Black America Never HAD a Mind

What I find interesting is that on the ground I see American Blacks taking more power for themselves and exerting far more power of this influence to raise the levels of their young.

With irony I use the concept of "Cream Rising To The Top" analogy, and I put forward that the Black "Cream" are doing quite well in America. They have learned to play the game rather well. One look at the White House clarifies that thought.

Then I look at tank, et al and my comparison is over. Clearly he is not the White "Cream".


This is what a Canadian sees at any rate.

that so many blacks can achieve middle class status and above is a sure sign that racism has abated. that so many blacks remain mired in disolution is a sign that as a group they often lack the basic abilities to improve themselves.

Oh, it's a multi-generational thing indeed. I see the movement as clear as crystal though.

unfortunately I do too. in the 60's and 70's we all assumed that blacks only needed a fair chance and perhaps the occasonal hand up to achieve equality. now there is copious evidence that is not happening. you can deny that intelligence makes a difference but that won't make the reality disappear.
In other words, it doesn't exist and you deflect from that fact by pretending it has anything to do with political correctness.

negged for lying.

The data is out there and easily accessible. This chart is from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, a long term study of a 12,600 youths tested for IQ.


These results replicate hundreds of other IQ studies on racial IQ. What to make of the information is up to you, but the facts in the OP cannot be denied.
Thanks for the effort, but you didn't address my point at all.

What race are you again?
You said the data didn't exist.

(s)he provided the data and source

how is that not addressing your 'point'?
The data exists and your little neg-rep just shows how hateful and intolerant you are. Again, you have zero redeeming qualities, Ravi. You epitomize the modern-day liberal. Remember my thread a long time ago about Closet Racists? That's you. If William Joyce is a racist, you're 10 times worse.
More deflection. Post the evidence that "regardless of nurture, blacks still performed lower on standardized tests" little boy.

The MN Trans Racial Adoption study proved this point emphatically. Black children raised in upper middle class white Minnesotan homes fared no better on IQ tests at the age of 17 than the Minnesota black average.


This would be an optimum environment for blacks to be raised in for cognitive development, probably better than the majority of white children in this country experience. Assuming that between-race differences in family nurturing cause the IQ difference, it should have been erased in this study but it wasn't. So regardless of the family environment the black-white IQ gap remains.

I hope you find this evidence compelling.
I see you finally read for comprehension, so I applaud you.

I am only slightly familiar with this study...which seems highly flawed. But at least it addresses my point.

I will make an effort to read the study, but based on the wikipedia article about it both sides claimed victory for their cause so it is rather hard to draw a legitimate conclusion. For instance...what age were the children adopted? How did the school treat blacks vs. white children in MN? Did the parents somehow pass doubts about the intelligence of their adopted children to the children and that "prejudiced" the children? Why such a small sample set? Has this experiment ever been duplicated?
I love right wingers explaining race. No wonder they put me on "ignore".

The Republican Party is 90% white.

A measly 6% of scientists are Republican.

There are scientific organizations made up of black scientists.

If there are ANY scientific organizations made up of Republicans, I couldn't find any.

Therefore, "inbreeding" has rendered Republicans and conservatives "less intelligent". See how easy that was to come to that conclusion?
[ QUOTE=Ravi;3403390]
More deflection. Post the evidence that "regardless of nurture, blacks still performed lower on standardized tests" little boy.

The MN Trans Racial Adoption study proved this point emphatically. Black children raised in upper middle class white Minnesotan homes fared no better on IQ tests at the age of 17 than the Minnesota black average.


This would be an optimum environment for blacks to be raised in for cognitive development, probably better than the majority of white children in this country experience. Assuming that between-race differences in family nurturing cause the IQ difference, it should have been erased in this study but it wasn't. So regardless of the family environment the black-white IQ gap remains.

I hope you find this evidence compelling.
I see you finally read for comprehension, so I applaud you.

I am only slightly familiar with this study...which seems highly flawed. But at least it addresses my point.

I will make an effort to read the study, but based on the wikipedia article about it both sides claimed victory for their cause so it is rather hard to draw a legitimate conclusion. For instance...what age were the children adopted? How did the school treat blacks vs. white children in MN? Did the parents somehow pass doubts about the intelligence of their adopted children to the children and that "prejudiced" the children? Why such a small sample set? Has this experiment ever been duplicated?[/QUOTE]

publishing bias is one reason there arent more studies available on the web. if that study hadnt been done by liberals and hadnt shown early age improvement it would have died on the vine as well. only because it was originally publicised as proof of nurture over nature did it get continued funding. and of course it ended up as evidence of the reverse.

another example is 'stereotype threat'. dozens of studies have been done but only the ones that show a semblance of the 'correct' answer get released to the public. the others go on the shelf with the other ordinary unexceptional theses.
What 'game' are blacks playing and what does your closet racism have to do with Obama being president?

The "Game" is politics. There's no closet racism here. Just an acknowledgment that Black America has a mind and is doing quite well from where I look.

A good thing to my view. :razz:
What 'game' are blacks playing and what does your closet racism have to do with Obama being president?

The "Game" is politics. There's no closet racism here. Just an acknowledgment that Black America has a mind and is doing quite well from where I look.

A good thing to my view. :razz:
Blacks do better living with whites, then living on there own.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.

i think that the fact that so many conservatives believe that

blacks are stupider than whites
blacks are all criminals
blacks refuse to work
black women all have dozens of children out of wedlock and them live off of welfare

is proof positive that LIBERALS are the REAL racists

as so many conservatives will tell you
Just an acknowledgment that Black America has a mind
So blacks are all one monolithic group with a single mind?

Not at all. Just a common understanding that they need to support their own and help to raise them up.

Stuff is open to ownership. Those who are more able will make the grade. This thread is about Black Americans being unable to do so due to poor intellect.

It seems that they are doing just fine. You seem to be the one who is fearful. :razz:

Do they want to take White Americans' stuff, Mr O'reilly?

What is "White America's Stuff"?
I love right wingers explaining race. No wonder they put me on "ignore".

The Republican Party is 90% white.
There are other groups that are 90% white too.

Scientists, Doctors, Teachers, Charity supporters, Employed......

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.

As well as you should go nuts...

In order to ensure that the slavemasters had control over the slaves, they'd made laws against the slaves having an education. As a result, many slaves were brainwashed into believing that it was in their best interest to be ignorant; they went on to teach this ideaology to their children, etc, etc.

The African-American community is behind on education, but is quickly catching up; mainly due to the fact that this "dark side" of the culture is slowly being tossed aside. The election of Barack Obama has inspired them to believe that having an education will produce positive results. It never was an issue of "they can't"; it was an issue of "they wouldn't".

Once you understand that, then you will be ready to accept the advice from a well educated black man, who's in position to save your worthless ass, should you be in a jam. Your behavior pattern tells me that you will be in such a jam pretty soon.

Hate for you to go to jail because your prejudice had chosen an ignorant white man over an educated black man. Food for thought.
In order to ensure that the slavemasters had control over the slaves, they'd made laws against the slaves having an education.
Who took away there ability to be educated long before whites came to Africa?
In order to ensure that the slavemasters had control over the slaves, they'd made laws against the slaves having an education.
Who took away there ability to be educated long before whites came to Africa?

What about your ability? You compose English at mid-grade school level tank. Your extensions follow the same quality of discernment.

So, I ask, where is your ability tank?

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.

And right wingers complain I bring up race too, too much.

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