Bull Ring Billy000 (Lakhota's trolling post) Trying to compare stopping drunk drivers with "more alcohol"


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010

This illogic was so blatant, I call out Lakhota for using it to troll and Billy000 to either admit the illogical leap or to admit to trolling and not caring if this discredits them by making them look ignorant or desperate.

I argued that there ARE multiple cases of multiple officers, security guards or armed civilians STOPPING criminal shooters from killing more people.

But ZERO cases of anyone stopping a drunk driver with more alcohol.

You stop them by taking away their keys, like you stop shooters by taking away their guns where having a gun can help. Having "more alcohol" doesn't help you take keys away or stop a drunk driver from driving.

Having more people with guns can deter a shooter from picking that location, but having people with more alcohol doesn't deter a drunk driver from threatening others.

There are so many ways this argument fails.

Billy000 Do you admit the purpose of this post is to troll reactions from others?

Or do you really believe the content?
PS Billy000 (and CC to Lakhota )

The real solution to both criminal disorders in mass shooters and drunk drivers is to diagnose and treat the causes of the criminal abuse, addiction and disorders.

Reputable Christian spiritual healing therapists have been doing this level of diagnosis and treatment for over 40 years, and the Catholic church has been teaching similar methods for centuries.

Curing the criminal disorders would also stop crime in general, but the process works voluntarily so that's why govt cannot legislate it. It is an internal personal process, that people participate in freely. We can study it using medical science to demonstrate that the healing process is consistent with natural laws and science, but it cannot be forced or it doesn't work.

Also Global MRI, Inc in Tennessee is a nonprofit medical research group collecting medical studies documenting spiritual healing cases.

This is the solution to stopping crime including mass shootings, drunk driving, "hate crimes" and "racist attacks".

^^^^ The Racist Attacks are a better analogy to use your post to address:

<B>Liberals using more racism to address racism is like using more alcohol to address alcoholism.</b>

If you don't agree with that, then you shouldn't agree with the original post by Lakhota making a similar statement.
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This illogic was so blatant, I call out Lakhota for using it to troll and Billy000 to either admit the illogical leap or to admit to trolling and not caring if this discredits them by making them look ignorant or desperate.

I argued that there ARE multiple cases of multiple officers, security guards or armed civilians STOPPING criminal shooters from killing more people.

But ZERO cases of anyone stopping a drunk driver with more alcohol.

You stop them by taking away their keys, like you stop shooters by taking away their guns where having a gun can help. Having "more alcohol" doesn't help you take keys away or stop a drunk driver from driving.

Having more people with guns can deter a shooter from picking that location, but having people with more alcohol doesn't deter a drunk driver from threatening others.

There are so many ways this argument fails.

Billy000 Do you admit the purpose of this post is to troll reactions from others?

Or do you really believe the content?
Lol okay first of all, no one is arguing that more alcohol will stop drunk driving. Literally no one fucking said this. We were comparing the lunacy of increasing guns to stop shootings. And as far as more guns go, it is extremely rare for a good guy with a gun to stop a MASS SHOOTING. More importantly, more guns (no context given) means that more guns will wind up in the hands of dangerous people. There is good reason why mass shootings are a lot more common per capita in the US compared to other first world/politically stable countries.
Without any shadow of doubt the answer for drunk drivers is much more alcohol so that they become incapable of drving.
OP is highly illogcal and a bit of a spoil sport .Driving should always be fun and unpredictable .
Always wear a crash suit and helmet and stop being a kill joy, OP .
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View attachment 773395
This illogic was so blatant, I call out Lakhota for using it to troll and Billy000 to either admit the illogical leap or to admit to trolling and not caring if this discredits them by making them look ignorant or desperate.

I argued that there ARE multiple cases of multiple officers, security guards or armed civilians STOPPING criminal shooters from killing more people.

But ZERO cases of anyone stopping a drunk driver with more alcohol.

You stop them by taking away their keys, like you stop shooters by taking away their guns where having a gun can help. Having "more alcohol" doesn't help you take keys away or stop a drunk driver from driving.

Having more people with guns can deter a shooter from picking that location, but having people with more alcohol doesn't deter a drunk driver from threatening others.

There are so many ways this argument fails.

Billy000 Do you admit the purpose of this post is to troll reactions from others?

Or do you really believe the content?
There's all that, plus.....

Without any shadow of doubt the answer for drunk drivers is much more alcohol so that they become incapable of drving.
OP is highly illogcal and a bit of a spoil sport .Driving should always be fun and unpredictable .
Always wear a crash suit and helmet and stop being a kill joy, OP .
And how would you make sure that the DRUNKER person doesn't still try to drive?
The same way you would stop the DRUNK person from driving.

You either stop that person.
or you prevent them from feeding their addiction or abuse by lifesaving intervention BEFOREHAND.

The need to "give more alcohol" doesn't help that process.

The same intervention is still necessary
regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed by the person with the drinking/control issues.
Lol okay first of all, no one is arguing that more alcohol will stop drunk driving. Literally no one fucking said this. We were comparing the lunacy of increasing guns to stop shootings. And as far as more guns go, it is extremely rare for a good guy with a gun to stop a MASS SHOOTING. More importantly, more guns (no context given) means that more guns will wind up in the hands of dangerous people. There is good reason why mass shootings are a lot more common per capita in the US compared to other first world/politically stable countries.

the comparison is still illogical:

1. MORE people present with arms HAS SERVED AS EFFECTIVE DETERRENCE to shootings and crime

Look at the case of KOREA TOWN when the shop owners made their armed presence known
and this prevented them and their property from attack by looters during the LA riots

2. Just because it is RARE that this happens (because you aren't counting all the cases of deterrence which may not even be known) doesn't mean it is THE SAME AS ZERO CASES as in the cases of stopping drunk driving by allowing more people to drink alcohol.

RARE (by your exclusion of cases you aren't counting)
is still not the same as ZERO

What do you think of comparing the drunk driving/more alcohol analogy

Is that a closer parallel?
the comparison is still illogical:

1. MORE people present with arms HAS SERVED AS EFFECTIVE DETERRENCE to shootings and crime

Look at the case of KOREA TOWN when the shop owners made their armed presence known
and this prevented them and their property from attack by looters during the LA riots

2. Just because it is RARE that this happens (because you aren't counting all the cases of deterrence which may not even be known) doesn't mean it is THE SAME AS ZERO CASES as in the cases of stopping drunk driving by allowing more people to drink alcohol.

RARE (by your exclusion of cases you aren't counting)
is still not the same as ZERO

What do you think of comparing the drunk driving/more alcohol analogy

Is that a closer parallel?
Well see it tells us that guns don’t prevent mass shootings. More guns in general means more bad guys with them.

I really don’t get why you still think I advocating for more alcohol for drunk drivers. The point of that meme is that it would be illogical to add more guns to end gun violence just as it would to add more alcohol to drunk driving. Like what’s complicated about that?
Stupid comparison.
Driving is a privilege, and gun ownership is a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

Lakhota has the comprehension of a five year old.
Well see it tells us that guns don’t prevent mass shootings. More guns in general means more bad guys with them.

I really don’t get why you still think I advocating for more alcohol for drunk drivers. The point of that meme is that it would be illogical to add more guns to end gun violence just as it would to add more alcohol to drunk driving. Like what’s complicated about that?
Dear Billy000
1. The cause of the mass murders is the mental illness and obsessive disorders, not the guns because such people can and have used knives,bombs, arson even cars as means of killing.

2. Most cases I know of where mass shooters were stopped, they either shot/killed themselves or other person(s) shot them.

Very few are stopped by wrestling the guns away from them and detaining them alive.

I think the Arizona shooter was apprehended and disarmed without shooting or killing him.

3. We don't know how many shooters are deterred because the people are armed.

But even the Nashville shooter avoided places that were more secured, and targeted a school specifically for the lack of security.

I have no idea where you are getting your information or perception from.

But I would never put someone like you in charge of making security policy if you don't understand 1. Criminal illness as the cause 2. How the Criminal mindset seeks certain targets and avoids others 3. The difference between law abiding citizens using arms for law enforcement and the criminal abuse of arms 4. The consistent respect for Law enforcement and authority as DETERRENCE.

Even teachers and staff in schools understand that all the personnel running the school must consistently respect authority and order, to create a safe respectful environment for the students to respect the law and rules.

If you don't respect the law or police but think it doesn't matter, that creates a lax attitude where you invite criminal abuse because it sends a message that it's arbitrary to respect authority.

It is key to deterrence and law enforcement to have a united consistent front.

That is what is most disturbing about this liberal lack of faith in Constitutional law enforcement. If you don't see any difference between citizens who commit to enforce laws, as the purpose of 2nd Amendment rights to armed defense, versus people "randomly using guns however they want including criminal violations", that is why you blame guns.

You think it means anyone can use them illegally, but that isn't what the law means.

The 2nd Amendment cannot be taken out of context and abused to violate other rights and laws within the same Bill of Rights and Constitution.

So having more people with more guns means more responsibility for Constitutional law enforcement.

A person who obtains or uses a gun for criminal intent and actions is already criminally sick, so that is the cause of the problem that needs to be addressed.

We need to screen for criminal illness.

That would solve both the issues of racial violence, crime and other abusive behavior, not just mass shootings.

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