Billionaire Rips Pocahontas: ‘I Gave Away More In 1 Year Than She Has In Her Whole F***ing Lifetime’

Accept what you want. Just remember, from wherever you get your income, it doesn't matter if you're taking a company salary or the taxpayer's dime, a rich guy paid for a huge chunk of it.

When they're not squirrelling billions away in the Caymen Islands...
Accept what you want. Just remember, from wherever you get your income, it doesn't matter if you're taking a company salary or the taxpayer's dime, a rich guy paid for a huge chunk of it.

When they're not squirrelling billions away in the Caymen Islands...

The sleaziest junk bond trader who squirrels as much as he can to sunny tax havens still pays more in taxes than Mr and Mrs Joe Six Pack.
To Hell with the billionaires.

And all the thousands of people who work for them.
So you believe in the trickle down theory of economics, even though it is a proven failure.

You might want to research income inequality rates since Reagan was potus.

I don't have a problem with income inequality. The real crime in this world is attractiveness inequality. The fact that I can't look like Jon Hamm is a real tragedy...

I will accept that as your white flag of surrender.

Accept what you want. Just remember, from wherever you get your income, it doesn't matter if you're taking a company salary or the taxpayer's dime, a rich guy paid for a huge chunk of it.
Doesn’t matter. Money buys political power in this country. With increasing wealth going to the .1%, they now run the country. Fuck that.

Secondly, many middle class Americans want to believe billionaires worked their hands to the bone to get rich. This is utter nonsense. Many got rich via connections and sweet heart deals from the government.

Thirdly many middle class Americans assume a billionaire must know a lot about politics and government policy. This too is utter nonsense. Most of them are out of touch fools.
Doesn’t matter. Money buys political power in this country. With increasing wealth going to the .1%, they now run the country. Fuck that.

I'm OK with that. My people have been running it too long anyway.

To Hell with the billionaires.

And all the thousands of people who work for them.
So you believe in the trickle down theory of economics, even though it is a proven failure.

You might want to research income inequality rates since Reagan was potus.

Maybe you should reseach the ineffectivness of a wealth tax and why nearly all European countries that implemented it decided to discontinue it. The few that have it are the exceptions and are not comparable to the US economy.
To Hell with the billionaires.

And all the thousands of people who work for them.
So you believe in the trickle down theory of economics, even though it is a proven failure.

You might want to research income inequality rates since Reagan was potus.

Maybe you should reseach the ineffectivness of a wealth tax and why nearly all European countries that implemented it decided to discontinue it. The few that have it are the exceptions and are not comparable to the US economy.

Maybe you should consider the other side of that coin>

To Hell with the billionaires.
Wealth envy is funny.
So disliking them makes me envious.

oh the ignorant American seems like they are everywhere.

Many on the left dislike them soley because they have a lot of money and it doesn't stop at billionaires. Pretty much anyone who is deemed "rich" relative to their situation is a target. Call it envy, hatred, resentment or whatever you would like. Coveting somone's elses stuff is the problem with many on the left.

I can dislike a billionaire, but if I do so based soley on their wealth and have nothing else on which to base my opinion of the individual, then I am wrong. I thought stereotyping was abhorrent to the left? I guess like pretty much everythiing with them, it depends on who is being stereotyped.
Doesn’t matter. Money buys political power in this country. With increasing wealth going to the .1%, they now run the country. Fuck that.

I'm OK with that. My people have been running it too long anyway.


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No just tax the heck out of them.

You don't believe this will discourage innovation in this country? You don't think billionaires will leave? Nobody thinks they shouldn't pay taxes, but we have to be realistic. Sanders said we shouldn't have billionaires, so we are going take a 110+dollars from Jeff Bezos to put him just under a billion in net worth? How do you do this exactly? It is not like he has that much cash. Are were going to just take property and stock from him?
I can’t wait to watch television from a street corner as Elizabeth Warren is on vacation why am trying to find a poor guy to hire me lol democrats are so beyond stupid

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