Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

If you pay a burger flipper $20 per hour, what is his incentive to become anything more than a burger flipper?

My son-in-law didn't graduate high-school. He works for UPS as a truck driver. But thanks to the Teamsters Union he earns as much as many college-educated semi-professionals. In fact I am college educated and I'm retired from a professional-level civil service job, but he earns as much as I ever did.

So my answer to your question is, who wants to drive a truck or flip hamburgers all day? I could have but I didn't and I wouldn't, which is why I took my parents' advice and hit the books.

But some people might not mind driving a truck or flipping hamburgers, while others are simply not capable of doing more. Those jobs are necessary to a functioning society, so those willing workers should not be exploited with inadequate wages.

While I do support a socially adequate minimum wage I also advocate imposing a profit-sharing policy on all for-profit businesses. I.e., a workers wage level would be predicated on the profit margin of his/her employer.

Bottom line: Wealth is a good thing -- excessive wealth isn't.
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FYI....stupid fuck liberals....

Working at McDonalds isn't intended to support a family unless you are a manager. Most of the workers there are supposed to be teens, college kids and "married" adults with a spouse making the $$$$...
Would you prefer a system structured to accommodate each according to his needs?
I'm not rich. Not even close. I also love my job. I know a few rich people and I couldn't care less how they amassed their wealth. In fact I am happy they found success. Most of the people I know ALL started out on minimum wage jobs in life. NONE of them are still there however.
I'm not rich. Not even close. I also love my job. I know a few rich people and I couldn't care less how they amassed their wealth. In fact I am happy they found success. Most of the people I know ALL started out on minimum wage jobs in life. NONE of them are still there however.

And that is the crux of the problem

Not just minimum wage but the career path to self sufficiency

It ain't what it used to be
Raise minimum wage or not MACHINES are going to replace those workers (and most of YOU, too) sooner rather than later.
Every salaried human who is replaced by a robot is one less potential purchaser of the product or service produced or provided by the mechanical worker.

What can come of that?
This guy knows a thing or two about creating jobs and building a business into a Fortune 500 corporation...

Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Mr Gates is correct.

Only the ignorant fascist/socialist , aka, progressive axis fails to understand that point.

Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage

In truth, there is only one way to regard a minimum wage law: it is compulsory unemployment, period. The law says: it is illegal, and therefore criminal, for anyone to hire anyone else below the level of X dollars an hour. This means, plainly and simply, that a large number of free and voluntary wage contracts are now outlawed and hence that there will be a large amount of unemployment. Remember that the minimum wage law provides no jobs; it only outlaws them; and outlawed jobs are the inevitable result..
In truth, minimum wage laws prevailed throughout the most productive decades in our history.

How do you explain that?
If raising the minimum wage kills jobs, then would the flip-side to that be that lowering the minimum wage would create jobs?

After all, if you lower the minimum wage, then businesses will be able to hire more people because they will have to pay them less. Then with more people working, fewer people will need government unemployment assistance.

Do Republicans agree with this line of thinking?
If raising the minimum wage kills jobs, then would the flip-side to that be that lowering the minimum wage would create jobs?

After all, if you lower the minimum wage, then businesses will be able to hire more people because they will have to pay them less. Then with more people working, fewer people will need government unemployment assistance.

Do Republicans agree with this line of thinking?

Your dunce cap fits you well
If raising the minimum wage kills jobs, then would the flip-side to that be that lowering the minimum wage would create jobs?

After all, if you lower the minimum wage, then businesses will be able to hire more people because they will have to pay them less. Then with more people working, fewer people will need government unemployment assistance.

Do Republicans agree with this line of thinking?

Your dunce cap fits you well

Thanks, but that didn't answer my question.

If raising the minimum wage makes employers hire fewer people, then would lowering the minimum wage allow employers to hire more people?
If raising the minimum wage kills jobs, then would the flip-side to that be that lowering the minimum wage would create jobs?

After all, if you lower the minimum wage, then businesses will be able to hire more people because they will have to pay them less. Then with more people working, fewer people will need government unemployment assistance.

Do Republicans agree with this line of thinking?

Your dunce cap fits you well

Thanks, but that didn't answer my question.

If raising the minimum wage makes employers hire fewer people, then would lowering the minimum wage allow employers to hire more people?

Your question is retarded.

The cost of living varies depending on where you are in the country so a one size fits all plan is dumb.
You think the people that voted for Obama were that smart? Come on, they were low information voters who heard about free chit and entitlements. And the ones that didn't need that, voted for him because he is black. -Geaux
I voted for Obama. But he wasn't my first choice. Dennis Kucinich was. I voted for Obama mainly because the alternative was John McCain, who is short-tempered, not very bright, and has succeeded in politics only because of sympathy for his captivity in Vietnam.

As far as Obama's ethnicity is concerned, I was so thoroughly disgusted with the deceit and exploitative criminality of the Bush Administration I believe my feelings were similar to those of most decent Black people toward the worst elements of White America. I felt that a Black President might be more inclined to do the right thing where the Bush Crime Family was concerned. But I admit I was badly mistaken.

Barack Obama has turned out to be the Whitest Black man I've ever seen or heard of.
No, we're saying that rich people need to choose to live a life of virtue and have empathy for their fellow human beings. That involves giving away their fortunes instead of hoarding more while 14% of Americans can't get enough to eat.
USDA ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2012

The American wealthy are among the highest charitable givers on earth. Perhaps you should visit Zimbabwe to GET A FUCKING GRIP on reality.

Maybe if the poor didn't sink their disposable money into materialistic things like the latest smartphone or games console & put it into education or job training instead they could pull themselves out of the gutter.

Or just wait on handouts like a bum

As they should be.....doesn't negate their overall control of our nations wealth
And because of their massive overall personal assets their charitable donations are a 100% tax write-off. So what they don't donate they will pay in taxes.
So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about. :eusa_whistle:

You think the people that voted for Obama were that smart? Come on, they were low information voters who heard about free chit and entitlements. And the ones that didn't need that, voted for him because he is black. -Geaux
I voted for Obama. But he wasn't my first choice. Dennis Kucinich was. I voted for Obama mainly because the alternative was John McCain, who is short-tempered, not very bright, and has succeeded in politics only because of sympathy for his captivity in Vietnam.

As far as Obama's ethnicity is concerned, I was so thoroughly disgusted with the deceit and exploitative criminality of the Bush Administration I believe my feelings were similar to those of most decent Black people toward the worst elements of White America. I felt that a Black President might be more inclined to do the right thing where the Bush Crime Family was concerned. But I admit I was badly mistaken.

Barack Obama has turned out to be the Whitest Black man I've ever seen or heard of.
So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about. :eusa_whistle:

You think the people that voted for Obama were that smart? Come on, they were low information voters who heard about free chit and entitlements. And the ones that didn't need that, voted for him because he is black. -Geaux
I voted for Obama. But he wasn't my first choice. Dennis Kucinich was. I voted for Obama mainly because the alternative was John McCain, who is short-tempered, not very bright, and has succeeded in politics only because of sympathy for his captivity in Vietnam.

As far as Obama's ethnicity is concerned, I was so thoroughly disgusted with the deceit and exploitative criminality of the Bush Administration I believe my feelings were similar to those of most decent Black people toward the worst elements of White America. I felt that a Black President might be more inclined to do the right thing where the Bush Crime Family was concerned. But I admit I was badly mistaken.

Barack Obama has turned out to be the Whitest Black man I've ever seen or heard of.

Reasons Obama got elected:

1. Republicans fucked up big time with an unpopular war and economic collapse
2. Obama was young and dynamic and offered a promise of the future
3. Obama was black and not ethnic
The wealth of the rich isn't why we have the poor in this country. You're right Gramps, Americans are the highest charitable givers on Earth.
You're right. The wealth of the rich is not why we have the poor. But the excessive wealth of the super-rich is why we have so many poor in recent years.
So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about.

What does Sarah Palin have a clue about? Anything? She didn't finish her term as Governor. "She can see Russia from her kitchen window" or whatever. The GOP tried to get this primate elected to the second highest office in the world. If anything would have happened to McCain, we would have had Sarah Palin as the President of the United States of America. The idea that the GOP can't see anything wrong with that is truly frightening.
Obama won because he lied and promised all kinds of free shit....which has been proven to be all lies.

He said Iraq was a disaster then took credit for it but today won't say a word about the mess he created fully leaving Iraq to Iran and AQI.

Obama is a swindler and uses his 1/2 black skin to fool people and to gain sympathy from white trash like you.

So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about. :eusa_whistle:

I voted for Obama. But he wasn't my first choice. Dennis Kucinich was. I voted for Obama mainly because the alternative was John McCain, who is short-tempered, not very bright, and has succeeded in politics only because of sympathy for his captivity in Vietnam.

As far as Obama's ethnicity is concerned, I was so thoroughly disgusted with the deceit and exploitative criminality of the Bush Administration I believe my feelings were similar to those of most decent Black people toward the worst elements of White America. I felt that a Black President might be more inclined to do the right thing where the Bush Crime Family was concerned. But I admit I was badly mistaken.

Barack Obama has turned out to be the Whitest Black man I've ever seen or heard of.

Reasons Obama got elected:

1. Republicans fucked up big time with an unpopular war and economic collapse
2. Obama was young and dynamic and offered a promise of the future
3. Obama was black and not ethnic
Uh....I see you didn't defend Obama, instead you went on some lies about Palin who didn't even run for POTUS.

FYI...the see Russia from her porch was a joke, you stupid fuck.

So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about.

What does Sarah Palin have a clue about? Anything? She didn't finish her term as Governor. "She can see Russia from her kitchen window" or whatever. The GOP tried to get this primate elected to the second highest office in the world. If anything would have happened to McCain, we would have had Sarah Palin as the President of the United States of America. The idea that the GOP can't see anything wrong with that is truly frightening.
Obama won because he lied and promised all kinds of free shit....which has been proven to be all lies.

He said Iraq was a disaster then took credit for it but today won't say a word about the mess he created fully leaving Iraq to Iran and AQI.

Obama is a swindler and uses his 1/2 black skin to fool people and to gain sympathy from white trash like you.

So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about. :eusa_whistle:

Reasons Obama got elected:

1. Republicans fucked up big time with an unpopular war and economic collapse
2. Obama was young and dynamic and offered a promise of the future
3. Obama was black and not ethnic

Republicans got trounced in 2008 and had no chance after 8 years of Bush

Obama delivered on

Saving the economy
Ending the wars
Healtcare plan
Cutting the deficit in half
Ending the Bush tax cuts

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