Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate

Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


Symbolic, but long overdue
I hope all the feminists who scoffed at me decades ago in my first political speech at my state capitol are still alive. I said at the time, when speaking for the rescinding of the ERA, their version of equality would eventuality lead to the drafting of women into combat. They screeched at me as being a preposterous hysteric.

This movement putting women into combat was started by Pat Schroeder. I want her name to be forever noted for posterity. Her wiki page makes no mention of her key role in this. I find that very interesting.
The prudent and moral thing to do would be to ban selective service registration and the draft and to immediately hang any politician that openly suggests re instituting it.

Uh, no, that's not prudent at all. That's pretty farcical. Some form of compulsory service or impressment has existed since the beginnings of time. You really mean to tell me that in the event of an invasion from a foreign power requiring greater military force than on hand, the government should simply sit back and hope enough people volunteer to preserve the continuity of the country?
Yes, oddly enough people will volunteer to defend themselves when they are directly threatened and the fact that "compulsory service or impressment" has existed since the beginnings of time doesn't make it moral or desirable.

Have you forgotten the last time the Federal Government drafted citizens? Must have been all those Vietnamese landing on our shores and threatening the "continuity of the country" that required them to do that, huh?
Not enough!

Must also include reparations.

No male to be drafted until the number of women drafted equals the number of males drafted in the past 100 years. No point in going back further; records are not all that good and, besides, that would be just rubbing salt where it might no longer taste good.
Forcing someone at gunpoint into servitude for the military is slavery of the worst kind and is completely immoral.

Nobody is forcing them into gunpoint. And it's not slavery because they are paid. Stop making hyperbolic statements, it's making you look fanatical.

So, you don't like the idea of a draft. Fair enough. I think you'll find most people agree with you. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary. Conscription has been used in nearly every military conflict in US history. Without the US conscripting, the Confederacy would have won.

Conscription should be avoided whenever possible, and that includes avoiding pointlessly engaging in military conflicts we have no business being in in the first place. But it is sometimes necessary. Having the option is vital to national security. The alternative would be universal compulsory service. And to be honest with you, I'm incline to think that that's a better route. But at least with the draft system people are only required to serve in the military if an actual need arises.
Yes, oddly enough people will volunteer to defend themselves when they are directly threatened and the fact that "compulsory service or impressment" has existed since the beginnings of time doesn't make it moral or desirable.

Same thing can be said of taxes. They've existed since the beginning of time. You might not think it's right, you might not think it's desirable. Nevertheless, taxation is a necessity.
During the first Gulf War:

"There were a lot of cowardly lions roaring in the cloakroom, but they wouldn't go out on the floor to vote against it," said Representative Patricia Schroeder, a Colorado Democrat who was a sponsor of the measure and is an advocate of rescinding all rules excluding women from combat.
Women's Role in Combat: The War Resumes
Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.

It should be their choice if they want to sign up or not, no reason to make it mandatory...
I hope all the feminists who scoffed at me decades ago in my first political speech at my state capitol are still alive. I said at the time, when speaking for the rescinding of the ERA, their version of equality would eventuality lead to the drafting of women into combat. They screeched at me as being a preposterous hysteric.

This movement putting women into combat was started by Pat Schroeder. I want her name to be forever noted for posterity. Her wiki page makes no mention of her key role in this. I find that very interesting.

Given that nobody has been drafted into combat in the last 45 years your threat is pretty shallow
Forcing someone at gunpoint into servitude for the military is slavery of the worst kind and is completely immoral.

Nobody is forcing them into gunpoint.
Really? what happens to someone that refuses to be drafted or register for the draft? Last time I checked men in blue show up with guns and drag you off to jail and if you resist they'll shoot you.

And it's not slavery because they are paid.
WTF does pay have to do with it? If I force you into service to go kill or be killed against your will you thinks its fine as long as I pay you?

Stop making hyperbolic statements, it's making you look fanatical.
I am "fanatical" when it comes to principles and morality, perhaps you should try looking at things from that perspective sometime instead of just accepting what you've been told by authority figures, the draft is immoral, it isn't required and does not do a damn thing as far as making society more peaceful, just and prosperous, in fact it encourages the opposite.
I hope all the feminists who scoffed at me decades ago in my first political speech at my state capitol are still alive. I said at the time, when speaking for the rescinding of the ERA, their version of equality would eventuality lead to the drafting of women into combat. They screeched at me as being a preposterous hysteric.

This movement putting women into combat was started by Pat Schroeder. I want her name to be forever noted for posterity. Her wiki page makes no mention of her key role in this. I find that very interesting.

Given that nobody has been drafted into combat in the last 45 years your threat is pretty shallow
It's just a matter of time, and now women will be drafted, too. Just as I predicted. No one is scoffing at the idea as a preposterous possibility now.
Our military is falling apart, how can It get any worse? Who gives a shit...
I hope all the feminists who scoffed at me decades ago in my first political speech at my state capitol are still alive. I said at the time, when speaking for the rescinding of the ERA, their version of equality would eventuality lead to the drafting of women into combat. They screeched at me as being a preposterous hysteric.

This movement putting women into combat was started by Pat Schroeder. I want her name to be forever noted for posterity. Her wiki page makes no mention of her key role in this. I find that very interesting.

Given that nobody has been drafted into combat in the last 45 years your threat is pretty shallow
It's just a matter of time, and now women will be drafted, too. Just as I predicted. No one is scoffing at the idea as a preposterous possibility now.

I think our abandoning the volunteer army is borderline preposterous
NightFox is obviously either an idiot or a child - maybe both - ignore him.

Military conscription is both legal and constitutional, and is not any form of "slavery."

In fact, it is (or should be) one of the main constraints on military adventurism on the part of either a President or the Congress. If they know that there are hundreds of thousands of people in military service involuntarily, and if at least some of them are the progeny of members of Congress, then - in theory at least - they will not get us involved in battles where we have no vital interests.

The "all volunteer Army" was a stupid idea from the beginning (a pox on Jimmy Carter), and has had the result of people lacking a basic concern for our fighting forces because they are "all volunteers," and for most people, don't include anyone that they know personally.

And there is no longer any reason why, if a draft were in place, female Americans should be excluded. Although they would be worse than useless in combat, per se, there is no reason why they couldn't do administrative work, drive trucks, fly helicopters, operate equipment, and so forth, in support of military operations.

And boy, does this generation need the "wake-up call" that a real, non-discriminatory, no-exclusions military draft would provide!

I like it.
Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.

Isn't equality awesome.

Now women who don't sign up for Selective Service won't be able to get a driver's license or financial aid for school.

Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


How many teenage girls are going to say "As if! Well, I'm not going to do it and you can't make me!"?
If there is an active draft and women need to serve, there will be a LOT of pregnant women all of a sudden. Married or no.
Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.


How many teenage girls are going to say "As if! Well, I'm not going to do it and you can't make me!"?
If there is an active draft and women need to serve, there will be a LOT of pregnant women all of a sudden. Married or no.
War babies.
What did you expect?

Marines found a way around it.

In the last five months, 6 out of 7 female recruits — and 40 out of about 1,500 male recruits — failed to pass the new regimen of pull-ups, ammunition-can lifts, a 3-mile run and combat maneuvers required to move on in training for combat jobs, according to the data.

New Standards Weeding Out Both Male and Female Marine Combat Hopefuls |
Not everyone will be expected to pass this combat training though, will they, if they are drafted? Plenty of women are making it through boot camp. Isn't the combat training an additional program?
Isn't equality awesome.

Now women who don't sign up for Selective Service won't be able to get a driver's license or financial aid for school.

We all should share the responsibility of defending our country, should that need arise.

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