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Black History Month

The color of the President's skin doesn't mean a damn thing. This is the United States of America, you pissant racist trash.

I guess you are right Pollyanna

We are all one big happy family.........except for the Mexicans and gays

Go piss up a rope, asswipe. If you and your pals couldn't bitch about some racist straw man, you wouldn't have a purpose in life. You put people into a labeled box so you can keep everyone sorted out according to agenda. When anyone tries to jump out of your box, you label them a "racist", an "Uncle Tom", or whatever vile tag you can put on them in an attempt to silence them. You're a racist con man, nothing more. Go fuck yourself.

Republicans don't hate blacks anymore...

They have already lost that vote. Time to move on to Mexicans and gays
I guess you are right Pollyanna

We are all one big happy family.........except for the Mexicans and gays

Go piss up a rope, asswipe. If you and your pals couldn't bitch about some racist straw man, you wouldn't have a purpose in life. You put people into a labeled box so you can keep everyone sorted out according to agenda. When anyone tries to jump out of your box, you label them a "racist", an "Uncle Tom", or whatever vile tag you can put on them in an attempt to silence them. You're a racist con man, nothing more. Go fuck yourself.

Republicans don't hate blacks anymore...

They have already lost that vote. Time to move on to Mexicans and gays

Give me some names of republicans who hate Blacks.
I don't know about that, but here is a REAL little known fact that they never teach during black history month. The father of slavery for life, as pracitced in the American South, was a black man. One of the original africans brought over for their term of servitude, which by LAW was for a set time upon which the "slave" had to be freed, fought a white man for the right to keep his own african slave, John Casor, for life and won in court, making slavery for life the law of the land. See Johnson vs Parker. So every time the blacks wish to whine and cry about how their ancestors where slaves, they can thank a black man for that.

Let finish this up with Antonio "Anthony" Johnson and the "first legal slave owner in America was a Black man." farce.

You forgot or left this point out Trip:
"In 1641, Massachusetts became the first colony to legally recognize slavery. Other states, such as Virginia, followed. In 1662, Virginia decided all children born in the colony to a slave mother would be enslaved. Slavery was not only a life-long condition; now it could be passed, like skin color, from generation to generation. "

We'll leave off with Johnson here:

"In 1665, Anthony Johnson moved to Maryland and leased a 300-acre plantation, where he died five years later. But back in Virginia that same year, a jury decided the land Johnson left behind could be seized by the government because he was a "negroe and by consequence an alien." In 1705 Virginia declared that "All servants imported and brought in this County... who were not Christians in their Native Country... shall be slaves. A Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves ... shall be held to be real estate."

John Casor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1655
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1640

I whupped this dudes ass with regarding the same subject matter here:

Blacks are "brainwashed"? - Page 72

Read the decision and and get back to me. It was not a life long condition
, a slave was property until released by law after their term of servitude was up, as Johnson was, as Casor should have been a child born to a slave is obviously the owner's slave as well. This has nothing to do with children born of people who where in the middle of serving their set term so your argument is irelevent. Johnson IS the father of slavery as practiced in the American south whether you like it or not.

LOL, yes it was in most if not many cases. Read my references and get back to me! Your assertion is a crock of shit. The had slaves in Jamestown.
Of course I barely read what you wrote, why waste my time, "bud"? It's not like what you said hasn't been said before by many idiots like you. At least I have common sense to do a spell check. And the people who you listed as false inventors are innovators. For example, the earliest form of the gas mask was only a wet sponge used several centuries ago and many other versions succeeded that over the years. Morgan's mask was modern for the time. Most inventions are improved upon generation after generation. And some inventions are successful attempts in which others failed. But since, blacks may or may have not created the first form of the device or procedure, they don't count as innovators just dirty savage thieves.
Lol. Wow, you really buy into that Morgan and the gas mask myth don't you? Maybe you should have done a bit of research prior to making that dumbass, incorrect statement. You're way off bud, but don't worry, your lies were all spelled correctly. Doesn't make em true, but makes em nice and neat huh? Seems to me concentrating on your research would have been a bit better use of your time than concentrating on running spell check.

Among the early forerunners of the gas mask was a device invented in 1847 by Lewis P. Haslett of Louisville, KY. It allowed breathing through a nose or mouth piece fitted with two one-way clapper valves: one to permit the inhalation of air through a bulb-shaped filter, and the other to vent exhaled air directly into the atmosphere. Similar use of valves became common in later masks. The filter material — wool or other porous substance moistened with water — was suited to keeping out dust or other solid particulates, but would not have been effective against poison gas.
In 1849, Haslett's Lung Protector was granted the first US patent for an air-purifying respirator.
Refs.: US Patent #6529 (1849)

In the early 1850s, the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse, who had been investigating the power of various forms of charcoal to capture and hold large volumes of gas, put the science to use in one of the first masks capable of removing toxic gases from incoming air.
The mask's filter, made of powdered charcoal, was held between two dome-shaped layers of wire gauze covering the wearer's nose and mouth. Although crude by modern standards, the invention was practical and effective enough that certain chemical factories in London equipped their workers with it. Charcoal in its "activated" form would eventually become the most widely used filter medium for gas masks

In 1871, the prominent British physicist John Tyndall wrote about his new invention: a "fireman's respirator" that combined the protective features of the Stenhouse mask and other breathing devices. After continued development, he exhibited this early form of gas mask at a meeting of the Royal Society in London in 1874. The July 1875 issue of Manufacturer and Builder described it as follows:

Prof. Tyndall's fireman's hood ... is supplied with a respirator, consisting of a valve chamber and filter-tube about four inches long, screwed on outside, with access to it from the inside by a wooden mouthpiece. The respiratory agency consists of cotton wool saturated with glycerin, lime, and charcoal; the lime absorbs the carbonic acid, (one of the products of combustion,) the glycerin acts on the smoke particles, and the charcoal on the hydro-carbon developed in vapors, and Prof. Tyndall declared that after protecting himself with a hood thus prepared he could go into an atmosphere of the most atrocious character and live for a half an hour where he could not, unprotected, have existed for a single minute.
Refs.: John Tyndall, Fragments of Science (1871); Manufacturer and Builder (July 1875) p.158-9; Davis (1947)

Samuel Barton, of London, England, designed a device for the purpose of, according to an 1874 patent, "permitting respiration in places where the atmosphere is charged with noxious gases, or vapors, smoke, or other impurities." It included a rubber-and-metal face cover, head harness, glass eyepieces, rubber-coated hood, and one-way valves for exhalation and inhalation. A metal canister on the front of the mask contained alternating layers of filtering materials: charcoal, lime, and glycerin-soaked cotton wool. In addition to the canister gas mask, the patent described a simple closed-circuit rebreather in which the user would inhale and exhale through tubes attached to an air reservoir carried on the back. In this alternate configuration, a filter containing lime would remove excess carbon dioxide from the breathing loop.
Refs: US patent #148868 (1874);

I have four more patents issued for gas mask going from 1877-1902 ALL of which pre-date Morgans "invention". Seems like there where 9 patents issued for various types of gas masks going back almost 70yrs prior to Morgan inventing it, and not a single one used a "wet sponge". Lol.

" I know some decent, hard working, law abiding, God fearing ******* that are doing all they can to support their families and raise their kids to believe in hard work and obeying the law and I have no problem with them. "

Really? because you contradicted you contradicted yourself by saying:

"In reality I just don't much care for negroes in general and try to distance myself from blacks as much as I can, 1) by not hiring them, 2) by living in a county that is almost 80% white and in a town that is over 90% white, 3) going to an almost all white church, 4) by not frequenting places where they are prone to congregate, and by avoiding interaction with them as much as possible, because it's been my 5) experiance that even the ones I mentioned above have the capacity to revert back to type under certain circumstances and I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with them on their level. "
I don't have a problem with them, doesn't mean I want to break bread with them or hang out with them

1. I doubt you own a business of any worth or any business at all, internet tough guy. And doesn't this void all the bitching you people do about Affirmative Action?
2. Such as what? Vidor, TX? I doubt anyone is jealous.
3. Why am I not surprised you also believe in fairy tales? Doesn't the bible tell you to love thy neighbor? It figures, Jesus freaks aren't known for consistency. Admitting this voided what little credibility you already had.
4. I don't frequent the ghetto either nor any other dangerous area such as barrios, or your meth head town.
5. Maybe because you were being a dick to them?If you talk shit like you do on the internet, why shouldn't a black person be angry? Why do shit talkers act like they're a victim-like bitch? It reminds me how you describe all blacks. You keep proving how White Supremacist douches act just like the ones they hate. Keep it up.
1. Doubt all you like, your doubt effects my income not at all.
2. Jealous of what? Exactly
3. Go to Strongs Concordance or some other source and actually look up what the word Jesus used for Neighbor means. So Jesus is a prick like you? Thanks for confirming that. This is why people are leaving Christianity
4. Never once heard or read of any serious meth problem in my town, thiough we do have a section down in Lexington Park, about 30 miles south of me in the same County, that has a crakc and heroin problem. Guess what color the majority of the residents in that part of the town are? You guessed it, black. Lol. Sure you haven't. Also Lexington Park doesn't explain your town's hillbilly heroin problem. Stay on topic.
5. I treat everyone the same, with polite indeffence. Some negroes just never evolve too far past the savage stage no matter how well trained, how well educated or how well they are treated. Sad but true.
I severely doubt that. And I know people like that for ALL RACES, however I don't single out an entire race. Funny how you keep switching your inclusive and exclusive languages for race. It looks like you're backtracking on your statements

You taught me a lesson? Okay Jesus Freak. Great "Lesson". Are you going to teach me how the world is 6000 years old next? Or is the next lesson you trying to molest boys like a "god fearing" "family values" Christian? I don't know how old the world is and that's really irelevent to the topic at hand heathen. As for your second little comment I'd certainly make you eat not only your words but your teeth if you ever had the balls to call me a child molestor to my face. Seems to me you're the one thats the internent tough guy. See boy, I'd call you a ****** to your face, but I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts you'd never call me a child molestor to my face. You run along now son and take some free advice, stop worrying so much about running spell check at the expense of not running fact check. Dumbass.

Jesus Freaks like you have no say on what fact because you believe in fairy tales. It's simple as that. Why don't you fact your bible first, then learn how to give a source to support your claims instead telling others to do your fucking research.
Thanks for proving to me that you're the internet tough guy. I'm not going to argue for something that is not likely to ever happen.

I don't take advice from Jesus Freaks.

I'm the dumbass, huh? This coming from a grown man who has the vocabulary and spelling skill of a 2nd grader, yet I'm the dumbass? Okay, you fucktard. :cuckoo:

Of course you're a dumbass and as for vocabulary, I wouldn't talk about anyone's vocabulary, especially mine, which is so above yours as to make any comparissons laughable. You've shown us over and over here that you have the vocabulary skills of a not so bright 5th grader and we won't even get into your lousy reading comprehension skills. Your ignorance and lousy vocabulary skills are proven once again by your need to resort to profanity to express yourself, a sure sign of ignorance. Not surprising though, because as I said, the ****** is never too far below the costume of civility many of your kind wear. As for others doing my research, no need, my opinions are based on my research, you should do some research because you're ignorant and need to educate yourself on the topics you continue to bloviate on so you'll not only stop looking the fool, but you'll actually be able to address my statements with some intelligent opinions of your own rather than ignore the substance and run spell check on them. Your abiltiy to run spell check is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of anal retentiveness. As for being an "internet tough guy" It wasn't me that started this thing boy, it was you. Now if you really think you have the balls to call me a child molestor to my face, let me know, I'll be happy to tell you where I can be found every other day of the week, otherwise admit you're a pussy and piss off.
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Let finish this up with Antonio "Anthony" Johnson and the "first legal slave owner in America was a Black man." farce.

You forgot or left this point out Trip:
"In 1641, Massachusetts became the first colony to legally recognize slavery. Other states, such as Virginia, followed. In 1662, Virginia decided all children born in the colony to a slave mother would be enslaved. Slavery was not only a life-long condition; now it could be passed, like skin color, from generation to generation. "

We'll leave off with Johnson here:

"In 1665, Anthony Johnson moved to Maryland and leased a 300-acre plantation, where he died five years later. But back in Virginia that same year, a jury decided the land Johnson left behind could be seized by the government because he was a "negroe and by consequence an alien." In 1705 Virginia declared that "All servants imported and brought in this County... who were not Christians in their Native Country... shall be slaves. A Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves ... shall be held to be real estate."

John Casor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1655
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1640

I whupped this dudes ass with regarding the same subject matter here:

Blacks are "brainwashed"? - Page 72

Read the decision and and get back to me. It was not a life long condition
, a slave was property until released by law after their term of servitude was up, as Johnson was, as Casor should have been a child born to a slave is obviously the owner's slave as well. This has nothing to do with children born of people who where in the middle of serving their set term so your argument is irelevent. Johnson IS the father of slavery as practiced in the American south whether you like it or not.

LOL, yes it was in most if not many cases. Read my references and get back to me! Your assertion is a crock of shit. The had slaves in Jamestown.

You didn't give me any "refrences", you gave me wikipedia which is a site ANY dumbass can add to or edit and this is what your own freaking source says.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Casor (surname also recorded as Cazara and Corsala[1]), a servant in Northampton County in the Virginia Colony, in 1655 became the first person of African descent in Britain's Thirteen Colonies to be declared by the county court as a slave for life In one of the earliest freedom suits, Casor argued that he was an indentured servant who had been forced to serve past his term. In ordering Casor returned to his master Anthony Johnson, a free black, for life, the court sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves.

You'll see it supports what I stated, but like I said, wikipedia is not a 100% reliable refrence source.

As for there being slaves in Jamestown, that's right you dumbass, the man who brought suit to keep Casor for life, Anthony Johnson, was one of the original negroes brought to Jamestown as an indentured slave and BY LAW FREED after a set length of servitude becoming a free negro as was demanded by law. God I can't stand dumbass people.
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Jesus Freaks like you have no say on what fact because you believe in fairy tales. It's simple as that. Why don't you fact your bible first, then learn how to give a source to support your claims instead telling others to do your fucking research.
Thanks for proving to me that you're the internet tough guy. I'm not going to argue for something that is not likely to ever happen.

I don't take advice from Jesus Freaks.

I'm the dumbass, huh? This coming from a grown man who has the vocabulary and spelling skill of a 2nd grader, yet I'm the dumbass? Okay, you fucktard. :cuckoo:

Of course you're a dumbass and as for vocabulary, I wouldn't talk about anyone's vocabulary, especially mine, which is so above yours as to make any comparissons laughable. You've shown us over and over here that you have the vocabulary skills of a not so bright 5th grader and we won't even get into your lousy reading comprehension skills. Your ignorance and lousy vocabulary skills are proven once again by your need to resort to profanity to express yourself, a sure sign of ignorance. Not surprising though, because as I said, the ****** is never too far below the costume of civility many of your kind wear. As for others doing my research, no need, my opinions are based on my research, you should do some research because you're ignorant and need to educate yourself on the topics you continue to bloviate on so you'll not only stop looking the fool, but you'll actually be able to address my statements with some intelligent opinions of your own rather than ignore the substance and run spell check on them. Your abiltiy to run spell check is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of anal retentiveness. As for being an "internet tough guy" It wasn't me that started this thing boy, it was you. Now if you really think you have the balls to call me a child molestor to my face, let me know, I'll be happy to tell you where I can be found every other day of the week, otherwise admit you're a pussy and piss off.

Did you just repeat what I told you and just attributed it to me? You are a second grader with that lame ass insult! My vocabulary is laughable? How? Why haven't you called out on that much sooner? Oh wait....I know, because you're making it up to create an insult. With your constant misspelling, you insulting anyone's intelligence makes you like this guy:

Any discussion about intelligence or superiority from you is voided, if you don't have any common sense.

My use of profanity is for those who are uncivil or insulting, any redneck like you qualifies. How dare you of all people to cry about cuss words. Grow a pair tough guy.

Before telling me that I'm uncivil or pretending to be civil. Tell me how the fuck are you civil a person? You're the one giving thinly-veiled internet threats because you're mad. I wonder what happens when you become a uncivil savage, like the rest of your redneck kind. You rednecks are no better than ghetto hood rats.

You fit the criteria of the internet tough guy. And the fact you're a 5'9 manlet (by your admission) I wouldn't be threatening anyone at all. But since rednecks attack in packs like gangbanger thugs you must feel really big and tough. So much for you being civil, at least I never proposed any violence or harm onto you. You're stupid, supposedly violent and believe fairy tales. Keep proving yourself to be more of a ****** than I will ever be. :lol:

BTW You're still defending yourself from being a child molester? I only called you that once because you're a devout christian. The fact that you're still whining about it makes you suspect to being one. I better call the cops or Anonymous.

Read the decision and and get back to me. It was not a life long condition
, a slave was property until released by law after their term of servitude was up, as Johnson was, as Casor should have been a child born to a slave is obviously the owner's slave as well. This has nothing to do with children born of people who where in the middle of serving their set term so your argument is irelevent. Johnson IS the father of slavery as practiced in the American south whether you like it or not.

LOL, yes it was in most if not many cases. Read my references and get back to me! Your assertion is a crock of shit. The had slaves in Jamestown.

You didn't give me any "refrences", you gave me wikipedia which is a site ANY dumbass can add to or edit and this is what your own freaking source says.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Casor (surname also recorded as Cazara and Corsala[1]), a servant in Northampton County in the Virginia Colony, in 1655 became the first person of African descent in Britain's Thirteen Colonies to be declared by the county court as a slave for life In one of the earliest freedom suits, Casor argued that he was an indentured servant who had been forced to serve past his term. In ordering Casor returned to his master Anthony Johnson, a free black, for life, the court sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves.

You'll see it supports what I stated, but like I said, wikipedia is not a 100% reliable refrence source.

As for there being slaves in Jamestown, that's right you dumbass, the man who brought suit to keep Casor for life, Anthony Johnson, was one of the original negroes brought to Jamestown as an indentured slave and BY LAW FREED after a set length of servitude becoming a free negro as was demanded by law. God I can't stand dumbass people.

That means you can't stand yourself DUMBASS. You can differentiate between a slave and an indentured servant. You also FALSELY stated that it started "slavery in the South as we know it.", wrong again that was a Black on Black slave situation, "slavery in the South as we know it" was a primarily and overwhelmingly White slave master and Black slave.
Thanks for the laugh with your pseudo-intellectual made up bullshit! :lol:
Jesus Freaks like you have no say on what fact because you believe in fairy tales. It's simple as that. Why don't you fact your bible first, then learn how to give a source to support your claims instead telling others to do your fucking research.
Thanks for proving to me that you're the internet tough guy. I'm not going to argue for something that is not likely to ever happen.

I don't take advice from Jesus Freaks.

I'm the dumbass, huh? This coming from a grown man who has the vocabulary and spelling skill of a 2nd grader, yet I'm the dumbass? Okay, you fucktard. :cuckoo:

Of course you're a dumbass and as for vocabulary, I wouldn't talk about anyone's vocabulary, especially mine, which is so above yours as to make any comparissons laughable. You've shown us over and over here that you have the vocabulary skills of a not so bright 5th grader and we won't even get into your lousy reading comprehension skills. Your ignorance and lousy vocabulary skills are proven once again by your need to resort to profanity to express yourself, a sure sign of ignorance. Not surprising though, because as I said, the ****** is never too far below the costume of civility many of your kind wear. As for others doing my research, no need, my opinions are based on my research, you should do some research because you're ignorant and need to educate yourself on the topics you continue to bloviate on so you'll not only stop looking the fool, but you'll actually be able to address my statements with some intelligent opinions of your own rather than ignore the substance and run spell check on them. Your abiltiy to run spell check is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of anal retentiveness. As for being an "internet tough guy" It wasn't me that started this thing boy, it was you. Now if you really think you have the balls to call me a child molestor to my face, let me know, I'll be happy to tell you where I can be found every other day of the week, otherwise admit you're a pussy and piss off.

Did you just repeat what I told you and just attributed it to me? You are a second grader with that lame ass insult! My vocabulary is laughable? How? Why haven't you called out on that much sooner? Oh wait....I know, because you're making it up to create an insult. With your constant misspelling, you insulting anyone's intelligence makes you like this guy:

Any discussion about intelligence or superiority from you is voided, if you don't have any common sense.

My use of profanity is for those who are uncivil or insulting, any redneck like you qualifies. How dare you of all people to cry about cuss words. Grow a pair tough guy.
Just pointing out the fact that you're too stupid to express yourself without it, proving you are nothing but a boofer with a thin veneer of civility masking your ghetto origins

Before telling me that I'm uncivil or pretending to be civil. Tell me how the fuck are you civil a person? You're the one giving thinly-veiled internet threats because you're mad. I wonder what happens when you become a uncivil savage, like the rest of your redneck kind. You rednecks are no better than ghetto hood rats. Lol, not a threat scrote, just a simple observation that you lack the balls to call me what you did in person. I know ******* son, ballless cowards unless they're in a pack.

You fit the criteria of the internet tough guy. And the fact you're a 5'9 manlet (by your admission) I wouldn't be threatening anyone at all. But since rednecks attack in packs like gangbanger thugs you must feel really big and tough. So much for you being civil, at least I never proposed any violence or harm onto you. You're stupid, supposedly violent and believe fairy tales. Keep proving yourself to be more of a ****** than I will ever be. :lol: Told you boy, I was born and raised in NYC NY, not even close to being a Redneck and by the way, best you look up the word "wilding" son, you ******* attack, usually woman and weak and defenseless men, in packs so often they made up the word for you guys. But no worries for me, God gave man dominion over the animals so I know my place in the world as opposed to yours.

BTW You're still defending yourself from being a child molester? I only called you that once because you're a devout christian. The fact that you're still whining about it makes you suspect to being one. I better call the cops or Anonymous Once again, not whining, pointing out to you your lack of balls.[/QUOTE].
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LOL, yes it was in most if not many cases. Read my references and get back to me! Your assertion is a crock of shit. The had slaves in Jamestown.

You didn't give me any "refrences", you gave me wikipedia which is a site ANY dumbass can add to or edit and this is what your own freaking source says.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Casor (surname also recorded as Cazara and Corsala[1]), a servant in Northampton County in the Virginia Colony, in 1655 became the first person of African descent in Britain's Thirteen Colonies to be declared by the county court as a slave for life In one of the earliest freedom suits, Casor argued that he was an indentured servant who had been forced to serve past his term. In ordering Casor returned to his master Anthony Johnson, a free black, for life, the court sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves.

You'll see it supports what I stated, but like I said, wikipedia is not a 100% reliable refrence source.

As for there being slaves in Jamestown, that's right you dumbass, the man who brought suit to keep Casor for life, Anthony Johnson, was one of the original negroes brought to Jamestown as an indentured slave and BY LAW FREED after a set length of servitude becoming a free negro as was demanded by law. God I can't stand dumbass people.

That means you can't stand yourself DUMBASS. You can differentiate between a slave and an indentured servant. You also FALSELY stated that it started "slavery in the South as we know it.", wrong again that was a Black on Black slave situation, "slavery in the South as we know it" was a primarily and overwhelmingly White slave master and Black slave.
Thanks for the laugh with your pseudo-intellectual made up bullshit! :lol:

Dumbass, by law they were indentured servents until that case. Why do you think Johnson, being one of the original 20 black slaves brought to Jamestown and sold to whites was a free negro? You think his white master was just a nice guy and let him go? No, he was freed by law. You didn't even read your own source that you gave me did you? It said this right on the source YOU gave, lol. It started slavery as we know it, meaning being a slave for life, in the South, that's a fact boy. You can whine about it, deny it, sweep it under the rug, but it doesn't change the fact that the father of slavery as practiced in the American South is a black man, lol.
More Black history should be taught in our schools. Their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great.

African American History Month 2013
Soooo, how 'bout we have "White History Month", and more White history taught in schools, seeing as though their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great?

Hell, lets have NAAWP, NAAWP Image Awards, Miss White America Pageant, United Whitey College Fund, and Affirmitive Action for Whites......I'm all for it, how 'bout you?:eusa_whistle:
I only called you that once because you're a devout christian.

No, he's not. He is no kind of Christian at all.

I wish you could debate him on that. I'm getting tired of this idiot. How do you put people on ignore?

To use "Ignore": Click on "User CP". In the drop menu, there is an option to "Edit ignore list". From there just type in the persons screename, and click save.
More Black history should be taught in our schools. Their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great.

African American History Month 2013
Soooo, how 'bout we have "White History Month", and more White history taught in schools, seeing as though their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great?

Hell, lets have NAAWP, NAAWP Image Awards, Miss White America Pageant, United Whitey College Fund, and Affirmitive Action for Whites......I'm all for it, how 'bout you?:eusa_whistle:

Absolutely. Frankly I am sick and tired of reading and hearing about this mythical "anti -white" society that we supposedly live in.
More Black history should be taught in our schools. Their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great.

African American History Month 2013
Soooo, how 'bout we have "White History Month", and more White history taught in schools, seeing as though their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great?

Hell, lets have NAAWP, NAAWP Image Awards, Miss White America Pageant, United Whitey College Fund, and Affirmitive Action for Whites......I'm all for it, how 'bout you?:eusa_whistle:

Absolutely. Frankly I am sick and tired of reading and hearing about this mythical "anti -white" society that we supposedly live in.

It all leads to Obama and the democrats. Stir the pot and get everyone upset so they can present themselves as our saviors. It's nothing but a big con game and the naive ignorant posters around here show how it works.
You didn't give me any "refrences", you gave me wikipedia which is a site ANY dumbass can add to or edit and this is what your own freaking source says.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Casor (surname also recorded as Cazara and Corsala[1]), a servant in Northampton County in the Virginia Colony, in 1655 became the first person of African descent in Britain's Thirteen Colonies to be declared by the county court as a slave for life In one of the earliest freedom suits, Casor argued that he was an indentured servant who had been forced to serve past his term. In ordering Casor returned to his master Anthony Johnson, a free black, for life, the court sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves.

You'll see it supports what I stated, but like I said, wikipedia is not a 100% reliable refrence source.

As for there being slaves in Jamestown, that's right you dumbass, the man who brought suit to keep Casor for life, Anthony Johnson, was one of the original negroes brought to Jamestown as an indentured slave and BY LAW FREED after a set length of servitude becoming a free negro as was demanded by law. God I can't stand dumbass people.

That means you can't stand yourself DUMBASS. You can differentiate between a slave and an indentured servant. You also FALSELY stated that it started "slavery in the South as we know it.", wrong again that was a Black on Black slave situation, "slavery in the South as we know it" was a primarily and overwhelmingly White slave master and Black slave.
Thanks for the laugh with your pseudo-intellectual made up bullshit! :lol:

Dumbass, by law they were indentured servents until that case. Why do you think Johnson, being one of the original 20 black slaves brought to Jamestown and sold to whites was a free negro? You think his white master was just a nice guy and let him go? No, he was freed by law. You didn't even read your own source that you gave me did you? It said this right on the source YOU gave, lol. It started slavery as we know it, meaning being a slave for life, in the South, that's a fact boy. You can whine about it, deny it, sweep it under the rug, but it doesn't change the fact that the father of slavery as practiced in the American South is a black man, lol.

What about this; "1640
John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life." , can't you wrap your head around? By the way, the Punch case was in the SOUTH. :lol:

Here, educate yourself boy.
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
That means you can't stand yourself DUMBASS. You can differentiate between a slave and an indentured servant. You also FALSELY stated that it started "slavery in the South as we know it.", wrong again that was a Black on Black slave situation, "slavery in the South as we know it" was a primarily and overwhelmingly White slave master and Black slave.
Thanks for the laugh with your pseudo-intellectual made up bullshit! :lol:

Dumbass, by law they were indentured servents until that case. Why do you think Johnson, being one of the original 20 black slaves brought to Jamestown and sold to whites was a free negro? You think his white master was just a nice guy and let him go? No, he was freed by law. You didn't even read your own source that you gave me did you? It said this right on the source YOU gave, lol. It started slavery as we know it, meaning being a slave for life, in the South, that's a fact boy. You can whine about it, deny it, sweep it under the rug, but it doesn't change the fact that the father of slavery as practiced in the American South is a black man, lol.

What about this; "1640
John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life." , can't you wrap your head around? By the way, the Punch case was in the SOUTH. :lol:

Here, educate yourself boy.
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS

What about it? I stand by what I said, Anthony Johnson, the freed by law former slave, was the father of slavery as practiced in the American south and his black slave was the first negro to be a slave for life as he was orderd to be enslsved for life not as a sentence for a crime like Punch was, but just because he was a negro. Try actually reading the history of John Punch, his being ordered a slave for life was a SENTENCE for the crime of running away dumbass. (you may want to look up the word sentence here, as you seem ignorant of it's meaning) He, along with two other white indentured servents, which is what Punch was prior to committing his crime, an indentured negro, ran from their lawful owner which was against the law. The two whites recieved the punishment of more years added to their indenture, Punch's punishment was a life sentence. See even back then we had disparity in sentencing, lol. If Punch would not have broken the law and ran, he would have been freed, as the law demanded, after a set period of indenture, just like ALL the other blacks were at that time. Just another criminal negro.
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More Black history should be taught in our schools. Their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great.

African American History Month 2013
Soooo, how 'bout we have "White History Month", and more White history taught in schools, seeing as though their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great?

Hell, lets have NAAWP, NAAWP Image Awards, Miss White America Pageant, United Whitey College Fund, and Affirmitive Action for Whites......I'm all for it, how 'bout you?:eusa_whistle:

Absolutely. Frankly I am sick and tired of reading and hearing about this mythical "anti -white" society that we supposedly live in.

no more sick of it than the mythical anti-black society , white privilege and driving while black

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