ClayTaurus said:
Wow. You honestly think there aren't any women who are attracted to Bush merely for the power of the position that he holds?

Okay - crack ho's. You got me.
GotZoom said:
Oh are the sponsors of the bill:

Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA]
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA]
Sen Carper, Thomas R. [DE]
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]
Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND]
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI]
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ]
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL]
Sen Pryor, Mark L. [AR]
Sen Rockefeller, John D., IV
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY]
Sen Snowe, Olympia J. [ME]

Looks like a few Democrats were involved.

Is that Hillary Clinton's name I see?

Oh my---someone has been angry at the wrong person ??? :rotflmao:
Darwins Friend said:
Still not getting it - the IMPLIMENTATION of the LAW is what I’m talking about.

General rules - passed by Congress - left to the discretion of the Bush Administration.

Ohhh....because President Bush didn't veto the's his fault.

I guess 9/11 is his fault then. He didn't shoot any of the civilian airliners out of the sky before they hit the WTC or Pentagon.
GotZoom said:
Ohhh....because President Bush didn't veto the's his fault.

I guess 9/11 is his fault then. He didn't shoot any of the civilian airliners out of the sky before they hit the WTC or Pentagon.
No no, I think it's because Bush actually took steps to enforce the law. Crazy idea.
GotZoom said:
Ohhh....because President Bush didn't veto the's his fault.

I guess 9/11 is his fault then. He didn't shoot any of the civilian airliners out of the sky before they hit the WTC or Pentagon.

General rules - passed by Congress - left to the discretion of the Bush Administration. (maybe if I say it enough - it will soak through the bone).
The ClayTaurus said:
No no, I think it's because Bush actually took steps to enforce the law. Crazy idea.

Damn...I sure wish he would enforce the "Illegal Immigration" laws then, since he enforces others!
MtnBiker said:
Congress writes general rules or laws?

Considering half of them didn't even read the Act - it's very general. :gross2:

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