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Black History Month

We need a Native-American history month, an Irish-American history month, a Asian-American history month, a German-American history month. There are 12 months in the year, so we may as well fill them up with some other ethnic groups (especially the Native-American history month, as where would we be if we hadn't committed an effective genocide?).
Of course you're a dumbass and as for vocabulary, I wouldn't talk about anyone's vocabulary, especially mine, which is so above yours as to make any comparissons laughable. You've shown us over and over here that you have the vocabulary skills of a not so bright 5th grader and we won't even get into your lousy reading comprehension skills. Your ignorance and lousy vocabulary skills are proven once again by your need to resort to profanity to express yourself, a sure sign of ignorance. Not surprising though, because as I said, the ****** is never too far below the costume of civility many of your kind wear. As for others doing my research, no need, my opinions are based on my research, you should do some research because you're ignorant and need to educate yourself on the topics you continue to bloviate on so you'll not only stop looking the fool, but you'll actually be able to address my statements with some intelligent opinions of your own rather than ignore the substance and run spell check on them. Your abiltiy to run spell check is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of anal retentiveness. As for being an "internet tough guy" It wasn't me that started this thing boy, it was you. Now if you really think you have the balls to call me a child molestor to my face, let me know, I'll be happy to tell you where I can be found every other day of the week, otherwise admit you're a pussy and piss off.

Did you just repeat what I told you and just attributed it to me? You are a second grader with that lame ass insult! My vocabulary is laughable? How? Why haven't you called out on that much sooner? Oh wait....I know, because you're making it up to create an insult. With your constant misspelling, you insulting anyone's intelligence makes you like this guy:

Any discussion about intelligence or superiority from you is voided, if you don't have any common sense.

My use of profanity is for those who are uncivil or insulting, any redneck like you qualifies. How dare you of all people to cry about cuss words. Grow a pair tough guy.
Just pointing out the fact that you're too stupid to express yourself without it, proving you are nothing but a boofer with a thin veneer of civility masking your ghetto origins
As if you don't curse on this site, you idiot hillbilly? Shut the fuck up with your blatant hypocrisy.

Before telling me that I'm uncivil or pretending to be civil. Tell me how the fuck are you civil a person? You're the one giving thinly-veiled internet threats because you're mad. I wonder what happens when you become a uncivil savage, like the rest of your redneck kind. You rednecks are no better than ghetto hood rats. Lol, not a threat scrote, just a simple observation that you lack the balls to call me what you did in person. I know ******* son, ballless cowards unless they're in a pack.
Once again, redneck hillbillies like you, are just like *******, you roam and fight in packs. You're 49 years old, 5'9 and fat, on top of that. You're more than halfway in the grave. I wouldn't be threatening anyone. However, if you happen to be alone, I'm sure you carry a firearm at all times, so you will you win no matter what. Picking fights, while you're armed, very brave of you. Like a gangbanger.

You fit the criteria of the internet tough guy. And the fact you're a 5'9 manlet (by your admission) I wouldn't be threatening anyone at all. But since rednecks attack in packs like gangbanger thugs you must feel really big and tough. So much for you being civil, at least I never proposed any violence or harm onto you. You're stupid, supposedly violent and believe fairy tales. Keep proving yourself to be more of a ****** than I will ever be. :lol: Told you boy, I was born and raised in NYC NY, not even close to being a Redneck and by the way, best you look up the word "wilding" son, you ******* attack, usually woman and weak and defenseless men, in packs so often they made up the word for you guys. But no worries for me, God gave man dominion over the animals so I know my place in the world as opposed to yours. Whatever you say, hillbilly. If I'm such a "ghetto ******", wouldn't I already know what "wilding" is? Keep proving you're more of a ****** than I am. And Keep believing those fairy tales, Bubba. Most ghetto blacks and criminals in general are Christian, I'm an ATHEIST.

BTW You're still defending yourself from being a child molester? I only called you that once because you're a devout christian. The fact that you're still whining about it makes you suspect to being one. I better call the cops or Anonymous Once again, not whining, pointing out to you your lack of balls.[/QUOTE].
Yes you are whining, internet tough guy.
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Soooo, how 'bout we have "White History Month", and more White history taught in schools, seeing as though their sweat, brains, and labor helped make this country great?

Hell, lets have NAAWP, NAAWP Image Awards, Miss White America Pageant, United Whitey College Fund, and Affirmitive Action for Whites......I'm all for it, how 'bout you?:eusa_whistle:

Absolutely. Frankly I am sick and tired of reading and hearing about this mythical "anti -white" society that we supposedly live in.

no more sick of it than the mythical anti-black society , white privilege and driving while black

And I'm sick of that and the mythical anti-white society.
did you just repeat what i told you and just attributed it to me? You are a second grader with that lame ass insult! My vocabulary is laughable? How? Why haven't you called out on that much sooner? Oh wait....i know, because you're making it up to create an insult. With your constant misspelling, you insulting anyone's intelligence makes you like this guy:

any discussion about intelligence or superiority from you is voided, if you don't have any common sense.

My use of profanity is for those who are uncivil or insulting, any redneck like you qualifies. How dare you of all people to cry about cuss words. Grow a pair tough guy.
just pointing out the fact that you're too stupid to express yourself without it, proving you are nothing but a boofer with a thin veneer of civility masking your ghetto origins
as if you don't curse on this site, you idiot hillbilly? Shut the fuck up with your blatant hypocrisy. check my posts boofer, you won't find one curse word.

Before telling me that i'm uncivil or pretending to be civil. Tell me how the fuck are you civil a person? You're the one giving thinly-veiled internet threats because you're mad. I wonder what happens when you become a uncivil savage, like the rest of your redneck kind. You rednecks are no better than ghetto hood rats. lol, not a threat scrote, just a simple observation that you lack the balls to call me what you did in person. I know ******* son, ballless cowards unless they're in a pack.

once again, redneck hillbillies like you are just like *******, you roam and fight in packs. You're 49 years old, 5'9 and fat, on top of that. You're more than halfway in the grave. I wouldn't be threatening anyone. However, i'm sure you carry a firearm at all times, so you will you win no matter what. Picking fights, while you're armed, very brave of you. lol, fat? I have less body fat on me then 90% of the population dumbass, i work out 3-5 times a week with weights, still fit in my dress blue trousers from over 25yrs ago, still run over 20 miles a week and i spend one week a year hiking the mountains what about you boy? Sit on your rear eating ribs and drinking 40's i'd guess. And like i said before, it's the ******* that attack in packs. It's not due to rednecks that the word "wilding" was created, that was all due to the *******, not to mention their new trick of swarning a store 20-30 at a time to loot it. As for picking fights while armed, your assumptions are based on what? Projection? Any time i see a lone ****** acting brave, i know he's packin his 9, otherwise they are cowards.

you fit the criteria of the internet tough guy. And the fact you're a 5'9 manlet (by your admission) i wouldn't be threatening anyone at all. But since rednecks attack in packs like gangbanger thugs you must feel really big and tough. So much for you being civil, at least i never proposed any violence or harm onto you. You're stupid, supposedly violent and believe fairy tales. Keep proving yourself to be more of a ****** than i will ever be. :lol: told you boy, i was born and raised in nyc ny, not even close to being a redneck and by the way, best you look up the word "wilding" son, you ******* attack, usually woman and weak and defenseless men, in packs so often they made up the word for you guys. But no worries for me, god gave man dominion over the animals so i know my place in the world as opposed to yours. whatever you say, hillbilly. If i'm such a "ghetto ******", wouldn't i already know what "wilding" is? Keep believing those fairy tales, bubba. Most ghetto blacks are christian, i'm an atheist. so you're a heathen ******, big deal, and no, most ghetto ******* aren't christians, they may say they are, but christians don't gang bang, don't sling dope, don't do car jackings, don't murder people, don't steal, and don't fail to take care of the kids they make, all things the ghetto ****** does in abundance. As for not knowing what wiliding is, no suprise, i already pointed out the fact that you have a very limited vocabulary.

btw you're still defending yourself from being a child molester? I only called you that once because you're a devout christian. The fact that you're still whining about it makes you suspect to being one. I better call the cops or anonymous once again, not whining, pointing out to you your lack of balls.[/quote].
yes you are whining, internet tough guy.] really, because the only one here i see whining, crying and sputtering like a pansy is you boy.
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Dumbass, by law they were indentured servents until that case. Why do you think Johnson, being one of the original 20 black slaves brought to Jamestown and sold to whites was a free negro? You think his white master was just a nice guy and let him go? No, he was freed by law. You didn't even read your own source that you gave me did you? It said this right on the source YOU gave, lol. It started slavery as we know it, meaning being a slave for life, in the South, that's a fact boy. You can whine about it, deny it, sweep it under the rug, but it doesn't change the fact that the father of slavery as practiced in the American South is a black man, lol.

What about this; "1640
John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life." , can't you wrap your head around? By the way, the Punch case was in the SOUTH. :lol:

Here, educate yourself boy.
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS

What about it? I stand by what I said, Anthony Johnson, the freed by law former slave, was the father of slavery as practiced in the American south and his black slave was the first negro to be a slave for life as he was orderd to be enslsved for life not as a sentence for a crime like Punch was, but just because he was a negro. Try actually reading the history of John Punch, his being ordered a slave for life was a SENTENCE for the crime of running away dumbass. (you may want to look up the word sentence here, as you seem ignorant of it's meaning) He, along with two other white indentured servents, which is what Punch was prior to committing his crime, an indentured negro, ran from their lawful owner which was against the law. The two whites recieved the punishment of more years added to their indenture, Punch's punishment was a life sentence. See even back then we had disparity in sentencing, lol. If Punch would not have broken the law and ran, he would have been freed, as the law demanded, after a set period of indenture, just like ALL the other blacks were at that time. Just another criminal negro.

Yeah keep standing by being wrong. Slavery as practiced in the South was White master Black slave. What you fail to realize is that Casor ruling was in a county. There were PLENTY of slaves for life before that. try reading those links and learn.
yes you are whining, internet tough guy.] really, because the only one here i see whining, crying and sputtering like a pansy is you boy.

Sure Bubba, you're shredded and do all of that stuff. I'm sure you pull a lot of tail.

Funny, because I didn't know what "wilding" was until you told me what it was. Again I was so ghetto, why would you need to explain what it was, shouldn't I already know? Also if I was ghetto, why would I be talking trash about ghetto blacks and gangbangers, comparing them to redneck retards like you? Both of you rednecks and gangbanger types do mostly the same shit, except for robbery, I'll concede on that. Also rednecks think guns make them brave too. I've experience both types of people. Keep stereotyping me and I'll continue to stereotype you. It's only fair. You've been doing it for a while here for all blacks.

Do you even know what a Heathen is? I'm an Atheist, you idiot! Those blacks are Christians and Christians of all types do every single thing of what you've said, especially murder.

Murder is a Christianity's favorite pastime. The Crusades, American Genocides, Involvement in the Slave Trade, Witch Trials, KKK lynchings, Holocaust and much more all justified by your maniac fairy tale god and his followers involved. Christians think Hitler is more worthy of heaven than his Jewish victims. Don't even get me started on Christianity, I haven't even mentioned how they actively defend pedophiles. I view Christians no better than the Muslims. You're a fine example of the cult. A stupid, whitel-supremacist thug.

Debate Unkotare about what a Christian, not me. Apparently both you Christians have some major disagreements.

Not knowing one slang word reflects on my vocabulary? Are you freaking insane?

I'm not the one whining about being a called about denigrating all blacks.
I'm not the on defending my poor spelling, yet calling others stupid.
I'm not the one whining about cursing while you spew racial slurs.
BTW no cursing in this post, are you happy you big crybaby?
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What about this; "1640
John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life." , can't you wrap your head around? By the way, the Punch case was in the SOUTH. :lol:

Here, educate yourself boy.
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS
Slavery and the Making of America . Timeline | PBS

What about it? I stand by what I said, Anthony Johnson, the freed by law former slave, was the father of slavery as practiced in the American south and his black slave was the first negro to be a slave for life as he was orderd to be enslsved for life not as a sentence for a crime like Punch was, but just because he was a negro. Try actually reading the history of John Punch, his being ordered a slave for life was a SENTENCE for the crime of running away dumbass. (you may want to look up the word sentence here, as you seem ignorant of it's meaning) He, along with two other white indentured servents, which is what Punch was prior to committing his crime, an indentured negro, ran from their lawful owner which was against the law. The two whites recieved the punishment of more years added to their indenture, Punch's punishment was a life sentence. See even back then we had disparity in sentencing, lol. If Punch would not have broken the law and ran, he would have been freed, as the law demanded, after a set period of indenture, just like ALL the other blacks were at that time. Just another criminal negro.

Yeah keep standing by being wrong. Slavery as practiced in the South was White master Black slave. What you fail to realize is that Casor ruling was in a county. There were PLENTY of slaves for life before that. try reading those links and learn.

No, slavery as practiced in the South was being a slave for life. In the 1830 Federal Census 3,777 free black heads of household were counted who had slaves living with them and free negroes in Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, just in these four states, owned more than 10,000 slaves. About 8% of all negroes in the South at the time where free negroes, meaning about 2 percent of southern free blacks owned slaves. In South Carolina alone 454 negro masters owned 2,357 slaves, again according to the census, so only about 20% of white households there owned slaves, but approximately 75 percent of the free black heads of household in the state owned slaves, meaning per capita negroes where bigger slave owners than whites in that State at least. Did you actually read the sources you cited? John Punch was the first recorded slave for life in this nation, hell even Obama claims to be a descendent of this "first slave" but most historians, according to even your sources, don't recognize John Punch as being the first because his lifetime of slavery was given as a sentence, as a punishment, (now I told you to look that word sentnece up, you evidently didn's, so I'll do it for you. Senetnce; Declare the punishment decided for (an offender)) for a criminal act. ALL historians agree that Prior to 1654, all Africans in the thirteen Colonies were held in indentured servitude and were released after a contracted period (see James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton, Hard road to freedon: the story of African America, Rutgers University Press, 2002 among numerous other historical sources) and that Johnson's case in 1654 where he sued to keep one of his own five slaves (indentured) for life and won, makes his slave Casor the first slave for life. This ain't my first rodeo son. I've studied this topic extensively for this very reason. I got sick and tired of hearing the negroes of today whining and crying about how dey great, great, great, great gran pappy was a slave so they deserve welfare, sec 8 housing, affrimative action, etc, etc, etc. from the white man's govt. The FACT remains the first slave for life in this nation was compliments of one of their own and Johnson's courtroom victory set the precedent for slavery as we knew it in the American South where the master owned the slave for the slaves whole life. Run along now, you have some studying to do Lucy.
Do you even know what a Heathen is? I'm an Atheist, you idiot! Those blacks are Christians and Christians of all types do every single thing of what you've said, especially murder.

Murder is a Christianity's favorite pastime.

Congratulations, you've proven yourself as much of a hateful fucking idiot as these racist assholes. You are officially one of them. Better get comfortable with them, because you've climbed right on into the same bed with them. Douchebag.
Do you even know what a Heathen is? I'm an Atheist, you idiot! Those blacks are Christians and Christians of all types do every single thing of what you've said, especially murder.

Murder is a Christianity's favorite pastime.

Congratulations, you've proven yourself as much of a hateful fucking idiot as these racist assholes. You are officially one of them. Better get comfortable with them, because you've climbed right on into the same bed with them. Douchebag.
Man, you don't get along with ANYBODY, do ya?

sure bubba, you're shredded and do all of that stuff. I'm sure you pull a lot of tail.

Funny, because i didn't know what "wilding" was until you told me what it was. Again i was so ghetto, why would you need to explain what it was, shouldn't i already know? Also if i was ghetto, why would i be talking trash about ghetto blacks and gangbangers, comparing them to redneck retards like you? Both of you rednecks and gangbanger types do mostly the same shit, except for robbery, i'll concede on that. Also rednecks think guns make them brave too. I've experience both types of people. Keep stereotyping me and i'll continue to stereotype you. It's only fair. You've been doing it for a while here for all blacks.
at least get your stereotyping right. I was born and raised in NYC NY so not a redneck which is defined as; a working-class white person, a politically reactionary one from a rural area, and nyc ny hasn't been defined as s rural area for hundreds of years. I'm of irish and italian descent, a former catholic now just a chrsitian. So start from there boy, plenty of real stereotypes you can draw from. Just a hint though, i don't consume any alcohol whatsoever so you may want to stay away from the irish/drinking stereotypes.

do you even know what a heathen is? I'm an atheist, you idiot! Those blacks are christians and christians of all types do every single thing of what you've said, especially murder. sure i do, guess you want me to look that word up for you huh? You must because you seem to incorrectly assume you being an athiest means you are not a heathen. Guess you have mastered spell check but not looking a word up in the dictionary huh? (heathen- person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a christian, jew, or muslim) as regarded by those who do)

murder is a christianity's favorite pastime. The crusades, american genocides, involvement in the slave trade, witch trials, kkk lynchings, holocaust and much more all justified by your maniac fairy tale god and his followers involved. Christians think hitler is more worthy of heaven than his jewish victims. Don't even get me started on christianity, i haven't even mentioned how they actively defend pedophiles. I view christians no better than the muslims. You're a fine example of the cult. A stupid, whitel-supremacist thug. well you're obviously basing your opinions on propoganda and lies, not on facts son. Might be a good idea to actually research the topic prior to bloviating on it. Pre 20century democide total recorded 133,147,000 total attributed to all religious reasons not just christianity but every relgion, 2,650,000. This includes includes african slavery, the inquisition and the crusades, whose total deaths come to 1,450,000 or about half of all religous democide is attributed to christianity yet religous democide in general makes up way, way less than half of all democide in recorded history closer to only 20%. Now we look to democide committed by "atheist" regimes such as the soviet union, china, cambodia, north korea, etc we get a total of 107,047,000. Seems like when it comes to democide the atheist are the ones to fear son, not the christians. http://statistics of democide.

vox day, in the irrational atheist, lists 22 atheistic regimes that committed 153,368,610 murders in the 20th century alone

try again

debate unkotare about what a christian, not me. Apparently both you christians have some major disagreements. . That's because he's not a Christian and i haven't seen his posts since my first week on this board. Can't stand his whining and crying.

Not knowing one slang word reflects on my vocabulary? Are you freaking insane?

I'm not the one whining about being a called about denigrating all blacks.
I'm not the on defending my poor spelling, yet calling others stupid.
I'm not the one whining about cursing while you spew racial slurs.
Btw no cursing in this post, are you happy you big crybaby? yes thank you.
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The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remedies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom
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The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remidies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom

Interesting. My parents and grandparents were active in the Civil Rights movement, and they took me along with them on quite a few trips down south from California during those days, as they felt that the "educational value" of me being there was important.

When the movement reached its peak and laws changed, they were elated, but years later they expressed great disappointment in the outcome because instead of bringing about continued unity and progress they felt that it put progress towards self reliance on hold.
The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remidies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom

Interesting. My parents and grandparents were active in the Civil Rights movement, and they took me along with them on quite a few trips down south from California during those days, as they felt that the "educational value" of me being there was important.

When the movement reached its peak and laws changed, they were elated, but years later they expressed great disappointment in the outcome because instead of bringing about continued unity and progress they felt that it put progress towards self reliance on hold.

You should be proud of your parents and grandparents

There was a lot of idealism during the Civil Rights movement. There was an idea that if we removed the barriers of racism that we would all get along and equality would flourish. While blacks still have a long way to go towards economic and social equality and it can be argued that blacks have contributed to their lack of progress....you cannot deny there has been progress

There has been an emergence of blacks in the middle class, many, many more blacks in positions of responsibility. More access to education and employment

Couldn't have happened without the Civil Rights movement
The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remedies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom

A larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bill than Democrats did. Don't bother, I've heard all that crap about the "southern strategy" and you'll only waste your time and look like a fool when I get done with you.

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