Black Fox News Reporter Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Conservative Views

The cafe, however, shared a slightly different account of what transpired Saturday morning on Instagram. The group arrived, ordered food and sat in the inside corner of the establishment. But they “talked quite loudly” — and the cafe says the conversation was troubling to some of their employees and customers. According to the cafe’s statement, the group spoke about “women in degrading ways” and used “eugenic arguments around their thoughts on Roe v. Wade.”

“Once it was clear that they were finished with their meal, we told them that our views don’t align, and that the language they were using was unwelcome in our space,” the cafe noted in the statement. Following the incident, owners have faced harassment and received “alarming messages” on their personal phone numbers, the cafe posted via Instagram. That’s part of the reason they decided to close until next month.

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So typical of the Fascist Neo-GOP. spread lies and expect the flock to attack and harass. It's the way it is with the Fascists. My way or the...... gang will stomp you and yours into dirt.

If I have to pay to hear the "truth" then chances are that it probably isn't.
The cafe, however, shared a slightly different account of what transpired Saturday morning on Instagram. The group arrived, ordered food and sat in the inside corner of the establishment. But they “talked quite loudly” — and the cafe says the conversation was troubling to some of their employees and customers. According to the cafe’s statement, the group spoke about “women in degrading ways” and used “eugenic arguments around their thoughts on Roe v. Wade.”

“Once it was clear that they were finished with their meal, we told them that our views don’t align, and that the language they were using was unwelcome in our space,” the cafe noted in the statement. Following the incident, owners have faced harassment and received “alarming messages” on their personal phone numbers, the cafe posted via Instagram. That’s part of the reason they decided to close until next month.

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So typical of the Fascist Neo-GOP. spread lies and expect the flock to attack and harass. It's the way it is with the Fascists. My way or the...... gang will stomp you and yours into dirt.

DemoKKKrats have used these kinds of dog whistles for decades to try to justify their racism, discrimination, and exclusionary policies. It's Jim Crow all over again.
Are one person's deeply held beliefs more important than any other persons deeply held beliefs?
The beliefs of the Progs have moved too far. The seedy side of cities and towns red light districts now control many Public Grade School Districts. With crazy law enforced dictums on top of it. So your beliefs overlap into someone else's just in that.
Are one person's deeply held beliefs more important than any other persons deeply held beliefs?

This isn't about beliefs, this is about facts and the fact that we have freedom of speech is a God given right. Now, I thought I quoted it already but I guess I didn't, as I'm not sure if it was you or another member in this thread (that my thread got merged with since I wasn't aware a thread like this already existed) that said why don't they just find a new restaurant? Well that's when I will say to you or to whichever individual that said it why don't you go find a new country because here in America isn't how things are supposed to work.
Quite the contrary. Maybe you need to brush up on the history of the Democratic Party.
Did they let colored folks dine with the white folk in the main dining area? Also, if they were making derogatory remarks about white women in the Jim Crow South, wouldn't they get invited to have a nice noose nap in the town square on the big Hanging tree?

Those day are gone. All we have is Chucky-baby threatening whirlwinds and such..
The business owner has a right to do that. I wish he wouldn't. I wish he'd let the person stay.

Just like a business owner has a right to refuse to bake a cake. And I wish he wouldn't. I wish he'd just bake the damn cake.

At some point, somebody has to show some strength, rise above SOMETHING, and compromise on SOMETHING. That event doesn't appear to be imminent.

When you compromise your values, you have no values. You don't know it, but you just said a lot about yourself.

This isn't about beliefs, this is about facts and the fact that we have freedom of speech is a God given right. Now, I thought I quoted it already but I guess I didn't, as I'm not sure if it was you or another member in this thread (that my thread got merged with since I wasn't aware a thread like this already existed) that said why don't they just find a new restaurant? Well that's when I will say to you or to whichever individual that said it why don't you go find a new country because here in America isn't how things are supposed to work.
Obviously you don't know how freedom of speech works. You may think your god gave you rights, but only the constitution determines if something is legal or not legal. The constitution provides freedom of speech in the fact that the government can't prevent your speech just because it disagrees with you. That's it. That's all it says. A business owner can allow or disallow anyone he wants in his business, unless they are in one of the protected classes. but that is dealt with by a different section of the law besides "freedom of speech". Last time I checked, crazy MAGAs aren't a protected class.
So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?
She was eavesdropping on their conversation, she should have minded her own business, and, they didn’t ask her to participate in anything, so your comparison isn’t valid.

However, business owners can refuse to serve people for any various reasons. It’s good that you are coming around to that way of thinking, just as in the case of the bakery. They refused on religious freedom grounds, she refused because she didn’t like their ideology. I guess public accommodation really isn’t that important.
She was eavesdropping on their conversation, she should have minded her own business, and, they didn’t ask her to participate in anything, so your comparison isn’t valid.

However, business owners can refuse to serve people for any various reasons. It’s good that you are coming around to that way of thinking, just as in the case of the bakery. They refused on religious freedom grounds, she refused because she didn’t like their ideology. I guess public accommodation really isn’t that important.
This is what you crazy MAGAs demanded. Are you gonna whine about rules you fought for?
So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?
So we now need separate lunch counters?

Thanks for that, Jim Crow.
The cafe, however, shared a slightly different account of what transpired Saturday morning on Instagram. The group arrived, ordered food and sat in the inside corner of the establishment. But they “talked quite loudly” — and the cafe says the conversation was troubling to some of their employees and customers. According to the cafe’s statement, the group spoke about “women in degrading ways” and used “eugenic arguments around their thoughts on Roe v. Wade.”

“Once it was clear that they were finished with their meal, we told them that our views don’t align, and that the language they were using was unwelcome in our space,” the cafe noted in the statement. Following the incident, owners have faced harassment and received “alarming messages” on their personal phone numbers, the cafe posted via Instagram. That’s part of the reason they decided to close until next month.

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So typical of the Fascist Neo-GOP. spread lies and expect the flock to attack and harass. It's the way it is with the Fascists. My way or the...... gang will stomp you and yours into dirt.

So typical of the Fascist Neo-GOP. spread lies and expect the flock to attack and harass. It's the way it is with the Fascists. My way or the...... gang will stomp you and yours into dirt.

Really? Not that doing that is right for anyone, but, are we going to forget about the packs of roaming people attacking people in restaurants? You mean that kind of lie spreading and attacking and harassment?
This is what you crazy MAGAs demanded. Are you gonna whine about rules you fought for?
The right didn’t demand anything but protection for people exercising their freedom of religion. This wasn’t anything like that, it was her just apparently not liking their political views.

I also said that I think it’s her right to feel that way, I just complimented you on coming around to that way of thinking.
So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?
I'll save this one. You do know, the baker wouldn't make them a specific cake, but would've sold them anything else. You sound like a hypocrite.
So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?

That ship has sailed asshole. Cut the shit and get some integrity.
I'll save this one. You do know, the baker wouldn't make them a specific cake, but would've sold them anything else. You sound like a hypocrite.
What would you consider to be a good substitution for a wedding cake? A few donuts and a loaf of bread?
You won't understand this, but you're not in charge of defining how values work.

Thanks for proving you're nothing but a hypocritical ass with no knowledge or personal values that you're willing to defend. That makes you a worthless POS.


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