Biological race doesn't exists


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I'm not stupid either but race doesn't exist, biologicallly we're all too similar to be separate species. I read some of the posts on Charlie's board and if all non-Africans are a subset of Africans how can we all be separate races? Are canines and felines separate species from the order Carnivora or are they both subsets of Carnivora? If race exists all non-Africans are subsets of the greater African race, at least thats what science tells me.
... if all non-Africans are a subset of Africans how can we all be separate races?
... If race exists all non-Africans are subsets of the greater African race, at least thats what science tells me.

First, it appears that your "science" is based on disproven communist theories.
Human genetic diversity: Lewontin's fallacy. [Bioessays. 2003] - PubMed result

So basically, we must all believe a disproven communist theory, or believe that "Africans" are the "greater" 'race'?
How very racist of you.

Fact is that about +90% of the population readily recognizes 'race'.
Why is it that your own eyes don't register clearly observable, biologically inheritable traits?
Could it be that you do actually see these traits, it is just that you wish for them to not exist?
That would make sense if you are indeed a genocidal racist.

Another clearly observable pattern is that despite generations of pro-miscegenation saturation of popular culture... people still vastly prefer to mate within their own 'race'.
Why would this be if 'race' does not exist?
Fact is that human breeding patterns are not as random as mixed-race supremacists would like us to believe.

It is now proven that there is a serious difference between African and Non-African genetic makeup. It appears that non-African populations do have a bit of Neanderthal(commonly thought to be a different species) genes.

Not that the Lysenkoistic assimilation theorists will even acknowledge these sort of politically incorrect facts.
They will probably prefer to blabber on about "social" impacts of such information.

Considered | Art by Serge Bloch - The Cavemen Among Us - Graphic -
A result: 1 percent to 4 percent of the genome of non-Africans today is derived from Neanderthals, say scientists

If one observes breeding patterns, this differentiation makes sense.
(Over) simply put, Asian and European populations tend to interbreed successfully with eachother more often than with African populations.

If you really want information, try examining scientific data that is not published with the express purpose of enforcing "social theory" or "African supremacy".

Maybe even refer to data that is collected with the actual interest of helping people, instead of racist commie quackery?
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I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I'm not stupid either but race doesn't exist, biologicallly we're all too similar to be separate species. I read some of the posts on Charlie's board and if all non-Africans are a subset of Africans how can we all be separate races? Are canines and felines separate species from the order Carnivora or are they both subsets of Carnivora? If race exists all non-Africans are subsets of the greater African race, at least thats what science tells me.

Race is a sociological construct. Scientifically speaking, there is not branch for "race" under the phylogenetic tree.

People are the skin color that they are because of the genetics they inherit which cause them to produce certain pigments of melanin and determine how quickly their body degrades the melanin.
... if all non-Africans are a subset of Africans how can we all be separate races?
... If race exists all non-Africans are subsets of the greater African race, at least thats what science tells me.

First, it appears that your "science" is based on disproven communist theories.
Human genetic diversity: Lewontin's fallacy. [Bioessays. 2003] - PubMed result

So basically, we must all believe a disproven communist theory, or believe that "Africans" are the "greater" 'race'?
How very racist of you.

Fact is that about +90% of the population readily recognizes 'race'.
Why is it that your own eyes don't register clearly observable, biologically inheritable traits?
Could it be that you do actually see these traits, it is just that you wish for them to not exist?
That would make sense if you are indeed a genocidal racist.

Another clearly observable pattern is that despite generations of pro-miscegenation saturation of popular culture... people still vastly prefer to mate within their own 'race'.
Why would this be if 'race' does not exist?
Fact is that human breeding patterns are not as random as mixed-race supremacists would like us to believe.

It is now proven that there is a serious difference between African and Non-African genetic makeup. It appears that non-African populations do have a bit of Neanderthal(commonly thought to be a different species) genes.

Not that the Lysenkoistic assimilation theorists will even acknowledge these sort of politically incorrect facts.
They will probably prefer to blabber on about "social" impacts of such information.

Considered | Art by Serge Bloch - The Cavemen Among Us - Graphic -
A result: 1 percent to 4 percent of the genome of non-Africans today is derived from Neanderthals, say scientists

If one observes breeding patterns, this differentiation makes sense.
(Over) simply put, Asian and European populations tend to interbreed successfully with eachother more often than with African populations.

If you really want information, try examining scientific data that is not published with the express purpose of enforcing "social theory" or "African supremacy".

Maybe even refer to data that is collected with the actual interest of helping people, instead of racist commie quackery?

Eyes recognize that people look different, but biological race is a whole different story. I look different than some other black people, but are we different races because of our differences? Africans are the meta-population from whence all humans descend from, non-Africans are descendants of Africans who populated lands outside of Africa, you can find this in any journal of science, so the whole biological race thing doesn't make any sense.

Neanderthals are not modern humans, 1%-4% Neanderthal mixture is negligible, Asians and Europeans have more African ancestry than Neanderthal mixture.
I think he misunderstood what you meant when you referred to the "Great African Race". I took that to mean that all homo sapiens originated in Africa. I think he took it to mean that you thought blacks (or whatever) were genetically superior.

At any rate, you are correct. There is no real dispute about where homo sapiens originated from.

Of course, I wouldn't expect much logic from "Whyte Devyl" on this issue.
There is no real dispute about where homo sapiens originated from.

Au contraire,
Copied from a previous post...

Though most scholars in the field will probably accept the possibility of interbreeding, he said, a significant number will probably not.

The more ardent exponents of the out-of-Africa hypothesis of modern human origins may be holdouts. They have argued that early modern humans all emerged from Africa and wiped out the Neanderthal population in Europe. Whether the relationship was fraternal or genocidal has been much debated. But many have argued that the two groups were distinct, with humans displacing and probably slaughtering their rivals.

Dr. Chris Stringer, an expert on Neanderthals at the Museum of Natural History in London, who is a leader of the out-of-Africa forces, said that he was willing to consider the Portuguese findings with an open mind. He told The Associated Press that the current evidence was not sufficient to convince him of Dr. Trinkhaus's hybrid interpretation.

An alternative theory, known as regional continuity, holds that the earliest human ancestors arose in Africa and spread around the world more than a million years ago. Modern humans then emerged in different regions through separate evolution and interbreeding. A leading advocate of this theory is Dr. Milford Wolpoff, a paleontologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

"This find should be devastating to the out-of-Africa people," Dr. Wolpoff said. "It shows their theory doesn't work, at least in Europe. And it shows that fundamentally, Neanderthals are the same species we are and they contributed their genes to European ancestry."
Human-Neanderthal Hybrid?

Regardless of the politically driven falsehoods of the "Out of Africa" theory, the assertation of "we are all black" is simply ridiculous. To say something like that is akin to stating that 'blacks' have ceased evolving for 50,000 years, while Eurasian populations have continued. Are you seriously suggesting that 'blacks' are less evolved than Eurasians?

The fact is that 'black' features (hair, skin, prognathism, etc.) is just as much of a mutation/evolution as 'white' or Asian features from the origin populations.

Considering that the very recent affirmation that non-African populations are now proven to have a bit "extra" to their lineage... the "Out of Africa" theory so beloved by communists and afro-supremacists is now officially sunk.

As for the whole 'race' is a social construct nonsense -
'Race' is a biological reality, racism is a social construct.


Considering that the very recent affirmation that non-African populations are now proven to have a bit "extra" to their lineage... the "Out of Africa" theory so beloved by communists and afro-supremacists is now officially sunk.

As for the whole 'race' is a social construct nonsense -
'Race' is a biological reality, racism is a social construct.

Race is a social construct. We have few genes. Those genes have triggers. There is no race gene.

There is no real dispute about where homo sapiens originated from.

Au contraire,
Copied from a previous post...

Though most scholars in the field will probably accept the possibility of interbreeding, he said, a significant number will probably not.

The more ardent exponents of the out-of-Africa hypothesis of modern human origins may be holdouts. They have argued that early modern humans all emerged from Africa and wiped out the Neanderthal population in Europe. Whether the relationship was fraternal or genocidal has been much debated. But many have argued that the two groups were distinct, with humans displacing and probably slaughtering their rivals.

Dr. Chris Stringer, an expert on Neanderthals at the Museum of Natural History in London, who is a leader of the out-of-Africa forces, said that he was willing to consider the Portuguese findings with an open mind. He told The Associated Press that the current evidence was not sufficient to convince him of Dr. Trinkhaus's hybrid interpretation.

An alternative theory, known as regional continuity, holds that the earliest human ancestors arose in Africa and spread around the world more than a million years ago. Modern humans then emerged in different regions through separate evolution and interbreeding. A leading advocate of this theory is Dr. Milford Wolpoff, a paleontologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

"This find should be devastating to the out-of-Africa people," Dr. Wolpoff said. "It shows their theory doesn't work, at least in Europe. And it shows that fundamentally, Neanderthals are the same species we are and they contributed their genes to European ancestry."
Human-Neanderthal Hybrid?

Regardless of the politically driven falsehoods of the "Out of Africa" theory, the assertation of "we are all black" is simply ridiculous. To say something like that is akin to stating that 'blacks' have ceased evolving for 50,000 years, while Eurasian populations have continued. Are you seriously suggesting that 'blacks' are less evolved than Eurasians?

The fact is that 'black' features (hair, skin, prognathism, etc.) is just as much of a mutation/evolution as 'white' or Asian features from the origin populations.

Considering that the very recent affirmation that non-African populations are now proven to have a bit "extra" to their lineage... the "Out of Africa" theory so beloved by communists and afro-supremacists is now officially sunk.

As for the whole 'race' is a social construct nonsense -
'Race' is a biological reality, racism is a social construct.

Jesus you are stupid
We are all Africans.

There is alot of self hate out there.

There is no real dispute about where homo sapiens originated from.

As for the whole 'race' is a social construct nonsense -
'Race' is a biological reality, racism is a social construct.

Jesus you are stupid

"Race" is as much a "Reality" as are black rats and white rats. Do white rats belong to a different "race" of rats? Do rats that are black treat white rats any differently?

To say that "racism is a social construct," but that "race is a biological reality" is absurd.

Skin, hair, eye color are biological (genetically inherited) realities which humans have chosen to categorize, but there is no biological reason for this categorization.

Frankly, the semantics are only necessary for the simple and intolerant, or anyone with limited pre-19th century scientific knowledge, and/or anyone with the alteriour agenda of subjugating one group of humans.
I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I'm not stupid either but race doesn't exist, biologicallly we're all too similar to be separate species.

It seems you were right
I'm not the smartest man in the world
I read some of the posts on Charlie's board and if all non-Africans are a subset of African


If race exists all non-Africans are subsets of the greater African race, at least thats what science tells me.

Didn't you used to post under a different name?
Race is a sociological construct. Scientifically speaking, there is not branch for "race" under the phylogenetic tree.

Yes, there is. It's called ecotype or, as lines diverge further subspecies

Another common term, used by the ABA, is breed
People are the skin color that they are because of the genetics they inherit

So you admit that racial difference are genetic?
Skin, hair, eye color are biological (genetically inherited) realities which humans have chosen to categorize, but there is no biological reason for this categorization.

Google:Single Nucleotide Polymporhisms

Google: Genotype

Why do people have to lie about their motives? Instead of denying the reality of human race/ecotypes and then arguing that we should look past race and treat people fairly, as these men do, these people show their true colours when they try to deny human differences in an attempt to justify their attempts to eliminate the White race.
Skin, hair, eye color are biological (genetically inherited) realities which humans have chosen to categorize, but there is no biological reason for this categorization.

Google:Single Nucleotide Polymporhisms

Google: Genotype

Why do people have to lie about their motives? Instead of denying the reality of human race/ecotypes and then arguing that we should look past race and treat people fairly, as these men do, these people show their true colours when they try to deny human differences in an attempt to justify their attempts to eliminate the White race.

Race is a sociological construct. Scientifically speaking, there is not branch for "race" under the phylogenetic tree.

Yes, there is. It's called ecotype or, as lines diverge further subspecies

Another common term, used by the ABA, is breed
People are the skin color that they are because of the genetics they inherit

So you admit that racial difference are genetic?

genetics trigger things. there is NO race gene.
Yes, there is. It's called ecotype or, as lines diverge further subspecies

Another common term, used by the ABA, is breed

Okay. Thanks for the info. I guess I am disinterested after we get beyond the species level where we can interbreed.

So you admit that racial difference are genetic?

As far as phenotype is concerned? Yes. What else would they be? If this is going to diverge into some sort of social commentary that attempts to tie crime rates, intelligence or any of a plethora of other issues into genetics, I am immediately disinterested.

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