Bill Maher: Recession would be 'worth it' if Trump doesn't get re-elected

The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over.
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
Fannie and Freddie market share went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and GOP crony regulation and oversight was crap. You have no clue. The Democrats stopped discrimination against worthy blacks. GOP cronies sold toxic mortgages to people who didn't have jobs etc etc. And then sold them all around the world great job scumbag GOP. the whole world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are babbling idiots. They are correct.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.

The economy is at all time highs right now along with unemployment. Your lies and your partisanship expose you as the hack that you are. You have no credibility.
No matter how many $8 an hour jobs there are, our economy is going to hell -gigantic giveaway to the rich ,brainwashed functional moron.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

But you see, this dumbass liberal, thinks that there is a recession coming, and there will be, as it has been since the market first got formed. He is just hoping that it will be blamed on President Trump, while overlooking that when the last recession came, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Congress, the people who hold the purse strings. Who is in charge of Congress again?
The idea the Democrats caused the corrupt GOP World depression is ridiculous, super duper.
Only in your dumbass eyes, the rest of US normal people see right through you , just like we saw that Hope and Change was bullshit. Yeah, Obama's economy couldn't make 2% GDP year after year, the first time ever, so when he printed 4.5 trillion dollars, you all cheered him when he fucked all those people with savings accounts royally. This is why We the People of the US hate your stinking guts.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
This just goes to show that liberals care more about being in power than they do about helping the country. If Obama had had the kind of economy that Trump has given us, liberals would have been broadcasting the good news far and wide and praising Obama for helping to bring it about. But because the economy took off right after Trump (1) began slashing regulations and (2) signaled an end to the war on American business and energy, liberals can't stand it.

Liberals are also befuddled that federal revenue has gone *up* following the Trump tax cuts, not down. Even though the same thing has happened after every major tax cut since the early 1900s, liberals still never seem to learn the lesson that when you let people and businesses keep more of their money, the economic growth and revenue that this generates offsets the tax-rate reduction.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Slow down skippy. Trump sued him when Maher reneged on a bet. Trump is VERY American, he did not start the divisiveness, I think Obama did, and he coined the phrase "fake news" with no one's help.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
Not that any of us were dumbasses, but you are not evil and should only be taxed as the law currently allows.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
70% over 10 million dollars income yes.... Fannie and Freddie my ass super duper...
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Slow down skippy. Trump sued him when Maher reneged on a bet. Trump is VERY American, he did not start the divisiveness, I think Obama did, and he coined the phrase "fake news" with no one's help.
Oh the BET what a joke...
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Slow down skippy. Trump sued him when Maher reneged on a bet. Trump is VERY American, he did not start the divisiveness, I think Obama did, and he coined the phrase "fake news" with no one's help.
Oh the BET what a joke...
everyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows where the fake news is, brainwashed functional moron.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
70% over 10 million dollars income yes.... Fannie and Freddie my ass super duper...
They were covering every bogus sup prime mortgage saying it was okay, dont worry. Are you really that stupid?

Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Slow down skippy. Trump sued him when Maher reneged on a bet. Trump is VERY American, he did not start the divisiveness, I think Obama did, and he coined the phrase "fake news" with no one's help.
Oh the BET what a joke...
everyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows where the fake news is, brainwashed functional moron.
Says the brainwashed nonfunctional moron.

hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
So what you are saying, this booming economy. Is because the republicans?
The Democrats those two years basically did nothing but go along with what Bush wanted it was all over.
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
This just goes to show that liberals care more about being in power than they do about helping the country. If Obama had had the kind of economy that Trump has given us, liberals would have been broadcasting the good news far and wide and praising Obama for helping to bring it about. But because the economy took off right after Trump (1) began slashing regulations and (2) signaled an end to the war on American business and energy, liberals can't stand it.

Liberals are also befuddled that federal revenue has gone *up* following the Trump tax cuts, not down. Even though the same thing has happened after every major tax cut since the early 1900s, liberals still never seem to learn the lesson that when you let people and businesses keep more of their money, the economic growth and revenue that this generates offsets the tax-rate reduction.
"Liberals are also befuddled that federal revenue has gone *up* following the Trump tax cuts, not down."


Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
70% over 10 million dollars income yes.... Fannie and Freddie my ass super duper...
They were covering every bogus sup prime mortgage saying it was okay, dont worry. Are you really that stupid?

And Congress was controlled by:

2001: Republicans
2002: Republicans
2003: Republicans
2004: Republicans
2005: Republicans
2006: Republicans
2007: Democrats

Now the brain-dead right says it's all Barney Frank's fault. :eusa_doh:
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
I have about 500,000 dollars set aside for the next great fall in the DOW. Back in 2007 when I saw that the Housing market was going to crash, because of Fannie and Freddie, Chipotle went from 155 dollars a share to 50 dollars a share. I bought in at that time and when it got to 400 a share it was a good time to sell. That was 8 times profit. Put me very comfortably where I am today. Am I Evil for making such obscene profits? Should I be taxed 70% because I am way smarter than you dumbass.
70% over 10 million dollars income yes.... Fannie and Freddie my ass super duper...
They were covering every bogus sup prime mortgage saying it was okay, dont worry. Are you really that stupid?

And Congress was controlled by:

2001: Republicans
2002: Republicans
2003: Republicans
2004: Republicans
2005: Republicans
2006: Republicans
2007: Democrats

Now the brain-dead right says it's all Barney Frank's fault. :eusa_doh:
That is what got Trump elected. We know the lies now. You still have not figured it out. And they will screw you over when the time comes. Anyway I would support many people like Maher to be put into slave labor camps. He is nottalking 1st amendment because others who have opinions do not have 1st amendment rights as you see by Mario Lopez. And it is getting worse and worse. And Barney did destroy millions of people with Dodd/Frank.
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.
Consider his point of view-he has enough money so the recession won't hurt him. He hates Trump because he has a personal history with him. He figures a Democrat will take the missing recession money from the rich and give it away to the poor per Andrew Yang. He is not crazy-he is dangerous.
Actually he hates Trump because he is a un-american divisive lying and cheating fraud... All he had to do to take over the GOP was to parrot the garbage propaganda from Fox Rush etc....
Slow down skippy. Trump sued him when Maher reneged on a bet. Trump is VERY American, he did not start the divisiveness, I think Obama did, and he coined the phrase "fake news" with no one's help.
Oh the BET what a joke...
The only thing he said I did not think was funny.

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