Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

If you believe it is a smear-attempt merely to ask why, it is you who needs a lesson in discourse.

So now you are asking me to go along with your delusion that "all you have done has been to merely ask why"?

Still NOTHING offered to lead to any other conclusion. I'll keep my eyes open for that, if it ever appears.
Good luck with the fish.
You know, I've changed my position on this. I want to see the BC for two reasons. One, it will be so fun watching the wind go out of the birfers sails and two, so they will finally !!!

I have to consider the possibility that one reason not to cave in to the nutjobs is so they will stay fixated on THIS issue - and continue looking foolish in the process.
You know, I've changed my position on this. I want to see the BC for two reasons. One, it will be so fun watching the wind go out of the birfers sails and two, so they will finally :anj_stfu:!!!

1. You have no way of knowing what the outcome will be if and when obama ever stops hiding not only his birth certificate, but a multitude of other records.

2. NO ONE would LOVE to see this issue put to REST more than I.

3. You think I don't, you're a fucking idiot.
You know, I've changed my position on this. I want to see the BC for two reasons. One, it will be so fun watching the wind go out of the birfers sails and two, so they will finally :anj_stfu:!!!

1. You have no way of knowing what the outcome will be if and when obama ever stops hiding not only his birth certificate, but a multitude of other records.

2. NO ONE would LOVE to see this issue put to REST more than I.

3. You think I don't, you're a fucking idiot.

I thought you were giving this a rest? Did you catch your second wind?
If you believe it is a smear-attempt merely to ask why, it is you who needs a lesson in discourse.

I'll agree that just asking "why" he doesn't just appease the birthers isn't harmful. But asking this president to voluntarily submit to a standard of qualification that has not been applied to the previous 43 presidents without any legitimate justification is absurd AND harmful.
Suggesting that Obama should - for the sake of "transparency" - submit himself to a different set of rules than was applied to all previous presidents is wrong. He would be crazy to do it and if he turns the qualification process over to a band of nutjobs who can't come up with a single reason to justify their new set of standards is dangerous.

In requesting such a break from law and precedent, birthers carry a HUGE burden of justifying such a request. And no birthers have even come close to articulating WHY.

Why should number 44 be held to a different standard than the other 43 were? What is different about number 44? Is it because he is black that some folks want him measured by different scale? Is it because there are some sore losers out there (Obviously products of "everybody wins" little leagues who never learned how to lose with dignity) who "demand" that he be held to these different standards?

If these are not the reasons birthers want to change the rules after the game has been won, then by all means let me hear a more plausible explanation. Because no one has articulated it yet. That's why every court, every legislative body, and every comptent authority has laughed in the face of the birthers.

And until one of you guys can come up with a legitimate reason why THIS president should be held to a different set of standards, you are relegated to "nutjob" status.

And I'm saying the same thing I said to the "Bush was behind 911" crowd. Show your evidence, show your proof, show your justification or get used to being called a nutjob.

The pressure is not on Obama to agree to your new standards - the pressure is on YOU guys to provide a reasonable rationale behind your request. If you can't come up with that, Obama would be foolish to waste a second on this claptrap. Don't expect HIM to provide your credibility by responding. If you guys can't create any credibility for yourselves in nine months of whining - and so far you haven't - then maybe no credibility is due.
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The whole Birth Certificate issue is another matter in which the GOP looks so stupid. And they wonder why they are the minority party.

the birth certificate says father unknown!! barry is a bastard child from a seventeen year kid!!!
And Obama meets the very first requirement.

So where is the link that release of an archival copy of the long form is in any way against the law?

Above. The COLB is what the DOH has chosen as the certificate they issue when a request is made for a bc, and that is all they issue. And their decision to do so has the force of law.

A request isn't being made for a birth certificate.

A request is being made specifically for an archival copy of the long form birth certificate.

Where is the link that states release of that document is illegal ?
And back on the merry go round we go :lol:

The state doesn't release "long" forms anymore. All they will provide upon request is the COLB.

The statutes I quoted say the DOH has legal authority to determine the form(s) they use provided it adheres to certain standards, and that their determination carries the force of law. The DOH has determined that the COLB is THE form they provide upon request for birth records. There are no 'long' forms anymore. I'm not sure how else to say this lol.
Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

State senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

Posted: August 07, 2009
12:30 am Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii Department of Health, including President Obama’s long-form original birth certificate.

Espero told WND his bill is aimed at "giving citizens access to birth records" under a standard of government transparency which would permit journalists to request in writing the public disclosure of vital birth records including long-form birth certificates of all persons born in Hawaii. He said it would include the release of birth records on those previously born in Hawaii.

"My decision to file the legislation was primarily a result of the fuss over President Obama's birth records and the lingering questions," Espero said.

Espero told WND that he believes President Obama was born in Hawaii.

"My motivation is strictly to promote transparency," he said. "When I found out that Hawaii birth records were not available to the public my first thought was, 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

"As far as I am concerned, records regarding whether a person was born here or not should be in the public domain," he said.

Asked specifically about Obama's birth records, including the original long-form birth certificate, Espero said, "Whatever birth records regarding President Obama that the Hawaii Department has on file should be made public."

Story continues here...

A state senator passing a bill to trump federal law (HIPAA)?

Good luck with that.

BTW, if Jerome Corsi says it, it's most likely distorted.
I think he forgot the right to privacy part of the constitution also. There is no way they can pass a bill demanding someone to release their medical or private records. I will love to see them try.:cuckoo:
Not sure if I asked this already (probably did lol) but wouldn't that also come close to violating the constitution elsewhere (section 10)? (if I already asked, sorry... going on no sleep)
I am asking and have repeatedly asked why Obama refuses to release his long form birth certificate.

And I agree with the 99.99% of Americans who think it is a looney question. Emma has provided all the documentation, explanatiions, and applicable law. It's not new - you've surely heard all of it before.

So 99.99% of American believe it is a looney question? LINK?

According to the Honolulu Advertiser, who broke the story on the DOH having an original copy of Obama's long form reported:
One thing that remains unclear is whether Obama has a copy of the original 1961 Certificate of Live Birth, or if he would even be allowed to see it if he asked.

Hawai'i's disclosure law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes 338-18) states that "it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part on any such record ... "

The law further states that the Health Department "shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record."
These journalist are closer to this story, both literally and figuratively, than anyone else.

If they say it is unclear...I believe that the issue has not been decided and that Emma's 'only issue' theory is just theory.

So it begs the question - since all of these issues have been put to rest - what is YOUR motivation? WHY continue to beat a dead horse and pretend that there is any question at all?

Is it to smear a political opponent? I've seen absolutely nothing from you that would indicate any other explanation.

As for my is to not allow Obama to hide the truth, whatever that truth may be.

What is Obama's motivation is to bury and hide?

As for me, I'll stick with the revealer...the hiders are often up to no good.

Your assumptions reveal more about you then they do about me.

My 'only issue' ?

Are you talking about my posts that Hawaii only issues the COLB?

I've posted multiple quotes from officials of the DOH and links from Hawaii state websites stating emphatically that the COLB is all they produce upon request for birth records.
Still no evidence to support anything other than a smear-attempt. Keep repeating the same discredited and disproven theories in order to smear a political opponent. Pretend (and beg the rest of the folks to pretend with you) that there is some legitimate question....

It's sad to see what "political discourse" has degenerated into.

If you believe it is a smear-attempt merely to ask why, it is you who needs a lesson in discourse.

Missourian, I can speak only for myself, but you've been quite civil and I've enjoyed reading your posts even tho I disagree with you.
He's a good egg... and in the distinct minority (of the "birthers"), I believe.
You know, I've changed my position on this. I want to see the BC for two reasons. One, it will be so fun watching the wind go out of the birfers sails and two, so they will finally :anj_stfu:!!!

I believe Missouran would be satisfied, but the majority would NOT.

Over a year ago, these people were raising hell for Obama to release a BC.

So he did.

They claimed it was "fake", because there was no seal.

It was proven to have a seal.

They claimed it was "fake", because it had no signature.

It was proven to have a signature.

And on and on. Every time their questions have been answered, and their accusations refuted, they move on to something else. They will NEVER be satisfied that Obama was born in Hawaii. Never.
You know, I've changed my position on this. I want to see the BC for two reasons. One, it will be so fun watching the wind go out of the birfers sails and two, so they will finally :anj_stfu:!!!

1. You have no way of knowing what the outcome will be if and when obama ever stops hiding not only his birth certificate, but a multitude of other records.

Whatever "other" records there may be make no difference in his eligibility to serve as POTUS.
Above. The COLB is what the DOH has chosen as the certificate they issue when a request is made for a bc, and that is all they issue. And their decision to do so has the force of law.

A request isn't being made for a birth certificate.

A request is being made specifically for an archival copy of the long form birth certificate.

Where is the link that states release of that document is illegal ?
And back on the merry go round we go :lol:

The state doesn't release "long" forms anymore. All they will provide upon request is the COLB.

The statutes I quoted say the DOH has legal authority to determine the form(s) they use provided it adheres to certain standards, and that their determination carries the force of law. The DOH has determined that the COLB is THE form they provide upon request for birth records. There are no 'long' forms anymore. I'm not sure how else to say this lol.

Yeah. It's like demanding to see someone's tank of gas.

You could do that.

Or you could just look at the receipt.
So if it doesn't concern you, why ridicule people who are only asking that Obama release his records?

Because he has - it has all been verified by non-partisans and all the appropriate authorities. People who do stupid things get ridiculed - it happens.

I disagree, it is a matter of public interest for the American people to see the documentation for themselves.

If Obama has nothing to hide, there is no reason to withhold it.

An AOL online poll on July 25, 2009 showed 81% of the 66,000 respondants wanted to see the long form for themselves.

AOL poll: 81% want Obama to release it

You mean a poll that requires people have a computer, internet access, visit a site and provides no way to track who has already voted?

Sounds highly scientific.

You guys discredit yourself when you throw out this shoddy evidence to support your cause.

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