Bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn's books from public schools


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Ark. bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn books from public schools

I agree we need to ban unAmerican books like this filth,it will only make kids go to a public library and check it out. I know who he is and I don't have any interest in reading his filth marxist anti American garbage he passed off as literature. Its better to bring it up in class have an open discussion about this Anti American marxist scumbag and be done with it. :)
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
Howard Zinn was teaching a class, but he wasn’t yet a professor and his classroom wasn’t at a university. It was late 1951, and the students who gathered for Zinn’s lessons in Brooklyn were his fellow members of the Communist Party USA.

One of Zinn’s comrades described him as “a person with some authority” within the local CPUSA section and said that Zinn’s class was on “basic Marxism,” the theme being “that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”

That description, furnished to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a former Communist in 1957, is included in more than 400 pages of Zinn’s FBI file made public last week.

The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.

In 1948, an FBI confidential informant had spoken to Zinn at a protest in front of the White House and reported that, during the course of their conversation, “Zinn indicated that he is a member of the Communist Party and that he attends Party meetings five nights a week in Brooklyn.” Zinn, who was then a 26-year-old Army Air Force veteran attending New York University, expressed to the informant his support for Henry Wallace’s third-party “Progressive” presidential campaign, “indicating that the Communist Party was 100% behind this Movement,” according to the FBI file.

Additional investigation showed that Zinn was active in several Communist-dominated “front groups,” and that in 1947 Zinn was a delegate to a conference of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, which had been designated a subversive organization by the Attorney General pursuant to a 1947 executive order of President Truman. Furthermore, according to another informant, Zinn’s Brooklyn address “appeared on a list of addressograph stencils at Communist Party Headquarters” in New York.

The Case Against Howard Zinn
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
Howard Zinn was teaching a class, but he wasn’t yet a professor and his classroom wasn’t at a university. It was late 1951, and the students who gathered for Zinn’s lessons in Brooklyn were his fellow members of the Communist Party USA.

One of Zinn’s comrades described him as “a person with some authority” within the local CPUSA section and said that Zinn’s class was on “basic Marxism,” the theme being “that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”

That description, furnished to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a former Communist in 1957, is included in more than 400 pages of Zinn’s FBI file made public last week.

The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.

In 1948, an FBI confidential informant had spoken to Zinn at a protest in front of the White House and reported that, during the course of their conversation, “Zinn indicated that he is a member of the Communist Party and that he attends Party meetings five nights a week in Brooklyn.” Zinn, who was then a 26-year-old Army Air Force veteran attending New York University, expressed to the informant his support for Henry Wallace’s third-party “Progressive” presidential campaign, “indicating that the Communist Party was 100% behind this Movement,” according to the FBI file.

Additional investigation showed that Zinn was active in several Communist-dominated “front groups,” and that in 1947 Zinn was a delegate to a conference of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, which had been designated a subversive organization by the Attorney General pursuant to a 1947 executive order of President Truman. Furthermore, according to another informant, Zinn’s Brooklyn address “appeared on a list of addressograph stencils at Communist Party Headquarters” in New York.

The Case Against Howard Zinn

Sorry but when you start banning books where does it stop? Classics such as Huck Finn and others are under fire. I just don't agree with it
Ark. bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn books from public schools

I agree we need to ban unAmerican books like this filth,it will only make kids go to a public library and check it out. I know who he is and I don't have any interest in reading his filth marxist anti American garbage he passed off as literature. Its better to bring it up in class have an open discussion about this Anti American marxist scumbag and be done with it. :)
Kids can read it anytime online...
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
This is about banning his books from being used as school textbooks to educate students with. His propaganda doesn't belong in any American classroom.

The Case Against Howard Zinn
The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.
I didn't know who Howard Zinn was but I found out something about him on the web. It seems he wasn't a "pure" Marxist but just some kind of leftist pacifist :)
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
This is about banning his books from being used as school textbooks to educate students with. His propaganda doesn't belong in any American classroom.

The Case Against Howard Zinn
The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.

Parents and school boards should decide what text books are used.

At our oldests school they were using a text book that taught the Christians were the aggressors during the Crusades which couldn't be further from the truth, after some meetings and research the text book was replaced.

A perfect example as to why parents need to be involved
I didn't know who Howard Zinn was but I found out something about him on the web. It seems he wasn't a "pure" Marxist but just some kind of leftist pacifist :)

If you know nothing at all, you can tell by the OP that he must be writing things some people don't want anybody to know about.

Wonder why.
Ark. bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn books from public schools

I agree we need to ban unAmerican books like this filth,it will only make kids go to a public library and check it out. I know who he is and I don't have any interest in reading his filth marxist anti American garbage he passed off as literature. Its better to bring it up in class have an open discussion about this Anti American marxist scumbag and be done with it. :)
Interesting. Never heard of him before. Will have to check his books out. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
Howard Zinn was teaching a class, but he wasn’t yet a professor and his classroom wasn’t at a university. It was late 1951, and the students who gathered for Zinn’s lessons in Brooklyn were his fellow members of the Communist Party USA.

One of Zinn’s comrades described him as “a person with some authority” within the local CPUSA section and said that Zinn’s class was on “basic Marxism,” the theme being “that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”

That description, furnished to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a former Communist in 1957, is included in more than 400 pages of Zinn’s FBI file made public last week.

The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.

In 1948, an FBI confidential informant had spoken to Zinn at a protest in front of the White House and reported that, during the course of their conversation, “Zinn indicated that he is a member of the Communist Party and that he attends Party meetings five nights a week in Brooklyn.” Zinn, who was then a 26-year-old Army Air Force veteran attending New York University, expressed to the informant his support for Henry Wallace’s third-party “Progressive” presidential campaign, “indicating that the Communist Party was 100% behind this Movement,” according to the FBI file.

Additional investigation showed that Zinn was active in several Communist-dominated “front groups,” and that in 1947 Zinn was a delegate to a conference of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, which had been designated a subversive organization by the Attorney General pursuant to a 1947 executive order of President Truman. Furthermore, according to another informant, Zinn’s Brooklyn address “appeared on a list of addressograph stencils at Communist Party Headquarters” in New York.

The Case Against Howard Zinn

Sorry but when you start banning books where does it stop? Classics such as Huck Finn and others are under fire. I just don't agree with it

Damn it Sassy, you gotta quit posting stuff I agree with, because eventually people might start to think we like each other.

But, I totally agree. If you start banning books, then where does it stop? Opening up the floodgates just a crack will lead to a torrent, where the state will eventually ban all books they don't agree with, and then it's a quick trip to living in a dictatorship or police state.
Ark. bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn books from public schools

I agree we need to ban unAmerican books like this filth,it will only make kids go to a public library and check it out. I know who he is and I don't have any interest in reading his filth marxist anti American garbage he passed off as literature. Its better to bring it up in class have an open discussion about this Anti American marxist scumbag and be done with it. :)
Interesting. Never heard of him before. Will have to check his books out. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
The fire gets started..

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