Bill Maher: Recession would be 'worth it' if Trump doesn't get re-elected

What is President Trump doing that is so awful?
In fairness you could easily ask a lot of conservatives the exact same question about Obama. I live in the south and talk to people - Christian- right's who still blame Obama for a bunch of things that he had nothing to do with like raising the SS age, the entire $22 trillion debt's what propaganda and lies do ---what they're designed for to mislead and misinform people.
Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
Yes, the country is dying because the Democrats want to turn this country into a Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore. Los Crapolos the rat infested tent city, has plague warnings. San Fransicko, has maps of where not to go in the city because human fecal matter is there. This poster, who is a flaming liberal idiot( redundant statement I know), should pull his head out of his ass, but if he did, there would be such a sucking noise, like Monica on Bills you know what.

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After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich in tax rates and policy, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and the middle class and our infrastructure have slowly gone to hell. And you blame the poor blacks in GOP ghettos. As if the Democrats have anything to do with it. It is a give away to the rich screw everybody else GOP America dumbasses.
Dude, the 'Middle Class' is making a come back under Trump. Obviously you have not been listening to your own candidates who have openly declared they plan to make the 'Middle Class' EXTINCT'!

Democrats want to make it illegal for them to own their own preferred health care and force them into Single Payer where they will pay MORE and receive LESS benefits and NO choice.

Democrats want them not only to be FORCED to pay for THEIR Single Payer coverage - they want the Middle Class to pay for health care ... and housing and food and education ... for criminal illegals....22+ million already in the US and approx 60,000 more coming EVERY month...

Democrats want the 'Middle Class' to pay for everyone's college tuition, to include those like Warren who committed fraud and STOLE her scholarship from a minority.

Democrats want the 'Middle Class' to fund the 'Green New Deal' that will force approx 50 million US citizens to lose their jobs when the Dems outlaw fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine, making working Americans previously PAYING taxes into unemployed Americans living of tax payer-funded social program...which probably won't exist at that point.

Even AOC admitted we would never be able to afford her 'GND', alone, that we would economically collapse.

So, WTF are YOU talking about?!
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

But you see, this dumbass liberal, thinks that there is a recession coming, and there will be, as it has been since the market first got formed. He is just hoping that it will be blamed on President Trump, while overlooking that when the last recession came, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, the people who hold the purse strings. Who is in charge of Congress again?
The idea the Democrats caused the corrupt GOP World depression is ridiculous, super duper.
Typical Liberal - only happy when the nation is doing poorly, dependent on Democrats and their handouts instead foiling independent and successful.

Democrats / snowflakes....I have never seen so many people afraid to try, to take responsibility of their ownives, and instead seek to be slaves / tended sheep.
What a pile of crap, super duper. This country is dying for Democrat in real power -this is pathetic -worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere....
Yes, the country is dying because the Democrats want to turn this country into a Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore. Los Crapolos the rat infested tent city, has plague warnings. San Fransicko, has maps of where not to go in the city because human fecal matter is there. This poster, who is a flaming liberal idiot( redundant statement I know), should pull his head out of his ass, but if he did, there would be such a sucking noise, like Monica on Bills you know what.

View attachment 272638
After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich in tax rates and policy, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and the middle class and our infrastructure have slowly gone to hell. And you blame the poor blacks in GOP ghettos. As if the Democrats have anything to do with it. It is a give away to the rich screw everybody else GOP America dumbasses.
Dude, the 'Middle Class' is making a come back under Trump. Obviously you have not been listening to your own candidates who have openly declared they plan to make the 'Middle Class' EXTINCT'!

Democrats want to make it illegal for them to own their own preferred health care and force them into Single Payer where they will pay MORE and receive LESS benefits and NO choice.

Democrats want them not only to be FORCED to pay for THEIR Single Payer coverage - they want the Middle Class to pay for health care ... and housing and food and education ... for criminal illegals....22+ million already in the US and approx 60,000 more coming EVERY month...

Democrats want the 'Middle Class' to pay for everyone's college tuition, to include those like Warren who committed fraud and STOLE her scholarship from a minority.

Democrats want the 'Middle Class' to fund the 'Green New Deal' that will force approx 50 million US citizens to lose their jobs when the Dems outlaw fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine, making working Americans previously PAYING taxes into unemployed Americans living of tax payer-funded social program...which probably won't exist at that point.

Even AOC admitted we would never be able to afford her 'GND', alone, that we would economically collapse.

So, WTF are YOU talking about?!
Reality. What color is the sky on your planet, Super Dupe? All pathetic GOP propaganda...the world's journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts.
Democrats caused the corrupt GOP World depression is ridiculous, super duper.
No, what is ridiculous is how snowflakes like you can't understand how the DEMOCRATS controlled the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office...which meant DEMOCRATS controlled the US budget...spending...the ECONOMY....and yet you still believe the Democrat propaganda that Barry inherited a declining / bad economy from Bush / the GOP.

Dude, Barry inherited the economy his own built and gave him during Bush's last two years...and his 1st 2 office.


Silly snowflakes...
Democrats caused the corrupt GOP World depression is ridiculous, super duper.
No, what is ridiculous is how snowflakes like you can't understand how the DEMOCRATS controlled the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office...which meant DEMOCRATS controlled the US budget...spending...the ECONOMY....and yet you still believe the Democrat propaganda that Barry inherited a declining / bad economy from Bush / the GOP.

Dude, Barry inherited the economy his own built and gave him during Bush's last two years...and his 1st 2 office.


Silly snowflakes...
The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over. Corrupt GOP oversight of their cronies in the private financial institutions and insurers made for so many toxic assets sold around the world. Another deregulation cronyism bubble and bust just like the Republicans do every time they get 8 years. C 1929 1989 s&l crisis 2008. you're just blowing smoke man. The Democrats did nothing to cause it.
if you take a racist policy by Trump and replace with a neutral one by Biden, you dont solve racial inequality.

The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over.
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

if you take a racist policy by Trump and replace with a neutral one by Biden, you dont solve racial inequality.

Obama gave up on economic success, demonstrated by his declaration that manufacturing jobs were gone, never coming back, and called this 'the new norm'.

Those big ideas you say you want - you have them, which is why we have the strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment, and why those jobs came back...Democrats - to include Beto - want a return to failed policy and failure like those under Obama.

The question is name one policy the Democrats have that will make the current economic success even better....


hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over.
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....
Of course he would feel that way as it would very little if any impact on his life.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
Just read this thread. You people are so ignorant and brainwashed you might as well be Rush Limbaugh. Speaking of liars your whole party is based on lies. The Democrats are criminals and the rich pay too much in taxes and are the job producers. What a load. 35 years of this crap has ruined the middle class and our infrastructure. We have a flat tax system, super dupers. It doesn't work and screws people like you.
The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over.
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.

The economy is at all time highs right now along with unemployment. Your lies and your partisanship expose you as the hack that you are. You have no credibility.

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