Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo


Idiot... Giuliani asked the Ukrainians, not the other way around like you imagine...

CUOMO: So you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?

GIULIANI: Of course I did.

And Trump asked Zelensky to work with Giuliani as well as Barr...

The President: Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great.

It's not as if the forum needed more evidence that you're completely out of touch with reality, but I don't think you could have gotten that post of yours any more wrong no matter how hard you tried.


Wow, out of context quotes and no link.

Giuliani first said no when Cuomo asked if he urged Ukraine to investigate Biden, saying instead that he asked the country to investigate allegations of election interference by Ukraine for the benefit of Hillary Clinton. He later said he did ask Ukraine to investigate a newly appointed prosecutor. Cuomo replied, “So, you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?” and Giuliani responded, “Of course I did.” When Cuomo called out the apparent contradiction, Giuliani followed up, “No. I didn't ask them to look into Joe Biden. I asked them to look into the allegations that related to my client, which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme.”

Giuliani tries clearing up controversial CNN interview, says idea he set out to get Biden is 'ridiculous'

Rudy Giuliani claims unsolicited Biden info sparked his Ukraine probe on behalf of Trump: 'They put it in my lap'


Your own link confirms what I said. Giuliani was asked if he asked Ukrainians to look into Biden and he answered emphatically, "of course I did!"

And being the typically dishonest commie that you are, you failed to include the rest of it. Fuck off.


You mean the part where he repeats his confession with different language...?

"I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China. You explained to me how the kid got $1.5 billion from China."


No need to explain how they got 1.5 billion form China, that's for the investigators to find out. Same for the interference form Ukraine, hell even a Ukraine court said they interfered on behalf of the bitch.



There was nothing to interfere, there was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin got sacked.
Wow, out of context quotes and no link.

Giuliani first said no when Cuomo asked if he urged Ukraine to investigate Biden, saying instead that he asked the country to investigate allegations of election interference by Ukraine for the benefit of Hillary Clinton. He later said he did ask Ukraine to investigate a newly appointed prosecutor. Cuomo replied, “So, you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?” and Giuliani responded, “Of course I did.” When Cuomo called out the apparent contradiction, Giuliani followed up, “No. I didn't ask them to look into Joe Biden. I asked them to look into the allegations that related to my client, which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme.”

Giuliani tries clearing up controversial CNN interview, says idea he set out to get Biden is 'ridiculous'

Rudy Giuliani claims unsolicited Biden info sparked his Ukraine probe on behalf of Trump: 'They put it in my lap'


Your own link confirms what I said. Giuliani was asked if he asked Ukrainians to look into Biden and he answered emphatically, "of course I did!"

And being the typically dishonest commie that you are, you failed to include the rest of it. Fuck off.


You mean the part where he repeats his confession with different language...?

"I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China. You explained to me how the kid got $1.5 billion from China."


No need to explain how they got 1.5 billion form China, that's for the investigators to find out. Same for the interference form Ukraine, hell even a Ukraine court said they interfered on behalf of the bitch.



There was nothing to interfere, there was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin got sacked.

Not what he said in a sworn statement. But that's not the interference the Ukriane court was referring to. Several Ukrainians fabricated some shit and publicized it on the Trump campaign.


Your own link confirms what I said. Giuliani was asked if he asked Ukrainians to look into Biden and he answered emphatically, "of course I did!"

And being the typically dishonest commie that you are, you failed to include the rest of it. Fuck off.


You mean the part where he repeats his confession with different language...?

"I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China. You explained to me how the kid got $1.5 billion from China."


No need to explain how they got 1.5 billion form China, that's for the investigators to find out. Same for the interference form Ukraine, hell even a Ukraine court said they interfered on behalf of the bitch.



There was nothing to interfere, there was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin got sacked.

Not what he said in a sworn statement. But that's not the interference the Ukriane court was referring to. Several Ukrainians fabricated some shit and publicized it on the Trump campaign.

Who, Shokin?


That's what he says now. And of course, he was forced out because he was a corrupt prosecutor and now has an axe to grind against Biden, the guy who helped get him out.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.

Top DOJ lawyers disagree.


Name them.

DOJ OLC, AG and AAG. All agreed there was no crime.

Tramp State hacks all!

And I'm sure you'll be singing the same commie anthem when indictments start dropping on the folks that started all this. Carry on comrade, carry on.

The Barr Witch Hunt with 20 Obama hater investigators will completely exonerate Obama, and nobody knows that better than you.
I am not impatient-I just have a stern standard. Don't try to paint me with the actions of babies or your friends. And if you don't care if the hearings aren't shown, don't be afraid to say so.

Where were your "stern standards" during the Benghazi hearings when it was "behind closed doors"?

Oh wait.

You're a partisan pretending you're not.

Look you sound stupid when you try to describe me-you don't know where I have been or what I have done, so knock it off. Next, My stern standards were at work so I did not follow any Benghazi news-if I did I might have agreed with your position then. I am an Independent not partisan, but I do go after anti trumpers who won't deal fairly. I watched the Watergate hearings many years ago and thought that's how an impeachment inquiry should be run. Just looking for the same transparency now- the difference between Peter Rodino and Schiff is the difference between democracy and fascism check it out.
So you found time to be outraged here but were too busy to be outraged about Benghazi.

Guess what...

You're a hypocrite.

No one cares about you
I don't care that you don't care. You don't find time when you are working and supporting families and taking care of a household, none of which I have to do now-glad you have scads of leisure time for this. More importantly, you never bothered to check my challenge to you-are you afraid your point of view is shaky or are you just lazy? How about your're a hypocrite?
Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.
It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!
OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!
That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.



Idiot... Giuliani asked the Ukrainians, not the other way around like you imagine...

CUOMO: So you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?

GIULIANI: Of course I did.

And Trump asked Zelensky to work with Giuliani as well as Barr...

The President: Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great.

It's not as if the forum needed more evidence that you're completely out of touch with reality, but I don't think you could have gotten that post of yours any more wrong no matter how hard you tried.


Wow, out of context quotes and no link.

Giuliani first said no when Cuomo asked if he urged Ukraine to investigate Biden, saying instead that he asked the country to investigate allegations of election interference by Ukraine for the benefit of Hillary Clinton. He later said he did ask Ukraine to investigate a newly appointed prosecutor. Cuomo replied, “So, you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?” and Giuliani responded, “Of course I did.” When Cuomo called out the apparent contradiction, Giuliani followed up, “No. I didn't ask them to look into Joe Biden. I asked them to look into the allegations that related to my client, which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme.”

Giuliani tries clearing up controversial CNN interview, says idea he set out to get Biden is 'ridiculous'

Rudy Giuliani claims unsolicited Biden info sparked his Ukraine probe on behalf of Trump: 'They put it in my lap'

Rudy says?

You gonna go by what Rudy the Ghoul says?
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.

Top DOJ lawyers disagree.


Name them.

DOJ OLC, AG and AAG. All agreed there was no crime.


Link to this agreement.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
/——-/ I read it and it’s another second hand witness who wasn’t on the phone call. And of course no cross examination allowed by Republicans.
“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.”
Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.
then why didn't they open impeachment inquiry after Mueller's report? dude, you must enjoy getting your ass kicked.
Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.


By August the Ukranians knew the aid was being withheld- and according to Taylor's statement, were told that unless they made a public announcement of an investigation into, among other things, the Bidens, that the aid would not be coming, that the Ukrainians wouldn't get the sought after meeting in the White House.

And give us that link about the 'ongoing investigation into Burisma since February- since in August Trump's operatives were still trying to pressure Ukraine into starting them.

Was that from 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand information? And I provided a link already, look it up.


You do realize that the whistleblower's testimony was backed up when the call notes were released, right?
which part?
Not if it violates U.S. law, you can't.

We're not talking about the Bidens here.

That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.
then why didn't they open impeachment inquiry after Mueller's report? dude, you must enjoy getting your ass kicked.
Because it wasn't yet known at that timevtamgat Trump solicited campaign help from a foreign national.
We're not talking about the Bidens here.

That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
His personal friend, Devon Archer, was already on the board.
That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
His personal friend, Devon Archer, was already on the board.
Boards are pretty much a big scam. Any company board likely has people who shouldn’t be there.
It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!
OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!
It is NOT a secret when 106 Republican's and Democrats saw the hearings. DUH!
But keep on lying, it is great for your credibility!
You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
His personal friend, Devon Archer, was already on the board.
Boards are pretty much a big scam. Any company board likely has people who shouldn’t be there.
sure, I have no doubt, but how does a junky and military washout get a position in Ukraine? please help me understand how this bum got a look or an invite to it?

What did the Ukraine business do, go, hey there's a junky washout, wouldn't he just be superb to our standing? I mean, how fking stupid do you think we really are?
Last edited:
Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.
then why didn't they open impeachment inquiry after Mueller's report? dude, you must enjoy getting your ass kicked.
Because Barr will not release the grand jury testimony from the Mueller Report, as YOU well know.
We're not talking about the Bidens here.

That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
How STUPID do you have to be to think people APPLY for board positions? STUPID enough to support "human scum" Tramp!

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