Billboard in San Francisco Will Warn Tourists About Dangers of Fentanyl


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

Don't people in San Francisco know that fentanyl is dangerous already?

When I was a kid, they showed films in school about the dangerous of drugs, smoking, drinking and driving, etc. It wasn't a closely held secret that this was dangerous.
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

Liar...govt policy is always for your own good. They know whats best for everyone in every circumstsance.
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

My kids and i never did Fentanyl, i guess it is a life choice, and if you choose unwisely, you might not like the end results. Actions have consequences...
Your friend found a doctor feelgood who supplied him with prescriptions for narcotics. When the doctor cut him off he "had" to go on the street and he ended up killing himself with an overdose. You blame society for this?
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

So would the billboard have clued your friend in?
In San Francisco, this is the billboard they REALLY need.

The idea of not becoming a drug addict used to not be a virtuous thing. Drug addiction was far-fetched, a fringe thing. Now, with the advocacy of pot, a gateway drug and worse, we need to make PSA’s warning about drug abuse and addiction.
SF is an ideal example of the hypocrisy. This billboard in the land of Pelosi who calls pot therapeutic (partly because her son is heavily invested). That woman needs an exorcism.
Your friend found a doctor feelgood who supplied him with prescriptions for narcotics. When the doctor cut him off he "had" to go on the street and he ended up killing himself with an overdose. You blame society for this?
Some people live in chronic pain. that was never considered in the mad rush to " do something" because of so called abuse of prescription drugs. now you cant get decent pain meds and if you live with chronic pain mr govt made your life a living hell
Some people live in chronic pain. that was never considered in the mad rush to " do something" because of so called abuse of prescription drugs. now you cant get decent pain meds and if you live with chronic pain mr govt made your life a living hell

The ONLY people who are dying of Fentanyl are weak losers who cannot control themselves.

So now, people who truly need painkillers - and there are LOTS of them - now have to jump through fucking hoops just so they are not in excruciating pain.
All because a bunch of fucking wimps got hooked on these drugs and haven't got the brains/guts to stop using.
And the fucking, moronic public is panicking over these drugs like the idiots they are. SO they are demanding all these restrictions on fentanyl. Even though they have not got a fucking clue what they are talking about on the subject.
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

It depends?

If your friend needed the drug for pain?
That is too bad.

But I assume he just got hooked on them - like a pathetic addict. Refused to quit and got unlucky.

I was hooked on crack - which is far, FAR more powerful than percocet (which I have used - man, they are nothing).
And I quit - by myself.
And if I can - ANYONE can.

ANYONE can quit ANY drug addiction if they want to badly enough.

I have little sympathy for him.
He knew the risks.
He could have stopped.
He didn't.
So he got burned.

Sorry you lost a friend.
But that's life.
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The ONLY people who are dying of Fentanyl are weak losers who cannot control themselves.

So now, people who truly need painkillers - and there are LOTS of them - now have to jump through fucking hoops just so they are not in excruciating pain.
All because a bunch of fucking wimps got hooked on these drugs and haven't got the brains/guts to stop using.
And the fucking, moronic public is panicking over these drugs like the idiots they are. SO they are demanding all these restrictions on fentanyl. Even though they have not got a fucking clue what they are talking about on the subject.
When MN passed their version it was just non-stop panic porn on the local 6pm news. Not one, and now the rest of the story report at all.
I lost my friend to a fentanyl overdose. His doctor kept him on percocet for years and suddenly cut him off due to government pressure. So he had to go to the streets. 4th dose killed him. There is no way for most to get help. We're barbarians!

They should have a billboard warning them about democrats controlling the city.

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