Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

It's unfortunate the OP was decietful. Gates actually said at some point higher wages will hurt job growth. There's no dispute as to that, and every economist I 've ever read would agree. There is a curve. But, note MSFT is not a bad place to work.
Because average working people need the capital to invest in the first place, and dozens of trillions of dollars are being hoarded by a few thousand people on Earth. The richest 85 people on this planet have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. That's why everyone can't go into business for themselves- because they don't have any money.

Apple is the largest company in the U.S. right now. It was built out of Steve Jobs garage (literally).

Amazon is one of the most successful companies in the world right now. It was built out of Jeff Bezo's garage (literally).

Dell became the #1 computer seller at one point. It was built out of Michael Dell's dorm room (literally).

HP is currently the #1 computer seller. It was built out of Dave Packard's garage (literally).

Facebook is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world. It was built out of the dorm room of Mark Zuckerberg (literally).

Disney is the most iconic U.S. company ever. It was built out of Walt Disney's garage (literally).

Google is one of the wealthiest companies in the world right now. It was built out of Susan Wojcicki’s garage (literally).

Woud you like to try again junior? Maybe this time grow up and have a mature discussion? Maybe stop throwing yourself such a pity-party and falsely claiming that only people with billions in capital build successful businesses? The greatest corporations in US history (including Harley) were ALL built out of garages with no money: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Disney, Amazon, Harley, and on and on and on...

10 World Famous Companies that Started in Garages

With the exception of Disney, the others are virtual companies and did not exactly become incredible overnight successes.
In fact, Amazon spent years on the verge of bankruptcy, Dell and HP, when handed over to "professionals", went into the toilet.
Google was funded by massive grants.

And most importantly, for every success there are tens of thousands of failures.

And please don't compare a visionary like Jobs to a pimp hustler like Gates.

Dell and HP are "virtual" companies? Really? They don't manufacture a tangible product? :bang3:

Yes, there are "tens of thousands" of failures. You're one of them. They are called Dumbocrats, and all they do (like you're doing here) is make excuses for why something can't be done (because all of you are just too damn lazy to go do it).

So first the excuse was "capital". When I proved that was 100% wrong and an ignorant statement, you then move on to a long list of even more absurd excuses (took a long time, they were "virtual", many others failed, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah).

The fact is, you Dumbocrats demand of others what you are not willing to do yourselves (and that is the ultimate in despicable hypocrisy). If you're not going to provide me with a $75,000 per year job, I sure as hell don't owe you a $75,000 per year job.

Thanks for playing - but this debate is over. You guys have buried yourselves with ignorant comments and even more ignorant excuses. If you want to raise the minimum wage, then build a company and pay whatever minimum you want. Otherwise, quit your bitching.....
Why Microsoft Should Fire Bill Gates, Too

If anyone was wondering about Bill Gates brilliance read this.

Bill Gates has been a de facto politician since 1998 pushing for cheap foreign workers and the destruction of the American scientist.

Meanwhile his company has lost nearly 600 billion in value since then. You'd think that this would tell people something.....

The fact that he built a company so powerful and wealthy, that it could "lose $600 billion in value" should tell your dumb ass something. But of course, you actually know what Bill Gates was deciding on and what he wasn't when he was CEO at Microsoft. Oh wait, that's right, you already admitted to lying about that.

By the way, how interesting when the successes of Microsoft are mentioned, you declare that he was not in fact the CEO and someone else was making all of the decisions. But yet when any mention of failure by Microsoft is mentioned, you suddenly change your narrative 180 degrees and blame Gates.

For someone who claims they are not a liberal, you sure lie like one and change your story like one. Make up your mind - was Gates in control or not? If he wasn't, then the "loss of $600 billion in value" cannot be laid at his feet genius. If he was, then the fact that he built such a wealthy and powerful company that it could afford to lose "$600 billion in value" and still be one of the most dominant companies in the world speaks volumes about what a brilliant businessman he was. Either way, it really illustrates that you're a fuck moron (and a liar....and a liberal).
Oh that's hilarious. Are you really that stupid? Forbes says the average cost of the MOST EXPENSIVE yacht is 64 million. But how many of those yachts actually exist? While TV's on the other hand. At least 200,000,000 just in this country. Times that by $500 and you get $100,000,000,000.00??

That means there would need to be around 1,500 billionaires just in this country buying 64 million dollar yachts. And we know there are only about 400 billionaires. And you can bet most don't have 64 million dollar yachts.

And that's just TV's. What about average cars? Stereo? Refrig, stove and so on. All times a couple of hundred million.

How dare you be such a stupid fuck. You need both ignorant faces slapped and slapped hard.

So let me get this straight, you're not only changing ALL of your original figures (from 100,000 people to suddenly 200 million), but you're also attacking me for simply doing the math you were too lazy (or ignorant?) to do? Really?

"How dare you be such a stupid fuck" - yeah, so stupid for taking YOUR numbers and proving mathematically that you were wrong. Don't project your fury at your own stupidity on to me junior. You created an absurd, false narrative (ONE purchase by ONE billionaire) and even playing that immature level, I beat you at your own game.

My original post: Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?

I said this as an "example" because it's so fucking obvious, I thought no one was stupid enough to do what you tried and failed to do. Make an argument that trickle down works.

At that point, I actually went and looked up the number of TV's and the number of billionaires and the AVERAGE cost of the most expensive yachts in the world. And I only did that to give you that savage and most satisfying Atomic Bitch Slap that you richly deserve. The second slap was for being dense.

Uh, what "bitch slap"? Junior, I humiliated your dumb ass in front of everyone. You're "example" proved that your completely ignorant of economics, too lazy to do your homework, and incapable of doing basic math (hence the reason you are a liberal parasite demanding the right to mooch off of the American tax payer).

Also, the number of tv's as never the discussion and you know it. The fact that you are so desperate to change your narrative now stems at your humiliation over the fact that I literally gave you an atomic bitch slap in front of the world (while you're trying to deflect that reality with the false bravado that you actually gave me one.... :lmao:). You asked an ignorant question - "what is better for the economy, one billionaire buying a yacht or 100,000 middle class buying a tv".

I crunched the numbers (because you're too ignorant and too lazy to do so), and showed that your question proved you were wrong and I was right. And now you're furious that I played your juvenile game and exposed your insanely minimal IQ in the process.

Again, don't get mad at me junior. You're the fuck'n buffoon who posed the question without any knowledge of what the fuck you were talking about (as usual). One billionaire buying one yacht puts $64 million into the economy. 100,000 middle class buying a tv puts $43 million into the economy. The numbers prove what most of us already know - you're a fuck'n moron. :lol:
The richest 85 people on Earth have the same amount of money as the world's poorest 3.5 billion.

This makes perfect sense to good Conservative Christians because Jesus said, "Make more money for yourselves and fuck everyone else on Earth."
The richest 85 people on Earth have the same amount of money as the world's poorest 3.5 billion.

This makes perfect sense to good Conservative Christians because Jesus said, "Make more money for yourselves and fuck everyone else on Earth."

Serious question (which appears impossible for you snarky liberals who get pissed off when proven wrong): where in the bible does Jesus state it is ok to steal from others if they don't give it to you? Where in the bible does it state that Jesus said "thou shall use government to distribute wealth across the lands and ensure all is equal"?

If you can give me an HONEST answer to EITHER of those (not even both, take you're pick junior), I'll not only quit USMB and never come back, I pledge to vote Dumbocrat for the rest of my life.

No? Yeah, didn't think so junior.... But hey, keep up with your false narrative that you actually know Jesus and the Bible! I mean, you're not humiliating yourself by exposing your ignorance or anything...
One of your most ridiculous responses ever....

The problem as it exists today is one that cannot be resolved with a few well paying jobs. The problem is with 30-40 million workers who cannot earn enough to support themselves or their families.

A "few" well paying jobs? Walmart employes 1.4 million people chief. So again I ask, why don't you ever provide good paying jobs? Why do you demand other people do it? And don't you see the remarkable and despicable hypocrisy of you demanding of others what you yourself refuses to do?

Who makes up the difference? Taxpayers who foot the bill for housing, food and medical care so that employers do not have to pay a wage someone can live off of

And once again this is a case of the Dumbocrats creating the problem and then crying the loudest about it. The answer is simple - stop having government unconstitutionally providing food, housing, medical care, transportation, frivilous cell phones, etc. You support it more than anyone, and then you cry about it the most because you think it makes a case for share-the-wealth communism. All you're actually doing is proving that the policies you support are absurd!

The reason I demand other people do it is because I am not making a profit off of their labor. WalMart is

But as a taxpayer, I am subsidizing the profit WalMart makes off of substandard wages by providing subsidies for food, housing and healthcare for their workforce

America is the wealthiest nation on earth and as a society, we choose not to allow our poorest citizens to suffer

No - we do not "choose" that. If you chose that, you would be out there providing for those in need. Instead, you hoard your wealth like a despicable hypocrite while demanding that other people provide for those in need.

Furthermore, you still haven't answered the question. Why aren't you providing jobs for people? If you're going to demand that Walmart do it, then you better be willing to do the same.

So lets go junior! Time to get up off of that lazy ass of yours and start providing jobs for (what - $10.10 per hour ok in your mind?). Leadership starts by example. Set a great example for Walmart and show them how to provide jobs for $10.10 per hour, ok junior?
Jesus didn't say that. However, he did say, "You can't serve God and money." He said, "Sell your possessions and give to the needy." He said, "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." That sounds like a Progressive.

Also, greed is a sin according to the Christian God, punishable by eternal torture in Hell.

But you Republicans go ahead and claim to be good Christians while loving money and hating the people who don't have any.
How dare you be such a stupid fuck. You need both ignorant faces slapped and slapped hard.

And I only did that to give you that savage and most satisfying Atomic Bitch Slap that you richly deserve. The second slap was for being dense.

On a side note deany, what is with this bizarre false bravado you've suddenly got going on? I mean, you've painted yourself as quite the limp-wrist over the years, so you're not really fooling anyone.

This is really humiliating for you. You're flying off the handle at your embarrassment over your lack of knowledge being exposed. But throwing yourself on the floor like a child and making a scene is just drawing more attention to your humiliating stupidity.

You would have been much better served to simply move on or respond with an ounce of humility - something like "ok, good point". But this "atomic bitch slap both faces 'cause I is a internet hard-ass" thing is just pitiful...
So 11% of our minimum wage earners are employed in fast food that live in poverty, that is lower than I thought...

Here you have a Liberal telling Liberals that it does not work and that it is much more complex...

Then you have deany, oh well...

Fast food jobs were never intended to be 'life' supporting.


Exactly, these min. Wage jobs is for entry level worker. A wife/mother or husband/father that wants a part time job to help supplement the household income. Or, the student that needs a part time job. Also, it could include a person that needs to get his/her resume started, or a second job.
If the government goes overboard with increases, the very people they are trying to help are the very ones that will be hurt the most.

This is an issue because the libs agenda is to create the income inequality as a smoke screen to cover obama's failed policies as in obummercare which is ending up worse than they ever could imagine.
jesus didn't say that. However, he did say, "you can't serve god and money." he said, "sell your possessions and give to the needy." he said, "but those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." that sounds like a progressive.

Also, greed is a sin according to the christian god, punishable by eternal torture in hell.

But you republicans go ahead and claim to be good christians while loving money and hating the people who don't have any.

rottdowg. Did jesus say what was written above?

If he did rottdawg, you're going to hell man,

your greed knows no bounds. You are toast dude.
Raise minimum wage or not MACHINES are going to replace those workers (and most of YOU, too) sooner rather than later.

What impact does this process have on earning power of the middle class? Would hastening the process make that better, or worse?
Why shouldn't they be?

Here's the thing, back in the 1970's, even with a minimum wage job, you could still do okay.


Also, this is where i think you wingnuts tend to be incredibly stupid.

You all think government dependence is a terrible idea. Okay, I agree, it's a horrible idea.

But where do you think a guy working for McDonalds is going to get food to put on his table and medical coverage if he doesn't get it from his job?

Oh, that's right. The government.

Sounds like these people may need to work 2 to 3 minimum wage jobs.


That is the typical response from conservatives....Find more jobs

We are not talking about one low wage employee going out to find another job. We are talking about 20-30 million employees who would need another job to support themselves

You have to start one employee at at time RW

Let's see.....Bill Gates a self made billionaire that made millions for his coworkers.....but liberals think Obama and Pelosi with no experience running a business and making a profit know more than Bill Gates.

Stupid fuck...he has paid millions in state and federal taxes which have ended up back in the education system.

Scum like you want to take even more making him fund pieces of shit like you through JUCO.

Get a fucking life and take care of yourself.

Maybe Mr.Gates could pay for a few million poors colleges education? Fair?
The richest 85 people on Earth have the same amount of money as the world's poorest 3.5 billion.

This makes perfect sense to good Conservative Christians because Jesus said, "Make more money for yourselves and fuck everyone else on Earth."

Jesus did not say that:

he said:

"Stay home , sit on your duff, smoke dope , fuck the work ethic and allow the taxpayers and producers to feed and insure you"


Exactly, these min. Wage jobs is for entry level worker. A wife/mother or husband/father that wants a part time job to help supplement the household income. Or, the student that needs a part time job. Also, it could include a person that needs to get his/her resume started, or a second job.

That's great, in theory. But let's be honest, that's just not how today's world works. There is absolutely no way a minimum wage job should ever be put on a resume. EVER. Well, there's one exception. If the old job demonstrates direct, relevant experience for the you're applying for, then include it. Otherwise, if you're fresh out of college and you only have minimum wage experience, you're better off not including it on your resume and focusing on your education and relevant internships.

Minimum wage jobs, of course, are relatively rare. The real issue is the wider scope of generally low paying jobs where the wage is set with the intention of being a certain degree above the minimum wage, but are still very low paying, and generally are still below "living wage" standards. We've developed a real problem with this in our country. But the causes aren't anywhere near simple enough to be solved by increasing the minimum wage. This situation has arisen as a result of changing values in our society.

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