Black and Whites

I understand that he was an ambulance driver in WWI


He many other literature ... American men were back then!
Gertrude Stein called them
"Lost Generation"

And the word stuck!

All were so much talented amazing ....the who is who in american Literature!

All went to Paris in the 1920s
Ernest Hemingway playing “ambulance driver” with a friend on his brother’s toy car, shortly after World War I.

Gertrude Stein called then "Lost Generation"

And the word stuck!

All were so much talented amazing ....the who is who in american Literature!

All went to Paris in the 1920s

"The ''lost generation'' of the1920s was a group of writers born from 1883 to 1990. They moved to Paris (Paris was the advant grade for all areas of creativity.Escape from the austere materialism of american cities expecting to find literary freedom.) living there from 1920 to 1930, they had a profound impact in society and arts. The term ''the lost generation'' was obtained by Gertrude Stein referring to the young workerspoor auto mechanic repair skills. Gertrude Stein would take this phrase to define the people who rejected american post world war 1 values. The two presidents from this organization were Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. The three best known writers among this period were; Ernest Hemingway, F.Scott Fitzgerald,and John dos passos. This generation include distinguished artists such as; Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Waldo Peirce, Alan Seeger, Sylvia Beach, and Erich Maria Remarque."


mrskhistory - *The Lost Generation of the 1920s

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