Bill Maher swipes Biden's speech to Black graduates: 'We're not living in that world that he's talking about'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I thought Biden campaigned on being the 'uniter'? This guy is exactly the opposite, his moniker should be 'the divider'.
This latest speech was red meat, to those who want to keep the black community hitched to the idea that the only way they can succeed is through a continual government umbilical cord, that doles out their needs as they see fit.

"I always keep saying, let's live in the year we're living in. We're not living in the year where you have to be ‘10 times better’ to succeed if you're a person of color," Maher continued. "And in some instances, it's an advantage."

"Real Time" host Bill Maher knocked President Biden over the commencement address he gave to Black graduates at Morehouse College, suggesting his comments about racism in America are outdated.

Speaking at the historically Black college on Sunday, Biden said students there have to "be 10 times better than anybody else just to get a fair shot" and that Republicans are not accepting of Black people.

I thought Biden campaigned on being the 'uniter'? This guy is exactly the opposite, his moniker should be 'the divider'.
This latest speech was red meat, to those who want to keep the black community hitched to the idea that the only way they can succeed is through a continual government umbilical cord, that doles out their needs as they see fit.

"I always keep saying, let's live in the year we're living in. We're not living in the year where you have to be ‘10 times better’ to succeed if you're a person of color," Maher continued. "And in some instances, it's an advantage."

The IM2 generation will never let go of that chain. They beg to be led by the nose from the very same people who enslaved and segregated them and do so to this day. The younger ones are finally starting to see who the dems really are.
I just posted that I see comments from people on youtube suggesting he is an old man living in the 1950s etc. What an odd way to suggest to citizens that they are failures over the last 70 years even after the Civil Rights movement etc. Really odd considering these are educated citizens who are graduating not some kids living in a halfway house.
I just posted that I see comments from people on youtube suggesting he is an old man living in the 1950s etc. What an odd way to suggest to citizens that they are failures over the last 70 years even after the Civil Rights movement etc. Really odd considering these are educated citizens who are graduating not some kids living in a halfway house.

That's the irony. He's speaking to people who likely will be more successful than the majority of this country, and yet to listen to him, you would think the moment they leave the school grounds, they are headed for disaster.
I thought Biden campaigned on being the 'uniter'? This guy is exactly the opposite, his moniker should be 'the divider'.
This latest speech was red meat, to those who want to keep the black community hitched to the idea that the only way they can succeed is through a continual government umbilical cord, that doles out their needs as they see fit.

"I always keep saying, let's live in the year we're living in. We're not living in the year where you have to be ‘10 times better’ to succeed if you're a person of color," Maher continued. "And in some instances, it's an advantage."

Joe Biden hates black people. It shows in everything he does and everything he says.

He has no respect for them, thinks they're dumb, and that speech proves it.
The IM2 generation will never let go of that chain. They beg to be led by the nose from the very same people who enslaved and segregated them and do so to this day. The younger ones are finally starting to see who the dems really are.
Oh really?

Here are some comments I've been told during my time as a member here.

“This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-i-g-g-e-r-s and the
s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.”

“Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.”

“Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!”

“Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'”

“Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.”

“How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites”

“Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?”

“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day Filthy fucks!”

“MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.”

“Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.”

“Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?) I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.”

“The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?”

“Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.”

“Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.”

“Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!”

“Engage me and die, n'gr.”

“Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.”

“I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is”.

“Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.”

“Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch.”

“Monkey's are more civilized than many blacks -Quit insulting monkeys.”

“You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.”

“Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.”

“Why do blacks behave the way they do? Genetic deficiencies...proven the world over. Dark people need whitey to lead....PERIOD just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that”

“Video emerges of the carjacking that killed an Uber Eats driver this week. The girls were arrested and are ages monkey and chimp.”

“You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.”

“Ever wonder why blacks are so sensitive about being compared to monkeys? hehheh obviously the truth can be painful.”

“See, coloreds like that monkey have no value. They're worthless. It should be legal for the cop to simply draw his weapon and shoot him in his fat fucking face...”

“Just White peoples existence is a constant reminder to blacks that they are very inferior.”

“Everybody knows black people fuck everything up and make the value go down.
If only you could just quit being black.
But you can't.....DARKIE!!!”

Stop lying to yourself about life white man.
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Somebody needs to tell Bill Maher to shut the fuck up until he turns black and lives for a couple of years. His white ass would get arrested for trying to get into his own house and when he would try resisting getting put in the car because he's being done like that for no reason, he'd be shot dead. His ass wouldn't last 1 day.
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Bill Maher swipes Biden's speech to Black graduates: 'We're not living in that world that he's talking about'​

Joe Biden is a Dem racist plantation owner. Blacks are supposed to shut up, vote Dem and not get uppity. Democrat's goal for decades is to keep blacks ON the Dem inner city plantations where Dems can EXPLOIT blacks. Poor blacks keep the Federal assistance dollars rolling into Dem coffers. Blacks don't see any of the money of course, Dems siphon it off.
Joe Biden is a Dem racist plantation owner. Blacks are supposed to shut up, vote Dem and not get uppity. Democrat's goal for decades is to keep blacks ON the Dem inner city plantations where Dems can EXPLOIT blacks. Poor blacks keep the Federal assistance dollars rolling into Dem coffers. Blacks don't see any of the money of course, Dems siphon it off.
There is no Dem plantation. Every time a Republican makes this comment they show us the reason why we cannot vote Republican. A vote for trump or a Republican is a vote for a return to Jim Crow. And that includes black Republicans.
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There is no Dem plantation. Evry time a Republican makes this comment they show us the reason why we cannot vote Republican. A vote for trump or a Republican is a vote for a return to Jim Crow. And that includes black Republicans.
Denial is all you have. I have 60 years of Dem run inner city data proving otherwise. Dems are blacks worst enemy. Dems have sent millions of blacks to their Dem run prisons in their Dem run states via their Dem run police departments and Dem run courts, FACT!
Denial is all you have. I have 60 years of Dem run inner city data proving otherwise. Dems are blacks worst enemy. Dems have sent millions of blacks to their Dem run prisons in their Dem run states via their Dem run police departments and Dem run courts, FACT!
You don't have jack shit. I have 63 years of life as a black man in America. We've done better in 60 years of being Democrats than we did for the 100 we were Republican. So shut the fuck up.
The demented LEFT's obsession over race is EXAUSTING!!!

It is the right who is obsessed with race. If yu were not, then you would not be banning books and censoring what kind of history is taught. It's time you on the right stopped lying.
It is the right who is obsessed with race. If yu were not, then you would not be banning books and censoring what kind of history is taught. It's time you on the right stopped lying.
No. It is the demented LEFT that are constantly stirring the shit about IDENTITY POLITICS. That's the mantra of the neo-Marxist LEFT.
Individualism is the complete antithesis of you brainwashed sheep led to the slaughter. You're not helping yourself or anyone else carrying on with your divisive rhetoric.
No. It is the demented LEFT that are constantly stirring the shit about IDENTITY POLITICS. That's the mantra of the neo-Marxist LEFT.
Individualism is the complete antithesis of you brainwashed sheep led to the slaughter. You're not helping yourself or anyone else carrying on with your divisive rhetoric.
What is identity politics? Explain it to me. Individualism? Ha! The divisive rhetoric is on the rght.
What is identity politics? Explain

it to me. Individualism? Ha! The divisive rhetoric is on the rght.
Please, Chocolate Einstein, spare me you feigned ignorance and gaslight bs. The demented LEFT are all about IDENTITY POLITICS!!!!!
The blacks.
The whites.
The alphabet people.
On and on; always ignoring E PLURIBUS UNUM.
Out of many, one.
This country is supposed to be about unity, not sequestered classes!
Arguing over politics is much like road-rage. Once your in a car on the road, every other driver is a fucking idiot pos retarded loser that you instantly HATE, yet if you met those same people in a face to face setting none of that applies AT ALL.
There needs to be a bit of a common sense approach to this malady of modern politics in America.
Please, Chocolate Einstein, spare me you feigned ignorance and gaslight bs. The demented LEFT are all about IDENTITY POLITICS!!!!!
The blacks.
The whites.
The alphabet people.
On and on; always ignoring E PLURIBUS UNUM.
Out of many, one.
This country is supposed to be about unity, not sequestered classes!
Arguing over politics is much like road-rage. Once your in a car on the road, eve ry other driver is a fucking idiot pos retarded loser that you instantly HATE, yet if you met those same people in a face to face setting none of that applies AT ALL.
There needs to be a bit of a common sense approach to this malady of modern politics in America.
Our country was created by sequestering classes and races. The right has been always about identity. E Pluribus Unum was E Whiteness only. This is the extent of how whites like you have deluded yourselves. IT'S TIME THE RIGHT WIING STOPPED LYING ABOUT IDENTITY POLITICS! You guys start shit then when called on it, you want to blame everybody else. You guys on the right have made everything about race. YOU guys are the dividers. Common sense starts with people like you facing reality.
I just posted that I see comments from people on youtube suggesting he is an old man living in the 1950s etc. What an odd way to suggest to citizens that they are failures over the last 70 years even after the Civil Rights movement etc. Really odd considering these are educated citizens who are graduating not some kids living in a halfway house.
Blacks before Obama: a mind is a terrible thing to waste
Blacks after Obama: math is racist

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