Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:

Don't we have trickle down poverty now with wages a worker can't support his family on?

No, we don't. Thanks to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid we have trickle up poverty. Punish success and reward failure. And the Dumbocrats are sitting around scratching their heads trying to figure out why their policies keep creating more and more failure? :cuckoo:
Why shouldn't they be?

Here's the thing, back in the 1970's, even with a minimum wage job, you could still do okay.


Also, this is where i think you wingnuts tend to be incredibly stupid.

You all think government dependence is a terrible idea. Okay, I agree, it's a horrible idea.

But where do you think a guy working for McDonalds is going to get food to put on his table and medical coverage if he doesn't get it from his job?

Oh, that's right. The government.

Sounds like these people may need to work 2 to 3 minimum wage jobs.


That is the typical response from conservatives....Find more jobs

We are not talking about one low wage employee going out to find another job. We are talking about 20-30 million employees who would need another job to support themselves

So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
That is the typical response from conservatives....Find more jobs

We are not talking about one low wage employee going out to find another job. We are talking about 20-30 million employees who would need another job to support themselves

Indeed- The competition for higher pay is tighter which should be a motivating factor to increase my position (value) within the workforce pool


The problem is not with an individual, but the pool itself

Of course not, that would of required personal accountability :razz:

Sounds like these people may need to work 2 to 3 minimum wage jobs.


That is the typical response from conservatives....Find more jobs

We are not talking about one low wage employee going out to find another job. We are talking about 20-30 million employees who would need another job to support themselves

So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
One of your most ridiculous responses ever....

The problem as it exists today is one that cannot be resolved with a few well paying jobs. The problem is with 30-40 million workers who cannot earn enough to support themselves or their families.

Who makes up the difference? Taxpayers who foot the bill for housing, food and medical care so that employers do not have to pay a wage someone can live off of
So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
Because average working people need the capital to invest in the first place, and dozens of trillions of dollars are being hoarded by a few thousand people on Earth. The richest 85 people on this planet have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. That's why everyone can't go into business for themselves- because they don't have any money.
What was actually said:

Well, jobs are a great thing. You have to be a bit careful: If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging labor substitution and you’re going to go buy machines and automate things — or cause jobs to appear outside of that jurisdiction. And so within certain limits, you know, it does cause job destruction. If you really start pushing it, then you’re just making a huge trade-off.

Cue the profanity...

Very good CC - you can cut & paste! :clap2:

Now how does that differ at all from my initial post? You know, since you implied it did with you "what was actually said"...

The context; "if you really start pushing it". Your absolutist statement is simply a lie.
So the endless and exorbitant spending by the Kardashian's and the like doesn't move the economy, but putting money into the hands of the poor will ramp things up? Really? So you believe our economy revolves around crack rocks? :eusa_doh:

Sorry chief, everything you said was made up and you know it. You're making excuses for Obama's failed policies just like he does. People retiring? Really? That is your best excuse for the longest period of +8% unemployment since the Great Depression? With all of these people "retiring", there should be an abundance of jobs out there genius! Unemployment should be at it's lowest point ever since retired people, are not part of the work force and hence do not count against the unemployment figures... :eek:

Oops! Didn't think that one through very well, uh junior? :lol:

By the way, your comment "The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases" is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. Demand comes from people with money which they are wiling to spend. People at the bottom don't have money, thus they cannot create demand.

Everything your advocating for here is "trickle up poverty" economics - and it does work. It's been used in Cuba to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in the former U.S.S.R. to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in Cambodia to create mass poverty and collapse the nation.

Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?

Cost of an average yacht: $64 million

Cost of an average tv: $435

$64,000,000 x 1 = $64,000,000

$435 x 100,000 = $43,500,000

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not very good at math, are we?

Oh - and a billionaire doesn't just buy a yacht. They buy the yacht, the insurance on it, the fuel for it, the staff for it (jobs!), the storage costs for it, the maintenance costs for it, and then they purchase the private jet, the mansion, the limo, the Lamborghini, the...well, you get the point now.

So are you ready to stop with your absurd scenarios of a hundred thousand vs the purchase of ONE item by ONE person? Ready to be a big boy and have an HONEST conversation?

Oh that's hilarious. Are you really that stupid? Forbes says the average cost of the MOST EXPENSIVE yacht is 64 million. But how many of those yachts actually exist? While TV's on the other hand. At least 200,000,000 just in this country. Times that by $500 and you get $100,000,000,000.00??

That means there would need to be around 1,500 billionaires just in this country buying 64 million dollar yachts. And we know there are only about 400 billionaires. And you can bet most don't have 64 million dollar yachts.

And that's just TV's. What about average cars? Stereo? Refrig, stove and so on. All times a couple of hundred million.

How dare you be such a stupid fuck. You need both ignorant faces slapped and slapped hard.
So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
Because average working people need the capital to invest in the first place, and dozens of trillions of dollars are being hoarded by a few thousand people on Earth. The richest 85 people on this planet have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. That's why everyone can't go into business for themselves- because they don't have any money.

Build your "own" Walmart eh? You mean take on the largest retailer the world has ever know and kick their ass eh? Take on the worlds largest retailer with the reputation and means to absolutely CRUSH any competition that would come forth.

Check with some of the mom and pop stores (if they are still open) and find out what happened to their business when a Walmart came to town.

What a stupid fucking comment. "Build you OWN Walmart". LMAO
That is the typical response from conservatives....Find more jobs

We are not talking about one low wage employee going out to find another job. We are talking about 20-30 million employees who would need another job to support themselves

So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
One of your most ridiculous responses ever....

The problem as it exists today is one that cannot be resolved with a few well paying jobs. The problem is with 30-40 million workers who cannot earn enough to support themselves or their families.

A "few" well paying jobs? Walmart employes 1.4 million people chief. So again I ask, why don't you ever provide good paying jobs? Why do you demand other people do it? And don't you see the remarkable and despicable hypocrisy of you demanding of others what you yourself refuses to do?

Who makes up the difference? Taxpayers who foot the bill for housing, food and medical care so that employers do not have to pay a wage someone can live off of

And once again this is a case of the Dumbocrats creating the problem and then crying the loudest about it. The answer is simple - stop having government unconstitutionally providing food, housing, medical care, transportation, frivilous cell phones, etc. You support it more than anyone, and then you cry about it the most because you think it makes a case for share-the-wealth communism. All you're actually doing is proving that the policies you support are absurd!
So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
One of your most ridiculous responses ever....

The problem as it exists today is one that cannot be resolved with a few well paying jobs. The problem is with 30-40 million workers who cannot earn enough to support themselves or their families.

A "few" well paying jobs? Walmart employes 1.4 million people chief. So again I ask, why don't you ever provide good paying jobs? Why do you demand other people do it? And don't you see the remarkable and despicable hypocrisy of you demanding of others what you yourself refuses to do?

Who makes up the difference? Taxpayers who foot the bill for housing, food and medical care so that employers do not have to pay a wage someone can live off of

And once again this is a case of the Dumbocrats creating the problem and then crying the loudest about it. The answer is simple - stop having government unconstitutionally providing food, housing, medical care, transportation, frivilous cell phones, etc. You support it more than anyone, and then you cry about it the most because you think it makes a case for share-the-wealth communism. All you're actually doing is proving that the policies you support are absurd!

It's YOUR TAXES that supplement the incomes of those low wage workers - whether through Medicaid, food stamps, housing, energy, etc., etc.,

in other words, the corporations have stuck you with the bill and you're too stupid to see it.
So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
Because average working people need the capital to invest in the first place, and dozens of trillions of dollars are being hoarded by a few thousand people on Earth. The richest 85 people on this planet have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. That's why everyone can't go into business for themselves- because they don't have any money.

Apple is the largest company in the U.S. right now. It was built out of Steve Jobs garage (literally).

Amazon is one of the most successful companies in the world right now. It was built out of Jeff Bezo's garage (literally).

Dell became the #1 computer seller at one point. It was built out of Michael Dell's dorm room (literally).

HP is currently the #1 computer seller. It was built out of Dave Packard's garage (literally).

Facebook is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world. It was built out of the dorm room of Mark Zuckerberg (literally).

Disney is the most iconic U.S. company ever. It was built out of Walt Disney's garage (literally).

Google is one of the wealthiest companies in the world right now. It was built out of Susan Wojcicki’s garage (literally).

Woud you like to try again junior? Maybe this time grow up and have a mature discussion? Maybe stop throwing yourself such a pity-party and falsely claiming that only people with billions in capital build successful businesses? The greatest corporations in US history (including Harley) were ALL built out of garages with no money: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Disney, Amazon, Harley, and on and on and on...

10 World Famous Companies that Started in Garages
Why Microsoft Should Fire Bill Gates, Too

If anyone was wondering about Bill Gates brilliance read this.

Gates was right in what he said; the title of the OP isn't what he said though.

We have a no-radio policy in our office. We couldn't agree on a station so instead of having 12 radios all going at once, the boss said no radios. Anyway, as a result, I often have to hear the first news of the day on the way home since I rarely go out for lunch. It's become a bit of a sport to read something on the message board and find out what "really" happened later.
So the question which you and your fellow Dumbocrats refuse to answer is: why don't you provide good paying jobs?

Build your own Walmart and pay everyone $75,000 per year. What is the problem here? Help me to understand.
Because average working people need the capital to invest in the first place, and dozens of trillions of dollars are being hoarded by a few thousand people on Earth. The richest 85 people on this planet have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. That's why everyone can't go into business for themselves- because they don't have any money.

Build your "own" Walmart eh? You mean take on the largest retailer the world has ever know and kick their ass eh? Take on the worlds largest retailer with the reputation and means to absolutely CRUSH any competition that would come forth.

Check with some of the mom and pop stores (if they are still open) and find out what happened to their business when a Walmart came to town.

What a stupid fucking comment. "Build you OWN Walmart". LMAO

Ignorant, lazy, asshats like you said the same thing about IBM. After Apple kicked their ass, and then Dell kicked their ass, and then HP kicked their ass, IBM sold their computer division to Lenovo and left the industry forever.

Oops! Looks like someone just exposed their incredible ignorance once again... :lol
What was actually said:

Cue the profanity...

Very good CC - you can cut & paste! :clap2:

Now how does that differ at all from my initial post? You know, since you implied it did with you "what was actually said"...

The context; "if you really start pushing it". Your absolutist statement is simply a lie.

"it does cause job destruction"

Direct (and accurate) quote from Bill Gates on raising the minimum wage. Like all liberals, you're trying to back-track now and play semantics on Gates quote. Next you will claim that we're NOT really "pushing it" unless minimum wage is $75 per hour, so a $45 per hour minimum wage is ok. As always, you're being disingenuous and you know it.

Why do idiots always pounce on such things? Oh, that's right. Because they really do believe that you can simply legislate the greed out of people. They seem to believe that forcing a raise in the minimum wage will eliminate the greed inside people's hearts and companies will simply do away with plans to increase their profitability.

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Why Microsoft Should Fire Bill Gates, Too

If anyone was wondering about Bill Gates brilliance read this.

He built a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 dynasty. What have you done besides sit on your lazy ass calling for conservatives to acquiesce to liberals in your quest to further progressive views? :eusa_doh:

One OPINION piece by an idiot and you want to declare that as "fact" while ignoring the iconic company that Bill Gates built. Amazing.... You are such a prototypical liberal.
Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?

Cost of an average yacht: $64 million

Cost of an average tv: $435

$64,000,000 x 1 = $64,000,000

$435 x 100,000 = $43,500,000

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not very good at math, are we?

Oh - and a billionaire doesn't just buy a yacht. They buy the yacht, the insurance on it, the fuel for it, the staff for it (jobs!), the storage costs for it, the maintenance costs for it, and then they purchase the private jet, the mansion, the limo, the Lamborghini, the...well, you get the point now.

So are you ready to stop with your absurd scenarios of a hundred thousand vs the purchase of ONE item by ONE person? Ready to be a big boy and have an HONEST conversation?

Oh that's hilarious. Are you really that stupid? Forbes says the average cost of the MOST EXPENSIVE yacht is 64 million. But how many of those yachts actually exist? While TV's on the other hand. At least 200,000,000 just in this country. Times that by $500 and you get $100,000,000,000.00??

That means there would need to be around 1,500 billionaires just in this country buying 64 million dollar yachts. And we know there are only about 400 billionaires. And you can bet most don't have 64 million dollar yachts.

And that's just TV's. What about average cars? Stereo? Refrig, stove and so on. All times a couple of hundred million.

How dare you be such a stupid fuck. You need both ignorant faces slapped and slapped hard.

So let me get this straight, you're not only changing ALL of your original figures (from 100,000 people to suddenly 200 million), but you're also attacking me for simply doing the math you were too lazy (or ignorant?) to do? Really?

"How dare you be such a stupid fuck" - yeah, so stupid for taking YOUR numbers and proving mathematically that you were wrong. Don't project your fury at your own stupidity on to me junior. You created an absurd, false narrative (ONE purchase by ONE billionaire) and even playing that immature level, I beat you at your own game.
Why Microsoft Should Fire Bill Gates, Too

If anyone was wondering about Bill Gates brilliance read this.

He built a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 dynasty. What have you done besides sit on your lazy ass calling for conservatives to acquiesce to liberals in your quest to further progressive views? :eusa_doh:

One OPINION piece by an idiot and you want to declare that as "fact" while ignoring the iconic company that Bill Gates built. Amazing.... You are such a prototypical liberal.

The title is certainly opinion but the contents are fact. But im sure your mutual "friend" of yourself & Gates says otheewise huh?

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