Bizarre Hypothetical Outcome of Impeachment

And they didn’t receive aMy foreign funds from America? Ahhh your thinking now .. see what I did.
Prove it...
Lol that’s was the whole point of foreign aid to fund Burisma.. hunter Biden .. now do you want it investigated?

??? Wtf? The military aid to Ukraine was congressionally approved, with a point of helping Ukraine defend itself against Russia.
And that got that aid and the aid Biden sent to pay for his son , money laundering
So you say, but you lied.
Show me their finical records
He’s pursuing politically motivated investigations.

Ironically enough, that is what the right accused Obama of doing (without evidence).

Prove it's politically motivated. Better yet, who started it?

Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So prove that Trump told him that. I'll wait here for the link.

What reason would Giuliani have to lie? Maybe we should get his testimony and dig into this issue.

No, what they should do is subpoena the so-called whistleblower and his informant so we can start from the beginning.
This story starts with Trump and Giuliani.

Dummy, your link does not actually answer the question it posed. It’s just a clickbait for non-reading wingnutters like you.
So how did hunter get paid?

Idiot, he worked for a gas company. You need me to explain how gas gets exchanged for money and then into salaries of employees?
In a country where rich people make 10,000 a year yes I would
Such an investigation would not take that long. Durham already moved it into a criminal investigation. Obviously he found something pretty damning. So I highly doubt it's going to stop at Burisma. With corruption this wide spread, one thing leads to another.

Sounds like you got your investigations confoosled.

There is no official investigation into anything to do with Bidens....publicly known anyway.

I don't think anybody will know what is found until after the investigation is complete, and actions are taken. Barr stated that will be either late spring or early summer.


Can you tell what in the world makes you think there is an actual official investigation into Bidens?

I don't know. Barr is not releasing any information about what the investigation entails, who is involved, or what they are finding in the progress. Therefore I can only suspect, because this dope head getting such a high paying job in a country his father was involved with is very suspicious.

Unlike the Mueller investigation where the MSM had people hiding behind trees to report when somebody went to the bathroom, or Mueller informing CNN to video record an arrest of an old man, they are not going to try and follow this at all. In fact, they will try to pretend it's not taking place if something newsworthy is found. The MSM is nothing but an extension of the Democrat party, so you'd have to watch real news like Fox for any updates if there are any.
Not announcing the presence of an investigation is important. Wouldn’t you say?

It was already announced. That's why they hired Durham. They just are not going to tell us how it's coming along or what they're finding.

Dummy, your link does not actually answer the question it posed. It’s just a clickbait for non-reading wingnutters like you.
So how did hunter get paid?
I told you -- Burisma.
Who was funded by joe Biden

Dummy, your link does not actually answer the question it posed. It’s just a clickbait for non-reading wingnutters like you.
So how did hunter get paid?

Idiot, he worked for a gas company. You need me to explain how gas gets exchanged for money and then into salaries of employees?
In a country where rich people make 10,000 a year yes I would

You should just stop opening your dumb ignorant mouth.

Burisma has had some issues going on but it also conducted legitimate bussiness and made income.

Dummy, your link does not actually answer the question it posed. It’s just a clickbait for non-reading wingnutters like you.
So how did hunter get paid?

Idiot, he worked for a gas company. You need me to explain how gas gets exchanged for money and then into salaries of employees?
In a country where rich people make 10,000 a year yes I would

You should just stop opening your dumb ignorant mouth.

Burisma has had some issues going on but it also conducted legitimate bussiness and made income.
Issues huh THEY GAVE A CRACK HEAD 3 million! Lol
what corruption?

The only thing they got is Hunter happened to be working for certain company in Ukraine.

THATS IT, that’s the extent of the basis of so called “investigation”.

Such an investigation would not take that long. Durham already moved it into a criminal investigation. Obviously he found something pretty damning. So I highly doubt it's going to stop at Burisma. With corruption this wide spread, one thing leads to another.

Sounds like you got your investigations confoosled.

There is no official investigation into anything to do with Bidens....publicly known anyway.

I don't think anybody will know what is found until after the investigation is complete, and actions are taken. Barr stated that will be either late spring or early summer.


Can you tell what in the world makes you think there is an actual official investigation into Bidens?

I don't know. Barr is not releasing any information about what the investigation entails, who is involved, or what they are finding in the process. Therefore I can only suspect, because this dope head getting such a high paying job in a country his father was involved with is very suspicious.

Unlike the Mueller investigation where the MSM had people hiding behind trees to report when somebody went to the bathroom, or Mueller informing CNN to video record an arrest of an old man, they are not going to try and follow this at all. In fact, they will try to pretend it's not taking place if something newsworthy is found. The MSM is nothing but an extension of the Democrat party, so you'd have to watch real news like Fox for any updates if there are any.

So you have absolutely no idea if Bidens are actually under any investigation or that Durham investigation has anything to do with Ukraine, right?

I’m just proposing that you should not assert things you have no evidence of.


Mulvaney publicly and explicitly stated that money was held back by Trump for the purpose of pressuring Ukraine for investigations...did I not just say it?

You just praised Sondlands testimony.........and I called your ass on it....

Moron did you read what you quoted?

Mulveney, Trump' chief of Staff and a Director of OMB admited publicly that Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine.

Sondlands take on what the President was after is not in a vacum, it is a consistent piece of the same story that all the people invoved are testifying to or have publicly admited.

You say Trump didn't hold up aid to force Ukraine into investigating his political opposition?

Well there is a very simple way for Trump to vindicate himself and emberass them impeachin' Democrats - have people directly involved in this matter come testify before Congress, explain what was going on and how Trump was just doing a good job in Ukraine.

Of course Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent people from testifying. Why do you think that is?

Please provide a site where Mulveney said that Trump personally told him he was withholding aid from Ukraine for that reason. What Sondland said is he presumed what Trump wanted. But when questioned about what Trump actually told him, it was the exact opposite of what he presumed.

Furthermore, this call took place in July of last year, which is (give or take) a year away from the nomination of Trump's contender. Trump had no idea who he would be facing. He still doesn't today. Nobody does.

In order to support the phony allegation that Trump acted on behalf of discrediting his political opponent, they would have to do one of two things: Show me this crystal ball they used to predict the Biden nomination, or show me how they planned to rig the primary again, so that only Joe could win. Then, show me how Trump knew about either.

Until the Democrats can do that, then this charge that Trump asked Zelensky to "dig up dirt" on Biden because he was a political opponent--and not because of the corruption by the last administration, then the allegation of their claim is completely bogus. Biden is not Trump's rival yet. He is the rival of Sanders, Warren, Buddy-jiz, but not Trump.

Imbecile. They're both running for president. Biden is a rival.

Nancy Pelosi is a political rival. She is not running for president.

Biden still has to get through the Democrat nomination process FIRST! Then he will be an a opponent.

Dummy, your link does not actually answer the question it posed. It’s just a clickbait for non-reading wingnutters like you.
So how did hunter get paid?
I told you -- Burisma.
What funny is when they tried to investigate if Burisma received any funds from USA they fired the investigator lol
Mulvaney publicly and explicitly stated that money was held back by Trump for the purpose of pressuring Ukraine for investigations...did I not just say it?
You just praised Sondlands testimony.........and I called your ass on it....

Moron did you read what you quoted?

Mulveney, Trump' chief of Staff and a Director of OMB admited publicly that Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine.

Sondlands take on what the President was after is not in a vacum, it is a consistent piece of the same story that all the people invoved are testifying to or have publicly admited.

You say Trump didn't hold up aid to force Ukraine into investigating his political opposition?

Well there is a very simple way for Trump to vindicate himself and emberass them impeachin' Democrats - have people directly involved in this matter come testify before Congress, explain what was going on and how Trump was just doing a good job in Ukraine.

Of course Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent people from testifying. Why do you think that is?

Please provide a site where Mulveney said that Trump personally told him he was withholding aid from Ukraine for that reason. What Sondland said is he presumed what Trump wanted. But when questioned about what Trump actually told him, it was the exact opposite of what he presumed.

Furthermore, this call took place in July of last year, which is (give or take) a year away from the nomination of Trump's contender. Trump had no idea who he would be facing. He still doesn't today. Nobody does.

In order to support the phony allegation that Trump acted on behalf of discrediting his political opponent, they would have to do one of two things: Show me this crystal ball they used to predict the Biden nomination, or show me how they planned to rig the primary again, so that only Joe could win. Then, show me how Trump knew about either.

Until the Democrats can do that, then this charge that Trump asked Zelensky to "dig up dirt" on Biden because he was a political opponent--and not because of the corruption by the last administration, then the allegation of their claim is completely bogus. Biden is not Trump's rival yet. He is the rival of Sanders, Warren, Buddy-jiz, but not Trump.
Imbecile. They're both running for president. Biden is a rival.

Nancy Pelosi is a political rival. She is not running for president.

Biden still has to get through the Democrat nomination process FIRST! Then he will be an a opponent.

Which is exactly why best time to hit Joe is NOW, so he DOESN’T get nominated.

Trump campaign has spent millions on anti-Biden adds in early Democrat primary states, why the hell do you think they are doing that?
Prove it's politically motivated. Better yet, who started it?

Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So? You are impeaching Trump for something Giuliana said.
Giuliani is a fact witness.

So is Schiff and he is one of the House impeachment managers.

Incorrect. Schiff has no information on Trump’s actions.

Schiff knows the identity of the whistle blower and he kept that secret, which did not allow for a fair process during impeachment.
So where are these ads you speak of, and in what part of the country were they ran?

Joe Biden is a gaff machine. He can't go one week without being confused about something. He would be the easiest candidate for Trump to beat, especially with all the discovered scandals by the administration he was part of. Trump would rip him apart. For crying out loud, during a debate, he told the audience he was the only contestant that had the support of the only black Senator. Problem was, he was on the debate stage with Harris when he said it.

Yeah, this is what Trump is deathly afraid of?

Blah blah blah. Money does the real talking.

Trump campaign to drop bomb on Biden in early voting states

If Trump campaign really thought Biden would be an easier ooponent than others they would certiainly not be spending to sink him now.

The linked article was written in October. The phone call was in July. Since that time, Biden has attacked Trump repeatedly calling him a white supremacist, racist, and so forth. Remember that Biden too was part of the administration that spied on him, so the animosity against Biden is certainly understandable.

What the hell is the difference? The point is Trump campaign CLEARLY considers Biden a serious threat worth taking a hit on and in July Biden’s numbers were even better than October.

The difference is this took place in July of last year. Nobody knew who would be the candidate, including Trump. So the charge of Trump asking Zelensky to look into the matter because he was a rival is as phony as a black woman with a blond wig.

In July, the polls predicted Biden would be running against him. Impeached Trump didn't take out ads in July be cause he was lining up Zelensky to take Biden out for him. When that failed, Impeached Trump made a campaign ad about Biden getting Shokin fired.

So now we charge criminal actions based on polls?
Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So? You are impeaching Trump for something Giuliana said.
Giuliani is a fact witness.

So is Schiff and he is one of the House impeachment managers.

Incorrect. Schiff has no information on Trump’s actions.

Schiff knows the identity of the whistle blower and he kept that secret, which did not allow for a fair process during impeachment.

Bullshit, not a single charge against Trump rests on whisleblower’s claims.
Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So? You are impeaching Trump for something Giuliana said.
Giuliani is a fact witness.

So is Schiff and he is one of the House impeachment managers.

Incorrect. Schiff has no information on Trump’s actions.

Schiff knows the identity of the whistle blower and he kept that secret, which did not allow for a fair process during impeachment.

Trump knows the identity of the whistleblower. He doesn't need anything from Schiff. Besides, the identity of the whistleblower is completely irrelevant to the facts of the case.
He's looking into corruption of the last administration. That is his job. Nobody trustworthy could have done it in the last administration, because everybody was in on it: The FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, the AG, you name it.

He’s pursuing politically motivated investigations.

Ironically enough, that is what the right accused Obama of doing (without evidence).

Prove it's politically motivated. Better yet, who started it?

Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So prove that Trump told him that. I'll wait here for the link.
Imbecile, like Lev Parnas admitted to... they were all in the loop....

"Well, she's going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it." - Impeached Trump

You mean Lev Parnas, that paragon of virtue? Why would he ever lie?

I saw him change his answer to a question three times in one sentence.
Sounds like you got your investigations confoosled.

There is no official investigation into anything to do with Bidens....publicly known anyway.

I don't think anybody will know what is found until after the investigation is complete, and actions are taken. Barr stated that will be either late spring or early summer.


Can you tell what in the world makes you think there is an actual official investigation into Bidens?

I don't know. Barr is not releasing any information about what the investigation entails, who is involved, or what they are finding in the progress. Therefore I can only suspect, because this dope head getting such a high paying job in a country his father was involved with is very suspicious.

Unlike the Mueller investigation where the MSM had people hiding behind trees to report when somebody went to the bathroom, or Mueller informing CNN to video record an arrest of an old man, they are not going to try and follow this at all. In fact, they will try to pretend it's not taking place if something newsworthy is found. The MSM is nothing but an extension of the Democrat party, so you'd have to watch real news like Fox for any updates if there are any.
Not announcing the presence of an investigation is important. Wouldn’t you say?

It was already announced. That's why they hired Durham. They just are not going to tell us how it's coming along or what they're finding.

There was no announcement of any investigation into either Biden by the DoJ. Durham's assignment as publicly announced is completely unrelated to the matter.
Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So? You are impeaching Trump for something Giuliana said.
Giuliani is a fact witness.

So is Schiff and he is one of the House impeachment managers.

Incorrect. Schiff has no information on Trump’s actions.

Schiff knows the identity of the whistle blower and he kept that secret, which did not allow for a fair process during impeachment.
How so? What made that UNFAIR?
So? You are impeaching Trump for something Giuliana said.
Giuliani is a fact witness.

So is Schiff and he is one of the House impeachment managers.

Incorrect. Schiff has no information on Trump’s actions.

Schiff knows the identity of the whistle blower and he kept that secret, which did not allow for a fair process during impeachment.

Trump knows the identity of the whistleblower. He doesn't need anything from Schiff. Besides, the identity of the whistleblower is completely irrelevant to the facts of the case.

He knows? That's funny! Apparently, only Schiff, his staff and the IC IG know.
He's looking into corruption of the last administration. That is his job. Nobody trustworthy could have done it in the last administration, because everybody was in on it: The FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, the AG, you name it.

He’s pursuing politically motivated investigations.

Ironically enough, that is what the right accused Obama of doing (without evidence).

Prove it's politically motivated. Better yet, who started it?

Giuliani said so. He said it was for Trump’s personal benefit.

So prove that Trump told him that. I'll wait here for the link.

What reason would Giuliani have to lie? Maybe we should get his testimony and dig into this issue.

You want another fishing expedition, investigating the investigators?

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