Black Columbia "Professor" Punches White Woman in Face

None of my black friends have ever tried to punch me in the face.

As a matter of fact, no black person period has ever tried to punch me in the face.

You must not live in the right area.
YouTube - Black Prof Punches White woman in the face!

after reading the NYP article, (3:15) this guy gives his take on the whole thing. how common is this attitude in the black community? it could explain why the incident happened in the first place actually.

My personal experience (having lived in a predominantly black area of suburban Atlanta that was once nearly all white for 12 years), is that this attitude is VERY prevalent amongst the blacks we encounter and it has become even more markedly prevalent since Obama was elected.

Blacks in our area are *VERY* in your face, attempting to provoke confrontation with whites, because the believe (and rightly so) that they can get away with it and that it will be the white person ultimately punished/accountable (Jena 6 anyone?).

We just steer clear of confrontation with blacks--especially when they try to provoke an argument--and ignore it. We keep on moving and get to our car, apartment, store or wherever we are heading.

There are jerks from all walks of life. Jerks are NOT exclusive to one group or another. That may be behavior exhibited by some individuals among that area or location. I am pretty sure you know some jerks from your group.

This is just the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization.

Why does this post and other posts in this thread give the impression of racism?

no one said jerks only came from one walk of life, or from one race. but that doesn't mean that every area, every group has the same portion of jerks. this story was only newsworthy because it was a university professor involved, and perhaps because Skip Gates primed the pump.

I am not sure which part of the quote pertains to hasty generalization but there is a lot of evidence to show that predominantly black areas are more dangerous to live in. If it was the fellow in the video spouting racist support for the professor, I agree. Unfortunately, it is often true that different groups have different ideas on certain subjects, often unknown to the other group. It was a shock for society to find the racial split on OJ. It was a shock to find out how many muslims support binLaden.

and as far as making assumptions from newspaper stories...we are here for entertainment, and we give our opinions on the information presented and past experience. there is no exam at the end of the course. but please keep expressing yourself because I know how unreliable newspapers are.
YouTube - Black Prof Punches White woman in the face!

after reading the NYP article, (3:15) this guy gives his take on the whole thing. how common is this attitude in the black community? it could explain why the incident happened in the first place actually.

My personal experience (having lived in a predominantly black area of suburban Atlanta that was once nearly all white for 12 years), is that this attitude is VERY prevalent amongst the blacks we encounter and it has become even more markedly prevalent since Obama was elected.

Blacks in our area are *VERY* in your face, attempting to provoke confrontation with whites, because the believe (and rightly so) that they can get away with it and that it will be the white person ultimately punished/accountable (Jena 6 anyone?).

We just steer clear of confrontation with blacks--especially when they try to provoke an argument--and ignore it. We keep on moving and get to our car, apartment, store or wherever we are heading.

I don't think that is the case, unless you are a lower class area! I grew up in a very mixed upper middle-class area! The Blacks, Arabs, Whites and Latinos all got along for the most part. Go to the lower class areas and black and latino racism is prevalent!

The ghetto is a dangerous place for White people, but guess what its a dangerous place for blacks and latinos also! The ghetto is a breeding grown for ignorance!
My personal experience (having lived in a predominantly black area of suburban Atlanta that was once nearly all white for 12 years), is that this attitude is VERY prevalent amongst the blacks we encounter and it has become even more markedly prevalent since Obama was elected.

Blacks in our area are *VERY* in your face, attempting to provoke confrontation with whites, because the believe (and rightly so) that they can get away with it and that it will be the white person ultimately punished/accountable (Jena 6 anyone?).

We just steer clear of confrontation with blacks--especially when they try to provoke an argument--and ignore it. We keep on moving and get to our car, apartment, store or wherever we are heading.

There are jerks from all walks of life. Jerks are NOT exclusive to one group or another. That may be behavior exhibited by some individuals among that area or location. I am pretty sure you know some jerks from your group.

This is just the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization.

Why does this post and other posts in this thread give the impression of racism?

no one said jerks only came from one walk of life, or from one race. but that doesn't mean that every area, every group has the same portion of jerks. this story was only newsworthy because it was a university professor involved, and perhaps because Skip Gates primed the pump.

I am not sure which part of the quote pertains to hasty generalization but there is a lot of evidence to show that predominantly black areas are more dangerous to live in. If it was the fellow in the video spouting racist support for the professor, I agree. Unfortunately, it is often true that different groups have different ideas on certain subjects, often unknown to the other group. It was a shock for society to find the racial split on OJ. It was a shock to find out how many muslims support binLaden.

and as far as making assumptions from newspaper stories...we are here for entertainment, and we give our opinions on the information presented and past experience. there is no exam at the end of the course. but please keep expressing yourself because I know how unreliable newspapers are.

Thank you for clearing that up.

The part about "Blacks in our area." Does that mean ALL blacks in that area like to provoke confrontation with whites? If it does, it raises the questions; how many blacks are in that area and what is your (JenyEliza) relationship with each black in that area? If not, then the author (JenyEliza) needs to be more explicit next time. But, since the author failed to be more explicit, that leaves the impression of "in general," which is fallacious.

But I would have liked to know what JenyEliza would have had to post as a response.

Since you mentioned;

What did Gates do to be compared to McIntyre?

What did bin Laden do that is shocking that Muslims support?
What did Gates do to be compared to McIntyre?

What did bin Laden do that is shocking that Muslims support?

Gates took a minor incident and escalated the situation to the point that he made a fool of himself and had to be arrested. very unbecoming for someone in his profession. of course the black general consensus may differ on the white general concensus on this issue.

in the years following 911 there were quite a few polls of muslims in Canada that showed an alarming support for bin Laden and suicide bombing. this is beyond the pale for most Canadians to understand, and is against civilized views of political dissent.

as to the case described by JennyEliza, you are ignoring the very real cost of confrontation. the average white simply does not escalate to violence at the same rate as the average black. avoidance is the safest policy, especially if there is no other information available.
What did Gates do to be compared to McIntyre?

What did bin Laden do that is shocking that Muslims support?

Gates took a minor incident and escalated the situation to the point that he made a fool of himself and had to be arrested. very unbecoming for someone in his profession. of course the black general consensus may differ on the white general concensus on this issue.

in the years following 911 there were quite a few polls of muslims in Canada that showed an alarming support for bin Laden and suicide bombing. this is beyond the pale for most Canadians to understand, and is against civilized views of political dissent.

as to the case described by JennyEliza, you are ignoring the very real cost of confrontation. the average white simply does not escalate to violence at the same rate as the average black. avoidance is the safest policy, especially if there is no other information available.
So the average white person is a weeny?
So the average white person is a weeny?

smart enough to avoid danger unless they have bought into the whole PC nonsense.

what do you call a liberal who has been mugged? a conservative
None of my black friends have ever tried to punch me in the face.

As a matter of fact, no black person period has ever tried to punch me in the face.

...and now is the part where you convince us all that you are in black communities all the time to even be punched in the face by one in the first place. Just because you havent been punched in the face by a black person doesnt mean they arent more violent than all the other races, per capita. They are.

...AND NOW is the part where im accused of being racist for pointing out what everyone already knows but are too PC to admit it.
None of my black friends have ever tried to punch me in the face.

As a matter of fact, no black person period has ever tried to punch me in the face.

...and now is the part where you convince us all that you are in black communities all the time to even be punched in the face by one in the first place. Just because you havent been punched in the face by a black person doesnt mean they arent more violent than all the other races, per capita. They are.

...AND NOW is the part where im accused of being racist for pointing out what everyone already knows but are too PC to admit it.

I thought the Germans were more violent than any other race.
None of my black friends have ever tried to punch me in the face.

As a matter of fact, no black person period has ever tried to punch me in the face.

...and now is the part where you convince us all that you are in black communities all the time to even be punched in the face by one in the first place. Just because you havent been punched in the face by a black person doesnt mean they arent more violent than all the other races, per capita. They are.

...AND NOW is the part where im accused of being racist for pointing out what everyone already knows but are too PC to admit it.

I thought the Germans were more violent than any other race.

we now have black germans, they are a super-menace.
So what are you (Mr. Joyce) trying to show by starting this thread?

Are you that stupid?

Even posters who fight me on everything can figure out why I post what I do. There are about five levels of irony in this story... can you identify any of them?
YouTube - Black Prof Punches White woman in the face!

after reading the NYP article, (3:15) this guy gives his take on the whole thing. how common is this attitude in the black community? it could explain why the incident happened in the first place actually.

My personal experience (having lived in a predominantly black area of suburban Atlanta that was once nearly all white for 12 years), is that this attitude is VERY prevalent amongst the blacks we encounter and it has become even more markedly prevalent since Obama was elected.

Blacks in our area are *VERY* in your face, attempting to provoke confrontation with whites, because the believe (and rightly so) that they can get away with it and that it will be the white person ultimately punished/accountable (Jena 6 anyone?).

We just steer clear of confrontation with blacks--especially when they try to provoke an argument--and ignore it. We keep on moving and get to our car, apartment, store or wherever we are heading.

I don't think that is the case, unless you are a lower class area! I grew up in a very mixed upper middle-class area! The Blacks, Arabs, Whites and Latinos all got along for the most part. Go to the lower class areas and black and latino racism is prevalent!

The ghetto is a dangerous place for White people, but guess what its a dangerous place for blacks and latinos also! The ghetto is a breeding grown for ignorance!

Ayup. To take the flip side of that, try going to a poor rural area. It's just as bad. It's almost like class has more of an effect than race. ;)
Over argument about "white privilege":

Prof busted in Columbia gal 'punch'

Whites are privileged, alright... privileged enough to get punched in the face for their beliefs. What a privilege!

Ah this is a man on woman, black on white hate crime. Where is the outrage?

Of course it is, but don't hold your breath waiting for this crime to be treated that way. Whites are not protected by hate crimes legislation. You should know better! :eusa_naughty:

Honey, this woman ain't the Jena 6. There arent gonna be busloads of folks streaming into town to support her and throw money at her. Just ain't gonna happen.

Get real. What planet are you living on? ;) :eusa_shhh:
Whites are not protected by hate crimes legislation. You should know better! :eusa_naughty:

Which is why almost of a fifth of hate crime charges due to racial bias in 2008 (most recent year stats are available for) were anti-white bias.
Whites are not protected by hate crimes legislation. You should know better! :eusa_naughty:

Which is why almost of a fifth of hate crime charges due to racial bias in 2008 (most recent year stats are available for) were anti-white bias.

Data? Stats?

Just saying it doesn't make it so, Polk. You know that! :eusa_naughty:

Pretty hard to fake lists of charges. What do you suggest be considered? Your feelings?

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