Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

And of course no cross examination allowed by Republicans.
You can't stand the light of truth, can you ed. Neither can your Party, which is underneath the swamp water in secrecy, with turds flowing in all directions from DNC headquarters to the lockstep leftist media bionic creatures.
Well, if the lying scum GOP were not allowed to cross examine the witnesses, than the Right are lying when they said that, "The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo," Nunes told Fox News host Sean HanNITWITty.
And of course no cross examination allowed by Republicans.
You can't stand the light of truth, can you ed. Neither can your Party, which is underneath the swamp water in secrecy, with turds flowing in all directions from DNC headquarters to the lockstep leftist media bionic creatures.
Well, if the lying scum GOP were not allowed to cross examine the witnesses, than the Right are lying when they said that, "The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo," Nunes told Fox News host Sean HanNITWITty.
/——/ If Republicans can cross examine why the letter demanding the right to? On Impeachment Democrats are Sloppy with the Constitution
And of course no cross examination allowed by Republicans.
You can't stand the light of truth, can you ed. Neither can your Party, which is underneath the swamp water in secrecy, with turds flowing in all directions from DNC headquarters to the lockstep leftist media bionic creatures.
Well, if the lying scum GOP were not allowed to cross examine the witnesses, than the Right are lying when they said that, "The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo," Nunes told Fox News host Sean HanNITWITty.
/——/ If Republicans can cross examine why the letter demanding the right to? On Impeachment Democrats are Sloppy with the Constitution
Republicans are lying "human scum" who have to play the perpetual victim, as if you didn't know.
But again, how could Rattfink destroy the witness if he couldn't cross examine the witness? So you are saying Deven Numbnuts is lying to lying Sean HanNITWITty?
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.

Anyone notice that we have the opening statement and no results of a cross examination?

IOW, we're supposed to accept this carefully selected leak as gospel truth with no challenge.
We're not talking about the Bidens here.

That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.

From what I hear the board approached them.
How did Trump Jr. get his position within the Trump organization?
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I read his statement earlier. It's completely hearsay! He has bias against Trump.
Sigh. So very predictable.

He certainly did repeat what he heard. That is what is so damning.

Please feel free to show his bias against Trump in his opening statement.

"He repeated what he heard". Do you know how weak that really is? Especially as we've not seen it hold up under cross examination (by design).
Anyone notice that we have the opening statement and no results of a cross examination?

IOW, we're supposed to accept this carefully selected leak as gospel truth with no challenge.
The "human scum" Republiscum claim they destroyed the witness in their cross examination. Are they lying????

"The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo," Nunes told Fox News host Sean HanNITWITty.
OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!
It is NOT a secret when 106 Republican's and Democrats saw the hearings. DUH!
But keep on lying, it is great for your credibility!
Look-stop being stupid-DID YOU SEE IT? NO! IT IS SECRET! Let the PUBLIC see it!
And being the typically dishonest commie that you are, you failed to include the rest of it. Fuck off.


You mean the part where he repeats his confession with different language...?

"I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China. You explained to me how the kid got $1.5 billion from China."


No need to explain how they got 1.5 billion form China, that's for the investigators to find out. Same for the interference form Ukraine, hell even a Ukraine court said they interfered on behalf of the bitch.



There was nothing to interfere, there was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin got sacked.

Not what he said in a sworn statement. But that's not the interference the Ukriane court was referring to. Several Ukrainians fabricated some shit and publicized it on the Trump campaign.

Who, Shokin?


That's what he says now. And of course, he was forced out because he was a corrupt prosecutor and now has an axe to grind against Biden, the guy who helped get him out.

Has he been charged with giving false testimony?

I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.

Anyone notice that we have the opening statement and no results of a cross examination?

IOW, we're supposed to accept this carefully selected leak as gospel truth with no challenge.

I find it fascinating that you believe that the role of the GOP in the House is to defend the President rather than conduct an investigation.

You don't have to believe what Taylor said- I certainly don't believe anything Trump says.
But Taylor's statement is very specific and very concise, with details that the House can follow up with in additional interviews. And that is what the House will do.
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!
It is NOT a secret when 106 Republican's and Democrats saw the hearings. DUH!
But keep on lying, it is great for your credibility!
Look-stop being stupid-DID YOU SEE IT? NO! IT IS SECRET! Let the PUBLIC see it!
It's NOT secret, but "human scum" like you can never admit the truth.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I'm not a trump supporter, but I do lean to the right. I wont attack him, rather, I say, lets get this thing started. The dems.have the evidence, let's get the articles drawn up and sent to the house for a full vote so we can get this thing moving.

That's the last thing they want.
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.
I read his statement earlier. It's completely hearsay! He has bias against Trump.
Sigh. So very predictable.

He certainly did repeat what he heard. That is what is so damning.

Please feel free to show his bias against Trump in his opening statement.

"He repeated what he heard". Do you know how weak that really is? Especially as we've not seen it hold up under cross examination (by design).
The evidence is strong. First we have trump sharing the call which is alone damning. Then mulvaney admits abuse of power. Then you have a strong witness. It is not looking good for trump.

You mean the part where he repeats his confession with different language...?

"I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China. You explained to me how the kid got $1.5 billion from China."


No need to explain how they got 1.5 billion form China, that's for the investigators to find out. Same for the interference form Ukraine, hell even a Ukraine court said they interfered on behalf of the bitch.



There was nothing to interfere, there was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin got sacked.

Not what he said in a sworn statement. But that's not the interference the Ukriane court was referring to. Several Ukrainians fabricated some shit and publicized it on the Trump campaign.

Who, Shokin?


That's what he says now. And of course, he was forced out because he was a corrupt prosecutor and now has an axe to grind against Biden, the guy who helped get him out.

Has he been charged with giving false testimony?


When did he provide any testimony to anyone?
From what we have heard from everyone- including the Obama administration, both GOP and Democratic Senators and the EU- he was doing nothing to fight corruption in the Ukraine.
That's good 'cause neither am I.

You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.

From what I hear the board approached them.
How did Trump Jr. get his position within the Trump organization?
his dad. that's simple. so hunter got the job because of his dad. It's what we said.

Ukraine buying influence into the presidency of the US.
Rep. Ratcliffe: Ambassador Taylor again today I found him to be forthright. He had very strong opinions on Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy. But again the mainstream media reporting that he provided evidence of a quid pro quo involving military aid is false. I questioned him directly on that. Under Adam Schiff’s rules I can’t tell you what he said but I can tell you what he didn’t say. Neither he or any other witness has provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aide was being withheld. You can’t have a quid pro quo with no quo!

You weren't supposed to notice that.
You can't be talking about Trump, he's already been cleared by the DOJ.


The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.

From what I hear the board approached them.
How did Trump Jr. get his position within the Trump organization?
his dad. that's simple. so hunter got the job because of his dad. It's what we said.

buying influence into the presidency of the US.
While it should be, I don’t believe that is currently illegal.
Here's the deal: the democrat congressional majority threatens assault (deadly physical force?) if a republican lawmaker seeks admittance to the "impeachment hearings" but they selectively leak "testimony" that tends to make the President look bad. Is this the way the left views democracy?
Hey dumb-ass, there were Republican committee members in on the hearings who selectively leaked lies afterward!

Republicans, however, downplayed Taylor’s testimony. Rep. Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, said of Taylor’s testimony there was “nothing new here, I think.”
“We're trying to see if any witness has a connection between foreign aid and pausing the foreign aid. As it relates to the quid pro quo, we haven't had any witness suggest that,” Meadows said.

IOW, only that which fits the narrative is to be believed. If Taylor said something contrary to his opening statement, we cannot take it as truth.

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