Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs


Well, my goodness, Mr. Gates said what I've been saying here for a long time - "And you have to say, which of the households end up benefiting - is it the teenager in a wealthy household or is it that household in poverty?" -- a question to which I can never seem to get a comprehensive response. Go figure, huh?

Maybe folks here should look at the clip and listen and consider it carefully. Gates puts multiple qualifiers in his comments because he's a smart and experienced guy who knows that this is not the simplistic, binary issue being painted by the partisan ideologues on both sides. It's far more complicated than silly soundbites, and it deserves far deeper examination than it's being given.

Not holding my breath, of course.

So 11% of our minimum wage earners are employed in fast food that live in poverty, that is lower than I thought...

Here you have a Liberal telling Liberals that it does not work and that it is much more complex...

Then you have deany, oh well...

Fast food jobs were never intended to be 'life' supporting.

Regardless of what they originally were intended to be they have evolved into that status and must be addressed as what they are, not what they were.
Did Rott ever answer the question why he is dishonest in his posts?

Anyone who clicks on the link and reads the full quote can see Rott is basically lying.
The job market has shrunk under Obama because of more costs placed on companies be it higher wages, higher medical insurance costs, more regulated costs, more taxes, etc.

So now claiming raising even more costs on companies is going to create jobs is pure insanity or by design to destroy capitalism in general.

obamacare has made some people lose their jobs to get the company under some magical FTE number and in other cases their jobs went from FTE to PTE to get under the obamacare mandate. Yet stupid fuck liberals blame the companies....

That's pretty fucking stupid, even for a rightard. Health insurance costs increase every year -- even before ObamaCare.


So clearly, ObamaCare is not the cause of increased rates or the decrease in the job market (which is actually up since Obama became president as more people are working now than when he became president).

Secondly, with the exception of recessionary declines in income, wages also typically increase every year...

View attachment 29122

... so that also can't be the reason for any supposed decreases in the job market.

What's the next bullshit excuse you're going to make up, rightard? :doubt:

Do you wanna talk about the spike in the deductibles, or not? :eusa_whistle:

That only affects about one half of one percent of the population -- many of whom are paying a discounted premium thanks to government subsidies, which helps compensate for the inflated deductibles.

At any rate, this discussion began with the false claim that ObamaCare has cost jobs due to an increase in health insurance increases. Well as the chart I posted shows, there have a) been no such related increases; b) any increases in deductibles you mentioned would affect individuals, not corporations, so that would not lead to job losses; and c) the BLS has not released any jobs numbers since ObamaCare went into effect, so it's not actually measurable anyway.

Translation: ObamaCare has not decreased the job market.
Your chart doesn't include the start date of retardcare dumb fuck.
WTF are you talking about? That chart goes 1999 through 2013, i.e., up until 4 weeks ago. If it doesn't show a spike due to ObamaCare, then how the fuck can you blame ObamaCare for an increase in healthcare insurance costs?


Because my healthcare nearly doubled BECAUSE of retardcare ya idiot.

You are a fucking retard thinking your own experience can be used as a nationwide measure. While for many people such as yourself, health insurance costs have increased, for many others, their health insurance costs have dropped.
This guy knows a thing or two about creating jobs and building a business into a Fortune 500 corporation...

Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Hey, who would know better about the effects of minimum wage than the guy who is furthest from it. :thup:

Actually this is a discussion about creating jobs, which is something Bill Gates knows better than anyone. Your logic skills are lacking.

And how does Bill Gates "know this better than anyone"? Speaking of absent logic skills...

If the system I'm typing this on is any indication, it's quite the stretch to say he knows anything better than anyone...
As in most thing, we cannot deal in absolutes

Minimum wage of $20 is unsupportable, minimum of $7.50 is much too low in our society

We need to start increasing the wage and then tie it to an inflation factor that automatically increases the wage

Going to Congress for every nickel increase has not worked
This guy knows a thing or two about creating jobs and building a business into a Fortune 500 corporation...

Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Hey, who would know better about the effects of minimum wage than the guy who is furthest from it. :thup:

Actually this is a discussion about creating jobs, which is something Bill Gates knows better than anyone. Your logic skills are lacking.

Anyone know how many minimum wage employees Microsoft has? I am guessing not many.

So did paying more than the minimum wage hurt Bills's ability to amass a fortune. And create a huge company. Or did hiring better employees and paying them more than minimum wage help his fortunes?

If Bill is saying that if every hamburger joint starts paying 20 bucks an hour minimum, yea that would hurt.

9 bucks an hour minimum wouldn't hurt a thing
If minimum wage is a starting wage, then so be it

But what is a start in life?

Being able to pay for college?
Being able to pay for an apartment?
Being able to buy a car?

A minimum wage no longer does that
If minimum wage is a starting wage, then so be it

But what is a start in life?

Being able to pay for college?
Being able to pay for an apartment?
Being able to buy a car?

A minimum wage no longer does that

Please write a letter to:

Harry Reid (D-USSR) , demand that they abolish the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

Then watch how fast prices come down.

If minimum wage is a starting wage, then so be it

But what is a start in life?

Being able to pay for college?
Being able to pay for an apartment?
Being able to buy a car?

A minimum wage no longer does that

Especially for those who refuse to even try working at one.

What the fuck is the matter with you assholes? Can you understand why the voting public wants nothing to do with you?
If minimum wage is a starting wage, then so be it

But what is a start in life?

Being able to pay for college?
Being able to pay for an apartment?
Being able to buy a car?

A minimum wage no longer does that

Please write a letter to:

Harry Reid (D-USSR) , demand that they abolish the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

Then watch how fast prices come down.


I'll do better than that

I will post on the interweb
FYI....stupid fuck liberals....

Working at McDonalds isn't intended to support a family unless you are a manager. Most of the workers there are supposed to be teens, college kids and "married" adults with a spouse making the $$$$...
Well, there is the issue of ambiguity. But hey, what's that matter, right?


I asked a simple question about government regulating wages, how many interpretations can you get out of that?

Two that I see.

1. Should the government mandate a minimum amount for wages.
2. Should the government mandate that a person be paid wages for work they've done.

Two very different things. So nex time, instead of acting like a little girl it might be simpler to just answer the question.

Then answer them.
What massive increases? Show me on that chart where healthcare costs spike due to ObamaCare?

Your chart doesn't include the start date of retardcare dumb fuck.
WTF are you talking about? That chart goes 1999 through 2013, i.e., up until 4 weeks ago. If it doesn't show a spike due to ObamaCare, then how the fuck can you blame ObamaCare for an increase in healthcare insurance costs?


Did you choose a chart that shows cumulative changes in a deliberate attempt to hide the Obamacare spike, or because you are stupid?
FYI....stupid fuck liberals....

Working at McDonalds isn't intended to support a family unless you are a manager. Most of the workers there are supposed to be teens, college kids and "married" adults with a spouse making the $$$$...

How much money is a teen or college kid supposed to make?

Enough to pay for college? It used to
That's pretty fucking stupid, even for a rightard. Health insurance costs increase every year -- even before ObamaCare.


So clearly, ObamaCare is not the cause of increased rates or the decrease in the job market (which is actually up since Obama became president as more people are working now than when he became president).

Secondly, with the exception of recessionary declines in income, wages also typically increase every year...

View attachment 29122

... so that also can't be the reason for any supposed decreases in the job market.

What's the next bullshit excuse you're going to make up, rightard? :doubt:

Do you wanna talk about the spike in the deductibles, or not? :eusa_whistle:

That only affects about one half of one percent of the population -- many of whom are paying a discounted premium thanks to government subsidies, which helps compensate for the inflated deductibles.

At any rate, this discussion began with the false claim that ObamaCare has cost jobs due to an increase in health insurance increases. Well as the chart I posted shows, there have a) been no such related increases; b) any increases in deductibles you mentioned would affect individuals, not corporations, so that would not lead to job losses; and c) the BLS has not released any jobs numbers since ObamaCare went into effect, so it's not actually measurable anyway.

Translation: ObamaCare has not decreased the job market.

You just answered the question I asked earlier, you chose that chart in a deliberate attempt to hide the spike because you are a lying sack of shit.

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