Bizarre Hypothetical Outcome of Impeachment

The Constitution says high crimes and misdemeanors. A felony is a more serious offense than a misdemeanor. There is no debating Clinton committed a felony, and there is no debating that the Senators that voted not-guilty violated their oath of office.
A high crime means a crime committed in the capacity of his public office.

Forget the high crime nonsense. What Clinton did AS PRESIDENT was commit a felony. As outlined by the Constitution, is grounds for impeachment. Furthermore he also violated his oath of office at the same time.

We’ll never know. He wasn’t ever convicted of a felony.

I don’t know how to forget “high crime nonsense” since that is part of the constitution.

He was convicted of perjury which is a felony. A felony is a higher crime than a misdemeanor outlined in the Constitution.

No- Clinton was not 'convicted' of perjury.

He was by the US House. The courts suspended his law license in Arkansas for five years.
So, that's when the accusers try to trick Trump into perjury; through their questioning.
Lol. I’m sure it’d be super hard to get Trump to lie.

It has nothing to do with lying. For instance, Let's say they asked Trump what date he talked to Zelensky, and Trump was off by two days. That's technically perjury. Or, they ask Trump about something they know is classified, and if Trump mistakingly answers them, he made himself a felon, and perhaps even treason.

So you see, it's not that Trump is hiding anything, it's just that these clowns spend years in college to learn how to trip up Mother Teresa. It's called a process crime. And since Trump's testimony wouldn't help him anyway, why would Trump take the chance of damaging himself to help the commies?

Being off by two days most definitely isn’t going to be considered perjury unless there’s something far more to it. You see, to prove perjury, you have to prove they knew what they were saying was a lie and not an honest mistake.

No, making a mistake is also perjury. All they have to prove is you knew something beforehand. Look up the Scooter Libby case. President Trump, did you know so-and-so? Trump: No, I don't recall meeting him or her. Then they whip out some photo of Trump and X together at a party somewhere. Forget the fact that he only knew the person long enough for the picture. Forget the fact that Trump meets thousands of new people every year. Forget the fact he takes hundreds and hundreds of pictures a year. He testified under oath that he didn't know so-and-so, when in fact, he took a picture with him.

It is all about knowingly making a false statement.

person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or
statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true;
is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States.

So what does that have to do with what I said? It supports what I said if anything.
You kids still haven't figured out why what tRump did is wrong, have you.

No. Joe Biden was the point man of an internation push to get the corrupt prosecutor removed. There was no motive of personal gain.

You mean other than his drug addict son receiving kickbacks from the Ukrainian company that was under investigation?
A. If trading on your family name is a crime then tRump and all his kids would be in jail by now.

B. It wasn't under investigation. That's part of why the prosdcpros was removed.

The Donald’s kids work for foreign companies that are getting special treatment from the President?

The Donald's kids work for a family company that profits from Donald being President. The only reason those kids have those jobs is because their name is Trump.
Don't forget ivanka's Chinese trademarks and Jared's visa sales.

All we’ve heard from you idiots is President Trump has declared a “trade war” with China.

Now you are saying he gave them favors in turn for some trademark for Ivan’s. Make up your mind, dolts.
I just want you to be honest. The firing of Shokin came out of the career diplomatic staff in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (stepson to John Kerry) formed Rosemont capital which has received millions of dollars from Ukraine and China.
HUNTER BIDEN IS A CRACK HEAD LOL do you want your taxes going to pay for a politicians son?
Whose tax dollars are going to Hunter?? You said his money came from Ukraine and China.
It's coming out of the money we send to Ukraine.
Except, no, it's not. :cuckoo:
The firing of shokin came out of John Kerry’s office.. guess who’s friends with the bidens lol you don’t want to go further do you? Lol

I just want you to be honest. The firing of Shokin came out of the career diplomatic staff in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (stepson to John Kerry) formed Rosemont capital which has received millions of dollars from Ukraine and China.
HUNTER BIDEN IS A CRACK HEAD LOL do you want your taxes going to pay for a politicians son?
Whose tax dollars are going to Hunter?? You said his money came from Ukraine and China.

They can't keep their stories straight. I gave up on trying to follow.
Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.
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Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.
Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.
Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."
Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?
Now, wouldn't Biden be subject to impeachment in the House on day one of his administration for his actions in Ukraine, claiming that if the prosecutor was not removed, they would not get the billion dollar loan guarantee?


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.
The firing of shokin came out of John Kerry’s office.. guess who’s friends with the bidens lol you don’t want to go further do you? Lol

I just want you to be honest. The firing of Shokin came out of the career diplomatic staff in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (stepson to John Kerry) formed Rosemont capital which has received millions of dollars from Ukraine and China.
HUNTER BIDEN IS A CRACK HEAD LOL do you want your taxes going to pay for a politicians son?
Whose tax dollars are going to Hunter?? You said his money came from Ukraine and China.
Who funded Ukraine energy
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (stepson to John Kerry) formed Rosemont capital which has received millions of dollars from Ukraine and China.
HUNTER BIDEN IS A CRACK HEAD LOL do you want your taxes going to pay for a politicians son?
They aren't. Try again.
So where did Ukraine get the money to fund their energy????
That money went to their government, not private businesses. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong is wrong with you??
Lol they used that money for energy you dim wit
Impeachment is a political process whether we like it or not...........but we never expected to be used in the current way it has been we never thought the politicians would go this low........

A President can be Impeached for being a drunk.............which is not a crime.........but they can Impeach him if he couldn't lay off the bottle..............

So the Political Wankers get away with this BS...........and show how Ridiculous they have become......It's COMEDY CENTRAL.

You do remember a president was impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office. right?
Perjury is a Felony...........and he was caught there..........What has your side got.


What the hell is wrong with righties and not being able to understand the fundamental difference between leveraging aid to achieve America's goals and using it for personal gain?

The first is called conducting foreign policy, the second is called a classic case of corruption.

Biden threatening to withhold aid unless a corrupt presecutor (as per DoS, IMF, EU, and his own deputy) is removed is exactly what a good conduct of foreign policy looks like.

On the other hand Trump holding up aid to pressure Ukranian President to go on CNN and announce investigations of Biden is exactly CONTRARY to our foreign policy goals.

Please stop posting until you learn how to tell the difference.

When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.

Some matters of a corrupt country? You know how many times Trump mentioned the word corruption or looking into anyone BUT his political opposition in his 2 calls with Zelensky? ZERO times, which is less times than him talking about Ukraine not recieprocating generous American aid and bringing up Biden.

As Soderland testified to saying, Trump didn't give a crap about Ukraine. The matters Trump was after had directly to do with his own little narrow political interests.

Rudy publicly said that he was looking for Biden dirt in Ukraine.
Trump publicly said he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Mulveney publicly stated that the President ordered hold of the aid to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

To say that there is just no way we could ever figure out what Trump was after in Ukraine is to willingly do this:

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When are you lefties going to realize the difference between evidence and hunches or suspicions? Evidence is based on something that can't be refuted. Hunches and mind reading is what this impeachment is all based on.

Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.

Some matters of a corrupt country? You know how many times Trump mentioned the word corruption or looking into anyone BUT his political opposition in his 2 calls with Zelensky? ZERO times, which is a few less times than him talking about Ukraine not recieprocating generous Amrican aid and bringing up Biden.

As Soderland testified to saying, Trump didn't give a crap about Ukraine. The matters Trump was after had directly to do with his own little narrow political interests.

Rudy publicly said that he was looking for Biden dirt in Ukraine.
Trump publicly said he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Mulveney publicly stated that the President ordered hold of the aid to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

To say that there is just no way we could ever figure out what Trump was after in Ukraine is to willingly do this:


Look at these desperate Libs using Sondland as the GREAT ONE TO GET TRUMP.

Sonland got his ass handed to him..............No one on this planet told you that Trump tied aid to investigating Biden BS...............Sondland later goes on to say I didn't say I wanted Trump Impeached...................


This is the GREAT STAR WITNESS...............Enjoy the show.
Bro, you have to be stright up stupid to still think that Trump and Rudy were fighting corruption in Ukraine.

Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.

Some matters of a corrupt country? You know how many times Trump mentioned the word corruption or looking into anyone BUT his political opposition in his 2 calls with Zelensky? ZERO times, which is a few less times than him talking about Ukraine not recieprocating generous Amrican aid and bringing up Biden.

As Soderland testified to saying, Trump didn't give a crap about Ukraine. The matters Trump was after had directly to do with his own little narrow political interests.

Rudy publicly said that he was looking for Biden dirt in Ukraine.
Trump publicly said he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Mulveney publicly stated that the President ordered hold of the aid to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

To say that there is just no way we could ever figure out what Trump was after in Ukraine is to willingly do this:



Mulvaney publicly and explicitly stated that the aid was held back by Trump for the purpose of pressuring Ukraine for investigations.

Sondland presumed CORRECTLY that Trump was tieing the aid to investigations.
Who said they were? Trump never asked for any investigation. He never once threatened US aid. He asked Zelensky to simply look into the matter. The commies said "I don't care what the transcript actually said, or why Trump held up the money, but because we can read minds, we know what he really meant when talking to Zelensky, and we know what his intentions were regardless why he stated he held the money up."

Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.

Some matters of a corrupt country? You know how many times Trump mentioned the word corruption or looking into anyone BUT his political opposition in his 2 calls with Zelensky? ZERO times, which is a few less times than him talking about Ukraine not recieprocating generous Amrican aid and bringing up Biden.

As Soderland testified to saying, Trump didn't give a crap about Ukraine. The matters Trump was after had directly to do with his own little narrow political interests.

Rudy publicly said that he was looking for Biden dirt in Ukraine.
Trump publicly said he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Mulveney publicly stated that the President ordered hold of the aid to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

To say that there is just no way we could ever figure out what Trump was after in Ukraine is to willingly do this:



Mulvaney publicly and explicitly stated that money was held back by Trump for the purpose of pressuring Ukraine for investigations...did I not just say it?

You just praised Sondlands testimony.........and I called your ass on it................

He got his butt handed to him and had NO FIRST HAND EVIDENCE..........HE PRESUMED.........

Sonland didn't have jack shit. And on why the DELAY on aid ..........Ukraine said they thought it was about the Engine deal with China............which would have given China advanced Engine tech for stealth..............

You are freaking fishing here.........and Sonland didn't have JACK SQUAT.
Simply look at the matter?

Is that why his administration held up the aid and were directly involved in drafting Zelesnky's public statement announcing investigations...because they wanted him to look into it?

Do you know how ignorant you sound right now?

No, Ukraine has a history of promising to do one thing and doing another. Trump believed that by pressuring Zelensky to make a public statement, it would better hold him to his word. Nobody has evidence as to why Trump held up aid. For one, it was only for two weeks, and two, Trump made the statement he wanted to look into some matters of the corrupt country. He's allowed to do that. He never once said he was withholding aid until he got compliance from Ukraine. The Democrats don't even believe that. If they did, they would have remained silent about it and waited until Trump actually did what they are accusing him of.

Some matters of a corrupt country? You know how many times Trump mentioned the word corruption or looking into anyone BUT his political opposition in his 2 calls with Zelensky? ZERO times, which is a few less times than him talking about Ukraine not recieprocating generous Amrican aid and bringing up Biden.

As Soderland testified to saying, Trump didn't give a crap about Ukraine. The matters Trump was after had directly to do with his own little narrow political interests.

Rudy publicly said that he was looking for Biden dirt in Ukraine.
Trump publicly said he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Mulveney publicly stated that the President ordered hold of the aid to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

To say that there is just no way we could ever figure out what Trump was after in Ukraine is to willingly do this:



Mulvaney publicly and explicitly stated that money was held back by Trump for the purpose of pressuring Ukraine for investigations...did I not just say it?

You just praised Sondlands testimony.........and I called your ass on it....

Moron did you read what you quoted?

Mulveney, Trump' chief of Staff and a Director of OMB admited publicly that Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine.

Sondlands take on what the President was after is not in a vacum, it is a consistent piece of the same story that all the people invoved are testifying to or have publicly admited.

You say Trump didn't hold up aid to force Ukraine into investigating his political opposition?

Well there is a very simple way for Trump to vindicate himself and emberass them impeachin' Democrats - have people directly involved in this matter come testify before Congress, explain what was going on and how Trump was just doing a good job in Ukraine.

Of course Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent people from testifying. Why do you think that is?
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