Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Boards are pretty much a big scam. Any company board likely has people who shouldn’t be there.
sure, I have no doubt, but how does a junky and military washout get a position in Ukraine? please help me understand how this bum got a look or an invite to it?
Same way everyone gets on a board, he knows somebody...
who would he know in Ukraine? tell me please? junky and military washout?
He’s the son of a longtime politician. He knows many no doubt,
that's against our law. see that's what needs to be investigated. influencing our government through ole hunter.

If the President has any evidence of any actual improprieties by either Hunter or Joe Biden, I strongly support him providing that evidence to the FBI and the AG for further investigation.

But I don't support the President making a secret call to the President of the Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival without providing Ukraine with any evidence of any wrong doing, and then having Trump's lackeys threaten to withhold aid unless the President of the Ukraine himself makes a public announcement that he was investigating the Bidens.

Why do you think that Trump wanted the President of the Ukraine himself to announce that Ukraine was investigating the Bidens?
Why do you think that Trump wanted to keep it a secret that he was the one who asked for the announcement?
Here's the deal: the democrat congressional majority threatens assault (deadly physical force?) if a republican lawmaker seeks admittance to the "impeachment hearings" but they selectively leak "testimony" that tends to make the President look bad. Is this the way the left views democracy?
Hey dumb-ass, there were Republican committee members in on the hearings who selectively leaked lies afterward!

Republicans, however, downplayed Taylor’s testimony. Rep. Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, said of Taylor’s testimony there was “nothing new here, I think.”
“We're trying to see if any witness has a connection between foreign aid and pausing the foreign aid. As it relates to the quid pro quo, we haven't had any witness suggest that,” Meadows said.

IOW, only that which fits the narrative is to be believed. If Taylor said something contrary to his opening statement, we cannot take it as truth.

Wow- clearly you understand that we can't believe anything that Trump says ever- since Trump regularly contradicts his initial statements.

As regards to Meadows statement- Meadows is either stupid or lying- since Taylor in his statement specifically suggested quid pro quo.
sure, I have no doubt, but how does a junky and military washout get a position in Ukraine? please help me understand how this bum got a look or an invite to it?
Same way everyone gets on a board, he knows somebody...
who would he know in Ukraine? tell me please? junky and military washout?
He’s the son of a longtime politician. He knows many no doubt,
that's against our law. see that's what needs to be investigated. influencing our government through ole hunter.

If the President has any evidence of any actual improprieties by either Hunter or Joe Biden, I strongly support him providing that evidence to the FBI and the AG for further investigation.

But I don't support the President making a secret call to the President of the Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival without providing Ukraine with any evidence of any wrong doing, and then having Trump's lackeys threaten to withhold aid unless the President of the Ukraine himself makes a public announcement that he was investigating the Bidens.

Why do you think that Trump wanted the President of the Ukraine himself to announce that Ukraine was investigating the Bidens?
Why do you think that Trump wanted to keep it a secret that he was the one who asked for the announcement?
the entire story is inappropriate and illegal. The president will get there, it just started, it took mueller three years and you want evidence now two weeks after. wow, you're a hypocrite without intellectual abilities.
Same guy who appointed Sessions... so what.

Nothing changes the fact that Taylor is a 911 Traitor from the W Administration....
Same way everyone gets on a board, he knows somebody...
who would he know in Ukraine? tell me please? junky and military washout?
He’s the son of a longtime politician. He knows many no doubt,
that's against our law. see that's what needs to be investigated. influencing our government through ole hunter.

If the President has any evidence of any actual improprieties by either Hunter or Joe Biden, I strongly support him providing that evidence to the FBI and the AG for further investigation.

But I don't support the President making a secret call to the President of the Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival without providing Ukraine with any evidence of any wrong doing, and then having Trump's lackeys threaten to withhold aid unless the President of the Ukraine himself makes a public announcement that he was investigating the Bidens.

Why do you think that Trump wanted the President of the Ukraine himself to announce that Ukraine was investigating the Bidens?
Why do you think that Trump wanted to keep it a secret that he was the one who asked for the announcement?
the entire story is inappropriate and illegal. The president will get there, it just started, it took mueller three years and you want evidence now two weeks after. wow, you're a hypocrite without intellectual abilities.
Pretty sure it is old news.
who would he know in Ukraine? tell me please? junky and military washout?
He’s the son of a longtime politician. He knows many no doubt,
that's against our law. see that's what needs to be investigated. influencing our government through ole hunter.

If the President has any evidence of any actual improprieties by either Hunter or Joe Biden, I strongly support him providing that evidence to the FBI and the AG for further investigation.

But I don't support the President making a secret call to the President of the Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival without providing Ukraine with any evidence of any wrong doing, and then having Trump's lackeys threaten to withhold aid unless the President of the Ukraine himself makes a public announcement that he was investigating the Bidens.

Why do you think that Trump wanted the President of the Ukraine himself to announce that Ukraine was investigating the Bidens?
Why do you think that Trump wanted to keep it a secret that he was the one who asked for the announcement?
the entire story is inappropriate and illegal. The president will get there, it just started, it took mueller three years and you want evidence now two weeks after. wow, you're a hypocrite without intellectual abilities.
Pretty sure it is old news.
we'll see after an investigation.
and so is the original "Whistleblower" a 911 Traitor who was part of GEORGE TENET's staff....

and remains hidden behind a WHITE SHEET along with "White MAGA Man"
and so is the original "Whistleblower" a 911 Traitor who was part of GEORGE TENET's staff....

and remains hidden behind a WHITE SHEET along with "White MAGA Man"
white sheets are what Robert Byrd and the dems wear. you live long and prosper with the kkk eh?

The DoJ he oversees?

Meanwhile, we have him admitting on a phone call that he asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival.

We have Giuliani, who Trump says was operating under his authority, admitting he solicited Ukrainians to investigate Biden.

We have Trump's chief of staff admitting Trump held up Ukraine's aid in exchange for a favor.

We have Trump's ambassador admitting that favor included Zelensky investigating Biden.

So yeah, Trump's in the clear.


Well if you're going to lie, I guess they may as well be whoppers. Giuliani said the Ukrainians bought up the Bidens up to him. And Trump asked them to cooperate with the AG.


so one question I'd like to see asked, is how did hunter Biden apply for the board position in Ukraine? How does that happen.
His personal friend, Devon Archer, was already on the board.
Boards are pretty much a big scam. Any company board likely has people who shouldn’t be there.
sure, I have no doubt, but how does a junky and military washout get a position in Ukraine? please help me understand how this bum got a look or an invite to it?

What did the Ukraine business do, go, hey there's a junky washout, wouldn't he just be superb to our standing? I mean, how fking stupid do you think we really are?

How fucking stupid do I think you are?

You voted for Trump and think its okay for him to call on Ukraine and China to dig up dirt on his political rival.

I think you are pretty fucking stupid.
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!
It is NOT a secret when 106 Republican's and Democrats saw the hearings. DUH!
But keep on lying, it is great for your credibility!
Look-stop being stupid-DID YOU SEE IT? NO! IT IS SECRET! Let the PUBLIC see it!
It's NOT secret, but "human scum" like you can never admit the truth.
DID you see it, YES or NO? Or are you keeping your answer secret?
Here's the deal: the democrat congressional majority threatens assault (deadly physical force?) if a republican lawmaker seeks admittance to the "impeachment hearings" but they selectively leak "testimony" that tends to make the President look bad. Is this the way the left views democracy?

The Congressional majority enforces the rules of the House- I know you Trumpettes consider that the same as lynching.

And there was no 'selective leaking'- just as with the other witnesses, the entire opening statement was released- and has been provided to you here.

And note how you avoided dealing with the substance of what Bill Taylor said.

How very Trumpian of you.

And how much of the cross examination is available for perusal? That’s your selective leaking. We can see his unchallenged opening statement, but none of his responses when challenged.
It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!
OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!

You mean like Trump's secret phone call to the President of the Ukraine to ask a favor of him to investigate his political rival?

Or do you mean secret like Trump sending his personal lawyer to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival?

Or do you mean secret like the secret Benghazi hearings the GOP held?
I did there was no quid pro quo.. just a deep stater that got exposed.. go away haters

LOL god you Trumpettes are so predictable.

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


What Taylor expressed was merely his opinion....and he tried to get someone to agree with him....and they said "take a walk"

IIRC, Bill Taylor was only in the Trump administration since sometime in June of 2019.

P.S. I think he's whistle blower No. 1.

Bill Taylor did express his opinion- he also recounted specific conversations describing the quid pro quo- glad to repeat them here again:

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


on September 8, Ambassador Sondland and I spoke on the phone.

He said he had talked to President Trump as I had suggested a week earlier, but that

President Trump was adamant that President Zelenskyy, himself, had to “clear things up

and do it in public.” President Trump said it was not a “quid pro quo.” Ambassador

Sondland said that he had talked to President Zelenskyy and Mr. Yermak and told them

that, although this was not a quid pro quo, if President Zelenskyy did not “clear things

up” in public, we would be at a “stalemate.” I

we love his opinion, but when asked about if they knew the treasury was holding back funds to guarantee no more corruption, he said they had no idea. They didn’t even know about it lol

Stop spreading fake news

Sorry- I wasn't repeating any of Trump or Hannity's talking points so- no I am not spreading fake news.

Despite what you Trumpettes keep saying- repeating a person's actual statement is not "Fake News"- now repeating Trump's lies- that would be Fake News.

Glad to post Taylor's testimony again:

During this same phone call I had with Mr. Morrison, he went on to describe a

conversation Ambassador Sondland had with Mr. Yermak at Warsaw. Ambassador

Sondland told Mr. Yermak that the security assistance money would not come until

President Zelenskyy committed to pursue the Burisma investigation. I was alarmed by

what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation. This was the first

time I had heard that the security assistance—not just the White House meeting—was

conditioned on the investigations.

Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake

by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting

with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations-in

fact, Ambassador Sondland said, “everything” was dependent on such an

announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted

President Zelenskyy “in a public box” by making a public statement about ordering such


on September 8, Ambassador Sondland and I spoke on the phone.

He said he had talked to President Trump as I had suggested a week earlier, but that

President Trump was adamant that President Zelenskyy, himself, had to “clear things up

and do it in public.” President Trump said it was not a “quid pro quo.” Ambassador

Sondland said that he had talked to President Zelenskyy and Mr. Yermak and told them

that, although this was not a quid pro quo, if President Zelenskyy did not “clear things

up” in public, we would be at a “stalemate.” I

Testimony, or unchallenged opening statement?
white sheets are what Robert Byrd and the dems wear. you live long and prosper with the kkk eh?

White MAGA Man, who posts here, is a fraud, likely a Jussie Smollett clone. His goal is to equate supporting Trump with supporting David Duke.

Since the Cocksucker Administration invested so much time and effort to bring David Duke back from Russia and wipe out his latest Federal Charges, they aren't satisfied with the "return" so far. Race bait they do, but don't think for one minute that White MAGA Man is a Trump supporter = he isn't.
Here's the deal: the democrat congressional majority threatens assault (deadly physical force?) if a republican lawmaker seeks admittance to the "impeachment hearings" but they selectively leak "testimony" that tends to make the President look bad. Is this the way the left views democracy?
Hey dumb-ass, there were Republican committee members in on the hearings who selectively leaked lies afterward!

Republicans, however, downplayed Taylor’s testimony. Rep. Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, said of Taylor’s testimony there was “nothing new here, I think.”
“We're trying to see if any witness has a connection between foreign aid and pausing the foreign aid. As it relates to the quid pro quo, we haven't had any witness suggest that,” Meadows said.

IOW, only that which fits the narrative is to be believed. If Taylor said something contrary to his opening statement, we cannot take it as truth.
Notice how the "human scum" Right get caught in their lie that "DEADLY physical force" was used to block Republiscum from the hearings, they change the subject and play the victim rather than admit they were caught lying yet again.
You mean like Trump's secret phone call to the President of the Ukraine to ask a favor of him to investigate his political rival?


INVESTIGATE a Democrat!!!

We should make that a crime right now. Democrats should NEVER be INVESTIGATED....
Here's the deal: the democrat congressional majority threatens assault (deadly physical force?) if a republican lawmaker seeks admittance to the "impeachment hearings" but they selectively leak "testimony" that tends to make the President look bad. Is this the way the left views democracy?
Hey dumb-ass, there were Republican committee members in on the hearings who selectively leaked lies afterward!

Republicans, however, downplayed Taylor’s testimony. Rep. Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, said of Taylor’s testimony there was “nothing new here, I think.”
“We're trying to see if any witness has a connection between foreign aid and pausing the foreign aid. As it relates to the quid pro quo, we haven't had any witness suggest that,” Meadows said.

IOW, only that which fits the narrative is to be believed. If Taylor said something contrary to his opening statement, we cannot take it as truth.

Wow- clearly you understand that we can't believe anything that Trump says ever- since Trump regularly contradicts his initial statements.

As regards to Meadows statement- Meadows is either stupid or lying- since Taylor in his statement specifically suggested quid pro quo.

Yet if he said contradicted his opening statement, it can’t be taken as gospel truth. We don’t know if he did one way or another because only things that fit the narrative are released for public consumption.

IOW, Taylor could be lying.
OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
When you human scum stop lying!
I ask to see it and I am lying????????????? Lets SEE it!
You said the hearings were SECRET and that IS a LIE.
That is why YOU "human scum" are LYING!
Did you see the hearings? Neither did I-that is SECRET!

You mean like Trump's secret phone call to the President of the Ukraine to ask a favor of him to investigate his political rival?

Or do you mean secret like Trump sending his personal lawyer to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival?

Or do you mean secret like the secret Benghazi hearings the GOP held?
I thought the phone call was printed out for us to see, wasn't it?
We know he sent his lawyer, its called transparency.
The GOP may have done something wrong like Schiff. But Trump was not part of that.

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