Black Fathers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. George Floyd. Rashard Brooks. Stephon Clark. Samuel Debose. These are just a few names of black fathers, men living with their children, now dead at the hands of police. You scum talk shit about black behavior and fatherless homes, but these names once again show that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

What sort of example does a life of crime set for children?
Ask your president because these men did not have lives of crime. You keep validating my overall premise, The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
Eric garner didn't live with his children. They were all adults. George Floyd had three children by three different women.

There was a time when black men were fierce fathers. I known that time. I remember it. Then Uncle Sugar became the primary provider and dads didn't matter so much any more.

Prisons have a policy of housing fathers and sons in the same cells as much as they can.
Eric garner didn't live with his children. They were all adults. George Floyd had three children by three different women.

There was a time when black men were fierce fathers. I known that time. I remember it. Then Uncle Sugar became the primary provider and dads didn't matter so much any more.

Prisons have a policy of housing fathers and sons in the same cells as much as they can.
Like you would know. STFU.
Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. George Floyd. Rashard Brooks. Stephon Clark. Samuel Debose. These are just a few names of black fathers, men living with their children, now dead at the hands of police. You scum talk shit about black behavior and fatherless homes, but these names once again show that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

Garner resisted arrest, even stated he was going to resist arrest, he dies on the way to the hospital, he was still breathing when he was put in the vehicle.

Brooks resisted arrest, after a calm 43 minute discussion with the police, about his activities, behavior, drinking and the result of the alcohol test. The policeman then said you are under arrest, starts to handcuff him, Brooks strongly resisted and forcibly took away a police grade Taser, then runs away. Brooks committed several crimes in the last minutes of his life.
What sort of example does a life of crime set for children?
Ask your president because these men did not have lives of crime. You keep validating my overall premise, The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

Ha ha ha, lets drag in someone who doesn't resist arrests and be violent with the police, so dumb of you.
Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. George Floyd. Rashard Brooks. Stephon Clark. Samuel Debose. These are just a few names of black fathers, men living with their children, now dead at the hands of police. You scum talk shit about black behavior and fatherless homes, but these names once again show that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

What about David Dorn? A retired police chief who died doing what was was right? Gtfo, you want white people to be racist so damn bad it shows, and it’s not a good look. Would you be inclined to believe that black people are racist? Of course not. You named a few men who may or may not have been career criminals but found themselves involved with someone who over stepped and was fucking negligent, but in case you were misguided.. The earth is filled with a lot of good white/black people, and a lot of bad white/black people, but at the end of the day both are just people. Black man/woman kills black man, crickets. Black cop/man/woman kills white man/woman, crickets. White cop shoots black man all of a fucking sudden they are all racist.
Sure some PEOPLE are racist, but that’s just fucking ignorant to run around accusing everyone who disagrees with your ideology must be racist. Grow the fuck up dude.
Eric garner didn't live with his children. They were all adults. George Floyd had three children by three different women.

There was a time when black men were fierce fathers. I known that time. I remember it. Then Uncle Sugar became the primary provider and dads didn't matter so much any more.

Prisons have a policy of housing fathers and sons in the same cells as much as they can.
Like you would know. STFU.
First we have BLM now we have WBG. You are definitely WBG.
So all those black activists who organized to try and stop that epidemic are liars, now? White racists? lol the OP is being a dishonest idiot again.

If it were 'white racism', why is the number of single parent black families so much higher now than in 1950??? It should be a whole lot higher in 1950 than now, using Dumbass Racist Black Science 'reasoning'. In any case, modern data shows children should be removed fro most black homes in order to give the children a real chance at education and cultural improvement and break the cycle of 'Stupid' they inflict on themselves as a 'culture' left to its own methods of child raising. See the Moynihan Report for the first study of the trend to single parent families; it predicted the effects we see today back in 1965.
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Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. George Floyd. Rashard Brooks. Stephon Clark. Samuel Debose. These are just a few names of black fathers, men living with their children, now dead at the hands of police. You scum talk shit about black behavior and fatherless homes, but these names once again show that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

In 2014-18, the share of families headed by single parents was 75% among African American families, 58% among Hispanic families, 37% among white families and 21% among Asian families.

.........the statistics show stark differences. The percentage of White children under 18 who live with both parents almost doubles that of Black children, according to the data. While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents, only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same.

Instead, more than one-third of all Black children in the United States under the age of 18 live with unmarried mothers—compared to 6.5 percent of White children. The figures reflect a general trend: During the 1960-2016 period, the percentage of children living with only their mother nearly tripled from 8 to 23 percent and the percentage of children living with only their father increased from 1 to 4 percent.

It is hard to take one seriously when there is selective outrage. If black lives really mattered, you'd protest in Chicago and St. Louis until black lives mattered for real.
So, you found 7 black men who actually did raise their children, but no outrage over the other 75% of black fathers who do not raise their own children?
You only give a shit about black when you can rant racist crap...
So all those black activists who organized to try and stop that epidemic are liars, now? White racists? lol the OP is being a dishonest idiot again.

If it were 'white racism', why is the number of single parent black families so much higher now than in 1950??? It should be a whole lot higher in 1950 than now, using Dumbass Racist Black Science 'reasoning'.
Single parent familes don't have a damn thing to do with it. Our poverty rate is 30 percent less that it was in your imaginary days and according to filth like you our poverty rate should be higher than the 55.1 percent it was in 1959. The root cause of our problem is white racism. That was determined in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. According to all studies, the non implementation of the Kerner Commission policies have made it so white racism is still the root cause. You are unlearned in this matter and arguing stormfront talking points can't help you here.
So all those black activists who organized to try and stop that epidemic are liars, now? White racists? lol the OP is being a dishonest idiot again.

If it were 'white racism', why is the number of single parent black families so much higher now than in 1950??? It should be a whole lot higher in 1950 than now, using Dumbass Racist Black Science 'reasoning'.
Single parent familes don't have a damn thing to do with it. Our poverty rate is 30 percent less that it was in your imaginary days and according to filth like you our poverty rate should be higher than the 55.1 percent it was in 1959. The root cause of our problem is white racism. That was determined in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. According to all studies, the non implementation of the Kerner Commission policies have made it so white racism is still the root cause. You are unlearned in this matter and arguing stormfront talking points can't help you here.

You're both a liar and an idiot, a pretty common condition among those kids LARPing as black psuedo-intellectuals on the innernetz. The 'reduced poverty rate' comes directly from white people handing blacks, among with women, latinos, sexual deviants, etc. government jobs and do nothing jobs with government contractors, for one, and for two, your hanging out at Stormfront is no surprise, since both you and AssLips fit the profile of some of those tards who run around the innernetz posing as 'black activists' while spouting stupid crap as false flag propaganda schemes they dream up while drunk or high on meth. You're obviously projecting here, only to expose yourself as a racist idiot.
Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. George Floyd. Rashard Brooks. Stephon Clark. Samuel Debose. These are just a few names of black fathers, men living with their children, now dead at the hands of police. You scum talk shit about black behavior and fatherless homes, but these names once again show that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

What happened to those men was absolutely tragic, and absolutely a crime. But, there is little support for your assertion about white racism. What is truly sad is you black men don't seem to care about the children you father. I was watching Don lemon a while back and he claimed that 72% of black children were born into fatherless homes. That is the true outrage. Kids need fathers. So, either you step up and start working to change that terrible statistic, or go away because your claims about racism are ridiculous.
What sort of example does a life of crime set for children?
Ask your president because these men did not have lives of crime. You keep validating my overall premise, The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
I don't know what planet you have been living on...."these men did not have lives of crime???
Let's see...George and out of jail and prison, again and again. For him, incarceration was just a revolving door. It doesn't take much research to find that out about him. RESISTED ARREST.
Alton Sterling, shop owners said that he carried a gun and had robbed people. When being arrested, he had a handgun in his pocket. RESISTED ARREST.
Samuel Debose, Prison for drug trafficking. RESISTED ARREST.
Philando Castile, This was a particularly tragic case. As a concealed carry individual myself. I am aware that you are indeed required to inform the officer that you have a license to carry a firearm and that the firearm is on your person. At that point YOU DON'T REACH IN THE DIRECTION OF WHERE YOUR FIREARM IS. The cop even told him to NOT reach in that direction. Castile was right handed, his pistol was on his right hip AND his wallet was in his right rear pocket. Even though Castile was told NOT to reach in that direction, he did so anyway, to no doubt retrieve his wallet, located on the same side as his gun. Bad decision on Castile's part. What he should have done was keep his hands on the steering wheel or dashboard and ASKED the officer for directions, as his wallet was in his back right pocket, which was located on the same side as his pistol. The officer would have instructed Castile to step out of the car while keeping his hands visible. Once out of the car, the officer then would remove the handgun from Castile's holster, remove the magazine and a shell that could be in the chamber, then set it on the hood of the car. Once that is done, he would have instructed Castile to present his wallet, or, retrieved the wallet himself. At the conclusion of their interaction, the officer would have allowed Castile to replace his gun in the holster and step back into the car. Sadly, end result....he reached when he absolutely should not have.
Eric Garner, He had been arrested for selling cigarettes without a license on previous occasions. When they noticed him doing this again, they approached and arrested him, or at least tried. He said he wasn't selling cigarettes and.....RESISTED ARREST.
Rashard Brooks, The cops were called to a report of a man asleep in a car. Upon arrival, they determined that Brooks was behind the wheel of the car and under the influence of alcohol. If I were the officer, I would have had Brooks give me the name and number of someone who could drive him home and made that arrangement and let it go. But, I'm not that officer. Anyone found to be DUI behind the steering wheel of a car, even if the car isn't moving, can in fact, be arrested and given a night in jail to sleep it off. So, up to that point, they were all fine. The problem was, Brooks decided to actually "fight" with the cops, grab one of their tasers, started running, turned, aimed it at the cops, turned back around and resumed running. Baaad idea! RESISTED ARREST.
Now, the tragic case of Philando Castile aside, do you notice a "common theme" here? I'll give you a has something to do with cooperation.
Quite frankly, a hell of a lot more white trash is shot and killed by cops because of their "lack of cooperation," than their black counterparts.
Do we whitey's run around screaming about it and looting and rioting. No. We recognize that if you have enough brain-cell matter between your ears, you know to cooperate with the cops and if you don't...….well...…..whatever happens, that's on you.

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