CDZ Partisan ideology makes people ugly.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Trump's daughter and grandkids harassed on an airplane, people refusing to perform for the inauguration or even in his hotels, the stories are coming fast and furious.

All of this is an excellent illustration of how ugly partisan ideology makes people.

For the next four (or more) years, those who hate Trump will continue their vicious-as-possible attacks, they'll defend and/or deflect for all nastiness directed at him and his family, they'll ignore and/or distort any positive news or attribute it to Obama or someone else, and they'll be hoping for as much pain as possible, to then be leveraged for electoral advantage.

Just as it was the last eight years, and before that. And it just keeps getting worse.

I'd like some (civil, decent, honest) input on this, without the standard finger-pointing and aggressive lack of self-awareness.

1. How has it come to this?
2. What good can come from this behavior, specifically?
3. What, if anything, can be done to reverse this ugly course?

JimBowie1958, you and I began a conversation on this yesterday.
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That is true. Especially so when the person engaging in the ugliest partisan politics is the incoming President.

How has it come to this? Culture wars. One side abhors cultural differences of opinion and perspective, one side embraces it.

What good can come of this behavior? You can be elected President.

What can be done to reverse course? At this point, I'm not even sure another 9/11 would fix it. I think some people here would be smug and happy to see another one happen.
Trump's daughter and grandkids harassed on an airplane, people refusing to perform for the inauguration or even in his hotels, the stories are coming fast and furious.

All of this is an excellent illustration of how ugly partisan ideology makes people.

For the next four (or more) years, those who hate Trump will continue their vicious-as-possible attacks, they'll defend and/or deflect for all nastiness directed at him and his family, they'll ignore and/or distort any positive news or attribute it to Obama or someone else, and they'll be hoping for as much pain as possible, to then be leveraged for electoral advantage.

Just as it was the last eight years, and before that. And it just keeps getting worse.

I'd like some (civil, decent, honest) input on this, without the standard finger-pointing and lack of self-awareness.

1. How has it come to this?
2. What good can come from this behavior, specifically?
3. What, if anything, can be done to reverse this ugly course?

JimBowie1958, you and I began a conversation on this yesterday.

Nothing new.

Chelsea was mildly harassed on her looks, the Bush twins were harassed, (I remember a rumor one of them supposedly had an abortion while still living at the WH), the Obama girls were for the most part left alone, as far as I remember.

It will never end, unfortunately,

too many partisans.
Trump's daughter and grandkids harassed on an airplane, people refusing to perform for the inauguration or even in his hotels, the stories are coming fast and furious.

I think you are engaging in a false equivalency.

People should have every right to refuse to perform in an inauguration.

People should also have the right to express their outrage about the theft of our democracy on Nov. 8.

Being disruptive on an airplane... well, that actually is against the law... and the people who did that were ejected as they should have been.

The burden is on Trump to act presidential and to convince the 54% of us who didn't vote for him that he's worthy of the trust placed in him...

... not for the rest of us to perform at his hotels like trained monkeys. In fact, we should have every right to boycott his businesses and make him pay an economic price.

This is still America, you know.
Nothing new.

Chelsea was mildly harassed on her looks, the Bush twins were harassed, (I remember a rumor one of them supposedly had an abortion while still living at the WH), the Obama girls were for the most part left alone, as far as I remember.

It will never end, unfortunately,

too many partisans.

Major difference, Obama's daughters and chelsea were still kids when their dads were in the WH. Bush's daughters were adults and were getting into trouble with the law. Trumps adult kids by his first marriage seem to be engaging in some pretty unseemly behavior.
As i said before the only answer is that those who refuse to perform should be forced to perform, just like the baker is forced to bake a cake. Would make about as much sense.
It will never end, unfortunately, too many partisans.
That may be what concerns me the most. It seems (just my observation) that more and more people are getting like this, that it's becoming more and more pervasive in our culture, and there are fewer and fewer people who choose not to behave that way.

As with any plague that infects a culture, turning it around - if it ever happened - would be a very slow process. And it will take multiple people, leaders, from various walks of life to be brave and loudly stand up to it and set the example.

Nothing like that on the horizon.
Ha, just because CA doesn't get to decide the president that is a stealing "our democracy." Wow, how do you reason with that ideology? You don't, they must be ignored.
Nothing new.

Chelsea was mildly harassed on her looks, the Bush twins were harassed, (I remember a rumor one of them supposedly had an abortion while still living at the WH), the Obama girls were for the most part left alone, as far as I remember.

It will never end, unfortunately,

too many partisans.

Major difference, Obama's daughters and chelsea were still kids when their dads were in the WH. Bush's daughters were adults and were getting into trouble with the law. Trumps adult kids by his first marriage seem to be engaging in some pretty unseemly behavior.

Major difference...

Bushs girls---R

Chelsea and Obamas girls---D
As i said before the only answer is that those who refuse to perform should be forced to perform, just like the baker is forced to bake a cake. Would make about as much sense.

Well, no, not really. Your argument would make sense if they offered their specific services to anyone who asked for them, and then specifically refused to serve Trump because he was president. And that would only be if the service was in a jurisdiction where public accommodations are protected for specific classes.

Performance at inaugurations is not a public accommodation.

Now, on that subject, the Rockettes agreed to perform at the innaguration, and even though they would have every right to be creeped out by performing for a guy who has said the things about women Trump has said, the Union that represents them has told them they are obligated to perform.

The Rockettes To Perform At Donald Trump's Inauguration, Whether They Like It Or Not

Earlier in the day, any talk of boycotting the performance seemed quickly quashed by the Rockettes' union — the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA). In an email obtained and published by, a union representative wrote that "Everyone is entitled to her own political beliefs, but there is no room for this in the workplace." The letter noted that dancers who are not full time did not have to sign up to perform, but "if you are fulltime, you are obligated."

However, realizing that was bad press, the company that runs the Rockettes backtracked.

Rockettes bosses on inauguration: 'It's always their choice to perform'
Ha, just because CA doesn't get to decide the president that is a stealing "our democracy." Wow, how do you reason with that ideology? You don't, they must be ignored.

More people voted for Hillary than Trump. This isn't complicated. 3 million more votes trump 80,000 votes in three Rust Belt states.

But this was about performers having a right to protest. I mean, is still America?
Ha, just because CA doesn't get to decide the president that is a stealing "our democracy." Wow, how do you reason with that ideology? You don't, they must be ignored.

More people voted for Hillary than Trump. This isn't complicated. 3 million more votes trump 80,000 votes in three Rust Belt states.

But this was about performers having a right to protest. I mean, is still America?

Trump won the popular vote in 30 states, and the electoral votes they held.

Hillary had a chance to win in at least a few of those states, but she screwed it up
Well, that didn't take long.
It's just annoying that a candidate runs the ugliest, most divisive campaign in history, and then his supporters complain that people are reacting with complete disgust at his actions. Want to change things? That starts at the top.
I don't think it starts at the top, I think it begins culturally.

People at the top are right in the middle of it.
Ha, just because CA doesn't get to decide the president that is a stealing "our democracy." Wow, how do you reason with that ideology? You don't, they must be ignored.

More people voted for Hillary than Trump. This isn't complicated. 3 million more votes trump 80,000 votes in three Rust Belt states.

But this was about performers having a right to protest. I mean, is still America?

Trump won the popular vote in 30 states, and the electoral votes they held.

Hillary had a chance to win in at least a few of those states, but she screwed it up
The reason hillary lost is simple, Hillary.

Trump won the popular vote in 50 of the elections run on Nov 8. What the left is doing is attacking our Republic, just as Hillary said. Of course we all know she is a dummy so I guess the left won't listen.
It's just annoying that a candidate runs the ugliest, most divisive campaign in history, and then his supporters complain that people are reacting with complete disgust at his actions. Want to change things? That starts at the top.

Well said. Trump ran as president of HALF of America... he shouldn't be surprised when the other half objects.

And hillary did what? The majority of voters rejected Hillary.
As i said before the only answer is that those who refuse to perform should be forced to perform, just like the baker is forced to bake a cake. Would make about as much sense.

Well, no, not really. Your argument would make sense if they offered their specific services to anyone who asked for them, and then specifically refused to serve Trump because he was president. And that would only be if the service was in a jurisdiction where public accommodations are protected for specific classes.

Performance at inaugurations is not a public accommodation.

Now, on that subject, the Rockettes agreed to perform at the innaguration, and even though they would have every right to be creeped out by performing for a guy who has said the things about women Trump has said, the Union that represents them has told them they are obligated to perform.

The Rockettes To Perform At Donald Trump's Inauguration, Whether They Like It Or Not

Earlier in the day, any talk of boycotting the performance seemed quickly quashed by the Rockettes' union — the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA). In an email obtained and published by, a union representative wrote that "Everyone is entitled to her own political beliefs, but there is no room for this in the workplace." The letter noted that dancers who are not full time did not have to sign up to perform, but "if you are fulltime, you are obligated."

However, realizing that was bad press, the company that runs the Rockettes backtracked.

Rockettes bosses on inauguration: 'It's always their choice to perform'

OK, then, if the baker puts up a sign saying we bake cakes specifically for traditional marriage then the baker would be in compliance?

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