Bill Maher Asks Liberals Who Didn’t Vote for Hillary Clinton ‘What Do You Say Now?’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The video pretty much says it all:

In 2020, when the media again tries to convince you there is no lesser of 2 evils between Trump and whoever he's up against, don't buy into it.
The Regressive Left hates this guy, which is just delicious. Honest liberals are like garlic to them.
The video pretty much says it all:

Cold day in hell before I care one watt about what Bill Mahler thinks about anything. Hope he said that Hillary was such an f'ed up bitch that even most of her own party couldn't stomach voting for her. Imagine their disappointment when in 4 years, Trump is much more popular, he has eliminated illegal immigration, brought better stability to the world, kicked most the criminal gangs out of the country, improved healthcare and made it affordable, cut taxes, and risen the standard of living. Can't wait to see what democrat they put up to run against him! Maybe it will be Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Elizabeth Warren as their next presidential candidate!!! :thewave:

Serious, if you think about it, we still have the other 16 GOP candidates, most of which (forget Jeb), were all good people. Any one of them would make a good president IMO. But who does the Dems have? They don't have Hillary anymore and she was a joke! Pathetic. And their #2 guy was Bernie Sanders? The guy wasn't even a democrat. Whose next? Lassie or Ed the talking horse?
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The video pretty much says it all:

Cold day in hell before I care one watt about what Bill Mahler thinks about anything. Hope he said that Hillary was such an f'ed up bitch that even most of her own party couldn't stomach voting for her. Imagine their disappointment when in 4 years, Trump is much more popular, he has eliminated illegal immigration, brought better stability to the world, kicked most the criminal gangs out of the country, improved healthcare and made it affordable, cut taxes, and risen the standard of living. Can't wait to see what democrat they put up to run against him! Maybe it will be Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Elizabeth Warren as their next presidential candidate!!! :thewave:
Trump likely won't even make it 4 years.
The video pretty much says it all:

Cold day in hell before I care one watt about what Bill Mahler thinks about anything. Hope he said that Hillary was such an f'ed up bitch that even most of her own party couldn't stomach voting for her. Imagine their disappointment when in 4 years, Trump is much more popular, he has eliminated illegal immigration, brought better stability to the world, kicked most the criminal gangs out of the country, improved healthcare and made it affordable, cut taxes, and risen the standard of living. Can't wait to see what democrat they put up to run against him! Maybe it will be Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Elizabeth Warren as their next presidential candidate!!! :thewave:
Trump likely won't even make it 4 years.
----------------------------------------------------------------- if you really believe that ending statement hogwash , well then , whats the problem OldSchool !!
Maher recently in an interview on CNN suggested that he was a Bernie supporter and wants him to run again.

Therefore, Bill Maher is a socialist. Of course, he only became a socialist AFTER he earned his many millions. I'm sure his opinion before hand would have been different. A good dose of socialism would have kept him at his former station in life. Sort of like the Canadian system.
They say "She's just as old, unlikable, drunk and corrupt as in November when we rejected her"

Well, maybe a little drunker.......if that's possible.
Maher recently in an interview on CNN suggested that he was a Bernie supporter and wants him to run again.

Therefore, Bill Maher is a socialist. Of course, he only became a socialist AFTER he earned his many millions. I'm sure his opinion before hand would have been different. A good dose of socialism would have kept him at his former station in life. Sort of like the Canadian system.

I'm not sure I've seen any poor american socialists! They all seem to have made a killing off the backs of the stupid.
Dream on. Unless Trump has a heart attack or something. Not likely.

Actually, his obesity, gluttonous diet, and having the most stressful job on the planet, make that very, very likely.

I wouldn't count on it. They guy has spent his life handling stress far more than you can ever imagine. He lives for work. He lives for his family. But I agree, I'd like to see him lose a little weight. But no matter, the more I get to know Pence the more I like him as well. Good guy.
Trump likely won't even make it 4 years.

Dream on. Unless Trump has a heart attack or something. Not likely. But then Pence would take over.

Trump is there for at LEAST 4 years. If he keeps his promises, he will be there for eight years almost guaranteed. In fact, I'm following his decisions closely and considering a substantial bet (by my standards) on European betting sites for the 2020 election. If he continues to keep his promises, confronts unfair trade deals, works to bring back jobs and Make America Great Again, I will get ahead of the curve early.

I lost an opportunity of a lifetime when Trump was paying 5-1 in the G.E versus Clinton and believe it or not, 50-1 and even worse odds when just in the primaries!

If only I had a crystal ball...
Dream on. Unless Trump has a heart attack or something. Not likely.

Actually, his obesity, gluttonous diet, and having the most stressful job on the planet, make that very, very likely.

I wouldn't count on it. They guy has spent his life handling stress far more than you can ever imagine. He lives for work. He lives for his family. But I agree, I'd like to see him lose a little weight. But no matter, the more I get to know Pence the more I like him as well. Good guy.
Using your dad's money to pay advisers can't be all that stressful. And Pence spent much of his adult life selling and advocating the use of cigarettes. He's pretty shitty.
They say "She's just as old, unlikable, drunk and corrupt as in November when we rejected her"

Well, maybe a little drunker.......if that's possible.

I know I would be putting away lots of alcohol if I was married to her.


But Bill! You gotta learn to duck! You've always known that Hillary only married you and stayed with you through all of your drugs and womanizing to get into the White House! Now that this dream has floated by, your ass is grass, Dude! You better hope she doesn't have you rubbed out! I mean, they can barely fake affection in public!
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Trump likely won't even make it 4 years.

Dream on. Unless Trump has a heart attack or something. Not likely. But then Pence would take over.

Trump is there for at LEAST 4 years. If he keeps his promises, he will be there for eight years almost guaranteed. In fact, I'm following his decisions closely and considering a substantial bet (by my standards) on European betting sites for the 2020 election. If he continues to keep his promises, confronts unfair trade deals, works to bring back jobs and Make America Great Again, I will get ahead of the curve early.

I lost an opportunity of a lifetime when Trump was paying 5-1 in the G.E versus Clinton and believe it or not, 50-1 and even worse odds when just in the primaries!

If only I had a crystal ball...

I think the night before the election, they were calling it 98.5% certain that Hillary would win. Don't forget Krauthammer's claim that Trump was just a Rodeo Clown in it for the fun and ego and would soon drop out and the public would quickly tire of him. So much for the expert analysis. Made me forever drop George Will as an ass and stop listening to KH for at least six months. Talk about a guy eating crow. But I think it a very safe bet that as long as the guy has breath in his lungs, he will continue to keep promises and get things done. He knows no other way. Screw the EU, Europe has lost its mind and they are wrong on every issue. You could not pay me to live there; fortunately, it seems that GB is finally pulling it together.
Bill Maher Asks Liberals Who Didn’t Vote for Hillary Clinton ‘What Do You Say Now?’

I say that I would not do it again!

Of what relevance is Bill Maher anyway?
That's odd, I don't remember any ad trying to convince me there was 'no lesser of two evils'. I remember a bazillion Hillary commercials about how Trump's bad words were scaring children. That was one of many poor strategies employed by her and her crappy campaign.
Hilary is gone , hopefully forever Gents and Ladies and 'in betweens' !!
The video pretty much says it all:

In 2020, when the media again tries to convince you there is no lesser of 2 evils between Trump and whoever he's up against, don't buy into it.

Well those that voted for Stein or stayed home would most likely not vote foe Clinton.

Sure Trump sucks but the reality is GOP would have the House and Senate, so nothing would be done for the next four years except investigations if Bill sniffed the intern underwear or if Huma still had those naked pics of Hillary.

So no point wondering had green voters voted for Clinton and just move on!

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