Billionaire tells trump to get out of the race

Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
We don't need any unity for massive tax increases, open borders, and government corruption.
As vulnerable as the left believes Trump to be it's mystifying why they would run so many clowns on such a losing platform:

Open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories.

Sound like a winner to you? To anyone?
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.

No...the democrats are fine with that....that is why they keep the fake Ukraine story going.......

And you can say that hilary wouldn't have been even worse?
Tearful billionaire has some advice for President Trump: Change your approach or get out of the race

He says..."take a victory lap" and get out. You know....I bet the thought had crossed trump's mind? I mean...he is a coward and a quitter...

The GOP has to be very concerned about what other trump dirt comes to the surface.

As the polls rise for Impeachment and will soon be too late for the GOP to pick anyone else to run in 2020...

Trump is going to bring the whole party down with him

Yes....those full stadiums with 10s of thousands waiting outside, and the record breaking fund raising for the 2020 campaign...yeah, you are sooo right...
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
We don't need any unity for massive tax increases, open borders, and government corruption.
As vulnerable as the left believes Trump to be it's mystifying why they would run so many clowns on such a losing platform:

Open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism, and impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories.

Sound like a winner to you? To anyone?

Ending private healthcare, even for unions....raising taxes on the middle class to pay for illegal immigrants...

Yeah...that is a winning platform...
Instead of trying to expand his base....trump thinks he can win again with the 40% + or - support he had...
You seem to believe he's a typical politician which, if you refuse to face facts, will cost the Dems another election. He doesn't have to kowtow to a base but rather just be the America-First POTUS this country elected in 2016. Self-destructive Dems will take care of the rest for him.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Instead of trying to expand his base....trump thinks he can win again with the 40% + or - support he had.

Four Democratic contenders best him in national race according to polls. Add more criminality to the mix...and he is sunk.

A FOX News poll released just yesterday have 49% wanting trump both Impeached and Removed. That number is going to go up dramatically as the public hearings begin on the Impeachment initiative.

Fox News Poll: 49% of Voters Want Trump Impeached and Removed From Office guys knew he was a criminal when you elected him. If you don't ditch him soon, it will be too late to put someone in there to run in 2020 that actually represents the GOP.


Quick....tell President Hilary....the polls had her winning with over 90% of the vote...and we all know how that turned out.......

Better yet....go to one of the Trump know, where he is filling 50 thousand seat stadiums with 20-30 thousand people waiting outside and tell everyone there.........
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
Who wants to unite with you freaks who get hysterical when you see a red hat?
I do?

Since you guys no longer value fundamental honesty, you're certainly free to believe that. Whatever you're told to believe.

Keep up the good work.

Yep, the looney left is all about fundamental it for CNN, MSNBC and Adam Schiff, dumbass.
Since you guys no longer value fundamental honesty, you're certainly free to believe that. Whatever you're told to believe. Keep up the good work.
Yep, the looney left is all about fundamental it for CNN, MSNBC and Adam Schiff, dumbass.
C'mon man … haven't you heard? Donald Trump's done:

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Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
IOW.... we need to give democrats what they want so they’ll stop whining and crying.
Cooperman is no Trump. Trump loves the battle.
Cooperman is just too civilized, he would be bullied by the MSM, while Trump gives them the finger.
Cooperman knows that a democrat president would be a disaster.
I hope Cooperman can throw money at Trump's campaign.
Instead of trying to expand his base....trump thinks he can win again with the 40% + or - support he had.

I wonder how many voters, who would have voted for Trump
didn't vote because they were influenced by the rigged polls
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
And it wasn’t by the last 3 presidents? Bill Clinton and his wife? Where to begin... George Bush? People screamed and protested he lied, people died. Obama? He helped to create racial divide and hate of law enforcement, apologized for America where no apology was needed. Please. He is just more vocal and gives voice to middle America the others forgot, actually creating a unity not seen in decades. The divide was already there. Just the msm was silent about it. And now they work hard to make it appear that no unity exists by discrediting him on every single thing he does that is favorable. For a reason, and you fall for it, just as they hoped.
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He was tearful? Must be hurting from his own poor decisions in which he had to pay millions to the SEC.
Tearful billionaire has some advice for President Trump: Change your approach or get out of the race

He says..."take a victory lap" and get out. You know....I bet the thought had crossed trump's mind? I mean...he is a coward and a quitter...

The GOP has to be very concerned about what other trump dirt comes to the surface.

As the polls rise for Impeachment and will soon be too late for the GOP to pick anyone else to run in 2020...
Bwahahahaha..... quoting billionaires
Tearful billionaire has some advice for President Trump: Change your approach or get out of the race

He says..."take a victory lap" and get out. You know....I bet the thought had crossed trump's mind? I mean...he is a coward and a quitter...

The GOP has to be very concerned about what other trump dirt comes to the surface.

As the polls rise for Impeachment and will soon be too late for the GOP to pick anyone else to run in 2020...
I can't imagine what it's like to spend each and every day all pissed off, about what someone over whom you have zero control does.....And then spending every waking moment devoted to maintaining that level of pissed off....Must suck to be you.

I can imagine little Jimmy sitting at the computer ranting and raving in his drawers. Open cans of food laying around a bunch of cats running around. Damn Jim clean up your act son . Get outside for some fresh air. It’s going to be bad for you the next five years.
Instead of trying to expand his base....trump thinks he can win again with the 40% + or - support he had.

Four Democratic contenders best him in national race according to polls. Add more criminality to the mix...and he is sunk.

A FOX News poll released just yesterday have 49% wanting trump both Impeached and Removed. That number is going to go up dramatically as the public hearings begin on the Impeachment initiative.

Fox News Poll: 49% of Voters Want Trump Impeached and Removed From Office guys knew he was a criminal when you elected him. If you don't ditch him soon, it will be too late to put someone in there to run in 2020 that actually represents the GOP.

Trump will win the largest minority votes since who the fuck knows when. Trump 2020 will be a bigger win than Reagan 84
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
Who wants to unite with you freaks who get hysterical when you see a red hat?
I do?

Since you guys no longer value fundamental honesty, you're certainly free to believe that. Whatever you're told to believe.

Keep up the good work.
All I have to do is is say America is the greatest nation and half you Leftards will go into spastic mouth foaming screaming.
No sane person would try to meet your insanity half way.
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
Who wants to unite with you freaks who get hysterical when you see a red hat?
I do?

Since you guys no longer value fundamental honesty, you're certainly free to believe that. Whatever you're told to believe.

Keep up the good work.

Yep, the looney left is all about fundamental it for CNN, MSNBC and Adam Schiff, dumbass.
Clumsy deflection noted.
Cooperman: "We need a unifier at that position because the country is getting torn apart."

That's the problem. The Trumpsters are fine with that. They want to see this all burn before it becomes commie (in their paranoia), so they'll support him to the end.
Who wants to unite with you freaks who get hysterical when you see a red hat?
I do?

Since you guys no longer value fundamental honesty, you're certainly free to believe that. Whatever you're told to believe.

Keep up the good work.

I'm sorry but I've been watching the republicans since the 1970s.

When did they value fundamental honesty?

When were they fundamentally honest?
Instead of trying to expand his base....trump thinks he can win again with the 40% + or - support he had.

Four Democratic contenders best him in national race according to polls. Add more criminality to the mix...and he is sunk.

A FOX News poll released just yesterday have 49% wanting trump both Impeached and Removed. That number is going to go up dramatically as the public hearings begin on the Impeachment initiative.

Fox News Poll: 49% of Voters Want Trump Impeached and Removed From Office guys knew he was a criminal when you elected him. If you don't ditch him soon, it will be too late to put someone in there to run in 2020 that actually represents the GOP.


Given that there is literally no one they could run that you would vote for, irrelevant.

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