Bill Maher Asks Liberals Who Didn’t Vote for Hillary Clinton ‘What Do You Say Now?’

There is no question we would be better off with Hillary in office. But Maher is forgetting something -- people did come out to vote for her, 3,000,000 more people. The election was rigged. Stolen by the GOP who figured out how to suppress the minority vote in 3 key swing states in order to secure an electoral college win. This election was the dirtiest game of politics we've ever seen. The DNC is not innocent in this either, they DID fuck up by screwing the candidate who actually truly resonated with people. Hillary was never able to connect with people on a deep level because she simply wasn't it it for the right reasons. Hillary was motivated by power whereas Bernie was motivated by making a difference and doing something meaningful and right.

I read that he actually won by something like 80K votes in three states, which tipped the electoral college.

No doubt about it -- he lost and ow, so have we.

Her winning the popular vote by 3million is drumpf's idea of a landslide win for him.


drumpf's idea of a landslide win for him.

57%-43% in the EC.
Your idea of a landslide win for her?
There is no question we would be better off with Hillary in office. But Maher is forgetting something -- people did come out to vote for her, 3,000,000 more people. The election was rigged. Stolen by the GOP who figured out how to suppress the minority vote in 3 key swing states in order to secure an electoral college win. This election was the dirtiest game of politics we've ever seen. The DNC is not innocent in this either, they DID fuck up by screwing the candidate who actually truly resonated with people. Hillary was never able to connect with people on a deep level because she simply wasn't it it for the right reasons. Hillary was motivated by power whereas Bernie was motivated by making a difference and doing something meaningful and right.

I read that he actually won by something like 80K votes in three states, which tipped the electoral college.

No doubt about it -- he lost and ow, so have we.

Her winning the popular vote by 3million is drumpf's idea of a landslide win for him.


drumpf's idea of a landslide win for him.

57%-43% in the EC.
Your idea of a landslide win for her?

Forget it, they refuse to understand that the electoral system isn't a majoritarian voting contest.
The video pretty much says it all:

In 2020, when the media again tries to convince you there is no lesser of 2 evils between Trump and whoever he's up against, don't buy into it.

Calling Trump the lessor of two evils is like calling Winston Churchill the lessor of two evils in comparison to Hitler.
Annoyed at Maher because he was one who kept talking negatively about her. He fell for the very same lies about Hillary that the RWNJs did.

There is NO doubt that Hillary would have been so much better for the country and for the world. That's a given.

Also annoyed for saying that libs should let coulter speak, that libs are wrong to "discriminate" against RWNJs, etc -- but said nothing about the right refusing to allow libs to speak.

The coulter crap was about a contract dispute that she set up in order to sell more of her anti-America schlock.

Free speech is and should remain a two way street but no one told the RWNJs. The pussy grabber is working to gut the constitution and RWNJs agree and have agreed since he first talked about it in his campaign kkk rallies

What is a given is that the shrilary would have sold you, and every other American, out in a second to further line her pocket. She is a criminal of the first order and only brain dead people think otherwise.

So try her.

RWNJs hate the constitution and yes, its very likely your pussy grabber will make some massive changes but for now, one is innocent until proven guilty.

And as you know, it was proven she was the most honest.

OTOH, it has also been proven that your pussy grabber is a criminal. Among other disgusting things.

Wrong. They love the COTUS. After all, it IS the Democrat Party that has tried like hell to get it destroyed. The RWNJ's for all of their faults do one thing correct, and that is defend the COTUS. You progressives wipe your ass with it.
There is no question we would be better off with Hillary in office. But Maher is forgetting something -- people did come out to vote for her, 3,000,000 more people. The election was rigged. Stolen by the GOP who figured out how to suppress the minority vote in 3 key swing states in order to secure an electoral college win. This election was the dirtiest game of politics we've ever seen. The DNC is not innocent in this either, they DID fuck up by screwing the candidate who actually truly resonated with people. Hillary was never able to connect with people on a deep level because she simply wasn't it it for the right reasons. Hillary was motivated by power whereas Bernie was motivated by making a difference and doing something meaningful and right.

I read that he actually won by something like 80K votes in three states, which tipped the electoral college.

No doubt about it -- he lost and now, so have we.

Her winning the popular vote by 3million is drumpf's idea of a landslide win for him.


"No doubt about it -- he lost" you say. Then why isn't she the president then?
Actually it "pretty much says nothing". It's puzzling why the angry left seems to depend on the freaking comedy channel for political perspective.
The video pretty much says it all:

In 2020, when the media again tries to convince you there is no lesser of 2 evils between Trump and whoever he's up against, don't buy into it.

Either she had the popular vote or she didn't. Which is it? Did Maher, like many other Democrats, forget about the electoral college? Do you not remember the Democrats and their hired online thugs stating they didn't need anyone else?

Sounds like the Democrats better start focusing on elections. Huh?

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