Bill Maher "Rich" Threads (Merged)

I cannot for the life of me figure out why the fucking libturds want to punish people who work hard and become successful. They seem to be lying whining sniveling jealous little twits and for some unknown reason think somebody owes them something. they can leave here the same way the came in naked. but no one owes them a goddamned thing.

Here are a few facts to ponder, Willow:

* If no new law is adopted, the tax breaks will expire. Action is needed to "gift" this money to the wealthy; no one is proposing a tax increase.

* The nation has a Trillion Dollar deficit. It will take $ 500 Billion every year just to service the interest on that debt. (Assumes an interest rate of 5%.) Unless the US defaults on its debt, this money must be extracted from taxpayers. How much of this tab should your family pick up so that Steve Jobs isn't out another thousand or two, Willow?

* We have tried before cutting taxes on the wealthiest to stimulate the economy. It. Does. Not. Work. Oddly enough, wealthy people will not invest or consume with that extra dough so long as the economy is tanking.

SIMPLE CONCEPT Taxation should not be based on how much money you make, it should be a flat rate adjusted for Poverty level ONLY. It is unacceptable to tax someone a higher percentage simply because he is capable of making more then you. The rich owe the Government no more of a percentage of their wealth then YOU do.

Proposing a flat tax with no deductions would send the top 2%ers scurrying for foreign shores. It is unacceptable to give all the tax breaks to the rich, simply because they are rich.:eusa_angel:

We don't hear the rich complaining. It's rich assholes like Kerry, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Bill Maher himself that think they can get away with vilifying the rich even though they're all rich Fat-cats themselves.

I guess voting Democrat zeros out their bank accounts and allows them to be poor. Democrats are for the little people so they can't be rich......or bigots.....or....mean-spirited.
Maher is on the money as always. Especially this part, which the right-wing partisan hacks on this board fall for every time..

"They say that we need to keep taxes on the rich low because they're the job creators. They're not. They're much more likely to save money through mergers and outsourcing and cheap immigrant labor, and pass the unemployment along to you."
We don't hear the rich complaining. It's rich assholes like Kerry, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Bill Maher himself that think they can get away with vilifying the rich even though they're all rich Fat-cats themselves.

I guess voting Democrat zeros out their bank accounts and allows them to be poor. Democrats are for the little people so they can't be rich......or bigots.....or....mean-spirited.

Is Maher, Kerry or Pelosi whining like little bitches about paying more taxes? Ah, no....
We don't hear the rich complaining. It's rich assholes like Kerry, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Bill Maher himself that think they can get away with vilifying the rich even though they're all rich Fat-cats themselves.

I guess voting Democrat zeros out their bank accounts and allows them to be poor. Democrats are for the little people so they can't be rich......or bigots.....or....mean-spirited.

Is Maher, Kerry or Pelosi whining like little bitches about paying more taxes? Ah, no....

I didn't say they were idiot.

But they are taking advantage of plenty of loopholes.

Remember the yacht that Kerry hid in Connecticut?

How bout Pelosi and her little minimum-wage increase exemption for her business in American-Samoa?

Harry Reid and his son's making money in Nevada?

And Bill Maher losing his gig for saying we had 9/11 coming to us then getting a better gig on HBO for the same reason.

The double-standards are all over the fucken place. What a Republican would get run out of office for the Dems get awards and excuses for.
I personally do NOT support taxing people a HIGHER percentage because they can make more then others. Pretty simple concept. And whether you like it or not wealthy people ARE the ones that create most jobs in this Country. Or do you think poor people somehow start businesses?
During the most productive as well as socially and economically healthy period in American history (1945 - 1982) the progressive income tax extended in stages to the level of 91%. The decline in our economic health and stability began with Ronald Reagan's deregulations of the finance industry and reduction of the maximum income tax rate, which was further reduced by Bush-1, Bill Clinton and Bush-2 to the current level of 15%. A difference of seventy-six percent!

Without venturing into a redundant Economics 101 exchange, please consider that the percentage of Americans living below the poverty level is consistently increasing and millions are being forced out of their homes while each of the top "earning" hedge-fund operators took home over a billion dollars last year. That's a billion dollars each! And there has been a proportional increase in the number of millionaires. Briefly stated, distribution of the material resources of this nation is being reverted to levels attending the Gilded Age. The infamous era of the Robber Barons.

I urge you to consider the difference between ordinary wealth and the kind of excessive wealth which is the source of corruption in government and corrosion in the social order. A higher tax on the highest earners will not remove them from the wealthy upper class but will serve to eliminate an emerging ruling class.

Assuming you're a good American I'm sure you'll agree there is no room for a nobility in our country. What is happening here is simply un-American and if something isn't done to reverse it the U.S. will eventually become an extension of Mexico.
Poor cons continue to lobby for more money for the rich cons ... Go figure.

:lol: It's so unbelievable that they do..

It is unbelievable; but that's only because it's untrue.

It is a stupid baseless libtarded contention.

Nothing much is expected of brain dead libs. And, they deliver as promised.

you can call people names. but the reality is that there is a huge population of so-called conservatives who vote against their own self-interests. there are a lot of reasons why. try reading Deer Hunting With Jesus. It's a pretty interesting read.
Poor cons continue to lobby for more money for the rich cons ... Go figure.

:lol: It's so unbelievable that they do..

It is unbelievable; but that's only because it's untrue.

It is a stupid baseless libtarded contention.

Nothing much is expected of brain dead libs. And, they deliver as promised.

The teapartiers are not made up of wealthy Repubs, not baseless, all you have to do is look at one of their rallies to see that.

A lot of them can't even afford teeth..
:lol: It's so unbelievable that they do..

It is unbelievable; but that's only because it's untrue.

It is a stupid baseless libtarded contention.

Nothing much is expected of brain dead libs. And, they deliver as promised.

you can call people names. but the reality is that there is a huge population of so-called conservatives who vote against their own self-interests. there are a lot of reasons why. try reading Deer Hunting With Jesus. It's a pretty interesting read.


Reality is that ALL liberals vote against their own interests.
:lol: It's so unbelievable that they do..

It is unbelievable; but that's only because it's untrue.

It is a stupid baseless libtarded contention.

Nothing much is expected of brain dead libs. And, they deliver as promised.

The teapartiers are not made up of wealthy Repubs, not baseless, all you have to do is look at one of their rallies to see that.

A lot of them can't even afford teeth..

Tea Party members value the Constitutional principle (a practical necessity which modern American libs have abandoned) that government must be limited.

Lots of liberals like you can't post without absolute reliance on stupid stereotypes.

It is unbelievable; but that's only because it's untrue.

It is a stupid baseless libtarded contention.

Nothing much is expected of brain dead libs. And, they deliver as promised.

The teapartiers are not made up of wealthy Repubs, not baseless, all you have to do is look at one of their rallies to see that.

A lot of them can't even afford teeth..

Tea Party members value the Constitutional principle (a practical necessity which modern American libs have abandoned) that government must be limited.

Lots of liberals like you can't post without absolute reliance on stupid stereotypes.


They are limited issue voters, most have no idea what they are doing there and that those who they are working to elect have no more interest in them than they do yesterday's dinner.
It is pretty simple. However, this country has always had a progressive tax system and it's worked out pretty well I'd say. The government isn't just going to change it now.

We already changed it just didn't make it permanent. Now Obama wants to change it back.

No, RGS. We have never had a flat tax.

» 2010 Federal Income Tax Brackets (IRS Tax Rates)

You are a RETARD, I never said we have a flat tax. But since you have a problem even reading your own quotes keep on being the dumb ass.
You are a RETARD, I never said we have a flat tax. But since you have a problem even reading your own quotes keep on being the dumb ass.

It's just a misunderstanding man.

But the point is this. We've had a progressive tax system for over 100 years and that will NEVER change. In theory a flat tax seems like a good idea but I don't think so. If it was then a flat tax would have been adopted rather then the progressive one that was.

What I find kind of funny is that it wasn't that long ago where taxes on income for that same group were much much higher and the economy seemed to do fine.

You probably don't know the reason a progressive system was adopted either. The reason the progressive tax system was put in, in the first place, was to spread the wealth around. You see, back in the late 1800's the "robber barons" were a very prominent group of wealth people who threatened our democracy. There comes a point where you have to hold the wealthy hostage and make them give back to the rest of the country because if you don't then all you're doing is killing the middle class. It's not a coincidence that this country had the largest middle class ever over the last 100 years and that's because of the very tax structure you oppose.
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"New Rule: The next rich person who publicly complains about being vilified by the Obama administration must be publicly vilified by the Obama administration. It's so hard for one person to tell another person what constitutes being 'rich', or what tax rate is too much.'

"But I've done some math that indicates that, considering the hole this country is in, if you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy asshole."

Bill Maher...
"New Rule: The next rich person who publicly complains about being vilified by the Obama administration must be publicly vilified by the Obama administration. It's so hard for one person to tell another person what constitutes being 'rich', or what tax rate is too much.'

"But I've done some math that indicates that, considering the hole this country is in, if you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy asshole."

Bill Maher...

Boofriggenhoo.. Why do the rich have any less right to whine than anyone else? Because they make more? Don't like it? Then make more yourself. :cool:

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