Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

So a rich person that created their own wealth can't talk about being poor or middle class before becoming rich? :cuckoo: liberal scum like to ban free speech when the speaker isn't parroting your bullshit.

Bill Gates can say what he likes. He barely remembers what it was like to have nothing.
So shit for brains....what did Obama do besides being black to vote for him????

He did nothing as a US Senator, nothing. He is not much of an academic scholar based on his lack of published work. He pretty much used his black skin and law degree to make a living as a community organizer promising people free crap and pontificating about things he has no clue about.

What does Sarah Palin have a clue about? Anything? She didn't finish her term as Governor. "She can see Russia from her kitchen window" or whatever. The GOP tried to get this primate elected to the second highest office in the world. If anything would have happened to McCain, we would have had Sarah Palin as the President of the United States of America. The idea that the GOP can't see anything wrong with that is truly frightening.
Uh....I see you didn't defend Obama, instead you went on some lies about Palin who didn't even run for POTUS.

FYI...the see Russia from her porch was a joke, you stupid fuck.
It wasn't a funny joke. The idea of Sarah Palin being Vice President of the United States is a much funnier joke. And I didn't lie about Sarah Palin. She quit being Governor of Alaska. How does that qualify her to be President of the Senate?

And, no, I don't support Barack Obama because Barack Obama is a war criminal like George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon.
White trash...

Obama didn't save the economy....the UE rate is between 10%-15% if those out of the workforce are actually counted.

Ending wars? We are still in Afghanistan, trailer trash. FYI...Iraq was already won when he took office, it was just winding down to keep a residual force there which he failed to do and see the mess in Iraq today.

obamacare....are you fucking serious? Good god you must have lead in your trailer water.

Cut the debt???? We are headed to $16 TRILLION debt under the idiot. I guess if you think you run up $50,000 in credit cards, you believe that is a success for you.

Obama won because he lied and promised all kinds of free shit....which has been proven to be all lies.

He said Iraq was a disaster then took credit for it but today won't say a word about the mess he created fully leaving Iraq to Iran and AQI.

Obama is a swindler and uses his 1/2 black skin to fool people and to gain sympathy from white trash like you.

Reasons Obama got elected:

1. Republicans fucked up big time with an unpopular war and economic collapse
2. Obama was young and dynamic and offered a promise of the future
3. Obama was black and not ethnic

Republicans got trounced in 2008 and had no chance after 8 years of Bush

Obama delivered on

Saving the economy
Ending the wars
Healtcare plan
Cutting the deficit in half
Ending the Bush tax cuts
So a rich person that created their own wealth can't talk about being poor or middle class before becoming rich? :cuckoo: liberal scum like to ban free speech when the speaker isn't parroting your bullshit.

Bill Gates can say what he likes. He barely remembers what it was like to have nothing.

He has no business talking about minimum wage. He has no idea what its like to live on it in this age. He should shut up.
Shitstain...quit talking about Palin and defend your shoe shine boy Obama.

What does Sarah Palin have a clue about? Anything? She didn't finish her term as Governor. "She can see Russia from her kitchen window" or whatever. The GOP tried to get this primate elected to the second highest office in the world. If anything would have happened to McCain, we would have had Sarah Palin as the President of the United States of America. The idea that the GOP can't see anything wrong with that is truly frightening.
Uh....I see you didn't defend Obama, instead you went on some lies about Palin who didn't even run for POTUS.

FYI...the see Russia from her porch was a joke, you stupid fuck.
It wasn't a funny joke. The idea of Sarah Palin being Vice President of the United States is a much funnier joke. And I didn't lie about Sarah Palin. She quit being Governor of Alaska. How does that qualify her to be President of the Senate?

And, no, I don't support Barack Obama because Barack Obama is a war criminal like George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon.
Ahhhh, he doesn't live off minimum wage like you...ahhh.

So when Warren Buffett talks about the minimum wage...he should STFU too?

So a rich person that created their own wealth can't talk about being poor or middle class before becoming rich? :cuckoo: liberal scum like to ban free speech when the speaker isn't parroting your bullshit.

Bill Gates can say what he likes. He barely remembers what it was like to have nothing.

He has no business talking about minimum wage. He has no idea what its like to live on it in this age. He should shut up.
White trash...

Obama didn't save the economy....the UE rate is between 10%-15% if those out of the workforce are actually counted.

Ending wars? We are still in Afghanistan, trailer trash. FYI...Iraq was already won when he took office, it was just winding down to keep a residual force there which he failed to do and see the mess in Iraq today.

obamacare....are you fucking serious? Good god you must have lead in your trailer water.

Cut the debt???? We are headed to $16 TRILLION debt under the idiot. I guess if you think you run up $50,000 in credit cards, you believe that is a success for you.

Obama won because he lied and promised all kinds of free shit....which has been proven to be all lies.

He said Iraq was a disaster then took credit for it but today won't say a word about the mess he created fully leaving Iraq to Iran and AQI.

Obama is a swindler and uses his 1/2 black skin to fool people and to gain sympathy from white trash like you.

Republicans got trounced in 2008 and had no chance after 8 years of Bush

Obama delivered on

Saving the economy
Ending the wars
Healtcare plan
Cutting the deficit in half
Ending the Bush tax cuts

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

Sticking your head in he sand wont change that
Now we are confronted with the question as to whether Hillary Clinton's having quit as Obama's Secretary of State disqualifies her from the presidency democrats feel she is entitled to.
Raise minimum wage or not MACHINES are going to replace those workers (and most of YOU, too) sooner rather than later.
Every salaried human who is replaced by a robot is one less potential purchaser of the product or service produced or provided by the mechanical worker.

What can come of that?

Man, minimum wage arguments really stir up the stupid. By this logic, we should ban power tools.
Of course white didn't post any "FACTS" to counter my points because you can't.

You are nothing but a moron that posts lie after lie here believing we will believe it.

Come on twit....tell us about why the workforce has SHRUNK under Obama, Iraq is a mess right now and obamacare has democraps campaigning against it....

White trash...

Obama didn't save the economy....the UE rate is between 10%-15% if those out of the workforce are actually counted.

Ending wars? We are still in Afghanistan, trailer trash. FYI...Iraq was already won when he took office, it was just winding down to keep a residual force there which he failed to do and see the mess in Iraq today.

obamacare....are you fucking serious? Good god you must have lead in your trailer water.

Cut the debt???? We are headed to $16 TRILLION debt under the idiot. I guess if you think you run up $50,000 in credit cards, you believe that is a success for you.

Republicans got trounced in 2008 and had no chance after 8 years of Bush

Obama delivered on

Saving the economy
Ending the wars
Healtcare plan
Cutting the deficit in half
Ending the Bush tax cuts

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

Sticking your head in he sand wont change that
Now we are confronted with the question as to whether Hillary Clinton's having quit as Obama's Secretary of State disqualifies her from the presidency democrats feel she is entitled to.

Do you ever post anything worthwhile?
Only enough to keep your undivided attention.

I do admit, though, that doesn't take a lot of effort.
His owner keeps him busy with the laser pointer's red dot....he just hasn't chased it over the ledge yet.

Only enough to keep your undivided attention.

I do admit, though, that doesn't take a lot of effort.
If you pay a burger flipper $20 per hour, what is his incentive to become anything more than a burger flipper?

My son-in-law didn't graduate high-school. He works for UPS as a truck driver. But thanks to the Teamsters Union he earns as much as many college-educated semi-professionals. In fact I am college educated and I'm retired from a professional-level civil service job, but he earns as much as I ever did.

So my answer to your question is, who wants to drive a truck or flip hamburgers all day? I could have but I didn't and I wouldn't, which is why I took my parents' advice and hit the books.

But some people might not mind driving a truck or flipping hamburgers, while others are simply not capable of doing more. Those jobs are necessary to a functioning society, so those willing workers should not be exploited with inadequate wages.

While I do support a socially adequate minimum wage I also advocate imposing a profit-sharing policy on all for-profit businesses. I.e., a workers wage level would be predicated on the profit margin of his/her employer.

Bottom line: Wealth is a good thing -- excessive wealth isn't.

Per the bolded. Fine, then employees also get to take the risk of failure. You want an equal share of a company then you get the upside and the downside equally. The company makes money you get some after having some of your pay go toward the initial investment. If the company loses money you have to pay in. If you want some of the profit you take some of the risk. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to handle that part of the deal.
Raise minimum wage or not MACHINES are going to replace those workers (and most of YOU, too) sooner rather than later.

Just not true. I mean, we've heard that for almost a century now. If that was actually true, then we should have all been replaced by machines, several times over by this point. I'm not. Millions are not.

The truth is, labor is replaced by machines, when labor is too expensive. That's all there is to it.

Now in some cases, when the natural market supply of labor is low, and the demand for labor is high, then people are replaced by machines through market forces.

That is inherently the least damaging method of replacing people with machines, because there is inherently few people being replaced. The whole reason the price of labor is high, is because the supply of labor is low. Thus if the supply of labor is low, fewer people are being replaced with machines.

But the other method that labor costs go up, is through the non-market forces of government.

When government drives up labor costs, with minimum wages, and with mandated costs of health care, or unemployment compensation, or other things.... well then even thought the supply of labor is high, and thus many people need those low-skill jobs, those jobs disappear, which drastically harms the economy. Now those people are unemployed, and have few opportunities to get even the lowest skill jobs.

But companies do not replace workers with machines, unless the cost of labor goes too high, regardless of whether the cause is market supply and demand, or by force of the government.

For example, my uncle is an engineer, that works for a company that makes automated glassware machines. Glass cups, glass jewelry, glass plates.... so on and so fourth.

He was sent on a 3 week journey through China, to pitch the automated glassware to Chinese glassware companies. He returned from the trip with zero sales. He explained that currently the price of labor is just a few dollars lower, than the cost of running the glassware machines. Thus, even though one machine could do the work of 5 men, because the price of labor was low, they didn't replace their employees with machines.

When the price of labor increases far enough above the break-even point of the automation machines, they will buy them. Now that can either happen because of supply and demand, in which case the way supply of labor drops (because more workers move on to better things), or because government makes a minimum wage the kills jobs, and those workers are unemployed.
Of course white didn't post any "FACTS" to counter my points because you can't.

You are nothing but a moron that posts lie after lie here believing we will believe it.

Come on twit....tell us about why the workforce has SHRUNK under Obama, Iraq is a mess right now and obamacare has democraps campaigning against it....

White trash...

Obama didn't save the economy....the UE rate is between 10%-15% if those out of the workforce are actually counted.

Ending wars? We are still in Afghanistan, trailer trash. FYI...Iraq was already won when he took office, it was just winding down to keep a residual force there which he failed to do and see the mess in Iraq today.

obamacare....are you fucking serious? Good god you must have lead in your trailer water.

Cut the debt???? We are headed to $16 TRILLION debt under the idiot. I guess if you think you run up $50,000 in credit cards, you believe that is a success for you.

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

Sticking your head in he sand wont change that

Everything I listed is a fact. Ecnonomic collapse reversed, Deficit cut in half, Bush tax cuts repealed, Wars will be over with Afghanistan done in a few months, Healthcare bill was passed
Oh no....the minimum wage worker that puts in 40 hours a week flipping burgers think he is the equal of the person that invested thousands/millions in the company.....until there are record losses or some lawsuit because the burger flipper put something illegal (spit, soap,, etc) in someone's food....then they want to walk away as if they never worked there. :eusa_whistle:

If you pay a burger flipper $20 per hour, what is his incentive to become anything more than a burger flipper?

My son-in-law didn't graduate high-school. He works for UPS as a truck driver. But thanks to the Teamsters Union he earns as much as many college-educated semi-professionals. In fact I am college educated and I'm retired from a professional-level civil service job, but he earns as much as I ever did.

So my answer to your question is, who wants to drive a truck or flip hamburgers all day? I could have but I didn't and I wouldn't, which is why I took my parents' advice and hit the books.

But some people might not mind driving a truck or flipping hamburgers, while others are simply not capable of doing more. Those jobs are necessary to a functioning society, so those willing workers should not be exploited with inadequate wages.

While I do support a socially adequate minimum wage I also advocate imposing a profit-sharing policy on all for-profit businesses. I.e., a workers wage level would be predicated on the profit margin of his/her employer.

Bottom line: Wealth is a good thing -- excessive wealth isn't.

Per the bolded. Fine, then employees also get to take the risk of failure. You want an equal share of a company then you get the upside and the downside equally. The company makes money you get some after having some of your pay go toward the initial investment. If the company loses money you have to pay in. If you want some of the profit you take some of the risk. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to handle that part of the deal.
I'm not rich. Not even close. I also love my job. I know a few rich people and I couldn't care less how they amassed their wealth. In fact I am happy they found success. Most of the people I know ALL started out on minimum wage jobs in life. NONE of them are still there however.

And that is the crux of the problem

Not just minimum wage but the career path to self sufficiency

It ain't what it used to be

It is exactly what it used to be.
This guy knows a thing or two about creating jobs and building a business into a Fortune 500 corporation...

Bill Gates: Raising The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs

Mr Gates is correct.

Only the ignorant fascist/socialist , aka, progressive axis fails to understand that point.

Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage

In truth, there is only one way to regard a minimum wage law: it is compulsory unemployment, period. The law says: it is illegal, and therefore criminal, for anyone to hire anyone else below the level of X dollars an hour. This means, plainly and simply, that a large number of free and voluntary wage contracts are now outlawed and hence that there will be a large amount of unemployment. Remember that the minimum wage law provides no jobs; it only outlaws them; and outlawed jobs are the inevitable result..
In truth, minimum wage laws prevailed throughout the most productive decades in our history.

How do you explain that?

Massive ignorance.
Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

Sticking your head in he sand wont change that

Are you serious? Or was that sarcasm?

Promising things that were already largely accomplished before you got into office, or are things that would happen without you doing anything, is not much of a promise.

I promise that tomorrow, if you allow me to drive my car, the sun will come up.

I'll get up really early, and drive my car on the freeway, and I promise I'll get that sun to rise up. There could be some clouds, but you'll know I delivered on my promise, because it will get bright enough to see everything.

Obama promised to end the wars? Both wars were largely completed. The surge, the near elimination of the Taliban, had all been done. There was little more than mopping up that needed completed.

As far as the economy, that would have recovered without Obama doing anything. And as far as we can tell, his policies have dragged out the slow down, for 6 years.

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