Black Airman Fatally Shot in Florida by Deputies

No ( If there is a gunfight next door and major disturbance like a home invasion I WILL arm myself pronto and not put Firearm away if it quiets down or someone bangs on my door )
That is not what happened. Your fairy tale has no place amongst facts.

But, hey, go ahead, why dont you set up all kinds of cameras, call in a domestic disturbance and when the police knock on your door go ahead and answer with a loaded gun. If you live you can post pics and videos. We would all like to see how that works out.
Democrat ? 😆🤣😝
Now you jump in like the post was directed at you. Fine, let us see how it fits.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, shits all over the message boards, you are a Democrat.
If there was a Home Invasion / Gun Fight / Disturbance next door at the Widow Boone’s home I would grab my EDC Glock and my Riot 12 Shotgun and run to her aid If it is at Baldy’s on the other side I trust him and his athlete Wife who are well armed to hold their own ( It would take Sheriffs 20-30Mins to get out here on a call )
Now you jump in like the post was directed at you. Fine, let us see how it fits.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, shits all over the message boards, you are a Democrat.
There are bad Shoots involving LEOs almost daily across America ( And politics are not usually a factor in the actual shooting , the aftermath is a different animal )

read the cops side here. crump is a liar. they had the right apartment. this is a money grab for crump and the family
They may have had the right apartment, but it does seem the cops started shooting rather quickly.....
If there was a Home Invasion / Gun Fight / Disturbance next door at the Widow Boone’s home I would grab my EDC Glock and my Riot 12 Shotgun and run to her aid If it is at Baldy’s on the other side I trust him and his athlete Wife who are well armed to hold their own ( It would take Sheriffs 20-30Mins to get out here on a call )
And when the police arrive you best drop your smoking guns, or you deservedly deserve to die.

I am the prosecuting attorney now, "Failzero, only bought a riot shotgun to kill, Failzero admits to waiting to kill, in Failzeros apartment building this happens all the time, Failzero knew there would be a chance to use the riot shotgun to kill", "riot shotguns are only bought to kill", "Failzero committed premediated murder"
And when the police arrive you best drop your smoking guns, or you deservedly deserve to die.

I am the prosecuting attorney now, "Failzero, only bought a riot shotgun to kill, Failzero admits to waiting to kill, in Failzeros apartment building this happens all the time, Failzero knew there would be a chance to use the riot shotgun to kill", "riot shotguns are only bought to kill", "Failzero committed premediated murder"
Well, the issue here is if he knew the police arrived. There was a loud bang on the door saying police, but nobody disputes that the officer got out of sight of the peep hole, so he might not of been aware it was really the police......and then the police seemed to start shooting right away once the door was open

If all that is true, sounds like horrible police work
That requires a warrant. Police can't just kick in the door.
They also didn't announce themselves.
He was also on a Facetime call when it occurred so there are independent witnesses.

This is likely bad, very bad.
Fake news.

They ABSOLUTELY announced.

Watch the video. When they knock they yell Sheriff's Department.

It was on the local news here in Florida.
And when the police arrive you best drop your smoking guns, or you deservedly deserve to die.

I am the prosecuting attorney now, "Failzero, only bought a riot shotgun to kill, Failzero admits to waiting to kill, in Failzeros apartment building this happens all the time, Failzero knew there would be a chance to use the riot shotgun to kill", "riot shotguns are only bought to kill", "Failzero committed premediated murder"
Failzero’s Rural Country home ( Next to defenseless Elder Widow Boone’s home allows me access to her Rural property without going on a City Street , and I have a CCW so I can legally Carry and not be deemed “ Looking to kill , and if I hear long guns and Handguns discharged next door I will FO for it
They may have had the right apartment, but it does seem the cops started shooting rather quickly.....
How much time do you have to react?


Failzero’s Rural Country home ( Next to defenseless Elder Widow Boone’s home allows me access to her Rural property without going on a City Street , and I have a CCW so I can legally Carry and not be deemed “ Looking to kill , and if I hear long guns and Handguns discharged next door I will FO for it
You just ran far away from your made up scenario

and I can play with that scenario as well, create an active shooting, set up the cameras, hold your smoking gun as the police arrive, and we can see if what you say is the right thing to do

I was buying a home defense shotgun, a riot gun. Winchester Defender. The man selling the gun was also a New Orleans, police officer. He told me if it is home defense, dont by the Defender. Buy a 20 gauge juniors shotgun and fill it with bird shot. The police officer said he was in court too many times where the prosecution held up the riot killer shotgun and tried to paint self-defense as the intent to murder.

Menacing shotguns are not going to win a jury over to your side.

To get back to your points. Stick to facts. Why make up a scenario that you think you could be right in. The scenario you imagined, or heard of, is not this one.

I did come here looking for a fight or to make you look bad. You actually picked on my with your not logical thought.

sad and tragic, yes

But, in a high crime or anytime around police. Drop your gun. Shit, I would never ever of opened the door. Heavy knocking, I am taking cover first.

Cover, do you know what the difference between cover and concealment, is.

Police would of had to break down the door, and then they would of not had a target to shoot at. The airman, should of joined the USMC. He would still be alive.

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