Biological Annihilation: Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event is Under Way

And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.

No good at percentages either are you? In case you didn't notice, I took the time to look up each of those species and wrote out for you why they went extinct. Of the 25 that you managed to find, 88 % were due to over hunting.

As I said, it is unfortunate that the species were driven to extinction...and I favor extreme penalties...even death for people caught hunting endangered species...but your OP claimed that we are in the midst of a mass extinction...The OP is a lie....were we in a mass extinction event, even in the early stages, you would be able to provide literally thousands of species going extinct.

Tell me, are you in favor of wind power? Turbines are very likely to drive several raptor species including bald eagles into extinction within 100 years, not to mention the vultures, buzzards, migratory birds, and bats that they grind up in their hundreds of thousands per year. Are you a hypocrite in addition to being a dupe and useful idiot?
And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.
The mass extinction is on the way! Only 5M more species to go! We are DOOMED!

5 million more before it can even be rightly called a mass extinction event.
I'm doing my part ...


There will always be those who take pride in their ignorance but, from what I've read, it's now irreversible.

You supporting mass killings of wildlife is very typical of those who want to destroy the plant for profit.

Do RWNJs have children and grand children?

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And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.

It's true that hunting has been a major factor in most extinctions.

Poole are stupid. They know our planet is in trouble but most believe science will save them. Or, incredibly, that we will just pick up and move to Mars.

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And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.

It's true that hunting has been a major factor in most extinctions.

Poole are stupid. They know our planet is in trouble but most believe science will save them. Or, incredibly, that we will just pick up and move to Mars.

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"In most extinctions?" The last one was like 65M years ago.
You freakin retard
And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.

It's true that hunting has been a major factor in most extinctions.

Poole are stupid. They know our planet is in trouble but most believe science will save them. Or, incredibly, that we will just pick up and move to Mars.

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Completely wrong. Countless species evolve from something and die out in a generation or two without us even noticing it. Others die out due to competition with other species, and others just die out because of natural causes.

We only notice the hunting ones more because we directly caused the issue, and they are usually the most valuable/exploitable species.
What a bunch of dupes. You people crack me up and would be laughable if there weren't so many idiots out there that believe you actually have a clue.

I have asked you wackjobs to just name 30 species that have gone extinct for reasons other than over hunting...and you can't even do that and yet, you wave your hands like hysterical women and claim that the mass extinction is underway...what idiots...and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Are you saying that we crack you up? So are you now cracked up? You sure sound like you are on crack. But I can help you. First try spelling the word rhino.

Hey...its the spelling police. Find any punctuation errors? You guys are dupes...wackos...idiots. Mass extinction events are defined as events where half of the species on the planet go extinct...that would be something like 4.3 million species. You guys can't come up with even 30...and what you do find are mostly due to overhunting or over are hand waving hysterics who believe whatever bullshit you are told and then go about crying that the sky is falling without the first actual are known by the people who feed you this bullshit as useful idiots..

Hehehe. Spell idiot backwards. Over hunting, road construction, overfishing, Chinese over population, commodity speculation on near extinct animals, ocean acidify, and so on. Mostly man made reasons.
What a dupe. I asked for 30 speices that had gone extinct for reasons other than over provide 25 in the past 100 years and most of those are extinct due to overhunting...

A mass extinction is defined as an event that kills off over half the species of a planet...there are estimated to be 8.7 million species on this planet. If there were a mass extinction happening, you wouldn't have any trouble producing literally millions of species going extinct for reasons other than over hunting...while it is unfortunate that our ancestors didn't conserve as well as they should have, 25 species going extinct due to over hunting in 100 years is hardly an extinction event. Words have meanings.

Shit for a brain...Hunting is one of the main causes of extinction from humans. This is the number one reason for human caused extinctions.

If you're going to exclude it then you're a fool.
LOL you dumbfuck.
Hunting will cause a mass extinction? How long will it take to kill off another 4.5M species? How many new species will pop up before then? Dont we discover around a 1,000 new species EVERY YEAR?
Mother fuckers better load their ARs a little faster!
And you are an idiot. Almost all of those species are insects. Yes, hunting, and poaching are a major problem in the extinctions.
And probably 35%+ of my list is about animals that went extinct for reasons other then hunting. But yes, keep on hunting and wiping out everything on this planet. Sick fuckers.

No good at percentages either are you? In case you didn't notice, I took the time to look up each of those species and wrote out for you why they went extinct. Of the 25 that you managed to find, 88 % were due to over hunting.

As I said, it is unfortunate that the species were driven to extinction...and I favor extreme penalties...even death for people caught hunting endangered species...but your OP claimed that we are in the midst of a mass extinction...The OP is a lie....were we in a mass extinction event, even in the early stages, you would be able to provide literally thousands of species going extinct.

Tell me, are you in favor of wind power? Turbines are very likely to drive several raptor species including bald eagles into extinction within 100 years, not to mention the vultures, buzzards, migratory birds, and bats that they grind up in their hundreds of thousands per year. Are you a hypocrite in addition to being a dupe and useful idiot?

Even hunting kills more birds than do the mills. You are a feckless liar, as this has been posted repeatedly. Yet you continue to lie about the causes of bird mortality in this nation.
luddly just said humans hunted and killed all the dinosaurs :rofl:
Damn, but I didn't think that you were that kind of liar. Guess you are, at that. No, no one said that humans had anything to do with the demise of the dinosaurs. But there are plenty of species that we have had a hand in driving to extinction. Animals that once roamed this continent in the millions, buffalo, were almost driven to extinction. But there were species that did not escape the death of the last member of the species.

We live in a world much poorer than that which was here before the industrial revolution. Poorer in both fauna and flora. And now the natural world is pressed not only by hunting, loss of habitat, but also by climate change. And we have idiots that don't give a fuck. We would be better off if they went extinct and we kept the animals.
What a dupe. I asked for 30 speices that had gone extinct for reasons other than over provide 25 in the past 100 years and most of those are extinct due to overhunting...

A mass extinction is defined as an event that kills off over half the species of a planet...there are estimated to be 8.7 million species on this planet. If there were a mass extinction happening, you wouldn't have any trouble producing literally millions of species going extinct for reasons other than over hunting...while it is unfortunate that our ancestors didn't conserve as well as they should have, 25 species going extinct due to over hunting in 100 years is hardly an extinction event. Words have meanings.

Shit for a brain...Hunting is one of the main causes of extinction from humans. This is the number one reason for human caused extinctions.

If you're going to exclude it then you're a fool.
LOL you dumbfuck.
Hunting will cause a mass extinction? How long will it take to kill off another 4.5M species? How many new species will pop up before then? Dont we discover around a 1,000 new species EVERY YEAR?
Mother fuckers better load their ARs a little faster!
And you are an idiot. Almost all of those species are insects. Yes, hunting, and poaching are a major problem in the extinctions.
Are we talking about extinctions or mass extinctions? I think you guys are getting lost in agenda
luddly just said humans hunted and killed all the dinosaurs :rofl:
Damn, but I didn't think that you were that kind of liar. Guess you are, at that. No, no one said that humans had anything to do with the demise of the dinosaurs. But there are plenty of species that we have had a hand in driving to extinction. Animals that once roamed this continent in the millions, buffalo, were almost driven to extinction. But there were species that did not escape the death of the last member of the species.

We live in a world much poorer than that which was here before the industrial revolution. Poorer in both fauna and flora. And now the natural world is pressed not only by hunting, loss of habitat, but also by climate change. And we have idiots that don't give a fuck. We would be better off if they went extinct and we kept the animals.
Luddly said hunting played a part in past extinctions. Considering this thread is about MASS EXTINCTIONS, that would mean humans killed the dinosaurs. Which is obviously bullshit.
Come on dude...jesus
TN, only the KT extinction was instantaneous. The rest were quick, by geological standards, but very long when measured in human lifespans. And today, the extinction rate for the larger animals is exceeding that of the other four extinction events.
luddly just said humans hunted and killed all the dinosaurs :rofl:
Damn, but I didn't think that you were that kind of liar. Guess you are, at that. No, no one said that humans had anything to do with the demise of the dinosaurs. But there are plenty of species that we have had a hand in driving to extinction. Animals that once roamed this continent in the millions, buffalo, were almost driven to extinction. But there were species that did not escape the death of the last member of the species.

We live in a world much poorer than that which was here before the industrial revolution. Poorer in both fauna and flora. And now the natural world is pressed not only by hunting, loss of habitat, but also by climate change. And we have idiots that don't give a fuck. We would be better off if they went extinct and we kept the animals.
Luddly said hunting played a part in past extinctions. Considering this thread is about MASS EXTINCTIONS, that would mean humans killed the dinosaurs. Which is obviously bullshit.
Come on dude...jesus
Come on, yourself. He was talking about individual species in the last few centuries.
TN, only the KT extinction was instantaneous. The rest were quick, by geological standards, but very long when measured in human lifespans. And today, the extinction rate for the larger animals is exceeding that of the other four extinction events.
And it has an extremely long way to go. Unless we want to continue the crap about changing meaning of words, like what happens all the time.

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