Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

Why SHOULD he produce it? To what purpose? To show that he will bend over backwards to appease any nutjob that comes along asking for documentation of this or that?


He has produced what was required and it has been verified and attested to. But THAT didn't stop these nutjobs, now did it? Why should he assume that producing the pink polka-dot form with the bird of paradise watermark and the coconut foot imprint would appease them?
It won't. So why waste another minute on this idiocy?

Idiots will be idiots - why should a POTUS allow himself to get sucked into their silly games?

Because by NOT releasing it he creates a suspicion he has something to hide.

More and more Americans are asking themselves what that is.

The left uses ridicule to attempt to marginalize those who ask why because any other line of attack means answering tough questions.

In November 2008, The Advertiser reported that the first published mention of the future president appeared in a Sunday Advertiser birth announcement that ran on Aug. 13, 1961:
"Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4."
The identical announce- ment ran the following day in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Birthers wave off those birth announcements, saying that Obama family members 48 years ago could have phoned in false information to both newspapers.

Such vital statistics, however, were not sent to the newspapers by the general public but by the Health Department, which received the information directly from hospitals, Okubo said.

Birth announcements from the public ran elsewhere in both papers and usually included information such as the newborn's name, weight and time of birth.
"Take a second and think about that," wrote Robert Farley of the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times' Pulitzer Prize winning Web site on July 1. "In order to phony those notices up, it would have required the complicity of the state Health Department and two independent newspapers — on the off chance this unnamed child might want to one day be president of the United States."

Hawaii officials confirm Obama's original birth certificate still exists | | The Honolulu Advertiser
The newspaper's "proof" of birth, therefore, could be based on a state-issued "Certification of Live Birth" which, as WND has reported is insufficient alone, even for some State Department officials, to document the birthplace.
Only one problem with that. The COLB didn't exist in '61. The state started using that form in the early 2000's.

Many people remain unaware a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a Certification of Live Birth, the very "evidence" the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii.
Not true.

Hawaiian law specifically allows "an adult or the legal parents of a minor child" to apply to the health department and, upon unspecified proof, be given the birth document.
That law came into effect in 1981.

The unanswered question, since the Obama announcement carried an address and no name, was whether the state provided addresses at one time and stopped, and didn't provide the name, or whether the information was obtained in some other fashion.
See my above post.

Likewise, the Honolulu Advertiser, which ran a Barack Obama birth announcement in the Aug. 13, 1961, Sunday Advertiser, relies on the state-issued certification, rather than reporting from hospitals.
See my above post.

The Advertiser's Marsha McFadden told WND at the time of Obama's birth announcement, the newspaper got all of its information from the state Department of Health. That would include the address.
Which received their information based upon information received from hospitals.
Because by NOT releasing it he creates a suspicion he has something to hide. More and more Americans are asking themselves what that is. The left uses ridicule to attempt to marginalize those who ask why because any other line of attack means answering tough questions.

No, there is no suspicion swirling around Obama on this issue. It has been settled - long ago. The only thing more and more Americans are asking themselves is whether or not these "birthers" ate a lot of paint chips as children - seriously - 99.9% of all Americans think they are absolute nut cases because 99.9% of Americans realize the issue has been settled.

"Birthers" get ridiculed by left, right and all points in between, because they are acting looney - period. I'm sorry if you find that insulting - but if you don't want people to think you're looney, don't do looney stuff.
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To PR, et al:

Many people remain unaware a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a Certification of Live Birth, the very "evidence" the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii.

If that is true, please apply for a Hawaiian COLB and get back to us. After all this time, you'd think at least ONE birther could have pulled this off (since it's so easy to do and stuff).
Emma - I appreciate your laying it all out there like that - I applaud your patience. I've just been through it so many times before that I now believe that birthers don't WANT answers - they've already gotten them. They just want to try to create an illusion of an issue.
Emma - I appreciate your laying it all out there like that - I applaud your patience. I've just been through it so many times before that I now believe that birthers don't WANT answers - they've already gotten them. They just want to try to create an illusion of an issue.

It wouldn't matter if they were able to see the "long form" BC. They still wouldn't believe it to be a true copy (they are convinced the state is in on the conspiracy too).
Because by NOT releasing it he creates a suspicion he has something to hide. More and more Americans are asking themselves what that is. The left uses ridicule to attempt to marginalize those who ask why because any other line of attack means answering tough questions.

No, there is no suspecion swirling around Obama on this issue. It has been settled - long ago. The only thing more and more Americans are asking themselves is whether or not these "birthers" ate a lot of paint chips as children - seriously - 99.9% of all Americans think they are absolute nut cases because 99.9% of Americans realize the issue has been settled.

"Birthers" get ridiculed by left, right and all points in between, because they are acting looney - period. I'm sorry if you find that insulting - but if you don't want people to think you're looney, don't do looney stuff.

1) I'm not insulted by it...I'm just pointing it out for what it is...a political tactic used to silence the opposition..nothing more, nothing less. Once one sees it for what it is, the spell is broken, and it's usefulness as a tool is drained...knowledge is indeed power.

2) If asking WHY is your definition of looneyness...I fear you know not a soul who isn't looney...including yourself.
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Emma - I appreciate your laying it all out there like that - I applaud your patience. I've just been through it so many times before that I now believe that birthers don't WANT answers - they've already gotten them. They just want to try to create an illusion of an issue.

It wouldn't matter if they were able to see the "long form" BC. They still wouldn't believe it to be a true copy (they are convinced the state is in on the conspiracy too).

That is your opinion, not a fact.

Show me the long form and I'll be satisfied.
"When future historians look back at this passage in our nation's history, I suspect they'll conclude that this Obama-isn't-American nuttiness refracted the insecurities and, in some cases, the hatred that a portion of conservative white America felt about having a black president."
-- Harold Meyerson, on the Birther handjobs, Link
That is your opinion, not a fact.

Show me the long form and I'll be satisfied.

I promise....just jump through this one last hoop and you wil be done

Trust me!
I'm not insulted by it...I'm just pointing it out for what it is...a political tactic used to silence the opposition..nothing more, nothing less. Once one sees it for what it is, the spell is broken, and it's usefulness as a tool is drained...knowledge is indeed power.

Ahhhh but what happens when you are forced to confront the fact that someone who has no political party - and therefore has no political opposition - and therefore has no motive to silence anyone - (those like me) say it's looney?

I'm not trying to silence anyone - I couldn't care less how foolish people make themselves look. I just call 'em like I see 'em. The birthers are the ones who have been shouting "STFU" not me. Who is trying to silence opposition? Who is simply trying to show some folks how ridiculous they look?
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Show me the long form and I'll be satisfied.

Who cares if YOU are satisfied - are you laboring under the delusion that YOUR satisfaction is required for anything? Are you under the impression that it is Obama's responsibility to alter the laws of the United States of America until YOU are satisfied?

How arrogant.

No wonder you guys aren't winning any friends or influencing any people.
I'm not insulted by it...I'm just pointing it out for what it is...a political tactic used to silence the opposition..nothing more, nothing less. Once one sees it for what it is, the spell is broken, and it's usefulness as a tool is drained...knowledge is indeed power.

Ahhhh but what happens when you are forced to confront the fact that someone who has no political party - and therefore has no political opposition - and therefore has no motive to silence anyone - (those like me) say it's looney?

I'm not trying to silence anyone - I couldn't care less how foolish people make themselves look. I just call 'em like I see 'em. The birthers are the ones who have been shouting "STFU" not me. Who is trying to silence opposition? Who is simply trying to show some folks how ridiculous they look?

Claims the guy whose choose "left leaning" as his self imposed title. :rolleyes:
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Show me the long form and I'll be satisfied.

Who cares if YOU are satisfied - are you laboring under the delusion that YOUR satisfaction is required for anything? Are you under the impression that it is Obama's responsibility to alter the laws of the United States of America until YOU are satisfied?

How arrogant.

No wonder you guys aren't winning any friends or influencing any people.

I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

If it is arrogant to question the motivations of our leaders actions, few are not guity.

Obama need not alter any red herring.

All that is required is a release of the document in know...transparency.
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Show me the long form and I'll be satisfied.

Who cares if YOU are satisfied - are you laboring under the delusion that YOUR satisfaction is required for anything? Are you under the impression that it is Obama's responsibility to alter the laws of the United States of America until YOU are satisfied?

How arrogant.

No wonder you guys aren't winning any friends or influencing any people.

I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

If it is arrogant to question the motivations of our leaders actions, few are not guity.

Obama need not alter any red herring.

All that is required is a release of the document in know...transparency.

I showed you in another thread that the use of the COLB by the Hawaiian DOH has the force of law, and that is the ONLY document they provide upon request of a birth certificate. So in order for them to release the long form would indeed require a change in the current law.
I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

Of course you have the right - folks have the right to wear pink pants and an orange shirt too - if someone wants to look foolish, then in America they have that right.

Don't blame me because the vast majority of Americans think this is a looney non-issue.
Who cares if YOU are satisfied - are you laboring under the delusion that YOUR satisfaction is required for anything? Are you under the impression that it is Obama's responsibility to alter the laws of the United States of America until YOU are satisfied?

How arrogant.

No wonder you guys aren't winning any friends or influencing any people.

I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

If it is arrogant to question the motivations of our leaders actions, few are not guity.

Obama need not alter any red herring.

All that is required is a release of the document in know...transparency.

I showed you in another thread that the use of the COLB by the Hawaiian DOH has the force of law, and that is the ONLY document they provide upon request of a birth certificate. So in order for them to release the long form would indeed require a change in the current law.

I understand that Emma, and as I said before, I have seen no evidence that the release of an archival copy of the long form is in any way against the law.

If you have a link that say releasing a copy of the long form birth certificate is against the law, I'd be more than happy to read it.
I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

If it is arrogant to question the motivations of our leaders actions, few are not guity.

Obama need not alter any red herring.

All that is required is a release of the document in know...transparency.

I showed you in another thread that the use of the COLB by the Hawaiian DOH has the force of law, and that is the ONLY document they provide upon request of a birth certificate. So in order for them to release the long form would indeed require a change in the current law.

I understand that Emma, and as I said before, I have seen no evidence that the release of an archival copy of the long form is in any way against the law.

If you have a link that say releasing a copy of the long form birth certificate is against the law, I'd be more than happy to read it.

For vital records of events that occurred seventy-five years or less prior to the current year, the applicant must establish a direct and tangible interest in the records.

A certified copy of a vital record (birth, death, marriage, or divorce certificate) is issued only to an applicant who has a direct and tangible interest in the record. The following persons are considered to have such an interest:

  • the registrant (the person whom the record is concerned with);
  • the registrant’s spouse;
  • the registrant’s parent(s);
  • a descendant of the registrant (e.g., a child or grandchild);
  • a person having a common ancestor with the registrant (e.g., a sibling, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or cousin);
  • a legal guardian of the registrant;
  • a person or agency acting on behalf of the registrant;
  • a personal representative of the registrant’s estate;
  • a person whose right to obtain a copy of the record is established by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
  • adoptive parents who have filed a petition for adoption and need to determine the death of one or more of the prospective adopted child’s natural or legal parents;
  • a person who needs to determine the marital status of a former spouse in order to determine the payment of alimony;
  • a person who needs to determine the death of a nonrelated co-owner of property purchased under a joint tenancy agreement; and
  • a person who needs a death certificate for the determination of payments under a credit insurance policy.

If you are not able to establish a direct and tangible interest in the record, you are ineligible and will not be issued a certified copy of the record.

Hawai‘i State Department of Health

Try again August 5, 2036.
I am laboring under the assumtion that as long as my requests are reasonable, I have as much right to voice my request and my concerns about the refusal to provide the long form birth certificate as any other American.

Of course you have the right - folks have the right to wear pink pants and an orange shirt too - if someone wants to look foolish, then in America they have that right.

Don't blame me because the vast majority of Americans think this is a looney non-issue.

And as I've said repeatedly...if it is looney to ask why and it is foolish to question the motivations of our elected leaders, then there is a vast minority of Americans who are not looney and foolish by your definition.

Did Obama not say his administration would be one of transparency?

But instead of holding him to his promise, you would rather applaud his opaqueness.

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