Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

The American wealthy are among the highest charitable givers on earth. Perhaps you should visit Zimbabwe to GET A FUCKING GRIP on reality.

Maybe if the poor didn't sink their disposable money into materialistic things like the latest smartphone or games console & put it into education or job training instead they could pull themselves out of the gutter.

Or just wait on handouts like a bum

The wealth of the rich isn't why we have the poor in this country. You're right Gramps, Americans are the highest charitable givers on Earth.
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

Really? :cuckoo:
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read in a long time. Sure did show your alliance to communism, KNB :eusa_whistle:
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

The American wealthy are among the highest charitable givers on earth. Perhaps you should visit Zimbabwe to GET A FUCKING GRIP on reality.

Maybe if the poor didn't sink their disposable money into materialistic things like the latest smartphone or games console & put it into education or job training instead they could pull themselves out of the gutter.

Or just wait on handouts like a bum

As they should be.....doesn't negate their overall control of our nations wealth
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

Really? :cuckoo:
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read in a long time. Sure did show your alliance to communism, KNB :eusa_whistle:

No, wondering why job creators aren't creating any jobs when they just reaped 95% of the money over the past 5 years does not make me a Communist. If you made 95% of the money, could you afford to hire people? You most likely could but for some reason, 1% job creators need even more billions and trillions of dollars before they can create any jobs. 95% of the profits for 1% of the population just isn't enough. They have to have more before any of that wealth can trickle down.

That makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

Didn't Jesus also say something about how there will always be poor and you should be grateful for what you are blessed enough to have?

Why should rich people impoverish themselves, simply so that nothing can be fixed anyway? If you take every dollar in circulation and divide it evenly among every individual in the country, that would leave you with $4000 per person. Who has enough to buy food now?
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

Really? :cuckoo:
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I've read in a long time. Sure did show your alliance to communism, KNB :eusa_whistle:

No, wondering why job creators aren't creating any jobs when they just reaped 95% of the money over the past 5 years does not make me a Communist. If you made 95% of the money, could you afford to hire people? You most likely could but for some reason, 1% job creators need even more billions and trillions of dollars before they can create any jobs. 95% of the profits for 1% of the population just isn't enough. They have to have more before any of that wealth can trickle down.

That makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

So your solution is for the wealthy to give their money away and become poor? What is that going to fix? What will raising the minimum wage fix?

Answer: Nothing.
Impoverish themselves?

"If you look at your watch, and the second hand represents $1, and you count up $1 every second, it will take you 32,000 years to count to $1 trillion." - Dr. Susan George

There are dozens of trillions of dollars (just cash) sitting in the bank accounts of the super rich. They live off of capital gains. Their income is money made from having money, not from the production of any tangible material.

They are never going to "impoverish themselves". Meanwhile, it's hard for 49 million Americans to find a meal. They are grateful for what they have, but it still isn't enough to survive in this level of inequality.

If Jesus ever does come back to smite the wicked, Wall Street will be the first place burned. Then the Pentagon.
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs were a byproduct of his genius.

Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.

And you know that how? How do you know what Gates is and is not aware of? Are you a friend of his? Spent a lot of time with him, have you? :eusa_eh:

I'm dying to see a liberal on this site just say one thing that is honest.

Yes and no. I've seen many interviews. I have seen many speeches he has given here in Seattle and from Redmond. I helped build his house on Lake Washington for 7 months ..had access to every part of the site because I helped invent, was sole manufacturer and installation tech for all of the window treatments thruout. I saw the kinds of literature he has placed in his personal office... the personal items placed in his personal living space and the super secret private library. Never actually had a personal conversation with him... got notes from him and Melinda after they did their nightly walk throughs as to how they liked or disliked the progress on my work. Heard him talk to more important people on the project at close proximitry. He would give pep talks to the workers which I attended. Do I know his most private thoughts? No.
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs were a byproduct of his genius.

Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.

Should the government limit, or even mandate, wages?
Maybe Mr.Gates could pay for a few million poors colleges education? Fair?

And why can't the poor people pay for their own education? There isn't a corporation in America today that doesn't offer tuition reimbursement. Even a minimum wage job at McDonald's will pay for your college education in full.

So why do you want Bill Gates to pay for it? Oh, that's right, because you're a lazy liberal. You don't want to have to earn anything for yourself. You want it handed to you on a silver platter.

Hmmmm.... let's truth check that.

Tuition at UIC- $8,045.00 a Semester, or 16,090 a year. This does not include books, lab fees, room and board, being able to eat. And this is a bottom rung State college.

Okay, minimum wage. 7.25/Hr x 40 hrs a week x 52 weeks a year. = $15,080

That's before taxes, of course.

Gee, Poodle, do you even fact-check what you say.

Bottom rung of a state college is no tuition at all. Unfortunately, that only works in lala land, which explains why it doesn't work in California.

Except it is still possible to go to college and not pay tuition, even without Pell grants.
Bill Gates is a computer genius. That's the extent of his knowledge. Jobs were a byproduct of his genius.

Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.

Should the government limit, or even mandate, wages?

That is too broad a question. If the people of a certain jurisdiction elect officials and want it so and it is within the power they have been assigned I guess that is what they will do. I would like to see some of these red herrings played out so we can see the actual effects of such an experiment. There is no way to know how a manditory living wage affects a community without actually trying it. It would create a real life data base for study that could be used for a rational argument. If a city like Seattle passed such a law I guess we would find out fairly quickly if the sky would actually fall. If it created too many real problems then there is no reason that it could not be repealed. Personally it wouldn't change my life much.
Gates actually has many interests. Some of his interests take him to parts of the globe where people are desperately poor. I believe that experience skews his perception of the lower end of the income levels.

He is and always has been unaware on a personal level of the problems that those living at or near minimum wage must endure here in the U S.

There is a push here as in some other communities to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

People should be paid as much as they can get. I believe that is the driving force that Gates has always believed in.

Should the government limit, or even mandate, wages?

That is too broad a question. If the people of a certain jurisdiction elect officials and want it so and it is within the power they have been assigned I guess that is what they will do. I would like to see some of these red herrings played out so we can see the actual effects of such an experiment. There is no way to know how a manditory living wage affects a community without actually trying it. It would create a real life data base for study that could be used for a rational argument. If a city like Seattle passed such a law I guess we would find out fairly quickly if the sky would actually fall. If it created too many real problems then there is no reason that it could not be repealed. Personally it wouldn't change my life much.

The question is not broad at all, it is very specific. A borad question, but essentially the same issue, should the government regulate prices? Every piece of real world experience proves that its a bad idea because it always leads to tyranny, but you think they should be able to if the people who will benefit from tyranny support it.

That says a lot about you.
What was actually said:

Well, jobs are a great thing. You have to be a bit careful: If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging labor substitution and you’re going to go buy machines and automate things — or cause jobs to appear outside of that jurisdiction. And so within certain limits, you know, it does cause job destruction. If you really start pushing it, then you’re just making a huge trade-off.

Cue the profanity...

Very good CC - you can cut & paste! :clap2:

Now how does that differ at all from my initial post? You know, since you implied it did with you "what was actually said"...

Yes, it does. And the real 'trade off' means while some get paid more, some lose their jobs.

We might not have this problem if so many middle class jobs hadn't been killed by Obamacare.

The way it's supposed to work is that young people take the minimum wage jobs as they enter the work force for the first time. As they continue their education and gain more work experience, they move up to better paying jobs and get raises at current jobs. To elevate, you need education and you need to do well at your current job, no matter how menial it is. I just don't buy that some people work at a minimum wage job for 10 years with no raises. And why would they start a big family during those years of only making minimum. Oh, right, I forgot that women can't control their libido. Liberals obviously believe that because they defend people having lots of children when they either don't work or don't make much money. They encourage subsidized lives. This whole talk of raising the minimum is popular, but never practical. What needs to be raised are peoples' IQs.

Anyway, the real question is why some people get stuck in a rut and are unable to move up. Instead of addressing the root cause, liberals address the symptoms. It's like getting patients hooked on pain pills instead of fixing the cause of pain.
The job market has shrunk under Obama because of more costs placed on companies be it higher wages, higher medical insurance costs, more regulated costs, more taxes, etc.

So now claiming raising even more costs on companies is going to create jobs is pure insanity or by design to destroy capitalism in general.

obamacare has made some people lose their jobs to get the company under some magical FTE number and in other cases their jobs went from FTE to PTE to get under the obamacare mandate. Yet stupid fuck liberals blame the companies....
Should the government limit, or even mandate, wages?

That is too broad a question. If the people of a certain jurisdiction elect officials and want it so and it is within the power they have been assigned I guess that is what they will do. I would like to see some of these red herrings played out so we can see the actual effects of such an experiment. There is no way to know how a manditory living wage affects a community without actually trying it. It would create a real life data base for study that could be used for a rational argument. If a city like Seattle passed such a law I guess we would find out fairly quickly if the sky would actually fall. If it created too many real problems then there is no reason that it could not be repealed. Personally it wouldn't change my life much.

The question is not broad at all, it is very specific. A borad question, but essentially the same issue, should the government regulate prices? Every piece of real world experience proves that its a bad idea because it always leads to tyranny, but you think they should be able to if the people who will benefit from tyranny support it.

That says a lot about you.

Oh...NOW I support tyranny? Give it a rest. I didn't invent the minimum wage. The minimum wage is already in place just about everywhere in the U S. It is already about $9 bucks an hour in Washington state. I'm not aware of any tyranny here. If Seattle wants to bump it to $15 I don't see what the big deal is. If it makes the price of a Big Mac 25 cents higher I don't really care. If it puts more money in the community then that might be good. Shouting off your soap box about "tyanny" is clown like. That says a lot about you.
The job market has shrunk under Obama because of more costs placed on companies be it higher wages, higher medical insurance costs, more regulated costs, more taxes, etc.

So now claiming raising even more costs on companies is going to create jobs is pure insanity or by design to destroy capitalism in general.

obamacare has made some people lose their jobs to get the company under some magical FTE number and in other cases their jobs went from FTE to PTE to get under the obamacare mandate. Yet stupid fuck liberals blame the companies....

That's pretty fucking stupid, even for a rightard. Health insurance costs increase every year -- even before ObamaCare.


So clearly, ObamaCare is not the cause of increased rates or the decrease in the job market (which is actually up since Obama became president as more people are working now than when he became president).

Secondly, with the exception of recessionary declines in income, wages also typically increase every year...


... so that also can't be the reason for any supposed decreases in the job market.

What's the next bullshit excuse you're going to make up, rightard? :doubt:
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So let me get this straight, you're not only changing ALL of your original figures (from 100,000 people to suddenly 200 million), but you're also attacking me for simply doing the math you were too lazy (or ignorant?) to do? Really?

"How dare you be such a stupid fuck" - yeah, so stupid for taking YOUR numbers and proving mathematically that you were wrong. Don't project your fury at your own stupidity on to me junior. You created an absurd, false narrative (ONE purchase by ONE billionaire) and even playing that immature level, I beat you at your own game.

My original post: Which is better for the economy? One billionaire buying a yacht or a hundred thousand middle class people buying a TV?

I said this as an "example" because it's so fucking obvious, I thought no one was stupid enough to do what you tried and failed to do. Make an argument that trickle down works.

At that point, I actually went and looked up the number of TV's and the number of billionaires and the AVERAGE cost of the most expensive yachts in the world. And I only did that to give you that savage and most satisfying Atomic Bitch Slap that you richly deserve. The second slap was for being dense.

Uh, what "bitch slap"? Junior, I humiliated your dumb ass in front of everyone. You're "example" proved that your completely ignorant of economics, too lazy to do your homework, and incapable of doing basic math (hence the reason you are a liberal parasite demanding the right to mooch off of the American tax payer).

Also, the number of tv's as never the discussion and you know it. The fact that you are so desperate to change your narrative now stems at your humiliation over the fact that I literally gave you an atomic bitch slap in front of the world (while you're trying to deflect that reality with the false bravado that you actually gave me one.... :lmao:). You asked an ignorant question - "what is better for the economy, one billionaire buying a yacht or 100,000 middle class buying a tv".

I crunched the numbers (because you're too ignorant and too lazy to do so), and showed that your question proved you were wrong and I was right. And now you're furious that I played your juvenile game and exposed your insanely minimal IQ in the process.

Again, don't get mad at me junior. You're the fuck'n buffoon who posed the question without any knowledge of what the fuck you were talking about (as usual). One billionaire buying one yacht puts $64 million into the economy. 100,000 middle class buying a tv puts $43 million into the economy. The numbers prove what most of us already know - you're a fuck'n moron. :lol:

Wow Skippy, you're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you? First I Atomic Bitch slapped you and you post it again for everyone to see. You crunched fantasy numbers. There are hundreds of millions of Americans, not 100,000. And there are only a few hundred billionaires and I suspect most don't own $64,000,000 yachts. I was merely giving an example of the ridiculousness of trickle down and you crunched imaginary numbers. Fool.


ATOMIC Bitch Slap!
That is too broad a question. If the people of a certain jurisdiction elect officials and want it so and it is within the power they have been assigned I guess that is what they will do. I would like to see some of these red herrings played out so we can see the actual effects of such an experiment. There is no way to know how a manditory living wage affects a community without actually trying it. It would create a real life data base for study that could be used for a rational argument. If a city like Seattle passed such a law I guess we would find out fairly quickly if the sky would actually fall. If it created too many real problems then there is no reason that it could not be repealed. Personally it wouldn't change my life much.

The question is not broad at all, it is very specific. A borad question, but essentially the same issue, should the government regulate prices? Every piece of real world experience proves that its a bad idea because it always leads to tyranny, but you think they should be able to if the people who will benefit from tyranny support it.

That says a lot about you.

Oh...NOW I support tyranny? Give it a rest. I didn't invent the minimum wage. The minimum wage is already in place just about everywhere in the U S. It is already about $9 bucks an hour in Washington state. I'm not aware of any tyranny here. If Seattle wants to bump it to $15 I don't see what the big deal is. If it makes the price of a Big Mac 25 cents higher I don't really care. If it puts more money in the community then that might be good. Shouting off your soap box about "tyanny" is clown like. That says a lot about you.

There is nothing new about your support for tyranny, you have supported it at least as long as I have been posting on this board, which leads me to believe you supported it before that point.
The question is not broad at all, it is very specific. A borad question, but essentially the same issue, should the government regulate prices? Every piece of real world experience proves that its a bad idea because it always leads to tyranny, but you think they should be able to if the people who will benefit from tyranny support it.

That says a lot about you.

Oh...NOW I support tyranny? Give it a rest. I didn't invent the minimum wage. The minimum wage is already in place just about everywhere in the U S. It is already about $9 bucks an hour in Washington state. I'm not aware of any tyranny here. If Seattle wants to bump it to $15 I don't see what the big deal is. If it makes the price of a Big Mac 25 cents higher I don't really care. If it puts more money in the community then that might be good. Shouting off your soap box about "tyanny" is clown like. That says a lot about you.

There is nothing new about your support for tyranny, you have supported it at least as long as I have been posting on this board, which leads me to believe you supported it before that point.


Please leave me out of your Christian Fascist labeling schtick. I was a better republican than you ever dreamed of. Your blatent dissregard for right and wrong has grown tired and old.

People like you believe a lot of stupid ideas. The fact of the matter is that you don't know me at all. OR if you do there is nothing in your character preventing you from lying about me or anyone that doesn't buy into your wrongwing nonsense.

You are more adept at manipulating morons that vote against their own best interests. Controlling intelligent people that speak the truth to YOUR brand of tyanny...not so much.

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