Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would’ve hated your guts


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This my friends is TONING down the rhetoric, the NEW civility..

posted at 10:20 am on January 15, 2011 by Michael van der Galien
Talk show host Bill Maher once again displayed his ignorance for America’s history and founding by telling Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers would have “hated” their “guts.”
As you’d come to expect from Maher he constantly referred to members of the Tea Party as “teabaggers” – which would probably be an insult coming from virtually everybody else. When Maher uses this word, however, the Tea Party should wear it as a badge of honor.
Next he told Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers were “nothing like them.” No, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington and all the others were profoundly different. How?

Here comes Maher:video at site.
Now, I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.
Video (via Mediaite):

SEE VIDEO( more from the idiot Maher) and read it all with comments.
Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would?ve hated your guts Hot Air
I caught Maher's show Friday night. He's not even funny anymore and don't even know why HBO still renews him. Guest James Carville rarely laughed at his stuff and even looked at Maher a couple of times like he was nuts.
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Maher hasn't been funny since he left Comedy Central.

Politically Incorrect was a great show when he was an equal opportunity critic. Then, it moved to ABC and he turned into just another common fifth columnist agitator.
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It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

Bill can, respectfully, go fuck himself.
It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

Bill can, respectfully, go fuck himself.

Why even give the piece of shit that he doesn't deserve respect
It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

Bill can, respectfully, go fuck himself.

Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.
It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

Bill can, respectfully, go fuck himself.

Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.
Eh, he just enjoys stirring the pot....he, and others, seem annoyed that they've yet to find that collective button to push and really rile up the TPM.
It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

Bill can, respectfully, go fuck himself.

Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

Well you're correct, it's impossible to ascertain what the FF's would've thought of this 'Movement.' But as far as the accuracy of his factual claims in his little rant, I think we can agree they're more or less correct. I also think the average teaperson has a very warped view of who the founding fathers were as people - That I agree with.
Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

Well you're correct, it's impossible to ascertain what the FF's would've thought of this 'Movement.' But as far as the accuracy of his factual claims in his little rant, I think we can agree they're more or less correct. I also think the average teaperson has a very warped view of who the founding fathers were as people - That I agree with.

You are welcome to agree with him. That doesn't make you - or him - right. I personally think the Founders would love the dissent of the TEA Partiers. They founded this country on dissent. They loved a good revolution, our Founders. Personally, I think some of them would love the TEAs, others would disagree with the TEAs. Contrary to popular belief (and contrary to Maher's own stupidity) the Founders were individuals. They disagreed among themselves. They fought. They argued. They threatened one another. They were passionate about this country. So are we. In that, we are all the same.
On the plane ride back, I caught of little of Ed Schultz's civility.

I'm fairly certain the Left wants to start a Civil War
It's always funny when a living person decides to speak on behalf of individuals who, while they may have died long ago, their words, their spirit, their courage and their politics will outlive us all.

This is indeed an area where most Tea Partiers could use a bit of humility.
the Founders were individuals. They disagreed among themselves. They fought. They argued.

Bingo. Some would support the tea people (though I'm not quite sure who), and some, believe it or not, would agree with the Democrats.

It would just set my heart aflutter if I could hear a conservative admit that simple statement; "Some would agree with the Democrats."
You are welcome to agree with him. That doesn't make you - or him - right. I personally think the Founders would love the dissent of the TEA Partiers. They founded this country on dissent. They loved a good revolution, our Founders. Personally, I think some of them would love the TEAs, others would disagree with the TEAs. Contrary to popular belief (and contrary to Maher's own stupidity) the Founders were individuals. They disagreed among themselves. They fought. They argued. They threatened one another. They were passionate about this country. So are we. In that, we are all the same.

How do you marry the above post, with this post:
"Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect."

That aside, the uber patriots on this site - the Mr T's, Big Rebs and all the other flag wavers are constantly ramping up the rhetoric on what the founder fathers wanted and said. As do the Tea Partiers themselves. So all the name calling everybody has done on this thread towards Maher must go to the Tea Partiers themselves (well, a lot of them)....
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On the plane ride back, I caught of little of Ed Schultz's civility.

I'm fairly certain the Left wants to start a Civil War

You mean like those maps on Palin's website with crosshairs on them? That kind of civility? To 'lock and reload'? That what you talking about?
the Founders were individuals. They disagreed among themselves. They fought. They argued.

Bingo. Some would support the tea people (though I'm not quite sure who), and some, believe it or not, would agree with the Democrats.

It would just set my heart aflutter if I could hear a conservative admit that simple statement; "Some would agree with the Democrats."

You know what you said about not being sure who. Well, the same is true the other way around. I tend to look at the documents and wonder if any of the Founders would agree with taking away our freedoms. Maybe some would agree with the Dems, maybe not. One thing I am certain of.... none of us has the right to speak on behalf of the dead. I find this whole 'invoking the names' of our national heroes to be ridiculous. If you can't stand on your own feet, without invoking the memory of others - then you shouldn't be participating. No one has the right to speak on their behalf. No one. Right. Or left.

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