Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Also his company went to a fortune five hundred company because of his SOFTWARE. Not because he was a job creator. Like I said the jobs created were a byproduct of the success of the product he created.

But hey maybe we should elevate the creator of the vibrator to economic genious too eh?


This guy is such a fuck'n ignorant buffoon, I'm literally laughing my ass off right now. Jobs are created because of products or services stupid. So by your "logic", nobody in the history if the world was a "job creator".

Steve Jobs? Fortune 500 company because of his HARDWARE, not because he was a job creator.

Michael Dell? Fortune 500 company because of his HARDWARE, not because he was a job creator.

Larry Ellison? Fortune 500 company because of his SOFTWARE, not because he was a job creator.

Yes folks, he really is this stupid.... :eusa_doh:
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:

The reason the economy has not picked up significantly is because people are not spending money. We are losing 10,000 people per day to retirement. These people who have just retired or are close to retiring, say withing ten years of retirement, they have stopped spending like they used to. Someone has to make up for that lost spending, and that is younger people who can't seem to find decent paying jobs, so we have more people stuck in low paying jobs and most of them are the ones we need spending as much as possible.

There is no trickle down. The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases, more jobs are created, people make more money and spend more and everyone does well. Wages across the board need to increase. Over the past thirty to forty years, worker productivity has increased by about 75%, yet those workers have not seen a real increase in pay. But guess what? Those at the top have seen their real incomes triple in that same time. Problem is that those at the top just don't spend that much, definitely not enough to get the economy moving again.
Shows how little you know of him. He was the ceo, yes but he didn't make the decisions you think he did. He was the CEO because he was the creator. As his stocks dove in price he realized the need for someone else to be in control. Meanwhile he could persue his LIBERAL agenda.

Nice to see you read ONE article and latched onto ONE part of it.

I love when ignorant people make up their own version of reality. I mean, sure, one of my closest friends worked for Gates and stood in front of him in Gates office on many occasions watching him make every decision that any other CEO would be making, but that reality doesn't fit GMU's narrative very well, so he felt it was ok to simply make up a new one. Somehow, having never worked at Microsoft or known anyone who has, GMU here believes he can arbitrarily decide that Gates "didn't make the decisions you think he did".

He was CEO for 25 years and took the business from no stock to stock worth so much, it made him the wealthiest man in the world. But just ignore that fact. Just ignore the fact that Microsoft sales under Gates were off the charts - to the point where they actually built a $4 billion "war chest". Yep, ignore all of that. Because GMU here just made up his own version of reality which he likes better - and he thinks you will too... :eusa_doh:

So you're a liar too? You have a friend who stood in front of Gates as he made executive decisions? Lol yeah okie dokie


Ahahahaha!!!! He just admitted to being a fuck'n liar who make shit up!

Game. Set. Match.

(And by the way asshat, why is it so unbelievable that a friend of mine worked for Gates at Microsoft?!! Gasp! Incredible! Yeah, cause thousands and thousands of people haven't done that over his 30 year career there... :eusa_eh:)
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Foxconn makes iPads, which are extremly popular with liberals and Democrats. Republicans use HPs.
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

Does anyone else find it ironic that a person who utilizes a doctored photograph of George Zimmerman as his avatar is crying about "pouncing"? :eusa_whistle:

I love it when right wingers, right before my eyes turn into an ignorant and lying sack of shit.


Zimmerman a whole hour after being beaten from dozens of terrible blows to the face. And it only caused a little blood and a couple of scratches.

Get this. It turns out it was the bloody photo that was "doctored".

About that photo of George Zimmerman?s bloody and "broken" nose.


See? This is what someone who has had their face beaten looks like:


Not this.


This is what someone who got tagged a single time to the face, who fell down and hit their head looks like.

You gotta wonder if any of these "soft as sponge cake" right wingers have ever been in a real fight. No wonder they hide behind guns. Only a pussy imagines a couple of scratches are "serious injuries".
I think you missed my point fool. Every creator of every popular product creates jobs. Doesn't make them an economic genious though.

Shit, I've created a few hundred jobs in my business and I know shit about economics. I do however know what my customers want and as a result that puts me in demand and able to create new jobs. In fact I hired a new guy 2 days ago. But I still don't know economics outside of my trade.

The difference between you and I is I know my limitations..... and im not a wacko nut lol
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Foxconn makes iPads, which are extremly popular with liberals and Democrats. Republicans use HPs.

Not rural Republicans. They have other methods of "entertainment".


Yippy Ki yai ki yea! Well doggy!
I love when ignorant people make up their own version of reality. I mean, sure, one of my closest friends worked for Gates and stood in front of him in Gates office on many occasions watching him make every decision that any other CEO would be making, but that reality doesn't fit GMU's narrative very well, so he felt it was ok to simply make up a new one. Somehow, having never worked at Microsoft or known anyone who has, GMU here believes he can arbitrarily decide that Gates "didn't make the decisions you think he did".

He was CEO for 25 years and took the business from no stock to stock worth so much, it made him the wealthiest man in the world. But just ignore that fact. Just ignore the fact that Microsoft sales under Gates were off the charts - to the point where they actually built a $4 billion "war chest". Yep, ignore all of that. Because GMU here just made up his own version of reality which he likes better - and he thinks you will too... :eusa_doh:

So you're a liar too? You have a friend who stood in front of Gates as he made executive decisions? Lol yeah okie dokie


Ahahahaha!!!! He just admitted to being a fuck'n liar who make shit up!

Game. Set. Match.

(And by the way asshat, why is it so unbelievable that a friend of mine worked for Gates at Microsoft?!! Gasp! Incredible! Yeah, cause thousands and thousands of people haven't done that over his 30 year career there... :eusa_eh:)

Why so hard to believe? Because gates doesn't hang out with wackos in his office. Your posting style confirms you for two things. One of which is a know it all wacko. People like you don't have friends with enough clout to hang out with people like Gates.

You are a liar
Why do Republicans always "pounce" on such nonsense? They truly believe "prosperity through lower wages".

One Per Cent: Foxconn aims for a million robot workers by 2014

Humans will never complete doing the exact same jobs as robots. Workers at Foxconn make $172 a month and yet they are being replaced with robots.

Worse, with more making minimum wage, the tax payers have to pay to take up the slack.

52 percent of American fast food workers rely on some form of public aid, leaving taxpayers with a nearly $7 billion tab each year

Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:

The reason the economy has not picked up significantly is because people are not spending money. We are losing 10,000 people per day to retirement. These people who have just retired or are close to retiring, say withing ten years of retirement, they have stopped spending like they used to. Someone has to make up for that lost spending, and that is younger people who can't seem to find decent paying jobs, so we have more people stuck in low paying jobs and most of them are the ones we need spending as much as possible.

There is no trickle down. The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases, more jobs are created, people make more money and spend more and everyone does well. Wages across the board need to increase. Over the past thirty to forty years, worker productivity has increased by about 75%, yet those workers have not seen a real increase in pay. But guess what? Those at the top have seen their real incomes triple in that same time. Problem is that those at the top just don't spend that much, definitely not enough to get the economy moving again.

So the endless and exorbitant spending by the Kardashian's and the like doesn't move the economy, but putting money into the hands of the poor will ramp things up? Really? So you believe our economy revolves around crack rocks? :eusa_doh:

Sorry chief, everything you said was made up and you know it. You're making excuses for Obama's failed policies just like he does. People retiring? Really? That is your best excuse for the longest period of +8% unemployment since the Great Depression? With all of these people "retiring", there should be an abundance of jobs out there genius! Unemployment should be at it's lowest point ever since retired people, are not part of the work force and hence do not count against the unemployment figures... :eek:

Oops! Didn't think that one through very well, uh junior? :lol:

By the way, your comment "The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases" is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. Demand comes from people with money which they are wiling to spend. People at the bottom don't have money, thus they cannot create demand.

Everything your advocating for here is "trickle up poverty" economics - and it does work. It's been used in Cuba to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in the former U.S.S.R. to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in Cambodia to create mass poverty and collapse the nation.
I think you missed my point fool. Every creator of every popular product creates jobs. Doesn't make them an economic genious though.

Shit, I've created a few hundred jobs in my business and I know shit about economics. I do however know what my customers want and as a result that puts me in demand and able to create new jobs. In fact I hired a new guy 2 days ago. But I still don't know economics outside of my trade.

The difference between you and I is I know my limitations..... and im not a wacko nut lol

When does that ever stop you? You know shit about Bill Gates and what he did at Microsoft, yet you sit there literally making up shit about the rolls and responsibilities of his position as CEO.

You've humiliated yourself and you know it. Time to go away now junior before you dig any deeper...
Do you truly believe in "trickle up poverty"? Because that's exactly what you are advocating 24x7.

If a business has $100 per year for payroll, would you rather see them hire one person at $100 per year, or 20 people at $5 per year?

This is not rocket science folks. The wealthy are not going to eat the cost of government regulation (no matter how much you wish they would). So it's either raise prices (not likely in a bad economy and facing stiff competition) or cut back on employees.

And the Dumbocrats wonder why Obama's presidency has been plagued by +8% unemployment? :eusa_doh:

The reason the economy has not picked up significantly is because people are not spending money. We are losing 10,000 people per day to retirement. These people who have just retired or are close to retiring, say withing ten years of retirement, they have stopped spending like they used to. Someone has to make up for that lost spending, and that is younger people who can't seem to find decent paying jobs, so we have more people stuck in low paying jobs and most of them are the ones we need spending as much as possible.

There is no trickle down. The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases, more jobs are created, people make more money and spend more and everyone does well. Wages across the board need to increase. Over the past thirty to forty years, worker productivity has increased by about 75%, yet those workers have not seen a real increase in pay. But guess what? Those at the top have seen their real incomes triple in that same time. Problem is that those at the top just don't spend that much, definitely not enough to get the economy moving again.

So the endless and exorbitant spending by the Kardashian's and the like doesn't move the economy, but putting money into the hands of the poor will ramp things up? Really? So you believe our economy revolves around crack rocks? :eusa_doh:

Sorry chief, everything you said was made up and you know it. You're making excuses for Obama's failed policies just like he does. People retiring? Really? That is your best excuse for the longest period of +8% unemployment since the Great Depression? With all of these people "retiring", there should be an abundance of jobs out there genius! Unemployment should be at it's lowest point ever since retired people, are not part of the work force and hence do not count against the unemployment figures... :eek:

Oops! Didn't think that one through very well, uh junior? :lol:

By the way, your comment "The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases" is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. Demand comes from people with money which they are wiling to spend. People at the bottom don't have money, thus they cannot create demand.

Everything your advocating for here is "trickle up poverty" economics - and it does work. It's been used in Cuba to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in the former U.S.S.R. to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in Cambodia to create mass poverty and collapse the nation.

Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?
I think you missed my point fool. Every creator of every popular product creates jobs. Doesn't make them an economic genious though.

Shit, I've created a few hundred jobs in my business and I know shit about economics. I do however know what my customers want and as a result that puts me in demand and able to create new jobs. In fact I hired a new guy 2 days ago. But I still don't know economics outside of my trade.

The difference between you and I is I know my limitations..... and im not a wacko nut lol

When does that ever stop you? You know shit about Bill Gates and what he did at Microsoft, yet you sit there literally making up shit about the rolls and responsibilities of his position as CEO.

You've humiliated yourself and you know it. Time to go away now junior before you dig any deeper...

Because I've read books you idiot. By your dumbass standards Obama, Pelosi & Reid are economic geniuses since they created Obsmacare which in turn created thousands of jobs.

You are out of your league debating me idiot.
I was having fun fucking with you rot but that bs lie is too much lol.

You are confirmed for a full of shit loon

Ah! So now after it's painfully obvious that he lied and made up his own version of Bill Gates responsibilities as CEO, he tries to back-track and play the "just kidding" card. Yep, this one has the maturity of your average 12 year old.
I think you missed my point fool. Every creator of every popular product creates jobs. Doesn't make them an economic genious though.

Shit, I've created a few hundred jobs in my business and I know shit about economics. I do however know what my customers want and as a result that puts me in demand and able to create new jobs. In fact I hired a new guy 2 days ago. But I still don't know economics outside of my trade.

The difference between you and I is I know my limitations..... and im not a wacko nut lol

When does that ever stop you? You know shit about Bill Gates and what he did at Microsoft, yet you sit there literally making up shit about the rolls and responsibilities of his position as CEO.

You've humiliated yourself and you know it. Time to go away now junior before you dig any deeper...

Because I've read books you idiot. By your dumbass standards Obama, Pelosi & Reid are economic geniuses since they created Obsmacare which in turn created thousands of jobs.

You are out of your league debating me idiot.

You want to declare yourself out of my league for debating when you start off with "because I've read books"?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Congrats asshat - you've read a book. What was it - "Dreams from My Father" which was just chocked full of lies and misinformation...
I was having fun fucking with you rot but that bs lie is too much lol.

You are confirmed for a full of shit loon

Ah! So now after it's painfully obvious that he lied and made up his own version of Bill Gates responsibilities as CEO, he tries to back-track and play the "just kidding" card. Yep, this one has the maturity of your average 12 year old.

Everything I said is fact. Doesn't mean I can't fuck with idiots in the process. You say some things once and awhile that I completely agree with and as such I try to overlook your blatant bs but the "I have a friend" routine is too much. It just shows your lack of humility and ability to admit when your wrong so you resort to nonsense that is impossible to prove or disprove. As such you are now completely disregarded. That attitude is no better that the liberal bullshit we endure daily on here.
The reason the economy has not picked up significantly is because people are not spending money. We are losing 10,000 people per day to retirement. These people who have just retired or are close to retiring, say withing ten years of retirement, they have stopped spending like they used to. Someone has to make up for that lost spending, and that is younger people who can't seem to find decent paying jobs, so we have more people stuck in low paying jobs and most of them are the ones we need spending as much as possible.

There is no trickle down. The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases, more jobs are created, people make more money and spend more and everyone does well. Wages across the board need to increase. Over the past thirty to forty years, worker productivity has increased by about 75%, yet those workers have not seen a real increase in pay. But guess what? Those at the top have seen their real incomes triple in that same time. Problem is that those at the top just don't spend that much, definitely not enough to get the economy moving again.

So the endless and exorbitant spending by the Kardashian's and the like doesn't move the economy, but putting money into the hands of the poor will ramp things up? Really? So you believe our economy revolves around crack rocks? :eusa_doh:

Sorry chief, everything you said was made up and you know it. You're making excuses for Obama's failed policies just like he does. People retiring? Really? That is your best excuse for the longest period of +8% unemployment since the Great Depression? With all of these people "retiring", there should be an abundance of jobs out there genius! Unemployment should be at it's lowest point ever since retired people, are not part of the work force and hence do not count against the unemployment figures... :eek:

Oops! Didn't think that one through very well, uh junior? :lol:

By the way, your comment "The economy grows from the bottom up as demand increases" is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. Demand comes from people with money which they are wiling to spend. People at the bottom don't have money, thus they cannot create demand.

Everything your advocating for here is "trickle up poverty" economics - and it does work. It's been used in Cuba to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in the former U.S.S.R. to create mass poverty and collapse the nation. It's been used in Cambodia to create mass poverty and collapse the nation.

Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?

Cost of an average yacht: $64 million

Cost of an average tv: $435

$64,000,000 x 1 = $64,000,000

$435 x 100,000 = $43,500,000

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not very good at math, are we?

Oh - and a billionaire doesn't just buy a yacht. They buy the yacht, the insurance on it, the fuel for it, the staff for it (jobs!), the storage costs for it, the maintenance costs for it, and then they purchase the private jet, the mansion, the limo, the Lamborghini, the...well, you get the point now.

So are you ready to stop with your absurd scenarios of a hundred thousand vs the purchase of ONE item by ONE person? Ready to be a big boy and have an HONEST conversation?
I was having fun fucking with you rot but that bs lie is too much lol.

You are confirmed for a full of shit loon

Ah! So now after it's painfully obvious that he lied and made up his own version of Bill Gates responsibilities as CEO, he tries to back-track and play the "just kidding" card. Yep, this one has the maturity of your average 12 year old.

Everything I said is fact. Doesn't mean I can't fuck with idiots in the process. You say some things once and awhile that I completely agree with and as such I try to overlook your blatant bs but the "I have a friend" routine is too much. It just shows your lack of humility and ability to admit when your wrong so you resort to nonsense that is impossible to prove or disprove. As such you are now completely disregarded. That attitude is no better that the liberal bullshit we endure daily on here.

And yet asshole here immediately declared it as "false" (despite being 100% true) because it was a threat to his false narrative.

And spare us the "liberal" shit. You're the biggest fuck'n asshat liberal on this site. Like rightwinger and the rest of the immature liberals, you think that pretending to be conservative will gain you credibility.

Stop lying (like you did about your knowledge of Gates rolls & responsibilities as CEO of Microsoft) and you'll have a better chance of gaining credibility than you will as pretending you are not a liberal.
Cost of an average yacht: $64 million

Cost of an average tv: $435

$64,000,000 x 1 = $64,000,000

$435 x 100,000 = $43,500,000

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not very good at math, are we?

Oh - and a billionaire doesn't just buy a yacht. They buy the yacht, the insurance on it, the fuel for it, the staff for it (jobs!), the storage costs for it, the maintenance costs for it, and then they purchase the private jet, the mansion, the limo, the Lamborghini, the...well, you get the point now.

So are you ready to stop with your absurd scenarios of a hundred thousand vs the purchase of ONE item by ONE person? Ready to be a big boy and have an HONEST conversation?
If a rich person buys a yacht, the money goes from the rich person to the yacht dealer (another rich person). That $64m isn't reaching the economy, and neither are the trillions upon trillions of dollars that are sitting in the untaxable overseas bank accounts of the 1%. Trickle-down theory only works if rich people actually allow anything to trickle down. 95% of economic gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% means that something is trickling down on us, but it isn't wealth.

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