Bill Maher: Recession would be 'worth it' if Trump doesn't get re-elected

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead living independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their own lives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
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hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
He's just echoing the sentiments of every Trump hating Liberal in America. Hoping for American failure so their loser candidate might have a chance in 2020. Talk about pathetic.
There is a reason that Liberalism is considered a mental illness. .. :cuckoo:
Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
Yes, the country is dying because the Democrats want to turn this country into a Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore. Los Crapolos the rat infested tent city, has plague warnings. San Fransicko, has maps of where not to go in the city because human fecal matter is there. This poster, who is a flaming liberal idiot( redundant statement I know), should pull his head out of his ass, but if he did, there would be such a sucking noise, like Monica on Bills you know what.

hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

But you see, this dumbass liberal, thinks that there is a recession coming, and there will be, as it has been since the market first got formed. He is just hoping that it will be blamed on President Trump, while overlooking that when the last recession came, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, the people who hold the purse strings. Who is in charge of Congress again?
Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
Yes, the country is dying because the Democrats want to turn this country into a Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore. Los Crapolos the rat infested tent city, has plague warnings. San Fransicko, has maps of where not to go in the city because human fecal matter is there. This poster, who is a flaming liberal idiot( redundant statement I know), should pull his head out of his ass, but if he did, there would be such a sucking noise, like Monica on Bills you know what.

View attachment 272638
After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich in tax rates and policy, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and the middle class and our infrastructure have slowly gone to hell. And you blame the poor blacks in GOP ghettos. As if the Democrats have anything to do with it. It is a give away to the rich screw everybody else GOP America dumbasses.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

But you see, this dumbass liberal, thinks that there is a recession coming, and there will be, as it has been since the market first got formed. He is just hoping that it will be blamed on President Trump, while overlooking that when the last recession came, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, the people who hold the purse strings. Who is in charge of Congress again?
It will be obvious to everyone that his tariffs and trade Wars have done incredible damage to the fragile World economy. All thanks to the GOP and its swamp. Most of the world hasn't recovered from the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression. Everybody knows it but the dupes LOL aaarrrggghhh....
He is amoral, unfunny, and generally dim. However, he entertains the proles in a way that lets them FEEL, as if they are superior to those whom they laugh at. Maher is a disgusting Jew.
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Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
Yes, the country is dying because the Democrats want to turn this country into a Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore. Los Crapolos the rat infested tent city, has plague warnings. San Fransicko, has maps of where not to go in the city because human fecal matter is there. This poster, who is a flaming liberal idiot( redundant statement I know), should pull his head out of his ass, but if he did, there would be such a sucking noise, like Monica on Bills you know what.

View attachment 272638
After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich in tax rates and policy, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and the middle class and our infrastructure have slowly gone to hell. And you blame the poor blacks in GOP ghettos. As if the Democrats have anything to do with it. It is a give away to the rich screw everybody else GOP America dumbasses.
There is that wealth envy again. Instead of bitching about working people getting a tax break, why dont you put the bong down, and go out and get a job? Oh, yeah, your brain is like scrambled eggs. Fried.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
While it may be true we're still in a recession being kept above water by the federal reserve, it's no excuse for Bill Maher becoming who he is now an arrogant, disrespectful snob.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

But you see, this dumbass liberal, thinks that there is a recession coming, and there will be, as it has been since the market first got formed. He is just hoping that it will be blamed on President Trump, while overlooking that when the last recession came, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, the people who hold the purse strings. Who is in charge of Congress again?
It will be obvious to everyone that his tariffs and trade Wars have done incredible damage to the fragile World economy. All thanks to the GOP and its swamp. Most of the world hasn't recovered from the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression. Everybody knows it but the dupes LOL aaarrrggghhh....
I couldn't give a shit about the world economy. This is about the United States of America, and if other countries want to take advantage of US and steal our money, then they can go screw themselves. We are now energy independent, we have more manufacturing in this country than Obummer ever dreamed about. We have less people on welfare and working. Tariffs drive up prices of "foreign" goods, so now Made in America stuff, can compete with the junk from overseas. You are for the US union workers arent you?
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
What is President Trump doing that is so awful?
So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.

Still, with only the Senate, with a Dem-run House that has done nothing but attempt to undermine and Impeach him...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back


Like I said, YOU are a very FUNNY...and BITTER...person.

After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich in tax rates and policy, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and the middle class and our infrastructure have slowly gone to hell. And you blame the poor blacks in GOP ghettos. As if the Democrats have anything to do with it. It is a give away to the rich screw everybody else GOP America dumbasses.
If the DNC wasn't even more corrupt , then you could blame the GOP. exclusively.

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