Buddhists as well as the Christian bible, and even the Quran give the account that everything is alive, only at different densities. The bible goes even further, and declares that everything is conscientiously aware of this. Interestingly, little children automatically deal with their things as if they were live and conscientious beings.
Care to explain why you feel the need to bring religion into a discussion about science?

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Science and religion are convergent, in fact, science was always a part of religion, except the pretentious 200 years lately.
I'm calling bullshit

If you seriously need God and religion to know (biologically) when and how a child's life begins? You are incapable of comprehending the facts in a reasonable objective way.

You are a waste of my time.

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There is more to gender than an X and a Y chromosome.
No, there isn't. You are what your DNA makes you. Male or Female. If you are a hermaphrodite, at least the error in your genes gave you the characteristics of the two genders that already exist in the human race.

Anyone, even a transgender, can look in between their legs and identify as to what they were born as. One example is the absurdity of a transgender man who gets pregnant. How do you reconcile that? How can you be so utterly oblivious to the gender you were born with when you're a transgendered man in the maternity ward of a local hospital about to give birth to a child?

Take this for example:

Transgender man gives birth to his OWN BABY in world first

If that isn't denial of biology, then I don't know what is.

If you are a trans man with a baby's head popping out between your legs, you are NOT a man.

If you are a trans woman who had to get the trans man pregnant with male genitalia, you are NOT a woman.

Wow. Holy smokes.
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Buddhists as well as the Christian bible, and even the Quran give the account that everything is alive, only at different densities. The bible goes even further, and declares that everything is conscientiously aware of this. Interestingly, little children automatically deal with their things as if they were live and conscientious beings.
Care to explain why you feel the need to bring religion into a discussion about science?

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Science and religion are convergent, in fact, science was always a part of religion, except the pretentious 200 years lately.
I'm calling bullshit

If you seriously need God and religion to know (biologically) when and how a child's life begins? You are incapable of comprehending the facts in a reasonable objective way.

You are a waste of my time.

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The religious texts are a scientific observation in this case. Are you trying to turn this into an abortion debate? That would be off topic, wouldn't it? Also, there is a modern scientific research trend that is parallel to religious texts, to interpret life in this world as a continuously existing quantity together with all mass and energy in the universe. Isn't this what biology supporters mean as opposed to the traditional biology deniers?
'Consensus' is meaningless re scientific fact. It's like voting on whether or not arithmetic is 'racist and bad' because a Nazi school textbook states that 2+2=4, so we need to purge arithmetic from being taught in our schools. The only 'answer' is the right one, period, not how many voted one way or the other.
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".
'Consensus' is meaningless re scientific fact. It's like voting on whether or not arithmetic is 'racist and bad' because a Nazi school textbook states that 2+2=4, so we need to purge arithmetic from being taught in our schools. The only 'answer' is the right one, period, not how many voted one way or the other.
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Yes, good point; grantsmanship is a major activity for academics, and you can nearly always find one who will produce the results you want them to, all coached in 'really sciencey lingo n stuff'.
Why should a person who believes that they are Jesus Christ be taken to a psych ward if they aren't harming anyone? And if someone wants to worship a person who believes that they are Jesus Christ- why would you prevent them?
They shouldn't. However, fascist progressives have created tens of thousands of laws to incarcerate people in one form or another. When a person is wandering around declaring themselves "Jesus Christ", they are taken to psyche wards for "evaluation", for "their own good", and for "the safety of society".

So I will ask the question again: why is it if someone believes they are something which they are not, sexually (such as a male "believing" he is a female or a female "believing" she is a male), that is celebrated by progressives and a host of laws are created to encourage and accommodate them, but if a person believes they are Jesus Christ, that is considered a mental illness? :dunno:
Being Jesus Christ is not currently in fashion. Being something other than Nature made you....politically expedient and A-OK!
You mean like Intelligent Design?
Yes...that's another good example. Their denial of "Intelligent Design" as well.

Oh another Fake News believer. Just what the world needs. Just be thankful for the internet. In days gone by - where serious scientific endeavour was taken, um, seriously, you would have been one of those who thought the sun revolved around the Earth.
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...
KACHING! Where are their grants coming from? Who is purchasing their "product"?
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...
KACHING! Where are their grants coming from? Who is purchasing their "product"?

Who is? THat's right. They all got together. Thousands of them. And holy shit! They all came to the same conclusion..

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"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...
KACHING! Where are their grants coming from? Who is purchasing their "product"?

Who is? THat's right. They all got together. Thousands of them. And holy shit! They all came to the same conclusion..

At least as smart as you. We each decide whose truth to believe. I believe what I live, you?
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At least as smart as you. We each decide whose truth to believe. I believe what I live, you?

If you seriously believe a whole string of climate scientists got together and made shit up to get grants, you are nowhere near as smart as me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...

I've worked with scientists for decades; do tell me all about them ... Cigarette companies hired plenty of them, and the corruption in the so-called 'Social Sciences' is even more pervasive and fad-driven. No sale on the claim of 'objectivity', too many of them aren't.
It's a theory for one and it's no way complete and never makes sense how a strain of the monkeys would de- evolve from strong to weak......
When did monkeys devolve?

As a matter of faith, I believe an all-powerful entity called "God" created the entire natural universe and everything in it. Science is the study of this universe and how it works, not "magic" or the supernatural (anything outside the natural universe). Science can explain how we got from the Big Bang to here, but not what came before the Big Bang or why it happened.

For those with faith, there should be no doubt that an all powerful, eternal being can create the Universe over 13 billion years know what would develop within it.
You mean like Intelligent Design?
Yes...that's another good example. Their denial of "Intelligent Design" as well.
Oh another Fake News believer. Just what the world needs. Just be thankful for the internet. In days gone by - where serious scientific endeavour was taken, um, seriously, you would have been one of those who thought the sun revolved around the Earth.
I am thankful for the internet. It has prevented progressives from controlling information and spreading propaganda.

Biology deniers are just absurd.
"Consensus" is directly related to government grants. Follow the money and you will understand "Gorbal warming".

Typed like someone who doesn't know scientists. Yeah, all those scientists got together and conspired to 'make up' global warming just to get grant money. Seriously I couldn't make this shit up...
Well they were caught in two rounds of "Climate Gate". You can't make that shit up.
From an educational standpoint - what can be done to educate our youth and prevent them from going down this progressive path of denying science, denying climate data, denying biology, etc.

There is a large push recently to place ideology over reality. It's important to curb that and it can really only be done through education.

Matt Walsh: Let’s start calling them ‘biology deniers’
i never deny biology. i simply cannot find any nice girls, to make like "horrible bosses".

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