Bill Maher: Bombing ISIS caused the Paris attacks

Lets see. Putin bombs Isis. Isis attack Paris.
Saudi Arabia flies into twin towers. Bush attacks Iraq.
Ya gotta love rational thought !
Lets see. Putin bombs Isis. Isis attack Paris.
Saudi Arabia flies into twin towers. Bush attacks Iraq.
Ya gotta love rational thought !

ISIS bombed a Russian jetliner. Bush invaded Afghanistan after 9/11.

Ya gotta love liberal selective memory.
The terrorists just released a statement saying that the Paris bombings were justified because Death Metal must be eradicated.

Hard to argue with logic.
Let him say that to OBama's face. everything happening today is HIS FAULT
All we know for certain is that Obama switched sides and completely destabilized the Middle East causing the current refugee crisis
Let him say that to OBama's face. everything happening today is HIS FAULT

Bill Maher is one of the last people on earth I'd take advice from. He's a freaking comic for crying out loud

He is one if he left this country tomorrow, I would forget his name the next day because it's not worth remembering

Years ago I watched him but he got to be too much, now I'd rather do laundry

I never did watch him. I found him and the garbage he spewed repulsive.
Russia on alert after Paris attacks...

Russia heightens security following Paris attack, ISIS threats
14 Nov.`15 - "In light of the new threats, the entire national security network has been put on high alert," Russia's Anti-Terrorist Committee said in a statement.
Russia said it was beefing up its security measures on Saturday following the attacks in Paris, placing security services on high alert, urging vigilance among citizens and promising tighter transport safety measures. Providing little detail, Russia's Anti-Terrorist Committee said that "relevant state agencies" were taking necessary measures to protect Russians. "In light of the new threats, the entire national security network has been put on high alert," the Committee said in a statement. Russia's deputy prime minister in charge of the defence industry Dmitry Rogozin said Russian defence bodies had introduced additional anti-terror security measures, according to Interfax news agency.


Screenshot from the ISIS video threatening an attack on Russian soil "very soon"...​

Islamic State, which has claimed responsibility for Friday's attacks in Paris that killed 127 people, has released a video threatening attacks in Russia "very soon," the SITE monitoring group said on Thursday. Russia began air strike operations last month in Syria, which the Kremlin says have been aimed at eliminating Islamic State and other terrorist groups in the country. President Vladimir Putin said Russia needed to act pre-emptively to prevent the spread of terrorism. This weekend Putin will attend the Group of 20 summit in Antalya in Turkey where the fight against terrorism is expected to be on the agenda.

On Saturday, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said his ministry would implement transport safety measures, RIA news agency reported. Russian Railways, the country's largest passenger carrier, said in a statement that additional steps would be taken to strengthen security and control on the busiest parts of the railway network. Russian aviation regulator Rosaviatsiya said it was not considering suspending flights to France although increased security checks were to be expected at the country's airports. Moscow residents have paid tribute to victims of Paris attacks and laid flowers at the French embassy in Moscow.

Russia heightens security following Paris attack, ISIS threats

See also:

Paris Attacks: Iranian President Rouhani Cancels Trip to France
Nov 14 2015 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has canceled a trip to France after the terror attack that killed at least 127 people and wounded 200 others.
The state-run IRNA news agency quoted Rouhani as saying Saturday that Iran "itself has been a victim of the scourge of terrorism" and the fight against terrorism must go on. It did not elaborate why he canceled the visit, but authorities said the trip would be rescheduled.

.@fhollande On behalf of great nation of Iran who's suffered evils of terrorism I condemn #ParisAttacks. Our thoughts & prayers are with you
— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) November 14, 2015

France was one of the world powers involved in recent negotiations with the Islamic Republic over its contested nuclear program.

Hossein Jaber Ansari, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, also was quoted by IRNA as saying: "Those terrorist groups that committed the Paris crimes do not believe in ethical principles and they are not loyal to any type of divine religions — including Islam."

Iran's Rouhani Axes France Trip, Vows to Fight Terrorism

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