Birthers and Bigots Fill Trump Supporters’ Ranks

Are you really trying to say that all the smart people support Hillary and the dumb ones support Trump?

Bigots and Birthers... I thought this was going to be a thread about how HILLARY was supporting Trump now! After all, she was responsible for the whole Birther movement and everyone knows she's a bigot.
Half of Trump supporters are high-school dropouts

no surprise!!

The demographics of Trump voters are interesting. Slightly over half of Trump supporters are female, about half are between 45 and 64 years of age with another 34 percent being over 65 years old and less than two percent younger than 30. One half of his voters have a high school education or less compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree. Slightly over one third of his supporters earn less than $50,000 per year while 11 percent earn over $100,000 per year.

The 2016 Republican Clown Car: Half of Trump supporters are high-school dropouts
How many negroes who 'block-voted' for Bonobo have high school diplomas??????
Ya Fucking Right asshole!

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