Bill Maher: Bombing ISIS caused the Paris attacks

The American people will settle with Maher, provided he survives, after Iran, or their surrogate nukes a dozen, or even a hundred, US cities. Most of the dead will be Democrats in the cities. The nation's politics then will be driven by the politics of fly over country where Barack (AKA Mohamed's Horse) Hussein Obama has less than a thirty per cent approval rating.
Lets see. Putin bombs Isis. Isis attack Paris.
Saudi Arabia flies into twin towers. Bush attacks Iraq.
Ya gotta love rational thought !

ISIS bombed a Russian jetliner. Bush invaded Afghanistan after 9/11.

Ya gotta love liberal selective memory.

Well let's be honest here, it's hard to be a muzzie sympathizer

Evidently not for our loony lefties. Their vociferous response here to the latest expression of Islamic "love" has ranged from blaming Christians, Jews, America, France, the West, colonialism and, of course, Israel to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

Everyone and everything except Islamists, Islamism or Islam.
maher's a jew...

You're a liar but I understand why you Nazi slugs must always lie about Jooos.'s accurate....his mother is/was jewish..look it up, shlomo

Maher was neither raised Jewish nor does he claim to be or ever have been Jewish. He was raised in his Irish American father's Roman Catholic religion and until his early teens, was unaware that his mom was Jewish.

Look it up, Adolph.
maher's a jew...

You're a liar but I understand why you Nazi slugs must always lie about Jooos.'s accurate....his mother is/was jewish..look it up, shlomo

Maher was neither raised Jewish nor does he claim to be or ever have been Jewish. He was raised in his Irish American father's Roman Catholic religion and until his early teens, was unaware that his mom was Jewish.

Look it up, Adolph.
his mother was a jew. He's jewish, shlomo..oy vey!

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