Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate

Really? what happens to someone that refuses to be drafted or register for the draft? Last time I checked men in blue show up with guns and drag you off to jail and if you resist they'll shoot you.

Being arrested for committing a crime is pretty normal. Are "forced at gunpoint" to feed your children? Your claim is patently ridiculous. All you are saying is that legal obligations are "forcing at gunpoint."

WTF does pay have to do with it? If I force you into service to go kill or be killed against your will you thinks its fine as long as I pay you?

You're the one who called it slavery. Would you like to retract your statement?

I am "fanatical" when it comes to principles and morality

Morality doesn't exist, except in your own mind. ISIS is fanatical when it comes to the principles and morality they perceive in their own minds. You must learn to accept the fact that your personal perception of morals is irrelevant when determining what is necessary for the defense and preservation of the nation as a whole. There hasn't be a draft in nearly a half century. Like I said, nobody ever wants a draft. But occasionally it is necessary. Would you prefer that everyone be required to serve a compulsory two years? Personally, I think that would be better for maintaining a readiness in the long term. And probably cheaper, if we do it the correct way. But I don't think it's aligned with our national values as well, so I'll settle for the rarely utilized selective service.
Imagine a world with true equality for all - women and men with the same physical performance expectations for the same job; everyone must adhere to the same rules; no more special rewards, exceptions or exemptions for sex ,race, religion, etc; no tax breaks for the rich or assistance programs for the poor; and on and on.

What's that phrase again? Be careful what you wish for ...
How bout that 'Freedom & Liberty?' Forced by threat of imprisonment or death to serve as a disposable slave in Big Brother's endless war. Sounds like fun. Where can i sign up? :cuckoo:
Wasn't the term 'selective' service ingenious? We all know you are being forced to sign up for it but in order to make it seem like a true choice they called it 'selective service' as if you are selecting to serve. Who says our politicians aren't smart. They are smart enough to deceive us all!
Hey you wanna head off and be killed or maimed just to make some rich Globalist Elites richer, then have at it. You wanna send your children off to die for nothing, then go for it. But i'll pass.
You still aren't comprehending what I am saying. I am not talking about rushing off to some other country to fight and die in some place we have no business being in, and certainly not to make some 'rich Globalist Elites richer'.

I am saying if called upon to defend this nation from some outside enemy, one threatening this nation, our people, and our way of life here at home.

As far as going off to die in foreign lands, while I have not always agreed with those who sent me there, I am proud of having liberated people from dictators who have slaughtered and oppressed them, and I am glad for the opportunity to fight our enemies - like those who have perpetrated 9/11/01 - and who want to see this nation fall, there on their own turf instead of having to do it on US soil.
Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


How many teenage girls are going to say "As if! Well, I'm not going to do it and you can't make me!"?
If there is an active draft and women need to serve, there will be a LOT of pregnant women all of a sudden. Married or no.

There will always be draft dodgers. Getting pregnant for that purpose is pretty extreme. Not far off the mark from shooting yourself in the foot.

Many, many women in the service have used getting pregnant as a means to avoid getting deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan
This is something I called for women to demand at the beginning of 'women's lib', in the sixties. No one wanted to hear it. What they didn't seem to get was that the U.S. at that time would not have accepted drafting women and would have been forced to re-evaluate the draft.
Still, there can be no equality when people aren't equal in society. If 18 hear old men must do it, 18 women aren't equal unless they do, too.
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Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


How many teenage girls are going to say "As if! Well, I'm not going to do it and you can't make me!"?
If there is an active draft and women need to serve, there will be a LOT of pregnant women all of a sudden. Married or no.

There will always be draft dodgers. Getting pregnant for that purpose is pretty extreme. Not far off the mark from shooting yourself in the foot.

Many, many women in the service have used getting pregnant as a means to avoid getting deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan

I know. I'd been propositioned by a couple looking to do just that. I agreed, but they kept getting mad at me for pulling out. I'd tell them it was habit, but after the third of fourth time they decided to look elsewhere.
This is one area where some inequality might be good because who wants to see their daughters in war?
Who lobbied the most in favor of the draft being applied equally, men or women? Not a challenge, just a sincere question.

I ask because I get the general sense that women are the predominant group fighting for equal inclusion and representation. But it seems that women are also the predominant group to complain when women's rights are pushed aside in favor of equal rights.

It just strikes me as foolish to demand equal rights and treatment while also trying to insert a caveat. Everyone who demands total equality for anything needs to completely read and understand the requirements, duties, and expectations first.
Really? what happens to someone that refuses to be drafted or register for the draft? Last time I checked men in blue show up with guns and drag you off to jail and if you resist they'll shoot you.

Being arrested for committing a crime is pretty normal. Are "forced at gunpoint" to feed your children? Your claim is patently ridiculous. All you are saying is that legal obligations are "forcing at gunpoint."
You're the one that objected to me calling it being forced at gunpoint; apparently you're seeing things from my point of view now.....

You're the one who called it slavery. Would you like to retract your statement?
LOL, why would I retract my statement? as far as I know, involuntary servitude = slavery regardless of whether the slave master pays the slave or not, perhaps you're the one that needs to "retract your statement".

Morality doesn't exist, except in your own mind.
My mind and the minds of most rational individuals in the civilized world that believe that slavery (aka involuntary servitude) is IMMORAL, perhaps you operate under a different morality than the vast majority of your fellow citizens?

ISIS is fanatical when it comes to the principles and morality they perceive in their own minds.
....and the morality you're apparently defending has far more in common with that of ISIS than mine does (since ISIS has no qualms about involuntary servitude and forcing people to kill or be killed).

You must learn to accept the fact that your personal perception of morals is irrelevant when determining what is necessary for the defense and preservation of the nation as a whole. I mustn't , I don't need to (nor will I) sacrifice my principles and morality on the alter of political expediency, that's the difference between people like me and people like you, I can be trusted to be consistent and to behave as a moral being that respects the life, liberty and property of others, can you?

There hasn't be a draft in nearly a half century.
Uh-Huh and? what happened the last time it was implemented?

Like I said, nobody ever wants a draft.
Then why the do we have it ?

But occasionally it is necessary.
Like when? Like the last time it was used? was that "necessary"?

Would you prefer that everyone be required to serve a compulsory two years?
Haven't you been paying attention? I have made it pretty clear that I do not support or in ANY WAY advocate involuntary servitude, my objections are especially stringent when it involves involuntary servitude in pursuit of providing the war mongers in government with more innocent people to slaughter and turn into killers.
Hey you wanna head off and be killed or maimed just to make some rich Globalist Elites richer, then have at it. You wanna send your children off to die for nothing, then go for it. But i'll pass.
You still aren't comprehending what I am saying. I am not talking about rushing off to some other country to fight and die in some place we have no business being in, and certainly not to make some 'rich Globalist Elites richer'.

I am saying if called upon to defend this nation from some outside enemy, one threatening this nation, our people, and our way of life here at home.

As far as going off to die in foreign lands, while I have not always agreed with those who sent me there, I am proud of having liberated people from dictators who have slaughtered and oppressed them, and I am glad for the opportunity to fight our enemies - like those who have perpetrated 9/11/01 - and who want to see this nation fall, there on their own turf instead of having to do it on US soil.

I hear ya, but sadly you're still a bit confused and naive. However, i think you'll get it someday. The wars aren't about 'Right vs. Wrong', they're about $$. It's about plundering foreign resources, by way of installing Puppet Regimes. There is no 'Right vs. Wrong.' There is only acquiring more money & power for the few Global Elites.
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But it seems that women are also the predominant group to complain when women's rights are pushed aside in favor of equal rights.

I believe what you mean to say is that women are the first to complain when female privilege is pushed aside in favor of equality.
Fucking disgusting! Now we have sunk so low as to drafting women!
Even Russia did not do that.
I hear ya, but sadly you're still a bit confused and naive. However, i think you'll get it someday.

After 30 years I am hardly naïve. We just have different points of view, different beliefs, different values. I doubt you will 'get it' someday...and that is ok. The world would be jacked up even more if everyone saw things through 'Liberal eyes'...or 'Conservative eyes'.

And for all the liberties and freedoms you have and continue to enjoy, I am sure all the military members who have fallen around the world In the past defending those rights and liberties for you would say, 'You're welcome'.
Fucking disgusting! Now we have sunk so low as to drafting women!
Even Russia did not do that.
Actually NO, we have not drafted any women...or any men for a long time.

Playing 'devil's advocate', I thought women wanted true 'equality'. Now I guess they mean only 'equality' in regards to certain things they choose?!
Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.



The first year for men to register were born the same year I was.

A good friend of mine and I went to try to register. We were refused. For the only reason of being female which we believed and still believe is wrong. We qualified in every other way. We just didn't have male reproductive organs.

Equality means taking the good with the bad.

While I don't support violence or war in most cases, I do support equality and I support women registering for the draft.

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