Black History Month

sure bubba, you're shredded and do all of that stuff. I'm sure you pull a lot of tail.

Funny, because i didn't know what "wilding" was until you told me what it was. Again i was so ghetto, why would you need to explain what it was, shouldn't i already know? Also if i was ghetto, why would i be talking trash about ghetto blacks and gangbangers, comparing them to redneck retards like you? Both of you rednecks and gangbanger types do mostly the same shit, except for robbery, i'll concede on that. Also rednecks think guns make them brave too. I've experience both types of people. Keep stereotyping me and i'll continue to stereotype you. It's only fair. You've been doing it for a while here for all blacks.
at least get your stereotyping right. I was born and raised in NYC NY so not a redneck which is defined as; a working-class white person, a politically reactionary one from a rural area, and nyc ny hasn't been defined as s rural area for hundreds of years. I'm of irish and italian descent, a former catholic now just a chrsitian. So start from there boy, plenty of real stereotypes you can draw from. Just a hint though, i don't consume any alcohol whatsoever so you may want to stay away from the irish/drinking stereotypes.

do you even know what a heathen is? I'm an atheist, you idiot! Those blacks are christians and christians of all types do every single thing of what you've said, especially murder. sure i do, guess you want me to look that word up for you huh? You must because you seem to incorrectly assume you being an athiest means you are not a heathen. Guess you have mastered spell check but not looking a word up in the dictionary huh? (heathen- person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a christian, jew, or muslim) as regarded by those who do)

murder is a christianity's favorite pastime. The crusades, american genocides, involvement in the slave trade, witch trials, kkk lynchings, holocaust and much more all justified by your maniac fairy tale god and his followers involved. Christians think hitler is more worthy of heaven than his jewish victims. Don't even get me started on christianity, i haven't even mentioned how they actively defend pedophiles. I view christians no better than the muslims. You're a fine example of the cult. A stupid, whitel-supremacist thug. well you're obviously basing your opinions on propoganda and lies, not on facts son. Might be a good idea to actually research the topic prior to bloviating on it. Pre 20century democide total recorded 133,147,000 total attributed to all religious reasons not just christianity but every relgion, 2,650,000. This includes includes african slavery, the inquisition and the crusades, whose total deaths come to 1,450,000 or about half of all religous democide is attributed to christianity yet religous democide in general makes up way, way less than half of all democide in recorded history closer to only 20%. Now we look to democide committed by "atheist" regimes such as the soviet union, china, cambodia, north korea, etc we get a total of 107,047,000. Seems like when it comes to democide the atheist are the ones to fear son, not the christians. http://statistics of democide.

vox day, in the irrational atheist, lists 22 atheistic regimes that committed 153,368,610 murders in the 20th century alone

try again

debate unkotare about what a christian, not me. Apparently both you christians have some major disagreements. . That's because he's not a Christian and i haven't seen his posts since my first week on this board. Can't stand his whining and crying.

Not knowing one slang word reflects on my vocabulary? Are you freaking insane?

I'm not the one whining about being a called about denigrating all blacks.
I'm not the on defending my poor spelling, yet calling others stupid.
I'm not the one whining about cursing while you spew racial slurs.
Btw no cursing in this post, are you happy you big crybaby? yes thank you.

How is my stereotyping wrong? If you don't like being stereotyped don't stereotype people. My actions were reactionary.

Heathenism is Germanic Neopaganism or Paganism in general. Over the centuries Heathens have been grouped with other polytheists and uncivilized or savage by the major monotheistic cultures. Atheism is far from this.

So, out of the +130 Million democides only +2 million were due to direct religion? Are you saying out of all those deaths (including wars), religion in general, had zero part in it? I'm positive that the majority of the number you gave me had some indirect connection with a religion, mostly as an additional political cause or for moral support. Even current wars display this. "God is with us." "Allah Akbar."

Is Communism is part of Atheism? What rules or standard do Atheists follow like the religious? What does Atheism have to do with a flawed economic policy? Those were Communists.
The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remedies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom

A larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bill than Democrats did. Don't bother, I've heard all that crap about the "southern strategy" and you'll only waste your time and look like a fool when I get done with you.

That's because they were Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats who voted for the Civil Rights Act. Conservative Democrats as well as conservative Republicans disagreed with them and voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Key point that it was Conservatives who opposed Civil Rights....not Democrats
A larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bill than Democrats did. Don't bother, I've heard all that crap about the "southern strategy" and you'll only waste your time and look like a fool when I get done with you.

That's because they were Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats who voted for the Civil Rights Act. Conservative Democrats as well as conservative Republicans disagreed with them and voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Key point that it was Conservatives who opposed Civil Rights....not Democrats

doesn't everyone have civil rights?

Are you opposed to white people and straight people having civil rights?
Gay rights

gays have no rights? :dunno:

A right to serve their country
A right to marry the person you love

All opposed by the Teapublican Party

I don't understand why gays would want to wear those dull uniforms unless it's just to be able to live in barracks with those manly men

The greatest contribution of blacks by far was the Civil Rights movement

While we have asshole conservatives screaming about their "Second Amendment Remedies" to any perceived slight, blacks showed how to conduct a revolution without firing a shot.

It involved great courage and great resolve to use passive resistance, a free media and the federal court system to bring about a revolution.

Those involved in the Civil Rights struggle were REAL American Patriots risking their lives to fight for freedom

A larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bill than Democrats did. Don't bother, I've heard all that crap about the "southern strategy" and you'll only waste your time and look like a fool when I get done with you.

That's because they were Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats who voted for the Civil Rights Act. Conservative Democrats as well as conservative Republicans disagreed with them and voted against the Civil Rights Act.

As I recall, the voting contrast was geographical. Southern states that comprised what was once the confederacy were almost unanimously opposed......Democrats and Republicans. Their northern counterparts were in favor and it passed based on their votes.

Which pretty much illustrates that neither party had a monopoly on allegiance to the concept of equality, and just like the Civil War era, those backwards, south of the Mason Dixon Line bigots did all that they could to oppose progress.
Yeah keep standing by being wrong. Slavery as practiced in the South was White master Black slave. What you fail to realize is that Casor ruling was in a county. There were PLENTY of slaves for life before that. try reading those links and learn.

No, slavery as practiced in the South was being a slave for life. In the 1830 Federal Census 3,777 free black heads of household were counted who had slaves living with them and free negroes in Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, just in these four states, owned more than 10,000 slaves. About 8% of all negroes in the South at the time where free negroes, meaning about 2 percent of southern free blacks owned slaves. In South Carolina alone 454 negro masters owned 2,357 slaves, again according to the census, so only about 20% of white households there owned slaves, but approximately 75 percent of the free black heads of household in the state owned slaves, meaning per capita negroes where bigger slave owners than whites in that State at least. Did you actually read the sources you cited? John Punch was the first recorded slave for life in this nation, hell even Obama claims to be a descendent of this "first slave" but most historians, according to even your sources, don't recognize John Punch as being the first because his lifetime of slavery was given as a sentence, as a punishment, (now I told you to look that word sentnece up, you evidently didn's, so I'll do it for you. Senetnce; Declare the punishment decided for (an offender)) for a criminal act. ALL historians agree that Prior to 1654, all Africans in the thirteen Colonies were held in indentured servitude and were released after a contracted period (see James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton, Hard road to freedon: the story of African America, Rutgers University Press, 2002 among numerous other historical sources) and that Johnson's case in 1654 where he sued to keep one of his own five slaves (indentured) for life and won, makes his slave Casor the first slave for life. This ain't my first rodeo son. I've studied this topic extensively for this very reason. I got sick and tired of hearing the negroes of today whining and crying about how dey great, great, great, great gran pappy was a slave so they deserve welfare, sec 8 housing, affrimative action, etc, etc, etc. from the white man's govt. The FACT remains the first slave for life in this nation was compliments of one of their own and Johnson's courtroom victory set the precedent for slavery as we knew it in the American South where the master owned the slave for the slaves whole life. Run along now, you have some studying to do Lucy.

Massachusetts is the first colony to legalize slavery.

Two things. We're discussing slavery as known in the American South, and last time I checked, Mass. is not in the American south. As far as Massachusetts, Here is the exact law you refrence, found in The Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 1641.

Liberties of Servants.
85. If any servants shall flee from the Tiranny and crueltie of their masters to the howse of any freeman of the same Towne, they shall be there protected and susteyned till due order be taken for their relife. Provided due notice thereof be speedily given to their maisters from whom they fled. And the next Assistant or Constable where the partie flying is harboured.

86. No servant shall be put of for above a yeare to any other neither in the life time of their maister nor after their death by their Executors or Administrators unlesse it be by consent of Authoritie assembled in some Court or two Assistants.

87. If any man smite out the eye or tooth of his man-servant, or maid servant, or otherwise mayme or much disfigure him, unlesse it be by meere casualtie, he shall let them goe free from his service. And shall have such further recompense as the Court shall allow him.

88. Servants that have served deligentlie and faithfully to the benefitt of their maisters seaven yeares, shall not be sent away emptie. And if any have bene unfaithfull, negligent or unprofitable in their service, notwithstanding the good usage of their maisters, they shall not be dismissed till they have made satisfaction according to the Judgement of Authoritie.

91. There shall never be any bond slaverie, villinage or Captivitie amongst us unles it be lawfull Captives taken in just warres, and such strangers as willingly selle themselves or are sold to us. And these shall have all the liberties and Christian usages which the law of god established in Israell concerning such persons doeth morally require. This exempts none from servitude who shall be Judged thereto by Authoritie.
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how is my stereotyping wrong? If you don't like being stereotyped don't stereotype people. My actions were reactionary. your stereotyping is wrong because you are basing your stereotypes on the false assumption that i am redneck and a redneck in modern usage, predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of whites from the southern united states or a slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, i told you, i'm from nyc ny no farming done there son. It first came into usage in 1893 when a citation provides a definition as "poorer inhabitants of the rural who work in the field, a term characterized farmers having a red neck caused by sunburn from hours working in the fields. I was never a farmer. In the 1900's it was a term used to describe political factions inside the democratic party comprising poor white farmers in the south, and i like i said, i was never a farmer and i sure as hell was never a demoncrat. So all your stereotypes of me are based on something i am clearly not, a poor, white, uneducated southerner.

heathenism is germanic neopaganism or paganism in general. Over the centuries heathens have been grouped with other polytheists and uncivilized or savage by the major monotheistic cultures. Atheism is far from this. heathen, according to the finest and most definitive english language dictionary in the world, the oxford english dictionary defines heathen as a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a christian, jew, or muslim),
•a follower of a polytheistic religion; a pagan.

•(the heathen) heathen people collectively, especially (in biblical use) those who did not worship the god of israel.

•informal an unenlightened person; a person regarded as lacking culture or moral principles.

so, out of the +130 million democides only +2 million were due to direct religion? Are you saying out of all those deaths (including wars), religion in general, had zero part in it? I'm positive that the majority of the number you gave me had some indirect connection with a religion, mostly as an additional political cause or for moral support. Even current wars display this. "god is with us." "allah akbar." that number doesn't even include wars, that is just the numbers from democide-a government's intentional destruction of human groups based upon identifying characteristics that members of the groups are assumed to have. This would be like the nazi government's murders of jews and others in the death camps and the communist governments murders of dissidents like the in the gulags and cambodian killing fields, pagans and atheists repectively. If you would like the statistics on those killed in "religious" wars, they only make up 7% of all people killed by warfare in the entire history of mankind. A recent compilation of the history of human warfare, encyclopedia of wars by charles phillips and alan axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what you atheists have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars as having any relation to being fought for "religious reasons". 66 of those recorded "religious wars" (more than 50%), involved islam, which was not even an established religion for the first 3,000 years of recorded human warfare.

is communism is part of atheism? What rules or standard do atheists follow like the religious? What does atheism have to do with a flawed economic policy? Those were communists. if you wish to falsely associate nazism, which was paganist not christian, with christianity, then you must do the same for communism and atheism as one of communism's main tenets is absolute atheism as govt policy.
That's because they were Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats who voted for the Civil Rights Act. Conservative Democrats as well as conservative Republicans disagreed with them and voted against the Civil Rights Act.

Key point that it was Conservatives who opposed Civil Rights....not Democrats

doesn't everyone have civil rights?

Are you opposed to white people and straight people having civil rights?

You do not have a civil right to insist that they be denied for others
I am proud of the black achievements in the scientific field!

And what exactly would those "achievements" be? All this back and forth on this thread I've seen one, James West and his co-inventing of the electret microphone and other works invovling them.
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.

What are Republicans doing for those communities?

Where are the jobs you have been promising for 30 years? Where is the corporate investment?
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.

What are Republicans doing for those communities?

Where are the jobs you have been promising for 30 years? Where is the corporate investment?

They can't do much while all controlled by the Dems. When they want to present offers of self sufficiency and responsiblity, they are shot down as being cold and heartless.
Better question is, what are the communities doing for themselves?
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.

What are Republicans doing for those communities?

Where are the jobs you have been promising for 30 years? Where is the corporate investment?

why is an african american community more important than any other?
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.

What are Republicans doing for those communities?

Where are the jobs you have been promising for 30 years? Where is the corporate investment?

why is an african american community more important than any other?

The question for Republicans is why should anyone vote for you?

You should be able to go into any community in America and say......."Your life is better because of the following GOP initiatives"

You can't do it
One only has to look at every major city in this country with plight and poverty concerning African Americans, and look at the leadership that keep them down. It is all Democrats my friends. And poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton feed off of them. Don't tell me Dem politicians care about anything in the minority communities, except buying their votes with handouts. And keeping them dependent on those handouts.

What are Republicans doing for those communities?

Where are the jobs you have been promising for 30 years? Where is the corporate investment?

They can't do much while all controlled by the Dems. When they want to present offers of self sufficiency and responsiblity, they are shot down as being cold and heartless.
Better question is, what are the communities doing for themselves?

And that is the best Republicans have to offer
Tough luck for you....not my problem

Republicans boast of the powers of a deregulated market, small government, low taxes being what this country needs. We tried it......The wealthy just kept the money

Republicans need to show America the positive results of their programs

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