Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

The richest 85 people on Earth have the same amount of money as the world's poorest 3.5 billion.

This makes perfect sense to good Conservative Christians because Jesus said, "Make more money for yourselves and fuck everyone else on Earth."

Jesus did not say that:

he said:

"Stay home , sit on your duff, smoke dope , fuck the work ethic and allow the taxpayers and producers to feed and insure you"



Actually, what he really said was...

There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. -- Luke 16:19-25
Jesus didn't say that. However, he did say, "You can't serve God and money." He said, "Sell your possessions and give to the needy." He said, "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." That sounds like a Progressive.

Also, greed is a sin according to the Christian God, punishable by eternal torture in Hell.

But you Republicans go ahead and claim to be good Christians while loving money and hating the people who don't have any.

So you admit that your original post on this was a false narrative? Why do you liberals insist on false narratives? Why are you people completely incapable of having an honest conversation?

Also, I am not (nor have I ever been), a Republican. I am a constitutional conservative. I loathe the Republicans - nothing but a bunch of big government liberals.

Furthermore, I do not hate poor people. I hate parasites. I hate lazy people. I hate greedy people.

Finally, since you Dumbocrats "care" sooooooooo much about the poor, can you explain why none of you will provide for them - but instead demand that government put a gun to the head of someone else and force them provide for the poor? :eusa_eh:

And while you're at it, can you explain how Barack Obama (a Dumbocrat who supposedly cares soooooooo much) sits on tens of millions of dollars while leaving his own aunt in poverty? Can you explain why Obama's own brother had to call conservative Dinesh D'Souza to pay the hospital bill for Obama's own nephew? :eek:

One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.

So much for spreading the wealth around.

The Relentless Conservative: The Continuing Saga of Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt & Uncle

How I became George Obama's 'brother' | Fox News
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs were a byproduct of his genius.

Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.
jesus didn't say that. However, he did say, "you can't serve god and money." he said, "sell your possessions and give to the needy." he said, "but those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." that sounds like a progressive.

Also, greed is a sin according to the christian god, punishable by eternal torture in hell.

But you republicans go ahead and claim to be good christians while loving money and hating the people who don't have any.

rottdowg. Did jesus say what was written above?

If he did rottdawg, you're going to hell man,

your greed knows no bounds. You are toast dude.

Again with the completely false narrative because a liberal cannot justify their desire to mooch off of their fellow man with honest facts.

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - how do you know I'm greedy? You don't know me. You've never met me. For all you know, I give away 70% of my salary to charity. For all you know, I give away 100% of my salary to the church because I swore a life of poverty.

The reality is, you're desperate to justify you're mooching ways. My position as a constitutional conservative is not about greed. It's about preventing the same collapse your idiot policies created in the U.S.S.R. The few cannot provide for the many. It's about freedom - the choice to decide how much I give rather than have it taken against my will (and stealing absolutely disgusts Jesus, junior).

Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years. It took capitalism only a couple hundred years to life everyone out of poverty - to the point where the "poor" in this nation now enjoy such frivilous luxuries as air conditioning, HD tv's, Xbox, refrigerators, VCR's, DVD's, and a whole hell of a lot more (items that people in actual poverty - like Afghanistan - can't even dream of, much less obtain). But because you are both greedy and lazy, you want the same policies which collapsed Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the U.S.S.R. and all other nations which tried it.

If you want more Zeke, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass and go earn it. If you're so worried about the "poor", then you provide for them. I guarantee I give more to charity in any given year than you have in your entire life time.
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs were a byproduct of his genius.

Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.

And you know that how? How do you know what Gates is and is not aware of? Are you a friend of his? Spent a lot of time with him, have you? :eusa_eh:

I'm dying to see a liberal on this site just say one thing that is honest.
Maybe Mr.Gates could pay for a few million poors colleges education? Fair?

And why can't the poor people pay for their own education? There isn't a corporation in America today that doesn't offer tuition reimbursement. Even a minimum wage job at McDonald's will pay for your college education in full.

So why do you want Bill Gates to pay for it? Oh, that's right, because you're a lazy liberal. You don't want to have to earn anything for yourself. You want it handed to you on a silver platter.

Again with the completely false narrative because a liberal cannot justify their desire to mooch off of their fellow man with honest facts.

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - how do you know I'm greedy? You don't know me. You've never met me. For all you know, I give away 70% of my salary to charity. For all you know, I give away 100% of my salary to the church because I swore a life of poverty.

Nothing you've written really indicates you give a fuck about your fellow human beings. If it isn't a fetus, I've never seen you show compassion for it.

The reality is, you're desperate to justify you're mooching ways. My position as a constitutional conservative is not about greed. It's about preventing the same collapse your idiot policies created in the U.S.S.R. The few cannot provide for the many. It's about freedom - the choice to decide how much I give rather than have it taken against my will (and stealing absolutely disgusts Jesus, junior).

Again, the collapse of the USSR had nothing to do with social programs. It had to do with 300 million Non-Russians not wanting the Russians to tell them what to do anymore.

Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years. It took capitalism only a couple hundred years to life everyone out of poverty - to the point where the "poor" in this nation now enjoy such frivilous luxuries as air conditioning, HD tv's, Xbox, refrigerators, VCR's, DVD's, and a whole hell of a lot more (items that people in actual poverty - like Afghanistan - can't even dream of, much less obtain). But because you are both greedy and lazy, you want the same policies which collapsed Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the U.S.S.R. and all other nations which tried it.

Uh, guy, most of the world still wallows in misery and poverty. And I would argue birth control and abortion probably had more to do with lifting some countries out of "poverty" than "Captialism" did.

And frankly, "Captialism" collapsed 20 years after "Communism" did, so I guess I'm not seeing your point.

If you want more Zeke, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass and go earn it. If you're so worried about the "poor", then you provide for them. I guarantee I give more to charity in any given year than you have in your entire life time.

Again, why do you think "charity" is a virtue.

Charity is just "Welfare" you can lord over someone.

What I would like to see is every American have a good paying job. But the thing is, while the rich have gotten richer, the rest of us have gotten poorer. And then you wonder why a guy like Obama gets elected.

Again with the completely false narrative because a liberal cannot justify their desire to mooch off of their fellow man with honest facts.

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - how do you know I'm greedy? You don't know me. You've never met me. For all you know, I give away 70% of my salary to charity. For all you know, I give away 100% of my salary to the church because I swore a life of poverty.

Nothing you've written really indicates you give a fuck about your fellow human beings. If it isn't a fetus, I've never seen you show compassion for it.

The reality is, you're desperate to justify you're mooching ways. My position as a constitutional conservative is not about greed. It's about preventing the same collapse your idiot policies created in the U.S.S.R. The few cannot provide for the many. It's about freedom - the choice to decide how much I give rather than have it taken against my will (and stealing absolutely disgusts Jesus, junior).

Again, the collapse of the USSR had nothing to do with social programs. It had to do with 300 million Non-Russians not wanting the Russians to tell them what to do anymore.

Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years. It took capitalism only a couple hundred years to life everyone out of poverty - to the point where the "poor" in this nation now enjoy such frivilous luxuries as air conditioning, HD tv's, Xbox, refrigerators, VCR's, DVD's, and a whole hell of a lot more (items that people in actual poverty - like Afghanistan - can't even dream of, much less obtain). But because you are both greedy and lazy, you want the same policies which collapsed Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the U.S.S.R. and all other nations which tried it.

Uh, guy, most of the world still wallows in misery and poverty. And I would argue birth control and abortion probably had more to do with lifting some countries out of "poverty" than "Captialism" did.

And frankly, "Captialism" collapsed 20 years after "Communism" did, so I guess I'm not seeing your point.

If you want more Zeke, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass and go earn it. If you're so worried about the "poor", then you provide for them. I guarantee I give more to charity in any given year than you have in your entire life time.

Again, why do you think "charity" is a virtue.

Charity is just "Welfare" you can lord over someone.

What I would like to see is every American have a good paying job. But the thing is, while the rich have gotten richer, the rest of us have gotten poorer. And then you wonder why a guy like Obama gets elected.

'We' collectively are not perplexed at all as to why Obama was elected. Obama was not a cure for the symptoms of the disease that consumes America.

The lame and lazy need a quick dose of reality, you're own your own, just like I am.

Maybe Mr.Gates could pay for a few million poors colleges education? Fair?

And why can't the poor people pay for their own education? There isn't a corporation in America today that doesn't offer tuition reimbursement. Even a minimum wage job at McDonald's will pay for your college education in full.

So why do you want Bill Gates to pay for it? Oh, that's right, because you're a lazy liberal. You don't want to have to earn anything for yourself. You want it handed to you on a silver platter.

Hmmmm.... let's truth check that.

Tuition at UIC- $8,045.00 a Semester, or 16,090 a year. This does not include books, lab fees, room and board, being able to eat. And this is a bottom rung State college.

Okay, minimum wage. 7.25/Hr x 40 hrs a week x 52 weeks a year. = $15,080

That's before taxes, of course.

Gee, Poodle, do you even fact-check what you say.
Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years

The terrifying this is that this guy believes this nonsense.

Will he open a book to check his faith based belief?

Of course not...that might challenge his POV.

Sad for America that people have abandoned fact for a comforting fictional view of the world.

Tragic in the long run.
[q And then you wonder why a guy like Obama gets elected.

'We' collectively are not perplexed at all as to why Obama was elected. Obama was not a cure for the symptoms of the disease that consumes America.

The lame and lazy need a quick dose of reality, you're own your own, just like I am.


Uh, guy, m ost of us are out here working just as hard as you are, if not harder. I'm about to go out and work at Job#2 this morning, so I really don't need to hear your shit.

Obama got elected because the greedy got too greedy. Wasn't good enough that the 1%ers had 43% of the wealth, they had to have more of it.
Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years

The terrifying this is that this guy believes this nonsense.

Will he open a book to check his faith based belief?

Of course not...that might challenge his POV.

Sad for America that people have abandoned fact for a comforting fictional view of the world.

Tragic in the long run.

Poodle lives in an Ayn Rand fantasy where he's John Galt. The only thing keeping him back is an evil government making him play fair.
[q And then you wonder why a guy like Obama gets elected.

'We' collectively are not perplexed at all as to why Obama was elected. Obama was not a cure for the symptoms of the disease that consumes America.

The lame and lazy need a quick dose of reality, you're own your own, just like I am.


Uh, guy, m ost of us are out here working just as hard as you are, if not harder. I'm about to go out and work at Job#2 this morning, so I really don't need to hear your shit.

Obama got elected because the greedy got too greedy. Wasn't good enough that the 1%ers had 43% of the wealth, they had to have more of it.

You think the people that voted for Obama were that smart? Come on, they were low information voters who heard about free chit and entitlements. And the ones that didn't need that, voted for him because he is black.

'We' collectively are not perplexed at all as to why Obama was elected. Obama was not a cure for the symptoms of the disease that consumes America.

The lame and lazy need a quick dose of reality, you're own your own, just like I am.


Uh, guy, m ost of us are out here working just as hard as you are, if not harder. I'm about to go out and work at Job#2 this morning, so I really don't need to hear your shit.

Obama got elected because the greedy got too greedy. Wasn't good enough that the 1%ers had 43% of the wealth, they had to have more of it.

You think the people that voted for Obama were that smart? Come on, they were low information voters who heard about free chit and entitlements. And the ones that didn't need that, voted for him because he is black.


I think that is just as idiotic as saying the people who voted for Bush were clinging to their guns and their bibles...

Both sides have "low information voters".

But here's the bottom line. The GOP had their chance. They stole an election in 2000, turned peace into war, prosperity into poverty and surpluses into endless debt.

I think the Rural White who votes Republican because he wants abortion banned is a lot dumber than the Urban Black who votes for Obama for an Obama-phone.

At least that guy got an Obama Phone. (Actually, it's a Reagan Phone, but we won't go there. Wouldn't want to tarnish Reagan's memory by implying he gave something to a poor person.)
jesus didn't say that. However, he did say, "you can't serve god and money." he said, "sell your possessions and give to the needy." he said, "but those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." that sounds like a progressive.

Also, greed is a sin according to the christian god, punishable by eternal torture in hell.

But you republicans go ahead and claim to be good christians while loving money and hating the people who don't have any.

rottdowg. Did jesus say what was written above?

If he did rottdawg, you're going to hell man,

your greed knows no bounds. You are toast dude.

Again with the completely false narrative because a liberal cannot justify their desire to mooch off of their fellow man with honest facts.

[MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] - how do you know I'm greedy? You don't know me. You've never met me. For all you know, I give away 70% of my salary to charity. For all you know, I give away 100% of my salary to the church because I swore a life of poverty.

The reality is, you're desperate to justify you're mooching ways. My position as a constitutional conservative is not about greed. It's about preventing the same collapse your idiot policies created in the U.S.S.R. The few cannot provide for the many. It's about freedom - the choice to decide how much I give rather than have it taken against my will (and stealing absolutely disgusts Jesus, junior).

Here is the bottom line - and it is 100% indisputable. Before capitalism, the entire world wallowed in misery and poverty - except for the monarchs - for thousands of years. It took capitalism only a couple hundred years to life everyone out of poverty - to the point where the "poor" in this nation now enjoy such frivilous luxuries as air conditioning, HD tv's, Xbox, refrigerators, VCR's, DVD's, and a whole hell of a lot more (items that people in actual poverty - like Afghanistan - can't even dream of, much less obtain). But because you are both greedy and lazy, you want the same policies which collapsed Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the U.S.S.R. and all other nations which tried it.

If you want more Zeke, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass and go earn it. If you're so worried about the "poor", then you provide for them. I guarantee I give more to charity in any given year than you have in your entire life time.

DOGDOGODG You are more fun to fuck with than a barrel of monkeys.

Greed eh? And how do I know you are "greedy"?

Full Definition of GREED

: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed.

Right above is the definition from Webster of greed. I have no idea how much money you make or give away. And really don't care.

What you do demonstrate with every thing you write is that you have a selfish and excessive desire to try and prove yourself and your OPINION as being correct and truthful.
And you seem to "need" this desire to be correct, desperately. Greedy again.

You compound your greedy desire with bullshit proclamations like; how much harder of a worker you are than others, (at 60, I will work your lazy ass into the ground). And how I need to get out there and get it myself ( would be fun to compare net worth with you, but you would fuking lie about what you have)

So, in other words, not only are you greedy, you are a lazy, lying mother fucking dog with some sort of ingrained hate of people that you think have less than you.

Greedy, hateful bastard.
Bill Gates has been a de facto politician since 1998 pushing for cheap foreign workers and the destruction of the American scientist.

Meanwhile his company has lost nearly 600 billion in value since then. You'd think that this would tell people something.....

The fact that he built a company so powerful and wealthy, that it could "lose $600 billion in value" should tell your dumb ass something. But of course, you actually know what Bill Gates was deciding on and what he wasn't when he was CEO at Microsoft. Oh wait, that's right, you already admitted to lying about that.

By the way, how interesting when the successes of Microsoft are mentioned, you declare that he was not in fact the CEO and someone else was making all of the decisions. But yet when any mention of failure by Microsoft is mentioned, you suddenly change your narrative 180 degrees and blame Gates.

For someone who claims they are not a liberal, you sure lie like one and change your story like one. Make up your mind - was Gates in control or not? If he wasn't, then the "loss of $600 billion in value" cannot be laid at his feet genius. If he was, then the fact that he built such a wealthy and powerful company that it could afford to lose "$600 billion in value" and still be one of the most dominant companies in the world speaks volumes about what a brilliant businessman he was. Either way, it really illustrates that you're a fuck moron (and a liar....and a liberal).

My story has not changed bur your obsession with Bill Gates is alarming dude. Are you looking to be his chamber maid or just his bitch?
The richest 85 people on Earth have the same amount of money as the world's poorest 3.5 billion.

This makes perfect sense to good Conservative Christians because Jesus said, "Make more money for yourselves and fuck everyone else on Earth."

Jesus did not say that:

he said:

"Stay home , sit on your duff, smoke dope , fuck the work ethic and allow the taxpayers and producers to feed and insure you"



Actually, what he really said was...

There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. -- Luke 16:19-25

Are you saying that poor people should just kill themselves?
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

The American wealthy are among the highest charitable givers on earth. Perhaps you should visit Zimbabwe to GET A FUCKING GRIP on reality.

Maybe if the poor didn't sink their disposable money into materialistic things like the latest smartphone or games console & put it into education or job training instead they could pull themselves out of the gutter.

Or just wait on handouts like a bum

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