Bill Cosby charged


Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?
Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


Too many came out of the woodwork, the man is a predator

He's a movie star, rich and famous, who was in his 20s during the 1960s.

He might very well be a sexual predator. I'm kind of curious how much career help he gave all these women, or if he was always lying to them to get laid.

IDK, when the first one or two came out I was skeptical but now it's just too many, he has issues

Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Oh, so that is not "legitimate" rape as you RW lunatics put it.
If Bill having sex with women who were under the influence was rape, then so was you having sex with your wife.

This could be the most idiotic thing I've read on this message board.

Now that's saying something.

That is the way the law is being applied.

The woman was not able to give consent because she had taken drugs and was high.

By this standard, most of the US population are rapist.

I agree, it is idiotic.
You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?
Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
Too many came out of the woodwork, the man is a predator

He's a movie star, rich and famous, who was in his 20s during the 1960s.

He might very well be a sexual predator. I'm kind of curious how much career help he gave all these women, or if he was always lying to them to get laid.

IDK, when the first one or two came out I was skeptical but now it's just too many, he has issues

Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

I haven't seen any proof that is what happened. The article said she was unconscious and he raped her

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Oh, so that is not "legitimate" rape as you RW lunatics put it.

You ever get drunk and have sex with a drunk girl friend?

Did you buy the drinks? :eek::beer:

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Oh, so that is not "legitimate" rape as you RW lunatics put it.

You ever get drunk and have sex with a drunk girl friend?

Did you buy the drinks? :eek::beer:
Consuming alcohol =/= drugged beyond consciousness

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?

Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?
Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
He's a movie star, rich and famous, who was in his 20s during the 1960s.

He might very well be a sexual predator. I'm kind of curious how much career help he gave all these women, or if he was always lying to them to get laid.

IDK, when the first one or two came out I was skeptical but now it's just too many, he has issues

Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

I haven't seen any proof that is what happened. The article said she was unconscious and he raped her

From the linked article. And they are all like this if you look.

" after going to his home in January 2004 for some career advice."

" by plying her with pills and wine, "

Oh, I missed the wine part the first read though.

You don't drink and do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
And yes I've had sex with a woman after she drank alcohol. She was my wife, not my intern

So? YOu claiming you can't rape your wife?

If Bill having sex with women who were under the influence was rape, then so was you having sex with your wife.

You are now a documented IDIOT.
In the State of New York, it is now legally possible to "rape" one's own wife. The court-made modification of the law is relatively recent (i.e., within the past 30 or so years).

Prior to that, there were some legal precepts that made the idea of spousal rape a legal impossibility. There was the unity in marriage "theory" that said that upon being married, the wife became as one with the husband and one cannot rape oneself.

There were earlier theories, too. One of them was the "implied consent" theory. By saying "I do," the wife was forever thereafter deemed to have consented to sexual relations.

And then there were also property right notions. That notion held that the wife of a man was effectively his property. (Sounds a bit like slavery.) One cannot rape ones own property for one may grant oneself consent to use one's own property.
She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?


NO, he didn't.
She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
And yes I've had sex with a woman after she drank alcohol. She was my wife, not my intern

So? YOu claiming you can't rape your wife?

If Bill having sex with women who were under the influence was rape, then so was you having sex with your wife.

You are now a documented IDIOT.

That is the way the law is being applied in this case.
So you will get your day in court, Coz! COOL!

Bill Cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a woman
Thank God. I only wish these two would get what's coming to them.

View attachment 58252

Don't recognize the first guy, but the second jackhole stood trial and was acquitted. He faced justice, what more do you want? Just because you don't agree with the outcome doesn't make it wrong.
I'll be happy when Zimmerman slips up like OJ did and goes to jail like he should have in the first place. Not my fault if he fucks up again, which he will.

The white kid is the Affluenza kid who didn't go to jail after killing 4 people while he was drunk driving. Here is the kicker. He got caught violating probation, his mom snuck him off to Mexico, they got caught, and the most he's going to get for violating probation is a year. He should be serving time for MURDER but even after getting off and THEN breaking probation this little spoiled white rich kid is still not going to get what's coming to him.
No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?
Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
IDK, when the first one or two came out I was skeptical but now it's just too many, he has issues

Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

I haven't seen any proof that is what happened. The article said she was unconscious and he raped her

From the linked article. And they are all like this if you look.

" after going to his home in January 2004 for some career advice."

" by plying her with pills and wine, "

Oh, I missed the wine part the first read though.

You don't drink and do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

If it were just one woman saying that is what happened I might agree...but it's not, it's many and they all give a similar story. Cosby has issues

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Ever put roofies in a woman's drink before you had sex with her?
Cosby ADMITTED to drugging them under oath.


No, he didn't.

He admitted he gave them drugs, and they took them.

They drugged themselves.

WHy take drugs for a discussion about your career? Is that something to do when you are high?
Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
He's a movie star, rich and famous, who was in his 20s during the 1960s.

He might very well be a sexual predator. I'm kind of curious how much career help he gave all these women, or if he was always lying to them to get laid.

IDK, when the first one or two came out I was skeptical but now it's just too many, he has issues

Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

I haven't seen any proof that is what happened. The article said she was unconscious and he raped her
Does this napkin smell funny to you?

Being naive is not a consent for sex. Taking drugs is not a consent for sex.
Sure he does.

He came of age during the 60s when he was a newly minted Movie Star and newly rich, and Free Love and the Drugs,

And he never grew up.

He's a man slut.

But not a rapist.

THe woman is a whore.

Why would you call her a whore? Dude, that aint right

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

You don't do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

I haven't seen any proof that is what happened. The article said she was unconscious and he raped her

From the linked article. And they are all like this if you look.

" after going to his home in January 2004 for some career advice."

" by plying her with pills and wine, "

Oh, I missed the wine part the first read though.

You don't drink and do drugs at an older man's house as part of a "discussion on your career".

She took drugs to get ready to give it up to the old man in return for help with her career.

If it were just one woman saying that is what happened I might agree...but it's not, it's many and they all give a similar story. Cosby has issues

Oh, I totally believe the course of events. I just think she and the others are leaving our their motivations for going to his house (or Tahoe) and drinking and doing drugs with him.

Cosby has a made a life out of dangling financial rewards in front of women in exchange for sexual favors.

Some women are the type to go for that.

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