Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

Personally, I hope Obama releases his "vault copy" to the national archives at the end of his presidency just to put an exclamation point on the insanity of the birthers.
Personally, I hope Obama releases his "vault copy" to the national archives at the end of his presidency just to put an exclamation point on the insanity of the birthers.

Well if he'd do it then, why not now? What's the big deal? Just release the damn thing and shut everyone the hell up on this.

It's interesting that so many don't have a problem that so little of a paper trail has been released on Barry.

Hope the next Repub president follows Barry's lead. Would you all be ok with that? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Personally, I hope Obama releases his "vault copy" to the national archives at the end of his presidency just to put an exclamation point on the insanity of the birthers.

Well if he'd do it then, why not now? What's the big deal? Just release the damn thing and shut everyone the hell up on this.

It's interesting that so many don't have a problem that so little of a paper trail has been released on Barry.

Hope the next Repub president follows Barry's lead. Would you all be ok with that? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

I think the logic of not capitulating to the damnds of a fringe group is self evident.

As for future presidents; if the State of Y says X was born there, then I'll accept it.

In light of the very real policy issues that are going to occur with any candidate, this is a stupid issue to get twisted up about.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

What you fruitcakes are going to find is that President Obama was born where and when the birth certificate already on line says he was. And you are going to look like the bloody fools you are once again.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot


Now understand what this imbecile is saying:


The only problem this crank has, is that there is no actual SUBSTANCE to that which she claims is OBVIOUS; there is no basis in FACT on which the presumption actually rests...

Ask this Leftist, 'to what evidence are you standing on in this projection and she'll refer you to a document which does NOT CERTIFY a Hawaiin birth... but that the subject was born Alive and that the certification is being made by the State of Hawaii...

Ask this individual what is unreasonable about the demand that a valid certification which provides the customary data; time, place, residing Doctor and witnesses... she can not provide a lucid basis for her now discredited assertion...

She merely needs to project that, that which has NOT be substantiating HAS been... and this based upon her exceedingly LOW standard of satisfaction. Unfortunately, she does not care IF Hussein was born in Hawaii or NOT... If it came to pass that Hussein was PROVEN to NOT be a natural born US Citizen... she would demand that the Constitutional mandate is no longer relevant; that He was duly elected by a majority and that there's no good reason, why a foregin national shouldn't be President of the US.

As is the case with the VAST MAJORITY of those who show no curiosity about why a grown man who has been elected to be the President of the US would seek to HIDE HIS BIRTH CERT.

Now understand MY POSITION: I am not making ANY claim which asserts that Hussein was NOT born in the US; NONE, NADA, NIL... ZILCH! I don't know WHERE THE COMMUNIST FUCK WAS BORN! And THAT is my problem...

The USC requires that one must be a Natural born Citizen... thus he/she must be born on US soil... and there is no substantive evidence, by either witness or state certification... the entire history of this guy's life is heresay... and MOST OF IT COMES FROM HIS OWN BOOKS... Books which are in and of themselves dubious...

When those books were published he was a local politician... an unknown to MOST OF THE PLANET... and for some reason, he decided to write a BIOGRAPHY of his LIFE... and you may ask: 'what's wrong with that?'... Two answers... first: WHY would someone write a biography of their life in their 30s? When MOST of their life is YET TO BE LIVED? Who would possibly be interested in such...

Beyond THAT... who would PUBLISH such a book? That such a book was published at all, indicates a level of influence which is far beyond that common to a local politician.

Thus when such questionable circumstances come to pass, and the subject then REFUSES to produce his Birth Certificate... and spends MILLIONS to STOP HIS BIRTH CERT from being RELEASED...


If it turns out to finally be proven that Hussein was born in Hawaii... GREAT... who gives a fuck? The issue is NOT that he was born in Hawaii, it is THAT HE HASN'T PROVIDED ANYTHING TO ESTABLISH THAT FACT; but seems to have intentionally provided ONLY that which is sufficient to establish the APPEARANCE; designed to force the assumption that he was born on Hawaii...

Now every comment on this issue should ALWAYS be closed by noting that THIS ENTIRE ISSUE LIVES ON THE REFUSAL OF THE BOY KING TO SIMPLY PRODUCE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE; a function which every other American has to do DOZENS OF TIMES THROUGHOUT THEIR LIVES... yet something which THIS GUY simply REFUSES TO DO!
I think the logic of not capitulating to the damnds of a fringe group is self evident.


Notice how hard these idiots are working to establish that SIMPLY PROVIDING A BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a function of extremism... extremism advanced by the political fringe.

When in fact there is nothing FRINGE or extreme about it.

This issue is not sustained by the DEMAND to see the document, it is sustained by the REFUSAL TO SIMPLY PROVIDE IT.

There is nothing extreme about holding to the Standard established by the US Constitution. However, NOT CARING IF THE PRESIDENT OF THE US IS A FOREGIN NATIONAL WHO WAS NOT BORN IN THE US... IS EXTREME and MOST DECIDEDLY FRINGE!
Tell me Zoom why would Obama want to take away an issue that makes so many Republicans look SOOOO stupid?

To meet the mandate required by the Constitution he swore to defend and protect...

Why he would NOT would be that he has little regard for his word of honor, his sworn oath or the Constitution of the United States.

Understand friends, that these people do not care whether Hussein was born in the US... IF it were proven that Hussein was born in Kenya... the people DEMANDING that they were satisfied that Hussein had PROVEN that he was born in Hawaii WOULD NOT BE THEN DEMANDING THAT HUSSEIN BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE and BILLS SIGNED INTO LAW UNDER HIS INVALID OFFICE BE IMMEDIATELY RESCINDED...

Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

What you fruitcakes are going to find is that President Obama was born where and when the birth certificate already on line says he was. And you are going to look like the bloody fools you are once again.

So you feel that we, The Americans, are going to look like FOOLS.. because we demanded that what you say will BE PROVEN... BE PROVEN?



Again... Rocks wouldn't bat an EYE, if it was PROVEN that Hussein is a KENYAN by Birth... thus unqualified for the Office of POTUS.

So all the posturing that they're being reasonable... is absurd; there's nothing reasonable about being uninterested in the birth origins of the President of the US... As such a position says that there's no reason WHY a foreign born national SHOULD NOT be President... and THAT is all we're talking about here.

I just want his birth origin PROVEN by the presentation of an ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE! As I know for a FACT that there is sound reason to NOT HAVE FOREIGN NATIONALS IN THE US EXECUTIVE... If he proves his Hawaiin birth, it'll be about time and would end my contention on this issue... which is the absolute LEAST of my concerns with this communist fuck.
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Hey Pubic. 7 + more years of President Barak Hussein Obama. Then possibly eight years of another Democratic President, simply because you wingnuts are taking the Republican Party clear off the track into a collosal train wreck. I wish you the best of luck in your endevours:razz:
Hey Pubic. 7 + more years of President Barak Hussein Obama. Then possibly eight years of another Democratic President, simply because you wingnuts are taking the Republican Party clear off the track into a collosal train wreck. I wish you the best of luck in your endevours:razz:

Who the fuck is Barak? Will you ever learn how to spell your Messiah's name correctly? Christ.
I think the logic of not capitulating to the damnds of a fringe group is self evident.


Notice how hard these idiots are working to establish that SIMPLY PROVIDING A BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a function of extremism... extremism advanced by the political fringe.

When in fact there is nothing FRINGE or extreme about it.

This issue is not sustained by the DEMAND to see the document, it is sustained by the REFUSAL TO SIMPLY PROVIDE IT.

There is nothing extreme about holding to the Standard established by the US Constitution. However, NOT CARING IF THE PRESIDENT OF THE US IS A FOREGIN NATIONAL WHO WAS NOT BORN IN THE US... IS EXTREME and MOST DECIDEDLY FRINGE!

You just proved his point :rofl:

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