Bill DeBlasio New Mayor.What Happens If Up To Half Of Doctors Move To Other States?

Feb 1, 2013

Now this would make for an interesting "Let's Get Even With DeBlasio" scheme.
We all know that DeBlasio want to take all of the money from the rich, but what if most of them start moving thier businesses and their millions to nearby states? Especially DOCTORS!
Can you just imagine a mass exodus of Doctors moving their practices to Jersey/New England/Texas/Florida ?
And like some have said, you voted for DeBlasio, you New Yorkers deserver everything that's coming to you !!!
What would happen if Frankie Boys little green men from his hollow moon invade?
I am more afraid of being light on thugs.

Big cities have a big problem with bad people joining street gangs.
Let's face it, New York is going to be alot worse.
This guy is worst of both worlds, nanny stater feminazi type but also soft on crime
I can just see NY in 2014, armed military gaurds on many busy corners, making sure everyone is behaving !!! and stopping anyone eating a pop-tart or drinking a 32oz Big Gulp.

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